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Created October 7, 2021 16:56
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This is a MacDown rendering style to reduce the precived effect of flickering when the preview pane updates if you are using DarkMode on your Mac.
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
File: GitHub2 Darkified.css
This is a modified version of the Github2.css included with MacDown to reduce the precived effect
of flickering when the preview pane updates if you are using DarkMode on your Mac.
To Use this:
Open MacDown > Preferences > Rendering.
Click reveal next the CSS option
Create new file called GitHub2 Darkified.css
Paste the contents of this Gist, save it.
Select "GitHub2 Darkified" as the CSS style in MacDown preferences
I think the Syntax highlight theme of "Okaidia" works well this
You can edit the background-color value below (notice the comment above the line)
to better match your editor background color
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