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Created November 12, 2021 22:11
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Rabbit MQ consumer with Retry
const amqp = require('amqp-connection-manager');
* * Creates an instance of a rabbitMQ manager
* @param rabbitUrl - rabbit URL connection
* @param systemName - Optional prefix used for shared topology elements (wait queues and retry dispatcher dlx)
* @param onConnect - Optional connection callback
* @param onDisconnect - Optional disconnection callback
* @returns {{sendMessage: (function(*=, *=): Promise<boolean>), consumeWithRetry: ((function(*=, *, *=): Promise<void>)|*)}}
function rabbitManager(rabbitUrl,{systemName='', onConnect, onDisconnect}){
//Connect to rabbitMQ
const connection = amqp.connect([rabbitUrl]);
connection.on('connect', onConnect || (() => console.log(`Connected to ${rabbitUrl}`)));
connection.on('disconnect', onDisconnect || (err => console.log('Disconnected from rabbitMQ.', err.stack)));
//create a single channel for communication
const channel = connection.createChannel({
json: true,
* Build the error queue name for unprocessable messages after retry
* @param queueName - Name of the main queue
* @returns {`${string}_error`} - Error queue name
const getQueueErrorQueueName = (queueName) => `${queueName}_error`;
* Returns a setup function for queueName to assert the topology
* Calling this with different waitIntervalSec will crete different wait queues
* @param queueName - Name of the main queue
* @param waitIntervalSec - Time in seconds the message should wait to retry
* @returns {(function(*): Promise<void>)|*} Setup function for queueName to assert the topology
const setupForQueue = (queueName,waitIntervalSec)=>{
return async (ch)=>{
const queueRetryDLXName = `${queueName}_retry-dlx`;
const systemWaitQueueName = `${systemName}-wait-queue-${waitIntervalSec}`;
const retryDispatcherDLXName = `${systemName}_retry-dispatcher-dlx`;
//* routing key of the retry DLX
const queueRetryDLX_DLRoutingKey = `rt-${waitIntervalSec}.${queueName}`;
//*assert topology
await Promise.all([
//* asset queue retry-dlx
'x-dead-letter-routing-key': queueRetryDLX_DLRoutingKey,
// deadLetterRoutingKey:queueRetryDLX_DLRoutingKey,
durable: true,
noAck: true
//* assert system-retry-dlx
durable: true,
noAck: true
//* assert main queue
durable: true ,
deadLetterExchange: queueRetryDLXName, // bind queue -> retry-dlx
deadLetterRoutingKey: queueRetryDLX_DLRoutingKey,
//* assert queue error queue
durable: true ,
deadLetterExchange: queueRetryDLXName // bind queue -> retry-dlx
//* assert system-wait-queue
durable: true ,
deadLetterExchange: retryDispatcherDLXName, // bind system-wait-queue -> system-retry-dlx
messageTtl: waitIntervalSec*1_000
//* binds
//* bind retry-dlx -> system-wait-queue
//* bind system-retry-dlx -> queue
* Attempt to get death count from message. This is only available from rabbit 3.8 or above
* @param data
* @returns {((label?: string) => void)|number|((key?: (IDBValidKey | IDBKeyRange)) => IDBRequest<number>)|number|number}
const getDeathCount = (data)=>{
if(!data || ! || ! || !['x-death'] ) return 0;
// console.log(`getDeathCount:: x-death: ${JSON.stringify(['x-death'])}`)
try {
return['x-death'][0].count || 0;
}catch (e){
console.error('rabbitManager.getDeathCount:: ERROR:',e);
return 0
const consumeWithRetryDefaultOptions = {waitIntervalSec:60*5, maxRetries:5};
* Assert the topology necessary for the retry and registers the callback as consumer of the queue
* @param queueName - Name of the queue to be consumed
* @param callback - Consumer callback called with the parsed json data. Can return a Promise to be awaited
* @param options - Options for retry strategy
* waitIntervalSec - Wait time for messages to be retried. A new queue is created everytime a this receives a new value
* maxRetries - Maximum number of retries before sending the message to the error queue
* @returns {Promise<void>}
const consumeWithRetry = async (queueName, callback, options=consumeWithRetryDefaultOptions) =>{
const {waitIntervalSec, maxRetries} = {...consumeWithRetryDefaultOptions, ...options};
const setupFn = setupForQueue(queueName,waitIntervalSec);
console.log(`rabbitManager:: adding queue ${queueName} setup.`)
const consumerChannel = connection.createChannel({
json: true,
await consumerChannel.addSetup(setupFn);
console.log(`rabbitManager:: registering queue ${queueName} consumer.`)
await consumerChannel.consume(queueName, async (data)=>{
const deathCount = getDeathCount(data);
console.log(`rabbitManager::Message received: ${data.content} - [deaths:${deathCount}/${maxRetries}]`)
console.log(`rabbitManager:: maximum retries reached (deaths: ${deathCount}) for message: ${data.content.toString()}, publishing to error queue...`);
//* Publish to error queue if max retries reached
await consumerChannel.sendToQueue(getQueueErrorQueueName(queueName), data.content);
//* ack message to remove from original queue
const message = JSON.parse(data.content.toString());
await Promise.resolve(callback(message));
}catch (e){
//*On error, nack the message with requeue false to make it go to retry-dlx directly
console.log(`rabbitManager:: nacking message: ${data.content.toString()}`);
const sendMessage = async (queueName, message)=>{
return channel.sendToQueue(queueName, message)
return {consumeWithRetry, sendMessage}
module.exports = rabbitManager;
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