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Last active January 17, 2023 09:26
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React Router Robodex

React Router Lecture with Sankofa


Review of React - 15 minutes

  • Take a good look at Robodex!
  • What are the features you all built out together?
  • What is the component hiearchy?
  • What state lives in Context? Why?
  • What state doesn't live in Context? Why not?

Client Side Routing - 10 minutes

  • When you think Client Side Routing, what comes to mind?
  • How is this different from backend routing? How is it similar?
  • Why is client side routing important?
  • What is Reatc Router so awesome and easy to use?!?!

Coding Activity - 30 minutes

Visualize the End Goal

Let's imagine what Robodex would look like with different client side routes (pages)!

  • What features do you notice?
  • What URLs do you notice?

Plan the Mockups and Component Hierarchy

  • In our Mockups, what is the navigation flow?
  • What should change about our component hierarchy?

How will be built this out?

  1. Familize ourselves with the React Router Docs!
  2. Set up React Router
  3. Build our Home page and Robots page
  4. Navigate between pages
  5. Build our Show (single robot) page using React Router Hooks!

Set up

npm install react-router-dom

What does this do? How can we check that this step was successful?

After you've installed but before you code, you must wrap you project in a <BrowserRouter/>

    {/* The rest of your app goes here */}

Building our (Static) Pages and Navbar

Our Navbar component will always be a child of <App/>, but depending on the URL, we will see either the <HomePage/>, <RobotsPage/> or <ShowPage/>!

To build routes, we use a <Routes/> component and have many <Route/> components as children!

  <Route path="/" element={<HomePage/>} />
  <Route path="/robots" element={<RobotsPage/>} />
  • The element props is the JSX (content) that is rendered!

  • The path prop match against the URL to determine if this route renders.

Navigation Between Pages

  • Outside of React, what HTML tag do we use to link pages together?

  • The <Link/> component compiles down into an <a> tag and the to prop specifies that URL to link to.

<Link class="item" to="/">

Build the Show (Single Robot) Page

  • If a path segment starts with : then it becomes a dynamic segment.

  • In what situations would dynamic segments be useful?

<Route path="/robots/:id" element={<ShowPage/>} />
  • We can use the useParams() to grab the path parameter from the URL and store it in a variable. Then, we can make a fetch call to our API to get the robot with that id.
  let { id } = useParams();
  let [robot, setRobot] = useState(null)

  useEffect(() => {
    .then(res => res.json())
    .then(bot => {
  }, [])

useNavigate Hook

Sometimes, you want to navigate to a new URL when you click on a button. The hook useNavigate() does exactly that!

import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";

let navigate = useNavigate();

onClick={() => {navigate("/robots")}}

Building a Catch-All Page

Splats, also known as "catchall" and "star" segments. If a route path pattern ends with /* then it will match any characters following the /, including other / characters.

<Route path="*" element={<h1>404 Not Found!</h1>}/>
Navbar code:
      <div class="ui segment inverted menu">
        <a class="item">
        <a class="item">
HomePage code:
      <div className="ui massive message">
        <div className="ui container">
          <h1 className="ui huge header">Hello, world!</h1>
            This is a template for a robot or informational website. It includes a large callout called a jumbotron and three supporting pieces of content. Use it as a starting point to create something more unique.
          <button className="ui large primary button">Learn more</button>
      <div className="ui container">
        <div className="ui three column stackable grid">
          <div className="column">
            <h1 className="ui header">Caston</h1>
            <img src=""/>
            <div className="ui small basic button">View details</div>
          <div className="column">
            <h1 className="ui header">Ana</h1>
            <img src=""/>
            <div className="ui small basic button">View details</div>
          <div className="column">
            <h1 className="ui header">Jowel</h1>
            <img src=""/>
            <div className="ui small basic button">View details</div>
ShowPage code
<div className="App ui container">
      <div class="ui centered card">
        <div class="ui image">
          <img src={robot.url} class="visible content"/>
        <div class="content">
          <a class="header">{}</a>
          <div class="meta">
            <span class="date">{}</span>
        <div class="extra content">
            <i className="icon heartbeat red" />
            Level: {robot.level}
      <button className="ui button">
        <Link to="/robots">
          Back to Robot Collection
NotFoundPage code
    <img src="" />
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