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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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HaLVM IOM/scheduler bug
name = "Client"
kernel = "Client"
memory = 16
seclabel ='system_u:system_r:domU_t'
import Hypervisor.Console
import Hypervisor.Debug
import XenStore
import Common
main = do
writeDebugConsole "CLIENT: Initializing XenStore.\n"
xs <- initXenStore
writeDebugConsole "CLIENT: Initialising console.\n"
con <- initXenConsole
writeDebugConsole "CLIENT: Starting rendezvous.\n"
_ <- runClient xs
writeDebugConsole "CLIENT: Completed rendezvous.\n"
module Common where
import IVC
import Rendezvous
import XenStore
runServer :: XenStore -> (InChannel Int -> IO ()) -> IO ()
runClient :: XenStore -> IO (OutChannel Int)
(runServer, runClient) = clientServerConnection "ClientServerTest" 2
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances #-}
-- Copyright 2006-2008, Galois, Inc.
-- This software is distributed under a standard, three-clause BSD license.
-- Please see the file LICENSE, distributed with this software, for specific
-- terms and conditions.
-- |Support for inter-domain communication through typed
-- communication channels. The module provides types that represent
-- the input and ouput ends of open unidirectional communication
-- channels. These channels are parameterized over the types of
-- messages that can be sent over them, so that domains can exchange
-- messages in a type-safe manner.
-- There are also bidirectional channels, parameterized over the types
-- of messages in each direction.
module IVC(
InChannel, OutChannel, InOutChannel
, ReadableChan, WriteableChan
, makeNewInChannel, acceptNewInChannel
, makeNewOutChannel, acceptNewOutChannel
, makeNewInOutChannel, acceptNewInOutChannel
, get, put, peer
import Rendezvous
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Binary hiding (get,put)
import Data.Binary.Get(runGet, getWordhost)
import Data.Binary.Put(runPut, putWordhost, putLazyByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BSS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy(ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import Hypervisor.DomainInfo
import Hypervisor.ErrorCodes
import Hypervisor.Memory
import Hypervisor.Port
data InChannel a = InChannel {
ichSetupData :: Maybe (DomId, [GrantRef], Port)
, ichInChannel :: InChan
, ichPeer :: DomId
-- |Make a new input channel, targetting the given domain. The second argument
-- is the number of pages to use for the channel. (Note: the actual size of the
-- transfer buffer in memory will be slightly smaller than n * pageSize, because
-- some bookkeeping space is required)
makeNewInChannel :: Binary a => DomId -> Word -> IO (InChannel a)
makeNewInChannel target npages = do
(grefs, port, ichn) <- makeNewChan target npages buildRawInChan
return (InChannel (Just (target, grefs, port)) ichn target)
-- |Accept a new input channel, given the input data.
acceptNewInChannel :: Binary a =>
DomId -> [GrantRef] -> Port ->
IO (InChannel a)
acceptNewInChannel target grants port = do
ichn <- acceptNewChan target grants port buildRawInChan
return (InChannel Nothing ichn target)
data OutChannel a = OutChannel {
ochSetupData :: Maybe (DomId, [GrantRef], Port)
, ochOutChannel :: OutChan
, ochPeer :: DomId
-- |Make a new output channel, targetting the given domain. The second argument
-- is the number of pages to use for the channel. (Note: the actual size of the
-- transfer buffer in memory will be slightly smaller than n * pageSize, because
-- some bookkeeping space is required)
makeNewOutChannel :: Binary a =>
DomId -> Word ->
IO (OutChannel a)
makeNewOutChannel target npages = do
(grefs, port, ochn) <- makeNewChan target npages buildRawOutChan
return (OutChannel (Just (target, grefs, port)) ochn target)
-- |Accept a new output channel, given the input data
acceptNewOutChannel :: Binary a =>
DomId -> [GrantRef] -> Port ->
IO (OutChannel a)
acceptNewOutChannel target grants port = do
ochn <- acceptNewChan target grants port buildRawOutChan
return (OutChannel Nothing ochn target)
data InOutChannel a b = InOutChannel {
bchSetupData :: Maybe (DomId, [GrantRef], Port, Float)
, bchInChannel :: InChan
, bchOutChannel :: OutChan
, bchPeer :: DomId
-- |Make a new input / output channel targetting the given domain. The second
-- argument is the number of pages to use, while the third argument tells the
-- system what percentage to use for the input channel. This third argument
-- must be between 0 and 1, inclusive.
makeNewInOutChannel :: (Binary a, Binary b) =>
DomId -> Word -> Float ->
IO (InOutChannel a b)
makeNewInOutChannel target npages perc
| (perc < 0) || (perc > 1.0) = throwIO EINVAL
| otherwise = do
(grs, p, (ich,och)) <- makeNewChan target npages (buildIOChan perc npages)
return (InOutChannel (Just (target, grs, p, perc)) ich och target)
-- |Accept a new input / out channel, given the input data
acceptNewInOutChannel :: (Binary a, Binary b) =>
DomId -> [GrantRef] -> Port -> Float ->
IO (InOutChannel a b)
acceptNewInOutChannel target grants port perc
| (perc < 0) || (perc > 1.0) = throwIO EINVAL
| otherwise = do
let npages = fromIntegral (length grants)
(ichn, ochn) <- acceptNewChan target grants port (buildIOChan perc npages)
return (InOutChannel Nothing ichn ochn target)
buildIOChan :: Float -> Word ->
Bool -> Ptr Word8 -> Word -> Port ->
IO (InChan, OutChan)
buildIOChan perc npages doClear ptr _ port = do
let p1Size = floor ((fromIntegral (npages * 4096)) * perc)
p2Size = (npages * 4096) - p1Size
b1Size = p1Size - bookkeepingOverhead
b2Size = p2Size - bookkeepingOverhead
let (inPtr, inSize, outPtr, outSize) =
if doClear
then (ptr, b1Size, ptr `plusPtrW` p1Size, b2Size)
else (ptr `plusPtrW` p1Size, b2Size, ptr, b1Size)
ichn <- buildRawInChan doClear inPtr inSize port
ochn <- buildRawOutChan doClear outPtr outSize port
setPortHandler port $ tryWriteData ochn >> tryReadData ichn
return (ichn, ochn)
makeNewChan :: DomId -> Word ->
(Bool -> Ptr Word8 -> Word -> Port -> IO a) ->
IO ([GrantRef], Port, a)
makeNewChan target npages buildChan = do
ptr <- mallocBytes (fromIntegral npages * 4096)
refs <- grantAccess target ptr (fromIntegral npages * 4096) True
port <- allocPort target
ichn <- buildChan True ptr ((npages * 4096) - bookkeepingOverhead) port
return (refs, port, ichn)
acceptNewChan :: DomId -> [GrantRef] -> Port ->
(Bool -> Ptr Word8 -> Word -> Port -> IO a) ->
IO a
acceptNewChan target grefs port buildChan = do
myport <- bindRemotePort target port
(ptr, _) <- mapGrants target grefs True
let size = (length grefs * 4096) - bookkeepingOverhead
buildChan False ptr (fromIntegral size) myport
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
instance Binary a => RendezvousCapable Word (InChannel a) (OutChannel a) where
makeConnection other size = do
res <- makeNewOutChannel other size
let Just (_, grs, ps) = ochSetupData res
return (grs, [ps], return res)
acceptConnection other refs [port] _ = acceptNewInChannel other refs port
acceptConnection _ _ _ _ = fail "Should only have received one port!"
instance Binary a => RendezvousCapable Word (OutChannel a) (InChannel a) where
makeConnection other size = do
res <- makeNewInChannel other size
let Just (_, grs, ps) = ichSetupData res
return (grs, [ps], return res)
acceptConnection other refs [port] _ = acceptNewOutChannel other refs port
acceptConnection _ _ _ _ = fail "Should only have received one port!"
instance (Binary a, Binary b) =>
RendezvousCapable (Float, Word) (InOutChannel a b) (InOutChannel b a)
makeConnection other (perc, size) = do
res <- makeNewInOutChannel other size perc
let Just (_, grs, ps, _) = bchSetupData res
return (grs, [ps], return res)
acceptConnection other refs [port] (perc, _) =
acceptNewInOutChannel other refs port perc
acceptConnection _ _ _ _ =
fail "Should only have received one port!"
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WriteableChan c a | c -> a where
put :: c -> a -> IO ()
instance Binary a => WriteableChan (OutChannel a) a where
put c = putBinary (ochOutChannel c)
instance Binary b => WriteableChan (InOutChannel a b) b where
put c = putBinary (bchOutChannel c)
class ReadableChan c a | c -> a where
get :: c -> IO a
instance Binary a => ReadableChan (InChannel a) a where
get c = getBinary (ichInChannel c)
instance Binary a => ReadableChan (InOutChannel a b) a where
get c = getBinary (bchInChannel c)
putBinary :: Binary a => OutChan -> a -> IO ()
putBinary oc x = runWriteRequest oc (encode x)
getBinary :: Binary a => InChan -> IO a
getBinary ic = decode `fmap` runReadRequest ic
class CommChan c where
peer :: c -> DomId
instance CommChan (InChannel a) where
peer = ichPeer
instance CommChan (OutChannel a) where
peer = ochPeer
instance CommChan (InOutChannel a b) where
peer = bchPeer
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- A communications channel is composed of something of a pair of a pointer
-- and a size, where:
-- +-----------------------+ ptr + 0
-- + ... |
-- + ... |
-- + buffer space |
-- + ... |
-- + ... |
-- +-----------------------+ ptr + size
-- + bytes consumed |
-- +-----------------------+ ptr + size + 4
-- + bytes produced |
-- +-----------------------+ ptr + size + 8
bytesConsumed :: Ptr Word8 -> Word -> IO Word32
bytesConsumed p s = peekByteOff (castPtr p) (fromIntegral s)
bytesProduced :: Ptr Word8 -> Word -> IO Word32
bytesProduced p s = peekByteOff (castPtr p) (fromIntegral s + 4)
setBytesConsumed :: Ptr Word8 -> Word -> Word32 -> IO ()
setBytesConsumed p s v = pokeByteOff (castPtr p) (fromIntegral s) v
setBytesProduced :: Ptr Word8 -> Word -> Word32 -> IO ()
setBytesProduced p s v = pokeByteOff (castPtr p) (fromIntegral s + 4) v
bookkeepingOverhead :: Integral a => a
bookkeepingOverhead = 8
-- Internal-only data structure
data OutChan = OutChan {
ocBuffer :: Ptr Word8
, ocSize :: Word
, ocModulus :: Word32
, ocPort :: Port
, ocWaiting :: MVar [(ByteString, MVar ())]
buildRawOutChan :: Bool -> Ptr Word8 -> Word -> Port -> IO OutChan
buildRawOutChan doClear buf size port = do
when doClear $ bzero buf size
waiters <- newMVar []
let res = OutChan buf size (computeModulus size) port waiters
setPortHandler port $ tryWriteData res
return res
runWriteRequest :: OutChan -> ByteString -> IO ()
runWriteRequest och !bs = do
resMV <- newEmptyMVar
waiters <- takeMVar (ocWaiting och)
putMVar (ocWaiting och) $! (msg, resMV) : waiters
tryWriteData och
takeMVar resMV
!msg = runPut $ do
putWordhost (fromIntegral (BS.length bs))
putLazyByteString bs
tryWriteData :: OutChan -> IO ()
tryWriteData och = do
waiters <- takeMVar (ocWaiting och)
cons <- bytesConsumed (ocBuffer och) (ocSize och)
prod <- bytesProduced (ocBuffer och) (ocSize och)
(waiters', prod') <- doPossibleWrites prod cons waiters
setBytesProduced (ocBuffer och) (ocSize och) prod'
when (prod /= prod') $ sendOnPort (ocPort och)
putMVar (ocWaiting och) $! waiters'
bufferSize = fromIntegral (ocSize och)
doPossibleWrites :: Word32 -> Word32 ->
[(ByteString, MVar())] ->
IO ([(ByteString, MVar())], Word32)
doPossibleWrites prod _ [] = return ([], prod)
doPossibleWrites prod cons ls@((bstr, resMV):rest) = do
-- this is an awkward way to deal with rollver, but it should work.
let unread = if prod >= cons then prod - cons else overflow
overflow = prod + (ocModulus och - cons)
avail = bufferSize - unread
bstrLn = fromIntegral (BS.length bstr)
case () of
-- In this case, the buffer is full.
() | avail == 0 ->
return (ls, prod)
-- In this case, we have enough space to write the full bytestring.
() | avail > bstrLn -> do
writeBS (ocBuffer och) (ocSize och) prod bstr
putMVar resMV ()
let prod' = (prod + fromIntegral bstrLn) `mod` ocModulus och
doPossibleWrites prod' cons rest
-- In this case, we have space to do a write, but not the whole
-- bytestring
() | otherwise -> do
let (h,t) = BS.splitAt (fromIntegral avail) bstr
writeBS (ocBuffer och) (ocSize och) prod h
let prod' = fromIntegral (prod + avail) `mod` ocModulus och
return ((t, resMV) : rest, prod')
writeBS :: Ptr Word8 -> Word -> Word32 -> ByteString -> IO ()
writeBS buffer size logical_off lbstr =
foldM_ doWrite logical_off (BS.toChunks lbstr)
doWrite :: Word32 -> BSS.ByteString -> IO Word32
doWrite loff bstr = BSS.useAsCStringLen bstr $ \ (dptr, dlenI) -> do
let real_off = fromIntegral (loff `mod` fromIntegral size)
destPtr = buffer `plusPtrW` real_off
dlen = fromIntegral dlenI
if real_off + dlen > size
then do let part1s = size - real_off
part2s = dlen - part1s
memcpy destPtr dptr part1s
memcpy buffer (dptr `plusPtrW` part1s) part2s
else memcpy destPtr dptr dlen
return (loff + fromIntegral dlen)
-- Internal-only data structure
data InChan = InChan {
icBuffer :: Ptr Word8
, icSize :: Word
, icModulus :: Word32
, icPort :: Port
, icStateMV :: MVar InChanState
data InChanState = NeedSize [MVar ByteString]
| GotSize !Word32 ByteString [MVar ByteString]
buildRawInChan :: Bool -> Ptr Word8 -> Word -> Port -> IO InChan
buildRawInChan doClear buf size port = do
when doClear $ bzero buf size
stateMV <- newMVar (NeedSize [])
let res = InChan buf size (computeModulus size) port stateMV
setPortHandler port $ tryReadData res
return res
runReadRequest :: InChan -> IO ByteString
runReadRequest ich = do
resMV <- newEmptyMVar
istate <- takeMVar (icStateMV ich)
case istate of
NeedSize waiters ->
putMVar (icStateMV ich) $! NeedSize (waiters ++ [resMV])
GotSize n acc waiters ->
putMVar (icStateMV ich) $! GotSize n acc (waiters ++ [resMV])
tryReadData ich
takeMVar resMV
tryReadData :: InChan -> IO ()
tryReadData ich = modifyMVar_ (icStateMV ich) $ \ istate -> do
prod <- bytesProduced (icBuffer ich) (icSize ich)
cons <- bytesConsumed (icBuffer ich) (icSize ich)
(istate', cons') <- doPossibleReads prod cons istate
setBytesConsumed (icBuffer ich) (icSize ich) cons'
when (cons /= cons') $ sendOnPort (icPort ich)
return istate'
doPossibleReads :: Word32 -> Word32 -> InChanState -> IO (InChanState, Word32)
doPossibleReads prod cons istate = do
let avail = if prod >= cons then prod - cons else overflow
overflow = prod + (icModulus ich - cons)
case istate of
-- If we need to get a size, we have waiters, and there's at least
-- four bytes to read, then we should read off the size.
NeedSize ws@(_:_) | avail >= sizeSize -> do
sizeBS <- readBS (icBuffer ich) (icSize ich) cons sizeSize
let size = runGet getWordhost sizeBS
let istate' = GotSize (fromIntegral size) BS.empty ws
cons' = (cons + sizeSize) `mod` icModulus ich
doPossibleReads prod cons' istate'
-- If we have some data, but not enough, update ourselves with the
-- new data and the lesser requirement.
GotSize n acc ws | (avail > 0) && (n > avail) -> do
part <- readBS (icBuffer ich) (icSize ich) cons avail
let istate' = GotSize (n - avail) (acc `BS.append` part) ws
cons' = (cons + avail) `mod` icModulus ich
doPossibleReads prod cons' istate'
-- If we can read everything, do it!
GotSize n acc (f:rest) | (avail > 0) && (n <= avail) -> do
endp <- readBS (icBuffer ich) (icSize ich) cons n
putMVar f (acc `BS.append` endp)
let cons' = (cons + n) `mod` icModulus ich
doPossibleReads prod cons' (NeedSize rest)
-- Otherwise, we can't do anything
_ ->
return (istate, cons)
readBS :: Ptr Word8 -> Word -> Word32 -> Word32 -> IO ByteString
readBS !buffer !sizeW !logical_off !amt = do
let real_off = logical_off `mod` size
readPtr = buffer `plusPtrW` real_off
part1sz = size - real_off
part2sz = amt - part1sz
if real_off + amt > size
then do part1 <- packCStringLen readPtr part1sz
part2 <- packCStringLen buffer part2sz
return $! BS.fromStrict part1 `BS.append` BS.fromStrict part2
else BS.fromStrict `fmap` packCStringLen readPtr amt
size = fromIntegral sizeW
packCStringLen p s = BSS.packCStringLen (castPtr p, fromIntegral s)
plusPtrW :: Integral b => Ptr a -> b -> Ptr a
plusPtrW p x = p `plusPtr` (fromIntegral x)
sizeSize :: Integral a => a
sizeSize = fromIntegral (BS.length (runPut (putWordhost 0)))
computeModulus :: Word -> Word32
computeModulus size
| base == 0 = fromIntegral q * (fromIntegral size - 1)
| otherwise = base
base = fromIntegral q * fromIntegral size
size' = fromIntegral size :: Word64
q = 0x100000000 `div` size'
foreign import ccall unsafe "strings.h bzero"
bzero :: Ptr a -> Word -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h memcpy"
memcpy :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> Word -> IO ()
# - Copyright 2006-2008, Galois, Inc.
# - This software is distributed under a standard, three-clause BSD license.
# - Please see the file LICENSE, distributed with this software, for specific
# - terms and conditions.
# Author: Adam Wick <>
GHC=halvm-ghc --make
all: Server Client
XenStore.hs: XenStore.hsc
hsc2hs XenStore.hsc
Server: Server.hs Rendezvous.hs IVC.hs Common.hs XenStore.hs
$(GHC) Server.hs
Client: Client.hs Rendezvous.hs IVC.hs Common.hs XenStore.hs
$(GHC) Client.hs
run: Server Client
-sudo rm -f /var/log/xen/console/*.log
-sudo xenstore-rm /rendezvous/ClientServerTest
-sudo xl destroy Server
-sudo xl destroy Client1
-sudo xl destroy Client2
-sudo xl destroy Client3
-sudo xl destroy Client4
-sudo xl destroy Client5
-sudo xl destroy Client6
-sudo xl destroy Client7
-sudo xl destroy Client8
-sudo xl destroy Client9
-sudo xl destroy Client10
-sudo xl destroy Client11
-sudo xl destroy Client12
-sudo xl destroy Client13
-sudo xl destroy Client14
-sudo xl destroy Client15
sudo xl create Server.config
sudo xl create Client.config "name='Client1'"
sudo xl create Client.config "name='Client2'"
sudo xl create Client.config "name='Client3'"
sudo xl create Client.config "name='Client4'"
sudo xl create Client.config "name='Client5'"
sudo xl create Client.config "name='Client6'"
sudo xl create Client.config "name='Client7'"
sudo xl create Client.config "name='Client8'"
sudo xl create Client.config "name='Client9'"
sudo xl create Client.config "name='Client10'"
sudo xl create Client.config "name='Client11'"
sudo xl create Client.config "name='Client12'"
sudo xl create Client.config "name='Client13'"
sudo xl create Client.config "name='Client14'"
sudo xl create Client.config "name='Client15'"
sleep 8
sudo xl dmesg -c
sudo xenstore-ls
sudo xl list
-rm *.hi *.o Client Server XenStore.hs
-sudo xl destroy Server
-sudo xl destroy Client1
-sudo xl destroy Client2
-sudo xl destroy Client3
-sudo xl destroy Client4
-sudo xl destroy Client5
-sudo xl destroy Client6
-sudo xl destroy Client7
-sudo xl destroy Client8
-sudo xl destroy Client9
-sudo xl destroy Client10
-sudo xl destroy Client11
-sudo xl destroy Client12
-sudo xl destroy Client13
-sudo xl destroy Client14
-sudo xl destroy Client15
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, MultiWayIf #-}
-- Copyright 2013, Galois, Inc.
-- This software is distributed under a standard, three-clause BSD license.
-- Please see the file LICENSE, distributed with this software, for specific
-- terms and conditions.
-- |Routines for automatically performing rendezvous between two domains.
module Rendezvous(
, peerConnection
, clientServerConnection
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Data.Word
import Hypervisor.DomainInfo
import Hypervisor.ErrorCodes
import Hypervisor.Memory
import Hypervisor.Port
import XenStore
-- |The class of objects that are connectable in a peer-to-peer fashion.
-- If your underlying system (whatever it may be) uses an interface like this,
-- then this library can automatically set up connection rendezvous for you
-- through the XenStore.
-- The first type is an "extra" bit of information that is useful to the
-- system.
-- The second type is the thing the "accepting" side will receive, the third
-- is the type of thing the "offering" side will receive.
class (Show a, Read a) => RendezvousCapable a b c | b c -> a, b -> c, c -> b where
-- |Create the basic connection structures for a connection between the
-- current domain and the given one. The returned values should be the
-- list of grant references to share, a list of ports to share, and a
-- thunk to invoke when the connection is complete.
makeConnection :: DomId -> a -> IO ([GrantRef], [Port], IO c)
-- |Accept a connection offered by the other side of the rendezvous.
acceptConnection :: DomId -> [GrantRef] -> [Port] -> a -> IO b
-- |Given a name for the connection (which should be unique on the host for
-- the duration of the rendezvous) and the special extra information used in
-- the item, create thunks that, when executed, will perform rendezvous
-- between domains.
-- Typically, this will be invoked from a shared module, and one domain will
-- use one result while the other will use the other result.
peerConnection :: RendezvousCapable a b c =>
String -> a ->
(XenStore -> IO b, XenStore -> IO c)
peerConnection name extra = (runLeftSide, runRightSide)
targetPath = "/rendezvous/" ++ name
runLeftSide xs = do
me <- xsGetDomId xs
removePath xs targetPath
xsMakeDirectory xs targetPath
xsSetPermissions xs targetPath [ReadWritePerm me]
xsWrite xs (targetPath ++ "/LeftDomId") (show me)
other <- read <$> waitForKey xs (targetPath ++ "/RightDomId")
grants <- read <$> waitForKey xs (targetPath ++ "/RightGrantRefs")
ports <- read <$> waitForKey xs (targetPath ++ "/RightPorts")
res <- acceptConnection other grants ports extra
xsWrite xs (targetPath ++ "/LeftConnectionConfirmed") "True"
return res
runRightSide xs = do
other <- read `fmap` waitForKey xs (targetPath ++ "/LeftDomId")
me <- xsGetDomId xs
(gs, ps, confirm) <- makeConnection other extra
xsWrite xs (targetPath ++ "/RightDomId") (show me)
xsWrite xs (targetPath ++ "/RightGrantRefs") (show gs)
xsWrite xs (targetPath ++ "/RightPorts") (show ps)
_ <- waitForKey xs (targetPath ++ "/LeftConnectionConfirmed")
removePath xs targetPath
clientServerConnection :: RendezvousCapable a b c =>
String -> a ->
(XenStore -> (b -> IO ()) -> IO (), XenStore -> IO c)
clientServerConnection name extra = (runServer, runClient)
targetPath = "/rendezvous/" ++ name
runServer xs callback = do
me <- xsGetDomId xs
removePath xs targetPath
xsMakeDirectory xs targetPath
xsWrite xs (targetPath ++ "/ServerDomId") (show me)
xsWatch xs targetPath "" $ \ key _ -> do
-- putStrLn $ "XenStore watch fired for " ++ key
case reads (reverse $ takeWhile (/= '/') $ reverse key) of
[(domid, "")] -> do xsWrite xs (key ++ "/ServerAcknowledge") "True"
g <- read <$> waitForKey xs (key ++ "/ClientGrants")
p <- read <$> waitForKey xs (key ++ "/ClientPorts")
res <- acceptConnection domid g p extra
putStrLn $ "Writing confirmation for " ++ key
xsWrite xs (key ++ "/ServerConfirmed") "True"
putStrLn $ "Calling back " ++ key
callback res -- might as well reuse this thread
_ -> return ()
runClient xs = do
me <- xsGetDomId xs
other <- read `fmap` waitForKey xs (targetPath ++ "/ServerDomId")
(gs, ps, confirm) <- makeConnection other extra
let targetPath' = targetPath ++ "/" ++ show me
syn = do -- Repeat the mkDir until the server acks
_ <- try (xsRemove xs targetPath') :: IO (Either SomeException ())
xsMakeDirectory xs targetPath'
s <- waitForKey' xs (targetPath' ++ "/ServerAcknowledge") 50
maybe syn (\_ -> return ()) s
xsWrite xs (targetPath' ++ "/ClientGrants") (show gs)
xsWrite xs (targetPath' ++ "/ClientPorts") (show ps)
_ <- waitForKey xs (targetPath' ++ "/ServerConfirmed")
putStrLn "Connection established."
-- wait for key a couple of times, then give up.
-- Int param: number of retries, 100ms wait between them.
waitForKey' :: XenStore -> String -> Word64 -> IO (Maybe String)
waitForKey' xs key retries = do
putStrLn $ "Waiting for " ++ key
eres <- try (xsRead xs key) :: IO (Either SomeException String)
either next (\s -> great >> return (Just s)) eres
wait = threadDelay 100000 >> sigh
sigh = putStrLn $ "I guess I will wait for " ++ key ++ " later..."
nope = putStrLn $ "Gave up waiting for " ++ key
great = putStrLn $ "Got " ++ key
next _ = if | retries == 0 -> nope >> return Nothing
| retries < 0 -> wait >> waitForKey' xs key retries
| otherwise -> wait >> waitForKey' xs key (retries-1)
waitForKey :: XenStore -> String -> IO String
waitForKey xs key = do
putStrLn $ "Waiting for " ++ key
eres <- catch (Right <$> xsRead xs key) leftError
case eres of
Left _ -> sigh >> threadDelay 100000 >> waitForKey xs key
Right res -> great >> return res
leftError :: ErrorCode -> IO (Either ErrorCode String)
leftError = return . Left
sigh = putStrLn $ "I guess I will wait for " ++ key ++ " later..."
great = putStrLn $ "Got " ++ key
removePath :: XenStore -> String -> IO ()
removePath xs str = do catch remSubItems onECContinue
catch remItem onECContinue
remSubItems = mapM_ (removePath xs) =<< xsDirectory xs str
remItem = xsRemove xs str
onECContinue :: ErrorCode -> IO ()
onECContinue _ = return ()
name = "Server"
kernel = "Server"
memory = 32
seclabel ='system_u:system_r:domU_t'
import Control.Concurrent
import Hypervisor.Console
import Hypervisor.Debug
import XenStore
import Common
main = do
writeDebugConsole "SERVER: Initializing XenStore.\n"
xs <- initXenStore
writeDebugConsole "SERVER: Initializing console.\n"
con <- initXenConsole
writeDebugConsole "SERVER: Initializing MVar.\n"
countMV <- newMVar 0
writeDebugConsole "SERVER: Starting rendezvous.\n"
runServer xs $ \ _ -> do
writeDebugConsole "SERVER: Found a client!\n"
cur <- takeMVar countMV
putMVar countMV $! cur + 1
waitFor countMV 15
writeDebugConsole "SERVER: Got all my clients!\n"
waitFor :: MVar Int -> Int -> IO ()
waitFor mv goal = do
cur <- takeMVar mv
if cur == goal
then return ()
else do putMVar mv cur
threadDelay 10000
waitFor mv goal
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, DeriveGeneric #-}
-- Copyright 2013 Galois, Inc.
-- This software is distributed under a standard, three-clause BSD license.
-- Please see the file LICENSE, distributed with this software, for specific
-- terms and conditions.
module XenStore(
, TransId
, XSPerm(..)
, initXenStore
, initCustomXenStore
, emptyTransaction
, xsGetDomId
, xsDirectory, xstDirectory
, xsRead, xstRead
, xsGetPermissions, xstGetPermissions
, xsWatch
, xsUnwatch, xstUnwatch
, xsStartTransaction, xstStartTransaction
, xstAbort, xstCommit
, xsIntroduce, xstIntroduce
, xsRelease, xstRelease
, xsGetDomainPath, xstGetDomainPath
, xsWrite, xstWrite
, xsMakeDirectory, xstMakeDirectory
, xsRemove, xstRemove
, xsSetPermissions, xstSetPermissions
, xsIsDomainIntroduced, xstIsDomainIntroduced
, xsResume, xstResume
, xsSetTarget, xstSetTarget
, xsRestrict, xstRestrict
, xsResetWatches, xstResetWatches
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Bits
import Data.ByteString(packCStringLen,useAsCStringLen)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy(ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Map.Strict(Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Word
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import GHC.Generics
import Hypervisor.Debug
import Hypervisor.DomainInfo
import Hypervisor.ErrorCodes
import Hypervisor.Memory
import Hypervisor.Port
newtype XenStore = XenStore (MVar XenbusState)
data XSPerm =
WritePerm DomId
| ReadPerm DomId
| ReadWritePerm DomId
| NonePerm DomId
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
newtype ReqId = ReqId { unReqId :: Word32 }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
advanceReqId :: ReqId -> ReqId
advanceReqId (ReqId x) = ReqId (if x + 1 == 0 then 1 else x + 1)
newtype TransId = TransId { unTransId :: Word32 }
deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
emptyTransaction :: TransId
emptyTransaction = TransId 0
initXenStore :: IO XenStore
initXenStore = do
xsMFN <- (toMFN . fromIntegral) <$> get_xenstore_mfn
xsPort <- toPort <$> get_xenstore_evtchn
initCustomXenStore xsMFN xsPort
initCustomXenStore :: MFN -> Port -> IO XenStore
initCustomXenStore xsMFN xsPort = do
xsPtr <- handle (mapMFN xsMFN) (mfnToVPtr xsMFN)
let initState = state0 xsPort xsPtr
stateMV <- newMVar initState
setPortHandler xsPort (onXenbusEvent stateMV)
return (XenStore stateMV)
mapMFN :: MFN -> ErrorCode -> IO (VPtr a)
mapMFN mfn _ = mapFrames [mfn]
xsGetDomId :: XenStore -> IO DomId
xsGetDomId xs = do
val <- xsRead xs "domid"
case reads val :: [(Word16, String)] of
[(domid, "")] -> return (toDomId domid)
_ -> throwIO EPROTO
xsDirectory :: XenStore -> String -> IO [String]
xsDirectory xs = xstDirectory xs emptyTransaction
xstDirectory :: XenStore -> TransId -> String -> IO [String]
xstDirectory (XenStore xbs) tid str =
standardRequest xbs tid (XSDir str) RTDir parseStrings
xsRead :: XenStore -> String -> IO String
xsRead xs = xstRead xs emptyTransaction
xstRead :: XenStore -> TransId -> String -> IO String
xstRead (XenStore xbs) tid str =
standardRequest xbs tid (XSRead str) RTRead parseString
xsGetPermissions :: XenStore -> String -> IO [XSPerm]
xsGetPermissions xs = xstGetPermissions xs emptyTransaction
xstGetPermissions :: XenStore -> TransId -> String -> IO [XSPerm]
xstGetPermissions (XenStore xbs) tid str =
standardRequest xbs tid (XSGetPerms str) RTGetPerms parsePerms
xsWatch :: XenStore -> String -> String -> (String -> String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
xsWatch (XenStore xbs) str token handler =
do modifyMVar_ xbs $ \ state ->
let oldwatches = waitingWatches state
in return state{ waitingWatches = oldwatches ++ [(str, token, handler)] }
standardRequest xbs emptyTransaction (XSWatch str token) RTWatch (const ())
xsUnwatch :: XenStore -> String -> String -> IO ()
xsUnwatch xs = xstUnwatch xs emptyTransaction
xstUnwatch :: XenStore -> TransId -> String -> String -> IO ()
xstUnwatch (XenStore xbs) tid wpth tok =
do modifyMVar_ xbs $ \ state ->
let watches = filter (\ (a,b,_) -> (a /= wpth) || (b /= tok))
(waitingWatches state)
in return state{ waitingWatches = watches }
standardRequest xbs tid (XSUnwatch wpth tok) RTUnwatch (const ())
xsStartTransaction :: XenStore -> IO TransId
xsStartTransaction xs = xstStartTransaction xs emptyTransaction
xstStartTransaction :: XenStore -> TransId -> IO TransId
xstStartTransaction (XenStore xbs) tid =
standardRequest xbs tid XSTransSt RTTransSt parseTransId
xstAbort :: XenStore -> TransId -> IO ()
xstAbort (XenStore xbs) tid =
standardRequest xbs tid (XSTransEnd False) RTTransEnd (const ())
xstCommit :: XenStore -> TransId -> IO ()
xstCommit (XenStore xbs) tid =
standardRequest xbs tid (XSTransEnd True) RTTransEnd (const ())
xsIntroduce :: XenStore -> DomId -> MFN -> Port -> IO ()
xsIntroduce xs = xstIntroduce xs emptyTransaction
xstIntroduce :: XenStore -> TransId -> DomId -> MFN -> Port -> IO ()
xstIntroduce (XenStore xbs) tid d m p =
standardRequest xbs tid (XSIntro d m p) RTIntro (const ())
xsRelease :: XenStore -> DomId -> IO ()
xsRelease xs = xstRelease xs emptyTransaction
xstRelease :: XenStore -> TransId -> DomId -> IO ()
xstRelease (XenStore xbs) tid d =
standardRequest xbs tid (XSRelease d) RTRelease (const ())
xsGetDomainPath :: XenStore -> DomId -> IO String
xsGetDomainPath xs = xstGetDomainPath xs emptyTransaction
xstGetDomainPath :: XenStore -> TransId -> DomId -> IO String
xstGetDomainPath (XenStore xbs) tid d =
standardRequest xbs tid (XSGetPath d) RTGetPath parseString
xsWrite :: XenStore -> String -> String -> IO ()
xsWrite xs = xstWrite xs emptyTransaction
xstWrite :: XenStore -> TransId -> String -> String -> IO ()
xstWrite (XenStore xbs) tid k v =
standardRequest xbs tid (XSWrite k v) RTWrite (const ())
xsMakeDirectory :: XenStore -> String -> IO ()
xsMakeDirectory xs = xstMakeDirectory xs emptyTransaction
xstMakeDirectory :: XenStore -> TransId -> String -> IO ()
xstMakeDirectory (XenStore xbs) tid d =
standardRequest xbs tid (XSMkDir d) RTMkDir (const ())
xsRemove :: XenStore -> String -> IO ()
xsRemove xs = xstRemove xs emptyTransaction
xstRemove :: XenStore -> TransId -> String -> IO ()
xstRemove (XenStore xbs) tid k =
standardRequest xbs tid (XSRm k) RTRm (const ())
xsSetPermissions :: XenStore -> String -> [XSPerm] -> IO ()
xsSetPermissions xs = xstSetPermissions xs emptyTransaction
xstSetPermissions :: XenStore -> TransId -> String -> [XSPerm] -> IO ()
xstSetPermissions (XenStore xbs) tid k ps =
standardRequest xbs tid (XSSetPerms k ps) RTSetPerms (const ())
xsIsDomainIntroduced :: XenStore -> DomId -> IO Bool
xsIsDomainIntroduced xs = xstIsDomainIntroduced xs emptyTransaction
xstIsDomainIntroduced :: XenStore -> TransId -> DomId -> IO Bool
xstIsDomainIntroduced (XenStore xbs) tid d =
standardRequest xbs tid (XSIsDomInt d) RTIsDomInt parseBool
xsResume :: XenStore -> DomId -> IO ()
xsResume xs = xstResume xs emptyTransaction
xstResume :: XenStore -> TransId -> DomId -> IO ()
xstResume (XenStore xbs) tid d =
standardRequest xbs tid (XSResume d) RTResume (const ())
xsSetTarget :: XenStore -> DomId -> DomId -> IO ()
xsSetTarget xs = xstSetTarget xs emptyTransaction
xstSetTarget :: XenStore -> TransId -> DomId -> DomId -> IO ()
xstSetTarget (XenStore xbs) tid d td =
standardRequest xbs tid (XSSetTarg d td) RTSetTarg (const ())
xsRestrict :: XenStore -> DomId -> IO ()
xsRestrict xs = xstRestrict xs emptyTransaction
xstRestrict :: XenStore -> TransId -> DomId -> IO ()
xstRestrict (XenStore xbs) tid d =
standardRequest xbs tid (XSRestrict d) RTRestrict (const ())
xsResetWatches :: XenStore -> IO ()
xsResetWatches xs = xstResetWatches xs emptyTransaction
xstResetWatches :: XenStore -> TransId -> IO ()
xstResetWatches (XenStore xbs) tid =
standardRequest xbs tid XSReset RTReset (const ())
standardRequest :: MVar XenbusState ->
TransId -> XenbusRequest ->
ResponseType -> (ByteString -> a) ->
IO a
standardRequest stateMV tid req goodresp converter =
writeRequest stateMV tid req $ \ body ->
case body of
RespBody _ RTError bstr ->
case reads (parseString bstr) of
((x,_):_) -> throwIO (x :: ErrorCode)
_ -> throwIO EIO
RespBody _ rtype bstr | rtype == goodresp ->
return (converter bstr)
RespBody _ rtype _ ->
do writeDebugConsole ("ERROR: Xenbus: Expected " ++ show goodresp ++
" but got " ++ show rtype ++ "\n")
throwIO EIO
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
data XenbusState = XBS {
xbPort :: Port
, xbRing :: XSRing
, nextRequestId :: ReqId
, decodeStream :: ByteString
, pendingWrites :: ByteString
, waitingRequests :: Map ReqId (MVar ResponseBody)
, waitingWatches :: [(String, String, String -> String -> IO ())]
state0 :: Port -> XSRing -> XenbusState
state0 port ring = XBS {
xbPort = port
, xbRing = ring
, nextRequestId = ReqId 1000
, decodeStream = BS.empty
, pendingWrites = BS.empty
, waitingRequests = Map.empty
, waitingWatches = []
writeRequest :: MVar XenbusState ->
TransId -> XenbusRequest ->
(ResponseBody -> IO a) ->
IO a
writeRequest stateMV tid req k =
do respMV <- newEmptyMVar
state <- takeMVar stateMV
let rid = nextRequestId state
newbstr = buildRequest rid tid req
pend = pendingWrites state `BS.append` newbstr
table' = Map.insert rid respMV (waitingRequests state)
putStrLn $ "Writing request data for #" ++ show rid ++ " " ++ show req
remain <- writeRequestData (xbPort state) (xbRing state) pend
putMVar stateMV $! state{ nextRequestId = advanceReqId rid
, pendingWrites = remain
, waitingRequests = table' }
putStrLn $ "Waiting for response for #" ++ show rid ++ " " ++ show req
st <- takeMVar respMV
putStrLn $ "Got response for #" ++ show rid ++ " " ++ show req
k st
onXenbusEvent :: MVar XenbusState -> IO ()
onXenbusEvent stateMV =
do state <- takeMVar stateMV
let port = xbPort state
ring = xbRing state
-- The devil lies here
inputbstr <- readNewResponseData port ring (decodeStream state)
let (resps, inputbstr') = parseResponses inputbstr
putStr $ "Got events : (" ++ show resps ++ ", " ++ show inputbstr' ++ ")\n" ++
" (from " ++ show inputbstr ++ ")\n"
-- enddevil
tab <- foldM' (waitingRequests state) resps $ \ table resp ->
case resp of
-- Fire any watches associated with this event
RespBody _ RTEvent bstr ->
do let bsparts = BS.split 0 bstr
parts = map (map (chr . fromIntegral) . BS.unpack) bsparts
(key:token:_) = parts
forM_ (waitingWatches state) $ \ (watchOn, _, action) ->
when (watchOn `isPrefixOf` key) $
forkIO_ (action key token)
return table
-- Run any handlers associated with this id
RespBody rid _ _ ->
case Map.lookup rid table of
Nothing ->
do writeDebugConsole ("WARNING: Xenbus: Response with bad id: "
++ (show rid) ++ "\n")
return table
Just mvar ->
do putMVar mvar resp
return (Map.delete rid table)
remn <- writeRequestData port ring (pendingWrites state)
putMVar stateMV $! state{ decodeStream = inputbstr'
, pendingWrites = remn
, waitingRequests = tab }
readNewResponseData port ring acc =
do newstuff <- readResponseData port ring
if BS.null newstuff
then return acc
else readNewResponseData port ring (acc `BS.append` newstuff)
parseResponses :: ByteString -> ([ResponseBody], ByteString)
parseResponses bstr =
case runGetOrFail parseResponse bstr of
Left (remain, _, _) -> ([], bstr)
Right (rest, _, req) ->
let (res, remain) = parseResponses rest
in (req : res, remain)
buildRequest :: ReqId -> TransId -> XenbusRequest -> ByteString
buildRequest rid tid xbr = runPut $ do
putWord32host (requestId xbr) -- uint32_t type
putWord32host (unReqId rid) -- uint32_t req_id
putWord32host (unTransId tid) -- uint32_t tx_id
putWord32host (fromIntegral (BS.length body)) -- uint32_t len
putLazyByteString body
where body = runPut (renderBody xbr)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <xen/io/xs_wire.h>
#error "BAD BAD BAD"
data ResponseBody = RespBody ReqId ResponseType ByteString
deriving (Show)
parseResponse :: Get ResponseBody
parseResponse =
do rtype <- getResponseType <$> getWord32host
rid <- getWord32host
_tid <- getWord32host
len <- getWord32host
body <- getLazyByteString (fromIntegral len)
return (RespBody (ReqId rid) rtype body)
data ResponseType = RTRead | RTWrite | RTMkDir | RTRm | RTDir
| RTSetPerms | RTWatch | RTUnwatch | RTRestrict | RTTransSt
| RTTransEnd | RTIntro | RTRelease | RTGetPath | RTError
| RTIsDomInt | RTResume | RTSetTarg | RTGetPerms | RTEvent
| RTReset
| RTUnknown Word32
deriving (Show, Eq)
getResponseType :: Word32 -> ResponseType
getResponseType (#const XS_DIRECTORY) = RTDir
getResponseType (#const XS_READ) = RTRead
getResponseType (#const XS_GET_PERMS) = RTGetPerms
getResponseType (#const XS_WATCH) = RTWatch
getResponseType (#const XS_UNWATCH) = RTUnwatch
getResponseType (#const XS_TRANSACTION_START) = RTTransSt
getResponseType (#const XS_TRANSACTION_END) = RTTransEnd
getResponseType (#const XS_INTRODUCE) = RTIntro
getResponseType (#const XS_RELEASE) = RTRelease
getResponseType (#const XS_GET_DOMAIN_PATH) = RTGetPath
getResponseType (#const XS_WRITE) = RTWrite
getResponseType (#const XS_MKDIR) = RTMkDir
getResponseType (#const XS_RM) = RTRm
getResponseType (#const XS_SET_PERMS) = RTSetPerms
getResponseType (#const XS_WATCH_EVENT) = RTEvent
getResponseType (#const XS_ERROR) = RTError
getResponseType (#const XS_IS_DOMAIN_INTRODUCED) = RTIsDomInt
getResponseType (#const XS_RESUME) = RTResume
getResponseType (#const XS_SET_TARGET) = RTSetTarg
getResponseType (#const XS_RESTRICT) = RTRestrict
getResponseType (#const XS_RESET_WATCHES) = RTReset
getResponseType x = RTUnknown x
parseStrings :: ByteString -> [String]
parseStrings bstr = map translateAscii (BS.split 0 bstr)
parseString :: ByteString -> String
parseString bstr = translateAscii (BS.takeWhile (/= 0) bstr)
parseBool :: ByteString -> Bool
parseBool bstr = parseString bstr == "T"
parseTransId :: ByteString -> TransId
parseTransId bstr = TransId (read (parseString bstr))
parsePerms :: ByteString -> [XSPerm]
parsePerms bstr = map translateString (parseStrings bstr)
translateString ('r':rest) = ReadPerm (toDomId (read rest :: Word16))
translateString ('w':rest) = WritePerm (toDomId (read rest :: Word16))
translateString ('b':rest) = ReadWritePerm (toDomId (read rest :: Word16))
translateString ('n':rest) = NonePerm (toDomId (read rest :: Word16))
translateString _ = throw EIO
translateAscii :: ByteString -> String
translateAscii = map castCUCharToChar . map CUChar . BS.unpack
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
data XenbusRequest =
XSRead String
| XSWrite String String
| XSMkDir String
| XSRm String
| XSDir String
| XSGetPerms String
| XSSetPerms String [XSPerm]
| XSWatch String String
| XSUnwatch String String
| XSReset
| XSTransSt
| XSTransEnd Bool
| XSIntro DomId MFN Port
| XSRelease DomId
| XSGetPath DomId
| XSIsDomInt DomId
| XSResume DomId
| XSSetTarg DomId DomId
| XSRestrict DomId
deriving (Show)
requestId :: XenbusRequest -> Word32
requestId (XSRead _) = (#const XS_READ)
requestId (XSWrite _ _) = (#const XS_WRITE)
requestId (XSMkDir _) = (#const XS_MKDIR)
requestId (XSRm _) = (#const XS_RM)
requestId (XSDir _) = (#const XS_DIRECTORY)
requestId (XSGetPerms _) = (#const XS_GET_PERMS)
requestId (XSSetPerms _ _) = (#const XS_SET_PERMS)
requestId (XSWatch _ _) = (#const XS_WATCH)
requestId (XSUnwatch _ _) = (#const XS_UNWATCH)
requestId XSReset = (#const XS_RESET_WATCHES)
requestId XSTransSt = (#const XS_TRANSACTION_START)
requestId (XSTransEnd _) = (#const XS_TRANSACTION_END)
requestId (XSIntro _ _ _) = (#const XS_INTRODUCE)
requestId (XSRelease _) = (#const XS_RELEASE)
requestId (XSGetPath _) = (#const XS_GET_DOMAIN_PATH)
requestId (XSIsDomInt _) = (#const XS_IS_DOMAIN_INTRODUCED)
requestId (XSResume _) = (#const XS_RESUME)
requestId (XSSetTarg _ _) = (#const XS_SET_TARGET)
requestId (XSRestrict _) = (#const XS_RESTRICT)
renderBody :: XenbusRequest -> Put
renderBody (XSRead str) =
renderStr str >> addNull
renderBody (XSWrite key val) =
renderStr key >> addNull >> renderStr val
renderBody (XSMkDir str) =
renderStr str >> addNull
renderBody (XSRm str) =
renderStr str >> addNull
renderBody (XSDir str) =
renderStr str >> addNull
renderBody (XSGetPerms str) =
renderStr str >> addNull
renderBody (XSSetPerms str perms) =
renderStr str >> addNull >> renderPerms perms
renderBody (XSWatch str token) =
renderStr str >> addNull >> renderStr token >> addNull
renderBody (XSUnwatch str token) =
renderStr str >> addNull >> renderStr token >> addNull
renderBody XSReset =
renderBody XSTransSt =
renderBody (XSTransEnd good) =
renderStr (if good then "T" else "F") >> addNull
renderBody (XSIntro dom mfn prt) =
renderDom dom >> addNull >>
renderMFN mfn >> addNull >>
renderPort prt >> addNull
renderBody (XSRelease dom) =
renderDom dom >> addNull
renderBody (XSGetPath dom) =
renderDom dom >> addNull
renderBody (XSIsDomInt dom) =
renderDom dom >> addNull
renderBody (XSResume dom) =
renderDom dom >> addNull
renderBody (XSSetTarg dom tdom) =
renderDom dom >> addNull >> renderDom tdom >> addNull
renderBody (XSRestrict dom) =
renderDom dom >> addNull
renderStr :: String -> Put
renderStr str = mapM_ putWord8 (map (unCUChar . castCharToCUChar) str)
where unCUChar (CUChar x) = x
renderPerms :: [XSPerm] -> Put
renderPerms = mapM_ (\ p -> renderPerm p >> addNull)
renderPerm :: XSPerm -> Put
renderPerm (WritePerm d) = renderStr "w" >> renderDom d
renderPerm (ReadPerm d) = renderStr "r" >> renderDom d
renderPerm (ReadWritePerm d) = renderStr "b" >> renderDom d
renderPerm (NonePerm d) = renderStr "n" >> renderDom d
renderDom :: DomId -> Put
renderDom d = renderStr (show (fromDomId d :: Word16))
renderMFN :: MFN -> Put
renderMFN f = renderStr (show (fromMFN f))
renderPort :: Port -> Put
renderPort p = renderStr (show (fromPort p :: Word32))
addNull :: Put
addNull = putWord8 0
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
writeRequestData :: Port -> XSRing -> ByteString -> IO ByteString
writeRequestData port ring bstr =
do cons <- reqConsumed ring
prod <- reqProduced ring
when ((prod - cons) > reqRingSize) $ fail "XenStore invariant broke."
let (buf, len) = getOutputChunk cons prod
let (writeBuf, leftBuf) = BS.splitAt (fromIntegral len) bstr
let len' = min (fromIntegral len) (fromIntegral (BS.length writeBuf))
unless (len == 0) $
do writeBS writeBuf buf
setReqProduced ring (prod + len')
sendOnPort port
return leftBuf
getOutputChunk cons prod =
let prodMask = prod .&. (reqRingSize - 1)
maxLen = reqRingSize - prodMask
roomLeft = reqRingSize - (prod - cons)
len = if roomLeft < maxLen then roomLeft else maxLen
in (requestRing ring `plusPtr` fromIntegral prodMask, len)
readResponseData :: Port -> XSRing -> IO ByteString
readResponseData port ring = handle printError $
do cons <- respConsumed ring
prod <- respProduced ring
when ((prod - cons) > respRingSize) $ fail "XenStore invariant broke."
let (buf, len) = getInputChunk cons prod
if len == 0
then return BS.empty
else do systemRMB
bstr <- packCStringLen (buf, fromIntegral len)
setRespConsumed ring (cons + len)
sendOnPort port
return (BS.fromStrict bstr)
printError :: SomeException -> IO ByteString
printError e =
do writeDebugConsole ("Xenbus: Caught exception: " ++ show e ++ "\n")
return BS.empty
getInputChunk cons prod =
let consMask = cons .&. (respRingSize - 1)
maxLen = respRingSize - consMask
len = if (prod - cons) < maxLen then prod - cons else maxLen
in (responseRing ring `plusPtr` fromIntegral consMask, len)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
type XSRing = Ptr Word8
reqRingSize :: Word32
reqRingSize = 1024
respRingSize :: Word32
respRingSize = 1024
requestRing :: XSRing -> Ptr Word8
requestRing ring = ring `plusPtr` (#offset struct xenstore_domain_interface,req)
responseRing :: XSRing -> Ptr Word8
responseRing r = r `plusPtr` (#offset struct xenstore_domain_interface,rsp)
reqConsumed :: XSRing -> IO Word32
reqConsumed ring = (#peek struct xenstore_domain_interface,req_cons) ring
reqProduced :: XSRing -> IO Word32
reqProduced ring = (#peek struct xenstore_domain_interface,req_prod) ring
setReqProduced :: XSRing -> Word32 -> IO ()
setReqProduced ring v = (#poke struct xenstore_domain_interface,req_prod) ring v
respConsumed :: XSRing -> IO Word32
respConsumed ring = (#peek struct xenstore_domain_interface,rsp_cons) ring
setRespConsumed :: XSRing -> Word32 -> IO ()
setRespConsumed r v = (#poke struct xenstore_domain_interface,rsp_cons) r v
respProduced :: XSRing -> IO Word32
respProduced r = (#peek struct xenstore_domain_interface,rsp_prod) r
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
forkIO_ :: IO () -> IO ()
forkIO_ m = forkIO m >> return ()
writeBS :: ByteString -> Ptr a -> IO ()
writeBS bstr buf = go (BS.toChunks bstr) buf
go [] _ = return ()
go (f:rest) p = useAsCStringLen f $
\ (ptr, len) ->
do memcpy p (castPtr ptr) len
go rest (p `plusPtr` len)
foldM' :: a -> [b] -> (a -> b -> IO a) -> IO a
foldM' val0 ls f = foldM f val0 ls
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
foreign import ccall unsafe "domain_info.h get_xenstore_evtchn"
get_xenstore_evtchn :: IO Word32
foreign import ccall unsafe "domain_info.h get_xenstore_mfn"
get_xenstore_mfn :: IO Word
foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h memcpy"
memcpy :: Ptr a -> Ptr a -> Int -> IO ()
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