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Created November 4, 2016 02:20
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getBarcode <- function(uuid, legacy = TRUE){
# Get manifest using the API
uuid <- tolower(uuid)
baseURL <- ifelse(legacy,"","")
options.pretty <- "pretty=true"
options.expand <- "expand=cases.samples.portions.analytes.aliquots"
options.field <- "fields=cases.samples.portions.analytes.aliquots.submitter_id"
option.size <- paste0("size=",length(uuid))
option.format <- paste0("format=JSON")
options.filter <- paste0("filters=",
paste0('"',paste(uuid,collapse = '","')),
url <- paste0(baseURL,paste(options.pretty, options.expand,option.size,
options.filter, options.field,
option.format, sep = "&"))
json <- tryCatch(
fromJSON(url, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE),
error = function(e) {
fromJSON(content(GET(url), as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8"), simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
df <- stack(unlist(json$data$hits))
barcode <- df[grep("TCGA",df[,1]),1]
df <- data.frame(uuid = uuid, barcode = barcode)
getBarcode("ffa5fff7-6301-4cd8-8e63-a4d8294d1b0e", legacy = TRUE)
getBarcode("D04B63DE-03BA-4A63-92CA-D8054C3E238C", legacy = TRUE)
getBarcode(c("D04B63DE-03BA-4A63-92CA-D8054C3E238C","ffa5fff7-6301-4cd8-8e63-a4d8294d1b0e"), legacy = TRUE)
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