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Last active December 9, 2016 02:23
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model.class<-multinom(IR~ .,data = Ist.class.2)
multinom(formula = IR ~ ., data = Ist.class.2)
(Intercept) unem.rate BankLoan RealExport Personal.Consumption.Expenditures RGDP Total.Vehicle.Sales U.S.Dollar.Index
0 -2.452802 0.5361296 -0.1061213 0.04649329 -0.2893107 0.1903935 0.3060163 -0.05124506
1 -6.171310 0.2994286 1.0046571 0.24750510 0.2660045 0.1271559 0.3456129 -0.02169250
Std. Errors:
(Intercept) unem.rate BankLoan RealExport Personal.Consumption.Expenditures RGDP Total.Vehicle.Sales U.S.Dollar.Index
0 3.649944 0.2537512 0.2765113 0.1143409 0.4420508 0.0955709 0.1617312 0.01742286
1 4.605343 0.3047398 0.3672740 0.1449455 0.5662743 0.1158248 0.1979691 0.02078968
Residual Deviance: 272.8919
AIC: 304.8919
### ###Prediction on Next meeting
-1 0 1
0.1122497 0.5689175 0.3188327
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