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Created November 20, 2018 00:38
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Delete all megacool recordings
- (void)deleteAllRecordings {
int count = 0;
NSFileManager *fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager;
NSURL *appSupport =
[fileManager URLsForDirectory:NSApplicationSupportDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask][0];
NSURL *megacoolAppSupport = [appSupport URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Megacool" isDirectory:YES];
NSError *error;
NSArray<NSURL *> *recordingDirectories = [fileManager
if (!recordingDirectories) {
NSLog(@"Couldn't list Megacool recordings: %@", error.localizedDescription);
for (NSURL *recordingDirectory in recordingDirectories) {
// All recording directories are a hex hash of the recordingId
if (recordingDirectory.lastPathComponent.length != 32) {
NSLog(@"Not deleting non-recording directory %@", recordingDirectory.absoluteString);
NSString *recordingId = @"UNKNOWN";
// Not necessary, but parse the details of the recording to log which recording it was
NSURL *recordingStateFile = [recordingDirectory URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"state.json"];
NSData *binaryState = [fileManager contentsAtPath:recordingStateFile.path];
if (!binaryState) {
NSLog(@"Failed to load state for recording at %@, deleting anyway", recordingStateFile);
} else {
NSDictionary *state = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:binaryState options:0 error:&error];
if (!state) {
NSLog(@"Could not deserialize recording state: %@", error.localizedDescription);
} else {
recordingId = state[@"recordingId"];
NSLog(@"Deleting recording '%@' at %@", recordingId, recordingDirectory.absoluteString);
if (![fileManager removeItemAtURL:recordingDirectory error:&error] &&
error.code != NSFileNoSuchFileError) {
NSLog(@"Failed to delete recording '%@': %@", recordingId, error.localizedDescription);
} else {
count += 1;
NSLog(@"Deleted %d recordings", count);
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