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Last active April 12, 2018 12:32
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Heliocentric coordinates from Kepler orbit and time
var moment = require('moment');
module.exports = function(/* orbit, [Date, time String], [format String], [etc] */){
// Takes an orbit definition of the kind used in GEOF stellar-objects and
// remaining arguments as moment arguments, returning heliocentric
// rectangular coordinates in α's unit (probably AU).
// TODO: Does not yet take into account changes in orbit over time.
// TODO: Converts between degrees and radians too often, I think.
// TODO: May not actually need to keep longitudes between 0 and 2π||360.
// TODO: Might be useful to get spherical coordinates (λ,β,Δ?) too.
// TODO: Eventually: Rotation, precession, and axial tilt.
// TODO: Eventually: Can this do satellites?
// Technique based upon
var args =
, orbit = args.shift();
var π = Math.PI
, rad_deg = π / 180 // rad per deg
, deg_rad = 180 / π // deg per rad
, ms_d = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // ms per day
, cos = function(deg){return Math.cos(rad_deg * deg);}
, sin = function(deg){return Math.sin(rad_deg * deg);}
, pow = Math.pow
, t = moment.apply(this, args).diff(moment(orbit._0.epoch), 'milliseconds') / ms_d
, α = orbit.α
, e = orbit.e
, i = orbit.i
, Ω = orbit.Ω
, ϖ = orbit.ϖ
, P = orbit.orbital_period
, M_0 = orbit._0.L - ϖ
// find the mean motion
var n = 360 / P;
// find the mean anomaly
var M = (M_0 + n * t) % 360;
M = M < 0 ? M + 360 : M;
// find the true anomaly
// this is an approximation using equation of the center
var ν = M + deg_rad * [ (2 * e - pow(e,3)/4) * sin(M)
+ 5/4 * pow(e,2) * sin(2*M)
+ 13/12 * pow(e,3) * sin(3*M) ];
// find the radius vector
var r = α * (1 - pow(e,2)) / [1 + e * cos(ν)];
var λ = (ν + ϖ - Ω) % 360;
λ = λ < 0 ? λ + 360 : λ;
var x = r * [cos(Ω) * cos(λ) - sin(Ω) * sin(λ) * cos(i)]
, y = r * [sin(Ω) * cos(λ) + cos(Ω) * sin(λ) * cos(i)]
, z = r * [sin(λ) * sin(i)]
// var accuracy = (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x,2) + Math.pow(y,2) + Math.pow(z,2)) - r);
return {x: x, y: y, z: z};
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