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Created June 2, 2013 07:14
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Save thuvh/5692891 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
decode processing in machine translation
\newcommand{\mx}[1]{\mathbf{\bm{#1}}} % Matrix command
\newcommand{\vc}[1]{\mathbf{\bm{#1}}} % Vector command
%%%%%%%%%%% latex
%\tikzset{external/system call={latex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape -halt-on-error
%-interaction=batchmode -jobname "\image" "\texsource" &&
%dvips -o "\image".ps "\image".dvi &&
%ps2eps "\"}}
%%%%%%%%%%% pdflatex
\tikzset{external/system call={pdflatex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape -halt-on-error
-interaction=batchmode -jobname "\image" "\texsource" && % or ;
pdftops -eps "\image".pdf}}
\tikzexternalize[shell escape=-enable-write18]
%pdflatex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape -halt-on-error
%-interaction=batchmode -jobname "\image" "\texsource" && % or ;
%pdftops -eps "\image".pdf
% We need layers to draw the block diagram
% Define a few styles and constants
\tikzstyle{sensor}=[text width=14em, text centered, minimum height=2.5em]
\tikzstyle{ann} = [above, text width=5em]
\tikzstyle{naveqs} = [sensor, draw, text width=15em, minimum height=14em, rounded corners, text centered]
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, text centered]
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex']
\node (f) [block] {Souce Language Sentence};
\node (chunk) [block, below of=f, node distance=1cm]{Building Shallow Syntactic};
\node (rule) [block, below of=chunk, node distance=1cm]{Applying Transformation Rules};
\node (model) [naveqs, below of=rule, node distance=3.2cm] {%
Beam Search
e^{*} =\operatorname*{arg\,max}_e \sum_{m=0}^{M} \lambda_{m}h_{m}(e, f)
\node (e) [block, below of=model, node distance=3.2cm] {Target Language Sentence};
% Note the use of \path instead of \node at ... below.
\path [line] (f) -- (chunk);
\path [line] (chunk) -- (rule);
\path [line] (rule) -- (model);
\path [line] (model) -- (e);
\path (model.35)+(\blockdist, 0) node (lm) [sensor] {Language Model ($h_1(e)$)};
\path (model.15)+(\blockdist,0) node (tm) [sensor] {Translation Model ($h_2(e,f)$)};
\path (model.-10)+(\blockdist,0) node (o) [sensor] {$\vdots$};
% Unfortunately we cant use the convenient \path (fromnode) -- (tonode)
% syntax here. This is because TikZ draws the path from the node centers
% and clip the path at the node boundaries. We want horizontal lines, but
% the sensor and naveq blocks aren't aligned horizontally. Instead we use
% the line intersection syntax |- to calculate the correct coordinate
% \path [line] (lm) -- (model);
\path [draw, ->] (lm) -- (model.east |- lm);
\path [draw, ->] (tm) -- (model.east |- tm);
% % We could simply have written (gyros) .. (naveq.140). However, it's
% % best to avoid hard coding coordinates
% \path [draw, ->] (accel) -- node [above] {$\vc{f}^b$}
% (naveq.west |- accel);
% \node (IMU) [below of=accel] {IMU};
% \path (naveq.south west)+(-0.6,-0.4) node (INS) {INS};
% \draw [->] (naveq.50) -- node [ann] {Velocity } + (\edgedist,0)
% node[right] {$\vc{v}^l$};
% \draw [->] (naveq.20) -- node [ann] {Attitude} + (\edgedist,0)
% node[right] { $\mx{R}_l^b$};
% \draw [->] (naveq.-25) -- node [ann] {Horisontal position} + (\edgedist,0)
% node [right] {$\mx{R}_e^l$};
% \draw [->] (naveq.-50) -- node [ann] {Depth} + (\edgedist,0)
% node[right] {$z$};
% Now it's time to draw the colored IMU and INS rectangles.
% To draw them behind the blocks we use pgf layers. This way we
% can use the above block coordinates to place the backgrounds
% % Compute a few helper coordinates
% \path (lm.west |- model.north)+(-0.5,0.3) node (a) {};
% \path (INS.south -| naveq.east)+(+0.3,-0.2) node (b) {};
% \path[fill=yellow!20,rounded corners, draw=black!50, dashed]
% (a) rectangle (b);
\path (lm.north west)+(-0.2,0.2) node (a) {};
\path (o.south -| lm.east)+(+0.2,-0.2) node (b) {};
\path[draw=black!50, dashed] (a) rectangle (b);
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