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Created December 11, 2023 22:02
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import sys
from itertools import product
def first_pos(start, grid, m, n):
x, y = start
if x > 0 and grid[x-1][y] in ("|", "F", "7"):
return (x-1, y), "N"
if x < m-1 and grid[x+1][y] in ("|", "J", "L"):
return (x+1, y), "S"
if y > 0 and grid[x][y-1] in ("-", "F", "L"):
return (x, y-1), "W"
if y < n-1 and grid[x][y+1] in ("-", "7", "J"):
return (x, y+1), "E"
def next_pos(pos, grid, m, n, prev_dir):
x, y = pos
match grid[x][y], prev_dir:
case "F", "N":
return (x, y+1), "E"
case "F", "W":
return (x+1, y), "S"
case "|", "N":
return (x-1, y), "N"
case "|", "S":
return (x+1, y), "S"
case "-", "W":
return (x, y-1), "W"
case "-", "E":
return (x, y+1), "E"
case "L", "S":
return (x, y+1), "E"
case "L", "W":
return (x-1, y), "N"
case "7", "E":
return (x+1, y), "S"
case "7", "N":
return (x, y-1), "W"
case "J", "E":
return (x-1, y), "N"
case "J", "S":
return (x, y-1), "W"
def follow(start, grid, m, n):
loop = [start]
pos, direction = first_pos(start, grid, m, n)
while True:
pos, direction = next_pos(pos, grid, m, n, direction)
if pos == start:
return loop
def fill(start, marked, m, n, loop):
x, y = start
neighbors = [(x + 1, y), (x -1, y), (x, y-1), (x, y+1)]
for neigh in neighbors:
if neigh not in loop:
newx, newy = neigh
if 0 <= newx < m and 0 <= newy < n and neigh not in marked:
fill(neigh, marked, m, n, loop)
def inside(pos, grid, m, n, loop):
x, y = pos
count = 0
while x >=0:
x -= 1
if (x, y) in loop:
if grid[x][y] in ("-", "L", "F", "7", "J", "S"):
count += 1
return count % 2
with open(sys.argv[1]) as fh:
grid = [line.rstrip() for line in fh]
m, n = len(grid), len(grid[0])
for i, r in enumerate(grid):
if (j := r.find("S")) != -1:
start = (i, j)
loop = follow(start, grid, m, n)
x1, y1 = loop[1]
x2, y2 = loop[-1]
print((x1, y1), (x2, y2))
loop = set(loop)
buckets = []
everything = set()
while True:
for i, j in product(range(m), range(n)):
if (i, j) not in everything and (i, j) not in loop:
marked = set([(i, j)])
fill((i, j), marked, m, n, loop)
everything = everything.union(marked)
size = 0
for b in buckets:
pos = b.pop()
if inside(pos, grid, m, n, loop):
size += len(b) + 1
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