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Michael Ngarimu thxkiwi

  • THX Ltd.
  • San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.
  • 22:16 (UTC -08:00)
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thxkiwi / vbap.m
Last active October 10, 2024 06:37
% The azimuth angles of the loudspeakers in degrees
speakerAzimuthAngles = [30, 110, 150, -150, -110, -30];
% Unit vectors for the loudspeakers. Note that matrix is constructed as the transpose of the vectors.
% When P' = G * L, the result P' is the correct p = g1 L1 + g2 L2 by scaled vector addition. The the
% projections of the unit vectors sum to the unit vector in the direction of the source.
[x, y] = pol2cart(speakerAzimuthAngles / 180 * pi, ones(size(speakerAzimuthAngles)));
L = cat(2, x', y');
ngroups = [(1:length(speakerAzimuthAngles))', [2:length(speakerAzimuthAngles) 1]'];