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Last active October 7, 2020 08:38
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function tournamentScores(matchArray = ['', '']) {
let teamDataMap = new Map();
matchArray.forEach((matchString) => {
let [team1, team2] = matchString.split(' - ');
let [team1Name,team1Goals] = team1.split(' ');
let [team2Name,team2Goals] = team1.split(' ');
let result = [...teamDataMap.entries()].map(array => Array.from([array[0]]).concat(array[1]));
result.sort(([team1, pt1, gs1, gd1], [team2, pt2, gs2, gd2]) => {
if (pt1 === pt2) {
if (gs2 === gs1) {
return (gd1 - gd2);
return (gs1 - gs2);
return pt1-pt2;
return result;
function addToMap(teamDataMap = new Map(), team1Name = '', team1Goals = 1, team2Goals = 1) {
if (teamDataMap.get(team1Name) !== undefined) {
let teamData = teamDataMap.get(team1Name);
teamData[0] += team1Goals > team2Goals ? 3 : (team1Goals === team2Goals ? 1 : 0);
teamData[1] += team1Goals;
teamData[2] += team1Goals - team2Goals;
teamDataMap.set(team1Name, teamData)
} else {
teamDataMap.set(team1Name, [team1Goals > team2Goals ? 3 : (team1Goals === team2Goals ? 1 : 0), team1Goals, team1Goals-team2Goals])
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