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thugcee / sxhkdrc
Last active May 18, 2022 09:46 — forked from jpentland/
Suckless' tabbed integration with BSPWM. This configuration supports joining any two neighbouring windows into a new tabbed, removing windows from tabbed and when last window is from tabbed removed then tabbed instance is closed. This slightly modified `` allows to omit id of the removed window (the current one is removed by default).
# Remove current tab from tabbed
super + mod1 + t; r $(bspc query -N -n focused) remove
# At given direction: join two windows into a new tabbed or add window to an existing tabbed
super + mod1 + t; {Left,Down,Up,Right} $(bspc query -N -n {west,south,north,east}) add $(bspc query -N -n focused)
thugcee /
Last active February 25, 2020 17:02 — forked from 97-109-107/
convert from ctermfg/ctermbg to guifg/guibg
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
#based on from hhato
import sys
new_vim_color = []
xtermMap = {
'0': '#161616', '1': '#ac3c67', '2': '#8f8e24', '3': '#c18401', '4': '#017da4',
'5': '#7c3194', '6': '#09a3aa', '7': '#676763', '8': '#373b41', '9': '#c02e57',
'10': '#e5dd62', '11': '#e9cb1f', '12': '#072c38', '13': '#b294bb', '14': '#76c4ad',
thugcee /
Last active February 15, 2020 11:57 — forked from eugene-eeo/
lightweight rofi alternative
FONT="RobotoMono Nerd Font:size=12"
_st_fzf() {
fzf +m --tiebreak=length,end --layout=reverse --color=prompt:7,pointer:7,spinner:2,info:8,hl:2,hl+:2,marker:0 --margin=1,2 --prompt='∴ ' $@