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Created April 20, 2012 11:27
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Save tiagocpontesp/2427908 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
WP E-commerce Merchant Gateway for
Version 1.1
For help and support, please go to
12-12-2011 by UF from
Added rounding for odd ørebeløb, since WPEC doesn't do it.
14-11-2011 by UF from
Cancelled payments no longer triggers a purchase report to be sent by email.
Changed the entire flow regarding cancel/continue/callback URLs.
Added test mode.
Fixed bug with accepted payments showing up as "Order received".
Minor optimization of control panel.
Clean-up of code for better readability and more correct HTML.
Added cardtypelock = 'creditcard' which supposedly should have a positive effect on conversions.
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num]['name'] = 'QuickPay';
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num]['internalname'] = 'QuickPay';
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num]['function'] = 'nzshpcrt_quickpay_gateway';
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num]['form'] = "nzshpcrt_quickpay_form";
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num]['submit_function'] = "nzshpcrt_quickpay_form_submit";
// Set default values.
if(!get_option('quickpay_language') <> '')
update_option('quickpay_language', 'en');
if(!get_option('quickpay_currency') <> '')
update_option('quickpay_currency', 'EUR');
if(!get_option('quickpay_keepbasket') <> '')
update_option('quickpay_keepbasket', '0');
if(!get_option('quickpay_autocapture') <> '')
update_option('quickpay_autocapture', '0');
if(!get_option('quickpay_testmode') <> '')
update_option('quickpay_testmode', '0');
// Displays the settings from within the WPEC control panel.
function nzshpcrt_quickpay_form()
// Get stored values.
$merchantid = get_option('quickpay_merchantid');
$md5secret = get_option('quickpay_md5secret');
$language = get_option('quickpay_language');
$autocapture = get_option('quickpay_autocapture');
$currency = get_option('quickpay_currency');
$keepbasket = get_option('quickpay_keepbasket');
$testmode = get_option('quickpay_testmode');
// Generate output.
$output = '<tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align:center;"><br/><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a><br/><br/></td></tr>';
// Merchant ID.
$output .= '<tr><td><label for="quickpay_merchantid">Merchant ID</label></td>';
$output .= '<td><input name="quickpay_merchantid" type="text" value="' . $merchantid . '"/>
<p><small>This is your unique ID, which the system uses to identify you.</small></p></td></tr>';
// MD5 Secret.
$output .= '<tr><td><label for="quickpay_md5secret">MD5 Secret</label></td>';
$output .= '<td><input name="quickpay_md5secret" type="text" value="' . $md5secret . '"/>
<p><small>This is the unique MD5 secret key, which the system uses to verify your transactions.</small></p></td></tr>';
// Language.
$languages = array(array('da', 'Danish'), array('de', 'German'), array('en', 'English'), array('fr', 'French'), array('it', 'Italian'), array('no', 'Norwegian'), array('nl', 'Dutch'), array('pl', 'Polish'), array('se', 'Swedish'));
$output .= '<tr><td><label for="quickpay_language">Payment Window Language</label></td><td>';
$output .= "<select name='quickpay_language'>";
foreach($languages as $lang)
$output .= '<option value="' . $lang[0] . '"';
if($language == $lang[0])
$output .= ' selected="selected"';
$output .= '>' . $lang[0] . ' - ' . $lang[1] . '</option>';
$output .= '</select>';
$output .= '<p><small>Choose which language the transaction window will use.</small></p>';
$output .= '</td></tr>';
// Currency.
$currencies = array('EUR', 'DKK', 'USD');
$output .= '<tr><td><label for="quickpay_currency">Currency</label></td><td>';
foreach($currencies as $curr)
$output .= '<input name="quickpay_currency" value="' . $curr . '" type="radio"';
if($currency == $curr)
$output .= ' checked="checked"';
$output .= '/>' . $curr . '<br/>';
$output .= '<p><small>Choose your currency. Please make sure to use the same currency as in your WP E-Commerce currency settings.</small></p></td></tr>';
// Automatic capture on/off.
$output .= '<tr><td><label for="quickpay_autocapture">Automatic capture</label></td><td>';
if($autocapture == '0')
$output .= '<input name="quickpay_autocapture" value="0" checked="checked" type="radio"/>Off<br/>';
$output .= '<input name="quickpay_autocapture" value="0" type="radio"/>Off<br/>';
if($autocapture == '1')
$output .= '<input name="quickpay_autocapture" value="1" checked="checked" type="radio"/>On<br/>';
$output .= '<input name="quickpay_autocapture" value="1" type="radio"/>On<br/>';
$output .= '<p><small>Automatic Capture means you will automatically deduct the amount from the customer.</small></p></td></tr>';
// Test mode on/off.
$output .= '<tr><td><label for="quickpay_testmode">Test mode</label></td><td>';
if($testmode == '0')
$output .= '<input name="quickpay_testmode" value="0" checked="checked" type="radio"/>Off<br/>';
$output .= '<input name="quickpay_testmode" value="0" type="radio">Off<br/>';
if($testmode == '1')
$output .= '<input name="quickpay_testmode" value="1" checked="checked" type="radio"/>On<br/>';
$output .= '<input name="quickpay_testmode" value="1" type="radio"/>On<br/>';
$output .= '<p><small>Enables or disables test mode. Remember to disable when your shop goes live!</small></p></td></tr>';
// Usability setting, Keep Basket Contents.
$output .= '<tr><td colspan="2"><strong>Usability Settings</strong></td></tr>';
$output .= '<tr><td><label for="quickpay_keepbasket">Keep contents of basket on failure?</label></td><td>';
if($keepbasket == '1')
$output .= '<input name="quickpay_keepbasket" value="1" checked="checked" type="checkbox">';
$output .= '<input name="quickpay_keepbasket" value="1" type="checkbox">';
$output .= '<p><small>If a transaction fails or is cancelled and the user returns to your webshop, do you wish the contents of the users shopping basket to be kept? Otherwise it will be emptied.</small></p></td></tr>';
return $output;
// Validates and saves the settings from within the WPEC control panel.
function nzshpcrt_quickpay_form_submit()
if($_POST['quickpay_merchantid'] != null)
update_option('quickpay_merchantid', $_POST['quickpay_merchantid']);
if($_POST['quickpay_md5secret'] != null)
update_option('quickpay_md5secret', $_POST['quickpay_md5secret']);
if($_POST['quickpay_language'] != null)
update_option('quickpay_language', $_POST['quickpay_language']);
if($_POST['quickpay_autocapture'] != null)
update_option('quickpay_autocapture', $_POST['quickpay_autocapture']);
if($_POST['quickpay_currency'] != null)
update_option('quickpay_currency', $_POST['quickpay_currency']);
if($_POST['quickpay_keepbasket'] == '1')
update_option('quickpay_keepbasket', '1');
update_option('quickpay_keepbasket', '0');
if($_POST['quickpay_testmode'] == '1')
update_option('quickpay_testmode', '1');
update_option('quickpay_testmode', '0');
return true;
function nzshpcrt_quickpay_get_cancelurl($transaction_id, $session_id)
$cancelurl = get_option('shopping_cart_url');
$params = array('quickpay_cancel' => '1', 'transaction_id' => $transaction_id, 'sessionid' => $session_id);
return add_query_arg($params, $cancelurl);
function nzshpcrt_quickpay_get_accepturl($transaction_id, $session_id)
$accepturl = get_option('transact_url');
$params = array('quickpay_accept' => '1', 'transaction_id' => $transaction_id, 'sessionid' => $session_id);
return add_query_arg($params, $accepturl);
function nzshpcrt_quickpay_get_callbackurl($transaction_id, $session_id)
$callbackurl = get_option('siteurl');
$params = array('quickpay_callback' => '1', 'transaction_id' => $transaction_id, 'sessionid' => $session_id);
return add_query_arg($params, $callbackurl);
// If you need to test callbacks on a non-public URL (like localhost), my suggestion is that you upload a script that dumps all POST values to a file to a public URL and specify that URL here.
// Then you can use the values from that file to test the callback (see comments in nzshpcrt_quickpay_callback).
// Prepares the data and sends order details to the Quickpay payment window.
function nzshpcrt_quickpay_gateway($seperator, $sessionid)
global $wpdb, $wpsc_cart;
$payurl = '';
$protocol = '3';
$msgtype = 'authorize';
$merchant = get_option('quickpay_merchantid');
$language = get_option('quickpay_language');
$currency = get_option('quickpay_currency');
$autocapture = get_option('quickpay_autocapture');
$md5secret = get_option('quickpay_md5secret');
$cardtypelock = 'creditcard';
$testmode = get_option('quickpay_testmode');
$ordernumber = 'WPEC' . $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . " WHERE sessionid = '$sessionid' LIMIT 1;");
if(strlen($ordernumber) > 20)
$ordernumber = time();
$amount = round($wpsc_cart->total_price, 2) * 100;
$transaction_id = uniqid(md5(rand(1, 666)), true); // Set the transaction id to a unique value for reference in the system.
$wpdb->query("UPDATE " . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . " SET processed = '1', transactid = '" . $transaction_id . "', date = '" . time() . "' WHERE sessionid = " . $sessionid . " LIMIT 1");
$callbackurl = nzshpcrt_quickpay_get_callbackurl($transaction_id, $sessionid);
$continueurl = nzshpcrt_quickpay_get_accepturl($transaction_id, $sessionid);
$cancelurl = nzshpcrt_quickpay_get_cancelurl($transaction_id, $sessionid);
$md5check = md5($protocol . $msgtype . $merchant . $language . $ordernumber . $amount . $currency . $continueurl . $cancelurl . $callbackurl . $autocapture . $cardtypelock . $testmode . $md5secret);
// Generate the form output.
$output = "<div style=\"display:none;\">
<form id=\"quickpay_form\" name=\"quickpay_form\" action=\"$payurl\" method=\"post\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"protocol\" value=\"$protocol\"/>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"msgtype\" value=\"$msgtype\"/>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"merchant\" value=\"$merchant\"/>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"language\" value=\"$language\"/>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ordernumber\" value=\"$ordernumber\"/>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"amount\" value=\"$amount\"/>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"currency\" value=\"$currency\"/>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"continueurl\" value=\"$continueurl\"/>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cancelurl\" value=\"$cancelurl\"/>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"callbackurl\" value=\"$callbackurl\"/>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"autocapture\" value=\"$autocapture\"/>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cardtypelock\" value=\"$cardtypelock\"/>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"testmode\" value=\"$testmode\"/>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"md5check\" value=\"$md5check\"/>
<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Pay\"/>
echo $output;
echo "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">document.getElementById('quickpay_form').submit();</script>";
echo "Please wait..";
// Process the callback and replies from QuickPay.
function nzshpcrt_quickpay_callback()
global $wpdb;
$transaction_id = trim(stripslashes($_GET['transaction_id']));
$sessionid = trim(stripslashes($_GET['sessionid']));
$is_callback = false;
if((isset($_GET['quickpay_callback']) && $_GET['quickpay_callback'] == '1'))
$is_callback = true;
// If you need to test callbacks on a non-public URL (like localhost), set this to true and uncomment.
//$is_callback = true;
// Process the callback.
if($is_callback == true)
// Only enter this block if status code from QuickPay is 000 = Approved.
if($_POST['qpstat'] == '000')
$md5 = $_POST['md5check'];
// If you need to test callbacks on a non-public URL (like localhost), set this to the actual MD5 value and uncomment.
//$md5 = '5f10ba30f47545d432789d9f7eb5dd84';
// Check if MD5 check has been posted back to us. If so, validate it.
$new_transaction = $_POST['transaction'];
$merchant = get_option('quickpay_merchantid');
$currency = get_option('quickpay_currency');
$secret = get_option('quickpay_md5secret');
$ordernumber = "WPEC" . $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . " WHERE sessionid = '$sessionid' LIMIT 1;");
$amount = $_POST['amount'];
$msgtype = $_POST['msgtype'];
$new_transaction = $_POST['transaction'];
$time = $_POST['time'];
$state = $_POST['state'];
$qpstat = $_POST['qpstat'];
$qpstatmsg = $_POST['qpstatmsg'];
$chstat = $_POST['chstat'];
$chstatmsg = $_POST['chstatmsg'];
$merchant = $_POST['merchant'];
$merchantemail = $_POST['merchantemail'];
$cardtype = $_POST['cardtype'];
$cardnumber = $_POST['cardnumber'];
$fee = $_POST['fee'];
// If you need to test callbacks on a non-public URL (like localhost), set these to the actual values and uncomment.
/*$msgtype = 'authorize';
$new_transaction = '37028170';
$time = '111114172159';
$state = '1';
$qpstat = '000';
$qpstatmsg = 'OK';
$chstat = '000';
$chstatmsg = 'OK';
$merchant = 'Quickpay demoshop';
$merchantemail = '';
$cardtype = 'dankort';
$cardnumber = 'XXXXXXXXXXXX0001';
$fee = '163';*/
$md5check = md5($msgtype . $ordernumber . $amount . $currency . $time . $state . $qpstat . $qpstatmsg . $chstat . $chstatmsg . $merchant . $merchantemail . $new_transaction . $cardtype . $cardnumber . $fee . $secret);
if($md5 == $md5check)
// Order is accepted.
$wpdb->query("UPDATE " . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . " SET processed = '3', transactid = '" . $new_transaction . "', date = '" . time() . "', notes = 'Payment approved at QuickPay with transaction id " . $new_transaction . ", card type " . $cardtype . ", amount " . $amount . "' WHERE sessionid = " . $sessionid . " LIMIT 1");
// Process cancellation.
if((isset($_GET['quickpay_cancel']) && $_GET['quickpay_cancel'] == '1'))
// Check and process "Keep contents of basket on failure?".
if(get_option('quickpay_keepbasket') != '1')
$log_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . " WHERE sessionid = '$sessionid' LIMIT 1");
$delete_log_form_sql = "SELECT * FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS . " WHERE purchaseid = '$log_id'";
$cart_content = $wpdb->get_results($delete_log_form_sql, ARRAY_A);
foreach((array)$cart_content as $cart_item)
$wpdb->query("DELETE FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_CART_ITEM_VARIATIONS . " WHERE cart_id = '" . $cart_item['id'] . "'");
$wpdb->query("DELETE FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS . " WHERE purchaseid = '$log_id'");
$wpdb->query("DELETE FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . " WHERE log_id IN ('$log_id')");
$wpdb->query("DELETE FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . " WHERE id = '$log_id' LIMIT 1");
// Hook up to process the replies from QuickPay.
add_action('init', 'nzshpcrt_quickpay_callback');
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