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Created March 9, 2016 19:23
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package main
import (
etcd ""
func main() {
// Create the parser with program name 'example'
// and etcd keys prefixed with exampleApp/
parser := args.Parser(args.Name("example"), args.EtcdPath("exampleApp/"))
// Since 'Etcd()' is not used, this option is not configurable via etcd
Default(",").Help("List of etcd endpoints")
// Define a name used by other services to discover this service
Default("frontend1").Help("Name used for service discovery")
// if Etcd() is given etcd keys are crafted by using
// the name of the option. This etcd key will be '/exampleApp/message'
Default("over-ten-thousand").Help("send a message")
// Defines --power-level command line option, but defines the
// etcd key as '/exampleApp/powerLevel'
Default("10000").Help("set our power level")
// Config options can also be used
Help("Indicates updates to etcd are complete and we should reload the service")
// You can also use groups with etcd keys
db = parser.Group("database")
// etcd key will be '/exampleApp/database/host'
db.Conf("host").Default("localhost").Etcd().Help("database hostname")
// etcd key will be '/exampleApp/database/debug'
db.Conf("debug").IsTrue().Etcd().Help("enable database debug")
// etcd key will be '/exampleApp/database/database'
db.Conf("database").IsString().Etcd().Default("myDatabase").Help("name of database to use")
// etcd key will be '/exampleApp/database/user'
db.Conf("user").Etcd().Help("database user")
// etcd key will be '/exampleApp/database/pass'
db.Conf("pass").Etcd().Help("database password")
opts, err := parser.ParseArgs(nil)
if err != nil {
cfg := etcd.Config{
Endpoints: opts.Slice("etcd-endpoints"),
Transport: etcd.DefaultTransport,
// set timeout per request to fail fast when the target endpoint is unavailable
HeaderTimeoutPerRequest: time.Second,
client, err := etcd.New(cfg)
if err != nil {
keysAPI := etcd.NewKeysAPI(client)
// Grab values for config options defined with 'Etcd()'
opt, err = parser.FromEtcd(keysAPI, log)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Etcd or value parse issue - %s\n", err.Error())
// Simple watch example, When ever a config item changes
// in etcd; immediately update our config
args.WatchEtcd(parser.EtcdPath(), func(group, key, value string) {
parser.Apply(args.NewOptions().Get(group).Set(key, value))
// Complex Example, where the config changes in etcd do
// not get applied until 'config-version' is changed.
stagedConf := args.NewOptions()
// Watch etcd for any configuration changes
args.WatchEtcd(parser.EtcdPath(), func(group, key, value string) {
// Apply all the config
stagedConf.Get(group).Set(key, value)
if group == "" && key == "config-version" {
// NOTE: If you are using opt.ThreadSafe() you can safely
// ignore the 'opt' returned by Apply(). This is because Apply()
// will update parsers internal pointer to the new version of the
// config and subsequent calls to opt.ThreadSafe() will always
// safely return the new version of the config
// Apply the new config to the parser
opt, err := parser.Apply(stagedConf)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Probably a type cast error - %s\n", err.Error())
// Clear the staged config values
stagedConf = args.NewOptions()
fmt.Printf("Config has been updated to version %d\n", opt.Int("config-version"))
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