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Created December 21, 2022 21:57
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from itertools import product
fh = open("input16")
G = {}
Flow = {}
for line in fh:
line = line.rstrip()
first, second = line.split(";")
valve = first[6:8]
Flow[valve] = int(first.split("=")[1])
l = second.split(", ")
l[0] = l[0][-2:]
G[valve] = l
def solve(t, position, valves, score, cache):
if t == 1:
return score
if (t, position, valves) in cache:
return score + cache[(t, position, valves)]
strategies = [solve(t-1, p, valves, score, cache) for p in G[position]]
r = max(strategies)
if Flow[position] > 0 and position not in valves:
alt_strat = solve(t-1, position, valves | frozenset([position]), score + (t-1) * Flow[position], cache)
r = max(alt_strat, r)
cache[(t, position, valves)] = r - score
return r
def solve2(t, pos1, pos2, valves, score, cache):
if len(valves) == 15:
return score
if t == 1:
return score
if t == 2:
if (Flow[pos1] > 0 and pos1 not in valves):
score += Flow[pos1]
if (Flow[pos2] > 0 and pos2 not in valves):
score += Flow[pos2]
return score
if (t, pos1, pos2, valves) in cache:
return score + cache[(t, pos1, pos2, valves)]
if (t, pos2, pos1, valves) in cache:
return score + cache[(t, pos2, pos1, valves)]
strategies = [solve2(t-1, p1, p2, valves, score, cache) for p1, p2 in product(G[pos1], G[pos2])]
if Flow[pos1] > 0 and pos1 not in valves:
strategies.extend([solve2(t-1, pos1, p2, valves | frozenset([pos1]), score + (t-1) * Flow[pos1], cache) for p2 in G[pos2]])
if Flow[pos2] > 0 and pos2 not in valves:
strategies.extend([solve2(t-1, p1, pos2, valves | frozenset([pos2]), score + (t-1) * Flow[pos2], cache) for p1 in G[pos1]])
if pos1 != pos2 and Flow[pos1] > 0 and Flow[pos2] > 0 and pos1 not in valves and pos2 not in valves:
strategies.append(solve2(t-1, pos1, pos2, valves | frozenset([pos1, pos2]), score + (t-1) * (Flow[pos1] + Flow[pos2]), cache))
r = max(strategies)
cache[(t, pos1, pos2, valves)] = r - score
return r
cache = {}
valves = frozenset()
pomme = solve2(26, "AA", "AA", valves, 0, cache)
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