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Created June 19, 2023 12:44
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--------------------------- MODULE River ---------------------------
EXTENDS Integers, Sequences, FiniteSets, TLC, Apalache
@type: Set(Str);
@type: Set(Str);
@type: Set(Str);
@type: ((Set(Str)) => Bool);
isSafe(location) ==
({ "goat", "cabbage" } \subseteq location => "farmer" \in location)
/\ ({ "goat", "wolf" } \subseteq location => "farmer" \in location)
@type: (() => Bool);
init ==
origin' := { "wolf", "goat", "cabbage", "farmer" }
/\ boat' := {}
/\ destination' := {}
@type: (() => Bool);
embarkOrigin ==
"farmer" \in origin
/\ (\E toEmbark \in {
s \in SUBSET origin:
Cardinality(s) <= 2 /\ "farmer" \in s
isSafe((origin \ toEmbark))
/\ boat' := (boat \union toEmbark)
/\ origin' := (origin \ toEmbark)
/\ destination' := destination)
@type: (() => Bool);
disembarkDestination ==
"farmer" \in boat
/\ boat' := {}
/\ destination' := (destination \union boat)
/\ origin' := origin
@type: (() => Bool);
embarkDestination ==
"farmer" \in destination
/\ (\E toEmbark \in {
s \in SUBSET destination:
Cardinality(s) <= 2 /\ "farmer" \in s
isSafe((destination \ toEmbark))
/\ boat' := (boat \union toEmbark)
/\ destination' := (destination \ toEmbark)
/\ origin' := origin)
@type: (() => Bool);
disembarkOrigin ==
"farmer" \in boat
/\ boat' := {}
/\ origin' := (origin \union boat)
/\ destination' := destination
@type: (() => Bool);
safety == isSafe(origin) /\ isSafe(boat) /\ isSafe(destination)
@type: (() => Bool);
noSolution == origin /= {} \/ boat /= {}
@type: (() => Bool);
consistency ==
origin \intersect destination = {}
/\ origin \intersect boat = {}
/\ boat \intersect destination = {}
@type: (() => Bool);
step ==
\/ disembarkDestination
\/ embarkDestination
\/ disembarkOrigin
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