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How to get a telegram id
# How to get an id to use on Telegram Messenger
###### The ultimate guide
* [Telegram Web](#telegram-web)
* [User ID](#web-user-id)
* [Group ID](#web-group-id)
* [Channel ID](#web-channel-id)
* [Telegram-CLI](#telegram-cli)
* [User ID](#cli-user-id)
* [Group ID](#cli-group-id)
* [Channel ID](#cli-channel-id)
## Telegram Web
Available on
Follow the steps displayed to log in the app.
### Web User ID
It's not possible to find the user ID using this method. So, the easiest way to do it is talking to [@userinfobot]( If you need to find somebody else's ID, forward a message to the bot.
###### _This bot is not mine! Use it on your own risk!_
### Web Group ID
Click on the group you want and see the url displayed on your browser.
If it's a __public__ group, you can simply use it's `@name` as an id.
If it's __private group__, the url must be like:
If this is the case, then the group ID is `-331054`. Always negative!
For __private super groups__ the url must be like:
If this is the case, then the group ID whois be `1041843721`. But it's important to know that __super group IDs__ are always a 13 characters negative integer, so the correct ID is `-1001041843721`.
### Web Channel ID
Click on the channel you want and see the url displayed on your browser.
If it's a __public__ group, the ID is `@name` of the group.
If it's a __private group__ then the url must be similar to:
If this is the case, then the channel ID would be `1018013852`. It's important to know that channel's IDs are always negative and 13 characters long! So add `-100` to it, making the correct ID `-1001018013852`.
## Telegram-CLI
The best way I found to get ids is using Telegram-CLI.
It's available on
Install and run it. I recommend using bot mode `-b`, but it's optional.
Run `Telegram CLI`:
bin/telegram-cli -k -b
Wait for it do load and then paste a bot token.
The output must be similar to this:
root@prod:/usr/src/tg# bin/telegram-cli -k -b
change_user_group: can't find the user telegramd to switch to
Telegram-cli version 1.4.0, Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Vitaly Valtman
Telegram-cli comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show_license'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show_license' for details.
Telegram-cli uses libtgl version 2.1.0
Telegram-cli includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (
I: config dir=[/root/.telegram-cli]
[/root/.telegram-cli] created
[/root/.telegram-cli/downloads] created
### CLI User ID
To get a user id, ask the user to send any message do the bot and observe it on `Telegram CLI` window.
The message must appear similar to this:
[11:07] Gabriel R F »»» /start
Then, on `Telegram CLI`, type:
user_info Gabriel_R_F
Note that spaces are replaced by `_`.
The output will be something like this:
User Gabriel R F @GabrielRF (#9083329):
phone: (null)
offline (was online recently)
There you go! The user id, on this example, is `9083329`.
### CLI Group ID
Add the bot to the group. On `Telegram CLI`, a message will be printed.
[11:12] test Gabriel R F added user test
Then, on `Telegram CLI`, type
chat_info test
Where `test` is the group's name. Note that spaces are replaced by `_`.
The output on `Telegram CLI` will be similar to:
Chat test updated admin members
Chat test (id 148228539) members:
test invited by Gabriel R F at [2016/03/29 11:12:30]
Gabriel R F invited by Gabriel R F at [2016/03/29 11:11:18] admin
So, the id for the example group is `-148228539`.
Group ids are always a __negative integer__, so remember to add the `-` while using it on the Telegram API.
### CLI Channel ID
Finally, to get a channel id, add the bot as a channel `administrator`.
On `Telegram CLI` type:
channel_info test
where `test` is the channel's name. The output must be like this:
Channel test (id 1035716040):
2 participants, 2 admins, 0 kicked
Here is the trick. Every channel id is a __13 characters negative integer__. So the id for this channel is `-1001035716040` and not `1035716040` as printed.
### Questions?
Talk to me on Telegram Messenger! [@GabrielRF](
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