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Last active September 26, 2020 21:21
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Notes taken from Technical Writing Courses by Google Developers (
  • Use terms consistently: if you rename a term in the middle of a document, your ideas won’t compile (in your users’ heads).

  • You may specify a shortened version of a long-winded concept name, for instance:

    • Protocol Buffers (or protobufs for short) ...
  • The vast majority of sentences in technical writing should be in active voice, because active voice is usually clearer.

  • Distinguish active voice from passive voice:

    • Active Voice Sentence = actor + verb + target

    • Passive Voice Sentence = target + verb + actor

  • Active voice provides the following advantages:

    • Most readers mentally convert passive voice to active voice.

    • Passive voice obfuscates your ideas, turning sentences on their head. Passive voice reports action indirectly.

    • Some passive voice sentences omit an actor, which forces the reader to guess the actor's identity. Good sentences in technical documentation identify who is doing what to whom.

    • Active voice is generally shorter than passive voice.

  • Choose strong verbs

    • To engage and educate readers, choose precise, strong, specific verbs.

    • Reduce imprecise, weak, or generic verbs, such as the following:

      • forms of be: is, are, am, was, were, etc.

      • occur

      • happen

  • Reduce there is/there are

    • Sentences that start with There is or There are marry a generic noun to a generic verb. Providing a real subject and a real verb makes the sentences clearer.

    • You can sometimes repair a there be sentence by moving the true subject and true verb from the end of the sentence to the beginning.

    • For sentences start with there be without identifying the receiving entity, to fix it, you can create a subject.

  • Minimize certain adjectives and adverbs

    • Adjectives and adverbs can make technical documentation sound dangerously like marketing material.

    • Feed your technical readers factual data instead of marketing speak.

    • Refactor amorphous adverbs and adjectives into objective numerical information, to gain accuracy and believability.


It's all about eliminating ambiguity, making the technical documentation clear and engaging.

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