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Last active December 7, 2023 08:17
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Windows tools installation scripts

Installing Tools

Docker install

# default install
iwr -uri -UseBasicParsing | iex

# custom version install
$DOCKER_VERSION="19.03.3"; iwr -uri -UseBasicParsing | iex

Git install

# default install
iwr -uri -UseBasicParsing | iex

# custom version install
$GIT_VERSION="2.23.0"; iwr -uri -UseBasicParsing | iex

Go install

# default install
iwr -uri -UseBasicParsing | iex

# custom version install
$GO_VERSION="1.12.8"; iwr -uri -UseBasicParsing | iex

Tcpdump install

# default install
iwr -uri -UseBasicParsing | iex

# custom url install
$TCPDUMP_DOWNLOAD_URI=""; iwr -uri -UseBasicParsing | iex

Manage sshd


# enable 
iwr -uri -UseBasicParsing | iex

# disable
$SSHD_ENABLED="disabled"; iwr -uri -UseBasicParsing | iex

# configure a remote administrator with public key
$SSH_USER="<user name>";
$SSH_USER_PUBLICKEY="<user public key>";
iwr -uri -UseBasicParsing | iex

# configure a remote user with public key
$SSH_USER="<user name>";
$SSH_USER_PUBLICKEY="<user public key>";
iwr -uri -UseBasicParsing | iex
function Log-Info
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Blue "INFO "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
function Log-Warn
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkYellow "WARN "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
function Log-Error
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkRed "ERRO "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
function Log-Fatal
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkRed "FATA "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
exit 255
if (-not $DOCKER_VERSION) {
if ($env:DOCKER_VERSION) {
} else {
$dockerIdxJson = $(curl.exe -sSkL | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json)
$vs = $DOCKER_VERSION -split '\.'
switch ($vs.count) {
3 {
$dockerVersionJson = $dockerIdxJson | Select-Object -ErrorAction Ignore -ExpandProperty "versions" | Select-Object -ErrorAction Ignore -ExpandProperty "$DOCKER_VERSION"
if (-not $dockerVersionJson) {
Log-Fatal "Invalid Docker version: $DOCKER_VERSION, please view:"
$DOCKER_DOWNLOAD_URI = $dockerVersionJson.url
2 {
$dockerVersionJson = $dockerIdxJson | Select-Object -ErrorAction Ignore -ExpandProperty "versions" | Select-Object -ErrorAction Ignore -ExpandProperty $($dockerIdxJson | Select-Object -ErrorAction Ignore -ExpandProperty "channels" | Select-Object -ErrorAction Ignore -ExpandProperty "$DOCKER_VERSION" | Select-Object -ErrorAction Ignore -ExpandProperty "version")
if (-not $dockerVersionJson) {
Log-Fatal "Invalid Docker version: $DOCKER_VERSION, please view:"
$DOCKER_DOWNLOAD_URI = $dockerVersionJson.url
default {
if ($DOCKER_VERSION -eq "cs") {
$dockerVersionJson = $dockerIdxJson | Select-Object -ErrorAction Ignore -ExpandProperty "versions" | Select-Object -ErrorAction Ignore -ExpandProperty $($dockerIdxJson | Select-Object -ErrorAction Ignore -ExpandProperty "channels" | Select-Object -ErrorAction Ignore -ExpandProperty $($dockerIdxJson.channels | Select-Object -ErrorAction Ignore -ExpandProperty "cs" | Select-Object -ErrorAction Ignore -ExpandProperty "alias") | Select-Object -ErrorAction Ignore -ExpandProperty "version")
if (-not $dockerVersionJson) {
Log-Fatal "Could not find default Docker version, please indicate a specifial version after viewing:"
$DOCKER_DOWNLOAD_URI = $dockerVersionJson.url
} else {
Log-Fatal "Invalid Docker version: $DOCKER_VERSION, please view:"
Log-Info "Downloading Docker from $DOCKER_DOWNLOAD_URI ..."
Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -OutFile "$($env:TEMP)\" $DOCKER_DOWNLOAD_URI
if (Get-Service docker -ErrorAction Ignore) {
Log-Warn "Stopping the existing Docker ..."
Stop-Service docker -Force
Log-Warn "Removing from Windows Service ..."
dockerd --unregister-service
Log-Info "Expanding the downloaded Docker package ..."
Expand-Archive "$($env:TEMP)\" -DestinationPath $env:ProgramFiles -Force
Remove-Item "$($env:TEMP)\" -Force
Log-Info "Refreshing the environment path ..."
$env:PATH = "$($env:ProgramFiles)\docker;$($env:PATH)"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $env:PATH, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
Log-Info "Registering to Windows Service ..."
dockerd --register-service --experimental
if (Get-Service docker -ErrorAction Ignore) {
Set-Service docker -StartupType Automatic
} else {
Log-Fatal "Failed to register: could not found docker service"
Log-Info "Verifying the required feature ..."
$iwfr = (Install-WindowsFeature Containers)
if ($iwfr.RestartNeeded -ne "No") {
Log-Warn "Restart computer after 10 seconds: newly install Container Windows Feature ..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
Log-Info "Finished"
exit 0
Start-Service docker
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
docker info
Log-Info "Finished"
function Log-Info
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Blue "INFO "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
function Log-Warn
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkYellow "WARN "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
function Log-Error
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkRed "ERRO "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
function Log-Fatal
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkRed "FATA "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
exit 255
if (-not $GIT_DOWNLOAD_URI) {
if ($env:GIT_DOWNLOAD_URI) {
if (-not $GIT_DOWNLOAD_URI) {
if (-not $GIT_VERSION) {
if ($env:GIT_VERSION) {
} else {
$GIT_VERSION = "2.23.0"
$GIT_DOWNLOAD_URI = '{0}.windows.1/MinGit-{0}' -f $GIT_VERSION
Log-Info "Downloading Git from $GIT_DOWNLOAD_URI ..."
Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -OutFile "$($env:TEMP)\" $GIT_DOWNLOAD_URI
Log-Info "Expanding the downloaded Git package ..."
Expand-Archive "$($env:TEMP)\" -DestinationPath "$($env:ProgramFiles)\git\." -Force
Remove-Item "$($env:TEMP)\" -Force
Log-Info "Refreshing the environment path ..."
$env:PATH = "$($env:ProgramFiles)\git\cmd;$($env:ProgramFiles)\git\mingw64\bin;$($env:ProgramFiles)\git\usr\bin;$($env:PATH)"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $env:PATH, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
git --version
Log-Info "Finished"
function Log-Info
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Blue "INFO "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
function Log-Warn
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkYellow "WARN "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
function Log-Error
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkRed "ERRO "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
function Log-Fatal
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkRed "FATA "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
exit 255
if (-not $GO_DOWNLOAD_URI) {
if ($env:GO_DOWNLOAD_URI) {
if (-not $GO_DOWNLOAD_URI) {
if (-not $GO_VERSION) {
if ($env:GO_VERSION) {
} else {
$GO_VERSION = "1.12.8"
Log-Info "Downloading Go from $GO_DOWNLOAD_URI ..."
Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -OutFile "$($env:TEMP)\" $GO_DOWNLOAD_URI
Log-Info "Expanding the downloaded Go package ..."
Expand-Archive "$($env:TEMP)\" -DestinationPath "$($env:ProgramFiles)\" -Force
Remove-Item "$($env:TEMP)\" -Force
Log-Info "Refreshing the environment path ..."
$env:GOPATH = 'c:\gopath'
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('GOPATH', $env:GOPATH, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path @("$($env:GOPATH)\src", "$($env:GOPATH)\bin", "$($env:GOPATH)\pkg") -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null
$env:PATH = "$($env:ProgramFiles)\go\bin;$($env:GOPATH)\bin;$($env:PATH)"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', $env:PATH, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
go version
Log-Info "Finished"
#Requires -Version 5.0
# Configure a Windows host for remote management with WinRM
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Background
# ----------
# This script learns inspiration from Ansible Windows Server Configuration, it can check
# the current Windows host configuration is able to allow WinRM to connect,
# authenticate and test.
# Use option "-Reverse" to turn off the WinRM.
# Usage
# -----
# This script has already tested on Windows Server 2016(1709), there is NO GUARANTEE that
# the previous versions will be ok.
# Logging
# -------
# All events are logged to the Windows EventLog, it can review by "ps> Get-EventLog -LogName WinRMSetup".
# Use option "-LogLevel" to provide an integer to indicate the log level, 0-DEBUG, 1-INFO,
# 2-WARN, 3-ERROR.
# Host
# ----
# Use option "-HostName" to specify this host's name.
# Use option "-HostIP" to specify this host's IP.
# Authentication
# --------------
# By default, the WinRM authentication enables Basic, Kerberos and Negotiate.
# Use option "-AuthCredSSP", "-AuthCertificate", "-AuthBasic", "-AuthKerberos"to enable
# corresponding type as an authentication option.
# Use option "-AuthCredSSP:$false", "-AuthCertificate:$false", "-AuthBasic:$false", "-AuthKerberos:$false" to disable
# corresponding type as an authentication option.
# Use option "-AuthCertificateGroup" to specify a local group name which must exist in host, "ps> Get-LocalGroup"
# Use option "-AuthCertificateUser" to specify a local user name, if the user doesn't exist, this script will
# create (s)he and append to "$AuthCertificateGroup", "ps> Get-LocalUser"
# Use option "-AuthCertificateUserDomain" to specify the domain of local user name.
# Use option "-AuthCertificateUserThumbprint" to provide a client certificate thumbprint
# hich exists in Cert:\LocalMachine\TrustedPeople
# Security
# --------
# By default, the PowerShell doesn't allow the PUBLIC zone devices to access.
# Use option "-SkipPSNetworkProfileCheck" to skip the network profile check, and then
# the PowerShell can accept the accessing from DOMAIN, PRIVATE and PUBLIC zone.
# Use option "-SkipEncryptedService" to connect the WinRM service withou encrypted, if don't use SSL.
# SSL Certificate
# ---------------
# The WinRM also supports HTTPS, this script defaults to allow HTTP and HTTPS.
# Use option "-SkipSSL" to disable using SSL.
# Use option "-SSLThumbprint" to provide a SSL certificate thumbprint which exists in Cert:\LocalMachine\My
# Use option "-NewCertValidityDays" to specify how long the new SSL certificate is valid starting from today.
# Use option "-NewCertForce" to create a new self-signed certificate and be forced on the WinRM Listener
# when re-running this script. This is necessary when a new SID and CN name is created.
# Use option "-NewCertOutputDir" to specify a path to export the server cacert and cert, default is $pwd.
Param (
[ValidateSet(0, 1, 2, 3)]
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$LogLevel = 1,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$EventLogName = "WinRMSetup",
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$EventSource = "ConfigureWinRM",
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$HostName = ((Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).DNSHostName),
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$HostIP = "",
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$AuthCredSSP = $false,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$AuthBasic = $false,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$AuthKerberos = $true,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$AuthCertificate = $false,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$AuthCertificateGroup = "Administrators",
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$AuthCertificateUser = "Administrator",
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$AuthCertificateUserDomain = "localhost",
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$AuthCertificateUserThumbprint,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$SkipPSNetworkProfileCheck = $false,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$SkipEncryptedService,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$SkipSSL = $false,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$SSLThumbprint,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$NewCertValidityDays = 1095,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$NewCertForce = $false,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$NewCertOutputDir = $pwd,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$Reverse = $false
################ Tools ################
Function log-debug {
If ($LogLevel -eq 0) {
$message = $args[0]
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan "[DEBUG]: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkCyan "$message"
Function log-info {
If (($LogLevel -ge 0) -and ($LogLevel -le 1)) {
$message = $args[0]
Write-Host -NoNewline "[ INFO]: "
Write-Host "$message"
Write-EventLog -LogName $EventLogName -Source $EventSource -EntryType Information -EventId 1 -Message $message
Function log-warn {
If (($LogLevel -ge 0) -and ($LogLevel -le 2)) {
$message = $args[0]
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Magenta "[ WARN]: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "$message"
Write-EventLog -LogName $EventLogName -Source $EventSource -EntryType Warning -EventId 1 -Message $message
Function log-err {
$message = $args[0]
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red "[ERROR]: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "$message"
Write-EventLog -LogName $EventLogName -Source $EventSource -EntryType Error -EventId 1 -Message $message
Function check-identity {
$currentPrincipal = new-object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
if (-not $currentPrincipal.IsInRole([System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) {
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red "[ERROR]: "
Write-Output "You need elevated Administrator privileges in order to run this script."
Write-Output " Start Windows PowerShell by using the Run as Administrator option."
Exit 2
Function prepare-log {
If ([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::Exists($EventLogName) -eq $False -or [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists($EventSource) -eq $False) {
$null = New-EventLog -LogName $EventLogName -Source $EventSource
Function check-powershell {
log-debug "Verifying PowerShell version."
If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5) {
Throw "PowerShell version 5 or higher is required."
Function download {
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Url,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$DestinationPath
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = @([Net.SecurityProtocolType]::SystemDefault, [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Ssl3, [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12)
Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $DestinationPath -Uri $Url -ErrorAction Stop
################ Private ################
Function detect-requirements {
Function generate-client-certificate-thumbprint {
Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\Root\ | foreach {
If ($_.Subject -eq "CN=$AuthCertificateUser") {
Remove-Item -Force "Cert:\LocalMachine\My\$($_.Thumbprint)" -ErrorAction Ignore
Remove-Item -Force "Cert:\LocalMachine\Root\$($_.Thumbprint)" -ErrorAction Ignore
Remove-Item -Force "Cert:\LocalMachine\TrustedPeople\$($_.Thumbprint)" -ErrorAction Ignore
Remove-Item -Force "Cert:\LocalMachine\CA\$($_.Thumbprint)" -ErrorAction Ignore
$clientParams = @{
Type = 'Custom'
Subject = "CN=$AuthCertificateUser"
KeyLength = 2048
KeyAlgorithm = 'RSA'
HashAlgorithm = 'SHA256'
NotAfter = (Get-Date).AddYears(100)
KeyExportPolicy = 'Exportable'
KeyUsage = 'DigitalSignature', 'KeyEncipherment'
TextExtension = @("{text}", "{text}UPN=$AuthCertificateUser@$AuthCertificateUserDomain")
$clientCA = New-SelfSignedCertificate @clientParams
log-info "Created client CA for $AuthCertificateUser@$AuthCertificateUserDomain of $AuthCertificateGroup ."
log-debug "Exporting winrm-client-$AuthCertificateUser cert.pem and key.pem to $NewCertOutputDir ."
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----`n" + [Convert]::ToBase64String($clientCA.Export([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::Cert), "InsertLineBreaks") + "`n-----END CERTIFICATE-----" | Out-File -Force -FilePath "$NewCertOutputDir\winrm-client-$AuthCertificateUser-cert.pem" -Encoding ascii
pushd $env:TEMP
Export-PfxCertificate -Cert $clientCA -FilePath "winrm-client-$AuthCertificateUser-cert.pfx" -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "changeit" -Force) | Out-Null
Try {
openssl.exe pkcs12 -in "winrm-client-$AuthCertificateUser-cert.pfx" -nocerts -nodes -out "$NewCertOutputDir\winrm-client-$AuthCertificateUser-key.pem" -password pass:changeit | Out-Null
} Catch [System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException] {
$opensslPath = [Io.path]::Combine($env:ProgramFiles, "openssl", "bin", "openssl.exe")
If (-not (Test-Path $opensslPath)) {
download -Url -DestinationPath
$null = Expand-Archive -Force -DestinationPath "$env:ProgramFiles\openssl\." -Verbose:$false -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
$path = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
If (-not $path.Contains("$env:ProgramFiles\openssl\bin")) {
$path += ";$env:ProgramFiles\openssl\bin"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $path, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
pushd "$env:ProgramFiles\openssl\bin"
.\openssl.exe pkcs12 -in "$env:TEMP\winrm-client-$AuthCertificateUser-cert.pfx" -nocerts -nodes -out "$NewCertOutputDir\winrm-client-$AuthCertificateUser-key.pem" -password pass:changeit | Out-Null
Remove-Item -Force "winrm-client-$AuthCertificateUser-cert.pfx" -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null
Export-Certificate -Cert $clientCA -Force -FilePath "$env:TEMP\winrm-client.crt" | Out-Null
Import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation 'Cert:\LocalMachine\Root' -FilePath "$env:TEMP\winrm-client.crt" | Out-Null
Import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation 'Cert:\LocalMachine\TrustedPeople' -FilePath "$env:TEMP\winrm-client.crt" | Out-Null
Import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation 'Cert:\LocalMachine\CA' -FilePath "$env:TEMP\winrm-client.crt" | Out-Null
Remove-Item -Force "$env:TEMP\winrm-client.crt" -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null
log-info "Exported winrm-client-$AuthCertificateUser cert.pem and key.pem to $NewCertOutputDir ."
return $clientCA.Thumbprint
Function configure-winrm-authentication {
log-debug "Configuring WinRM Authentication."
$authSetting = Get-ChildItem WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth
# Basic
$basicAuthSetting = $authSetting | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "Basic"}
If ($AuthBasic) {
If (($basicAuthSetting.Value) -eq $true) {
log-info "Basic auth is already enabled."
} Else {
log-debug "Enabling Basic auth support."
Set-Item -Path "WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\Basic" -Value $true
log-info "Enabled Basic auth support."
} Else {
If (($basicAuthSetting.Value) -eq $false) {
log-info "Basic auth is already disabled."
} Else {
log-debug "Disabling Basic auth support."
Set-Item -Path "WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\Basic" -Value $false
log-info "Disabled Basic auth support."
# Kerberos
$kerberosAuthSetting = $authSetting | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "Kerberos"}
If ($AuthKerberos) {
If (($kerberosAuthSetting.Value) -eq $true) {
log-info "Kerberos auth is already enabled."
} Else {
log-debug "Enabling Kerberos auth support."
Set-Item -Path "WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\Kerberos" -Value $true
log-info "Enabled Kerberos auth support."
} Else {
If (($kerberosAuthSetting.Value) -eq $false) {
log-info "Kerberos auth is already disabled."
} Else {
log-debug "Disabling Kerberos auth support."
Set-Item -Path "WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\Kerberos" -Value $false
log-info "Disabled Kerberos auth support."
# Certificate
$certificateAuthSetting = $authSetting | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "Certificate"}
If ($AuthCertificate) {
If ($SkipSSL) {
Throw "Using Certificate authentication must work with SSL."
If (($certificateAuthSetting.Value) -eq $true) {
log-info "Certificate auth is already enabled."
} Else {
log-debug "Enabling Certificate auth support."
Set-Item -Path "WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\Certificate" -Value $true
log-info "Enabled Certificate auth support."
$clientThumbprint = $null
If ($AuthCertificateUserThumbprint) {
$clientThumbprint = $AuthCertificateUserThumbprint
} Else {
$clientThumbprint = generate-client-certificate-thumbprint
log-info "Client certificate thumbprint: $clientThumbprint ."
$currentPrincipal = new-object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
$credential = Get-Credential -UserName $currentPrincipal.Identities.Name -Message "Please login again to setup the client certificate."
Get-ChildItem WSMan:\localhost\ClientCertificate | foreach {
If (($_ | Get-ChildItem | ? Name -eq "Subject").Value -eq "$AuthCertificateUser@$AuthCertificateUserDomain") {
$_ | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null
$null = New-Item -Path WSMan:\localhost\ClientCertificate -Subject "$AuthCertificateUser@$AuthCertificateUserDomain" -URI * -Issuer $clientThumbprint -Credential $credential -Force -ErrorAction Stop
} Else {
If (($certificateAuthSetting.Value) -eq $false) {
log-info "Certificate auth is already disabled."
} Else {
log-debug "Disabling Certificate auth support."
Set-Item -Path "WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\Certificate" -Value $false
log-info "Disabled Certificate auth support."
# CredSSP
$credSSPAuthSetting = $authSetting | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "CredSSP"}
If ($AuthCredSSP) {
Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Server -Force -WarningAction Ignore -ErrorAction Ignore
If (($credSSPAuthSetting.Value) -eq $true) {
log-info "CredSSP auth is already enabled."
} Else {
log-debug "Enabling CredSSP auth support."
Set-Item -Path "WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\CredSSP" -Value $true
log-info "Enabled CredSSP auth support."
} Else {
If (($credSSPAuthSetting.Value) -eq $false) {
log-info "CredSSP auth is already disabled."
} Else {
log-debug "Disabling CredSSP auth support."
Set-Item -Path "WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\CredSSP" -Value $false
log-info "Disabled CredSSP auth support."
Function generate-cert {
$validayDate = (Get-Date).AddDays($NewCertValidityDays)
Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\Root\ | foreach {
If ($_.Subject -eq "CN=$HostName") {
Remove-Item -Force "Cert:\LocalMachine\Root\$($_.Thumbprint)" -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null
Remove-Item -Force "Cert:\LocalMachine\My\$($_.Thumbprint)" -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null
$certParams = $null
If ($HostIP) {
$certParams = @{
Subject = "CN=$HostName"
KeyLength = 2048
KeyAlgorithm = 'RSA'
HashAlgorithm = 'SHA256'
KeyExportPolicy = 'Exportable'
NotAfter = $validayDate
KeyUsage = 'DigitalSignature', 'DataEncipherment', 'KeyEncipherment', 'KeyAgreement'
TextExtension = @("{text},", "{text}IPAddress=$HostIP&DNS=$HostName")
} Else {
$certParams = @{
Subject = "CN=$HostName"
KeyLength = 2048
KeyAlgorithm = 'RSA'
HashAlgorithm = 'SHA256'
KeyExportPolicy = 'Exportable'
NotAfter = $validayDate
KeyUsage = 'DigitalSignature', 'DataEncipherment', 'KeyEncipherment', 'KeyAgreement'
TextExtension = @("{text},", "{text}DNS=$HostName")
$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate @certParams
log-info "Created the server certificate."
log-debug "Exporting winrm-server cert.pem to $NewCertOutputDir ."
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----`n" + [Convert]::ToBase64String($cert.Export([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::Cert), "InsertLineBreaks") + "`n-----END CERTIFICATE-----" | Out-File -Force -FilePath "$NewCertOutputDir\winrm-server-cert.pem" -Encoding ascii
## import the serverCA to rootCert
Export-Certificate -Cert $cert -Force -FilePath "$env:TEMP\winrm-server-cert.crt" | Out-Null
Import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation 'Cert:\LocalMachine\Root' -FilePath "$env:TEMP\winrm-server-cert.crt" | Out-Null
Remove-Item -Force "$env:TEMP\winrm-server-cert.crt" -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null
log-info "Exported winrm-server cert.pem to $NewCertOutputDir ."
return $cert.Thumbprint
Function add-winrm-ssl-listener {
$thumbprint = ""
If ($SSLThumbprint) {
$thumbprint = $SSLThumbprint
} ElseIf (-not $thumbprint) {
$thumbprint = generate-cert
If (-not $thumbprint) {
Throw "Server certificate thumbprint is empty."
log-info "Server certificate thumbprint: $thumbprint ."
$valueset = @{
Hostname = $HostName
CertificateThumbprint = $thumbprint
$selectorset = @{
Transport = "HTTPS"
Address = "*"
log-debug "Enabling newly SSL listener."
$null = New-WSManInstance -ResourceURI 'winrm/config/Listener' -SelectorSet $selectorset -ValueSet $valueset -ErrorAction Stop
$httpsRule = Get-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName 'Windows Remote Management (HTTPS-In)' -ErrorAction Ignore
If ($httpsRule) {
Set-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName 'Windows Remote Management (HTTPS-In)' -Direction Inbound -LocalPort 5986 -Protocol 'TCP' -Action Allow -Verbose:$false -WarningAction Ignore -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null
} Else {
$null = New-NetFirewallRule -Group '@FirewallAPI.dll,-30267' -Description 'Inbound rule for Windows Remote Management via WS-Management. [TCP 5986]' -Name 'WINRM-HTTPS-In-TCP-ANY' -DisplayName 'Windows Remote Management (HTTPS-In)' -Direction Inbound -LocalPort 5986 -Protocol 'TCP' -Profile Any -Action Allow -Verbose:$false -WarningAction Ignore -ErrorAction Ignore
log-info "Enabled newly SSL listener."
Function delete-winrm-ssl-listener {
$selectorset = @{
Transport = "HTTPS"
Address = "*"
$wsmanInstance = Get-WSManInstance -ResourceURI 'winrm/config/Listener' -SelectorSet $selectorset -ErrorAction Ignore
If ($wsmanInstance) {
Remove-Item -Force "Cert:\LocalMachine\Root\$($wsmanInstance.CertificateThumbprint)" -ErrorAction Ignore
Remove-Item -Force "Cert:\LocalMachine\My\$($wsmanInstance.CertificateThumbprint)" -ErrorAction Ignore
log-debug "Disabling early SSL listener."
Remove-WSManInstance -ResourceURI 'winrm/config/Listener' -SelectorSet $selectorset -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null
Remove-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName 'Windows Remote Management (HTTPS-In)' -Verbose:$false -WarningAction Ignore -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null
log-info "Disabled early SSL listener."
Function configure-winrm-ssl {
$httpsSetting = (Get-ChildItem WSMan:\localhost\Listener) | Where {$_.Keys -like "TRANSPORT=HTTPS"}
# enable SSL
If (-not $SkipSSL) {
If (-not $httpsSetting) {
log-debug "Enabling HTTPS."
log-info "Enabled HTTPS."
} ElseIf ($NewCertForce) {
log-debug "SSL is already active, overwriting the early certificate."
log-info "Overwrited SSL."
} Else {
log-info "SSL is already active."
} Else {
If ($httpsSetting) {
log-debug "Disabling HTTPS."
log-warn "Disabled HTTPS."
} Else {
log-warn "Disabled HTTPS."
Function verify-winrm-service {
log-debug "Verifying Configuration."
$httpwsman = Test-WSMan -ComputerName $HostIP -ErrorVariable testHttpError -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ($httpwsman) {
log-info "Verify HTTP connecting: Success."
} Else {
log-warn "Verify HTTP connecting: Wrong, exception is $($testHttpError.Exception)"
If (-not $SkipSSL) {
$httpswsman = Test-WSMan -ComputerName $HostIP -UseSSL -ErrorVariable testHttpsError -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ($httpswsman) {
log-info "Verify HTTPS connecting: Success."
} Else {
log-warn "Verify HTTPS connecting: Wrong, exception is $($testHttpsError.Exception)"
Function configure-winrm-service {
log-debug "Verifying WinRM service."
$svcWinRM = Get-Service -Name "WinRM" -ErrorAction Ignore
If (-not $svcWinRM) {
Throw "Unable to find the WinRM service."
} ElseIf ($svcWinRM.Status -ne "Running") {
log-debug "Setting WinRM service to start automatically on boot."
Set-Service -Name "WinRM" -StartupType Automatic
log-info "Set WinRM service to start automatically on boot."
log-debug "Starting WinRM service."
Start-Service -Name "WinRM" -ErrorAction Stop
log-info "Started WinRM service."
$httpRule = Get-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName 'Windows Remote Management (HTTP-In)' -ErrorAction Ignore
If ($httpRule) {
Set-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName 'Windows Remote Management (HTTP-In)' -Direction Inbound -LocalPort 5985 -Action Allow -Verbose:$false -WarningAction Ignore -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null
} Else {
$null = New-NetFirewallRule -Group '@FirewallAPI.dll,-30267' -Description 'Inbound rule for Windows Remote Management via WS-Management. [TCP 5985]' -Name 'WINRM-HTTP-In-TCP-ANY' -DisplayName 'Windows Remote Management (HTTP-In)' -Direction Inbound -LocalPort 5985 -Protocol 'TCP' -Profile Any -Action Allow -Verbose:$false -WarningAction Ignore -ErrorAction Ignore
## start: configure winrm
If ($SkipEncryptedService) {
Set-WSManInstance WinRM/Config/Service -ValueSet @{AllowUnencrypted = $true} | Out-Null
} Else {
Set-WSManInstance WinRM/Config/Service -ValueSet @{AllowUnencrypted = $false} | Out-Null
Set-WSManInstance WinRM/Config/Client -ValueSet @{TrustedHosts = "*"} | Out-Null
## end: configure winrm
log-debug "Verifying PowerShell Remoting."
If ($SkipPSNetworkProfileCheck) {
log-debug "Enabling PS Remoting without checking Network profile."
Enable-PSRemoting -SkipPSNetworkProfileCheck -Force -ErrorAction Stop
log-warn "Enabled PS Remoting without checking Network profile."
} Else {
log-debug "Enabling PS Remoting."
Enable-PSRemoting -Force -ErrorAction Stop
log-info "Enabled PS Remoting."
################ Main ################
Trap {
log-err $_
Exit 1
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
If ($Reverse) {
log-debug "Stopping WinRM service."
$svcWinRM = Get-Service "WinRM"
If (($svcWinRM) -and ($svcWinRM.Status -ne "Stopped")) {
log-debug "Disabling PS Remoting."
Disable-PSRemoting -Force -WarningAction Ignore -ErrorAction Ignore
log-warn "Disabled PS Remoting."
Remove-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName 'Windows Remote Management (HTTP-In)' -Verbose:$false -WarningAction Ignore -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null
Set-Service -Name "WinRM" -StartupType Manual -WarningAction Ignore -ErrorAction Ignore
Stop-Service -Name "WinRM" -WarningAction Ignore -ErrorAction Ignore
log-warn "Stopped WinRM service."
log-info "Reversing configuration has been completed."
} Else {
log-info "Configuration has been completed."
## install guide:
## sshd_config guide:
function Log-Info
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Blue "INFO "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
function Log-Warn
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkYellow "WARN "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
function Log-Error
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkRed "ERRO "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
function Log-Fatal
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkRed "FATA "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
throw "Existed"
if (-not $SSHD_ENABLED) {
if ($env:SSHD_ENABLED) {
} else {
$SSHD_ENABLED = "enabled"
if (-not $SSH_USER) {
if ($env:SSH_USER) {
if (-not $SSH_USER_PASSWORD) {
if (-not $SSH_USER_GROUP) {
if ($env:SSH_USER_GROUP) {
if ($SSHD_ENABLED -ne "enabled") {
$sshd = Get-Service sshd -ErrorAction Ignore
if ($sshd) {
if ($sshd.Status -eq 'Running') {
Log-Warn "Stopping sshd ..."
$sshd | Stop-Service -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Log-Warn "Removing from Windows Service ..."
sc.exe delete sshd
Log-Warn "Shutting down firewall rule ..."
Remove-NetFirewallRule -Name 'OpenSSH-Server-In-TCP'
Log-Warn "Removing from Windows Capability ..."
Get-WindowsCapability -Online -ErrorAction Ignore | ? Name -like 'OpenSSH.Server*' | Remove-WindowsCapability -Online -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
Log-Info "Finished"
exit 0
$sshd = Get-Service sshd -ErrorAction Ignore
if (-not $sshd) {
try {
Get-WindowsCapability -Online -ErrorAction Stop | ? Name -like 'OpenSSH.Server*' | Add-WindowsCapability -Online -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
} catch {
Log-Fatal "Failed to enable sshd Windows Capability: $($_.Exception.Message)"
Start-Sleep -s 5
$sshd = Get-Service sshd -ErrorAction Ignore
if (-not $sshd) {
Log-Fatal "Could not find sshd service"
if ($sshd.StartupType -ne 'Automatic') {
Set-Service sshd -StartupType 'Automatic' -ErrorAction Ignore
if ($sshd.Status -ne 'Running') {
Log-Info "Starting sshd ..."
Start-Service sshd -ErrorAction Ignore
if (-not $?) {
Log-Fatal "Failed to start sshd service"
$sFirewall = Get-NetFirewallRule -Name *ssh*
if (-not $sFirewall) {
$sFirewall = New-NetFirewallRule -Name "OpenSSH-Server-In-TCP" -DisplayName "OpenSSH Server (sshd)" -Enabled False -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP -Action Allow -LocalPort 22
if ((-not $sFirewall.Enabled) -or ($sFirewall.Action -ne 'Allow')) {
Log-Info "Enabling sshd firewall rule ..."
$sFirewall | Set-NetFirewallRule -Enabled true -Action Allow
if ($SSH_USER) {
$sUser = Get-LocalUser $SSH_USER -ErrorAction Ignore
if (-not $sUser) {
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SSH_USER_PASSWORD)) {
Log-Info "Creating user $SSH_USER with password ..."
$sUser = New-LocalUser -Name $SSH_USER `
-Description "sshd-mgr created $SSH_USER" `
-Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $SSH_USER_PASSWORD -Force) `
-PasswordNeverExpires `
} else {
Log-Info "Creating user $SSH_USER without password ..."
$sUser = New-LocalUser -Name $SSH_USER `
-Description "sshd-mgr created $SSH_USER" `
-NoPassword `
if (-not $SSH_USER_GROUP) {
$SSH_USER_GROUP = "Administrators"
$sGroup = Get-LocalGroup $SSH_USER_GROUP -ErrorAction Ignore
if (-not $sGroup) {
Log-Info "Creating group $SSH_USER_GROUP ..."
$sGroup = New-LocalGroup -Name $SSH_USER_GROUP `
-Description "sshd-mgr created $SSH_USER_GROUP group"
Log-Info "Joining user $SSH_USER into $SSH_USER_GROUP group ..."
Add-LocalGroupMember -Group $SSH_USER_GROUP -Member $SSH_USER -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null
if (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SSH_USER_PASSWORD)) -and ($SSH_USER_PUBLICKEY)) {
Log-Info "Putting the public key of user $SSH_USER ..."
if ($SSH_USER_GROUP -eq "Administrators") {
$sPath = "c:\ProgramData\ssh\administrators_authorized_keys"
$SSH_USER_PUBLICKEY.Trim() + "`r`n" | Out-File -Encoding utf8 -Append -FilePath "$sPath"
$fileExpectedAcl = "O:BAG:SYD:PAI(A;;FA;;;SY)(A;;FA;;;BA)"
$sAcl = Get-ACL "$sPath"
$sAcl | Set-ACL $sPath
} else {
$sPath = "c:\Users\$SSH_USER\.ssh"
New-Item -Force -Type "Directory" -Path $sPath | Out-Null
$sPath = "$sPath\authorized_keys"
$SSH_USER_PUBLICKEY.Trim() + "`r`n" | Out-File -Encoding utf8 -Append -FilePath "$sPath"
$fileExpectedAcl = "O:BAG:SYD:PAI(A;;FA;;;SY)(A;;FA;;;$($sUser.SID.Value))"
$sAcl = Get-ACL "$sPath"
$sAcl | Set-ACL $sPath
$sPath = "c:\Windows\.ssh"
New-Item -Force -Type "Directory" -Path $sPath | Out-Null
$sPath = "$sPath\authorized_keys"
$SSH_USER_PUBLICKEY.Trim() + "`r`n" | Out-File -Encoding utf8 -Append -FilePath "$sPath"
$fileExpectedAcl = "O:BAG:SYD:PAI(A;;FA;;;SY)(A;;FA;;;BA)"
$sAcl = Get-ACL "$sPath"
$sAcl | Set-ACL $sPath
Log-Info "Finished"
function Log-Info
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Blue "INFO "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
function Log-Warn
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkYellow "WARN "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
function Log-Error
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkRed "ERRO "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
function Log-Fatal
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkRed "FATA "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray ("{0,-44}" -f ($args -join " "))
exit 255
Log-Info "Downloading Tcpdump from $TCPDUMP_DOWNLOAD_URI ..."
Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -OutFile "$($env:TEMP)\" $TCPDUMP_DOWNLOAD_URI
Log-Info "Expanding the downloaded Tcpdump package ..."
Expand-Archive "$($env:TEMP)\" -DestinationPath "$($env:ProgramFiles)\tcpdump" -Force
Remove-Item "$($env:TEMP)\" -Force
Log-Info "Refreshing the environment path ..."
$env:PATH = "$($env:ProgramFiles)\tcpdump;$($env:PATH)"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $env:PATH, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
tcpdump --v
Log-Info "Finished"
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