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Created December 9, 2011 17:45
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Example location slider and page view for a filter by proximity UI.
# Starting with `$ ->` means the code is executed after the dom ready event.
$ ->
# `LocationBar` applies dynamic behaviour to a jQuery Mobile slider widget,
# notifying when the slider position changes in response to user input
# and updating the slider position whenever its distance value changes.
# N.b.: we use a very very exponential curve so that at low distance values,
# a few pixels corresponds to a few hundred meters, while at high values
# a few pixels corresponds to many kilometers. This makes the slider
# "feel right" for users, as when you're filtering very near by, a few
# you want to be more accurate than when you're filtering large ranges.
class LocationBar extends Backbone.View
# The first number in the `n` value equation must be the maximum distance
# value in `km`, in this case, it's half way round the world.
n: 64999 / 100000000000000
# The `p` value is the exponential power, i.e.: in this case the curve is
# to the power of eight.
p: 8
# Convert a slider value to a distance in meters.
_toDistance: (value) ->
@n * Math.pow value, @p
# Convert a distance in meters to a slider value.
_toValue: (distance) ->
Math.pow distance/@n, 1/@p
# Display a distance value (number in metres) as an (english) human
# friendly string. So 100 would be "100m", 1200 would be "1.2km" and
# 160000 would be "160km".
displayDistance: (d) =>
if d >= 10000
km = d / 1000
txt = "#{Math.round(km/10)*10}km"
else if d >= 1000 # 1234m yields 1.2km
km = d / 1000
txt = "#{Math.round(km*10)/10}km"
else # 123m yields 100m
txt = "#{Math.round(d/100)*100}m"
@label.text txt
# `notify()` handles `@slider` move events by setting the value of
# `@distance` to the distance corresponding to the slider position,
# which will trigger a 'change' event that the `IndexView` picks up on.
notify: =>
v = @slider.val()
d = @_toDistance v
#console.log "notify: slider value #{parseInt v}, distance #{parseInt d}m"
@model.set value: d
# `update()` handles `@distance` change events by moving the slider to
# the right position and updating the label.
update: =>
d = @model.get 'value'
v = @_toValue d
#console.log "update: distance #{parseInt d}m, slider value #{parseInt v}"
@slider.val(v).slider 'refresh'
# When `LocationBar` is initialized, we initialize the jQuery Mobile
# slider, bind `@distance` change events to `@update()` and `@slider`
# move events to `@notify()`.
initialize: ->
@slider = @$ '.location-slider'
@slider.slider theme: 'c'
@slider.css display: 'none'
@slider.before '<span class="distance-label"></span>'
@label = @$ '.distance-label'
@model.bind 'change', @update
@slider.closest('.slider').bind 'touchstart mousedown', =>
$('body').one 'touchend mouseup', @notify
# when the jquery mobile code forces the handle to receive focus
# make sure the scroll is flagged up
@$('.ui-slider-handle').bind 'focus', -> $(document).trigger 'silentscroll'
# `IndexPage` is a page view that shows messages filtered by proximity.
# Messages are fetched by `ajax()` which sends a GET request for JSON
# data to `/query?latitude=...&longitude=...`, adding a `distance=...`
# parameter if the `@distance` value has been set.
# Because the `@distance` value isn't set for the first request, the
# result is to do an initial query without a distance (allowing the
# back end to calculate the right distance using the
# adequate-result-volume algorithm.
# Subsequent queries are triggered by `@distance` value changes, which
# derive from `LocationBar.slider` position changes. This means that
# each time the user moves the slider, we make a new ajax request.
class IndexPage extends Backbone.View
query_url: '/query'
should_ignore_distance_change = false
# `ajax()` makes a new query to the server to `@query_url`, passing
# the latlng and any distance through as GET parameters.
# When the response comes back, we get a `data` dict with `results`
# list and `distance` value. We loop through the results and append a
# `<li />` to the `<ul class="listings" />` dom element for each one.
# If the distance value has changed, we update the slider position
# using the `@should_ignore_distance_change` to avoid triggering
# another ajax query.
ajax: =>
url: @query_url
distance: @distance.get 'value'
latitude: @here.latitude
longitude: @here.longitude
dataType: 'json'
success: (data) =>
for item in data.results
@listings.append '<li>' + item + '</li>'
if 'distance' of data and data.distance
@should_ignore_distance_change = true
@distance.set value: data.distance
@should_ignore_distance_change = false
@listings.listview 'refresh'
# When `@distance`'s value changes we either ignore it if we caused
# the change, or clear the message listings and trigger an `ajax()`
# request.
handleDistanceChange: =>
if @should_ignore_distance_change
@should_ignore_distance_change = false
@listings.html ''
# When `IndexPage` is initialized, we bind to `@distance` change events
# initialize a `LocationBar` and make an `ajax()` request.
initialize: ->
@here =
@distance = @options.distance
@distance.bind 'change', @handleDistanceChange
@listings = @$ 'ul.listings'
@location_bar = new LocationBar
el: @$ '.location-bar'
model: @distance
# Initialize `IndexPage` with the user's current location. (N.b.: this
# code should really be within a pageinit handler and we should cache
# the user's location to avoid waiting *each* time, etc.).
# The element show / hiding is to display the "fetching location..."
# message so the user knows what's going on behind the scenes.
$.geolocation.find (coords) =>
page = new IndexPage
el: $ '#index-page'
distance: new Backbone.Model
here: coords
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