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Created August 17, 2022 19:47
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DOTween + Unity Timeline Example
public class DOTweenBehavior : PlayableBehaviour
public bool tweenPosition;
public Vector3 targetPosition;
public bool tweenRotation;
public Vector3 targetRotation;
public Ease ease;
private bool firstFrameProcessed;
private Sequence sequence;
private Transform transform;
private Vector3 defaultPosition;
private Vector3 defaultRotation;
public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
transform = playerData as Transform;
if (transform == null)
//if the first frame hasnt been processed, we know we are starting a new clip play / scrub
//so make sure to save any defaults before we start animating things, so we can easily rest them later
if (!firstFrameProcessed)
defaultPosition = transform.position;
defaultRotation = transform.eulerAngles;
firstFrameProcessed = true;
//kill pre-existing tween if any and create a new one
sequence = DOTween.Sequence();
//if tweenPosition is enabled, append it to our sequence in order to tween it
var myPosition = defaultPosition;
if (tweenPosition)
() => myPosition,
x => myPosition = x,
//if tweenRotation is enabled, append it to our sequence in order to tween it
var myRotation = defaultRotation;
if (tweenRotation)
() => myRotation,
x => myRotation = x,
//set any global sequence params
//move to the point in time of our sequence and set our transform accordingly
transform.position = myPosition;
transform.eulerAngles = myRotation;
public override void OnBehaviourPause(Playable playable, FrameData info)
//clip is no longer being played / scrubbed so reset all our defaults back
firstFrameProcessed = false;
if (transform == null)
transform.position = defaultPosition;
transform.eulerAngles = defaultRotation;
base.OnBehaviourPause(playable, info);
/// <summary>
/// The clip that contains the data that we will use when animating our DOTween
/// </summary>
public class DOTweenClip : PlayableAsset, ITimelineClipAsset
/// <summary>
/// If true will allow us to tween our current position to a target position.
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("If true will allow us to tween our current position to a target position.")]
public bool tweenPosition;
/// <summary>
/// The position we will tween to, if tweenPosition is enabled.
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("The position we will tween to, if tweenPosition is enabled.")]
public Vector3 targetPosition;
/// <summary>
/// If true will allow us to tween our current rotation to a target rotation.
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("If true will allow us to tween our current rotation to a target rotation.")]
public bool tweenRotation;
/// <summary>
/// The rotation we will tween to, if tweenRotation is enabled.
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("The rotation we will tween to, if tweenRotation is enabled. ")]
public Vector3 targetRotation;
/// <summary>
/// The ease that we will use for both our tweenPosition and tweenRotation
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("The ease that we will use for both our tweenPosition and tweenRotation")]
public Ease ease;
public override Playable CreatePlayable(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject owner)
var playable = ScriptPlayable<DOTweenBehavior>.Create(graph);
var tween = playable.GetBehaviour();
tween.tweenPosition = tweenPosition;
tween.targetPosition = targetPosition;
tween.tweenRotation = tweenRotation;
tween.targetRotation = targetRotation;
tween.ease = ease;
return playable;
public ClipCaps clipCaps => ClipCaps.None;
/// <summary>
/// The track that we will be able to manipulate in modify our DOTween transform tween
/// </summary>
public class DOTweenTrack : TrackAsset
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