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Created March 4, 2017 01:35
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import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as splinalg
import dask.array as da
import timeit
import os
import ctypes
from ctypes.util import find_library
openblas_lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(find_library('openblas'))
def get_num_threads():
return openblas_lib.openblas_get_num_threads()
def set_num_threads(n):
seed = 1234
N = 1000000
p = 100
X = np.random.random(N * p).reshape((N, p), order='F')
XT = X.T.copy()
#X = da.from_array(X, chunks=(N/4, p))
old_num_threads = get_num_threads()
def test():
if not np.isclose(np.trace(, true_value):
raise ValueError()
def test2():
if not np.isclose(np.trace(splinalg.blas.dsyrk(1., X, trans=1)), true_value):
raise ValueError()
def test3():
if not np.isclose(np.trace(, true_value):
raise ValueError()
t = timeit.timeit(test, number=5)
print("Multi threaded computation with {} threads: {}".format(old_num_threads, t))
t = timeit.timeit(test2, number=5)
print("Multi threaded computation dsyrk with {} threads: {}".format(old_num_threads, t))
t = timeit.timeit(test3, number=5)
print("Multi threaded computation dgemv with {} threads: {}".format(old_num_threads, t))
t = timeit.timeit(test, number=5)
print("Non multi-threaded computation:{}".format(t))
print("using dask array")
for Nchunk in [1, 2, 4]:
X = da.from_array(X, chunks=(N / Nchunk, p))
def test_dask():
if not np.isclose(np.trace(, true_value, Nchunk):
raise ValueError()
t = timeit.timeit(test_dask, number=5)
print("Dask computation {} chunk: {}".format(Nchunk, t))
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