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Created October 5, 2016 01:46
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module Ast = struct
type t =
Int of int
| Bool of bool
| Var of string
| App of t * t
| Fun of string * t
| If of t * t * t
| Plus of t * t
| Equal of t * t
module Type = struct
type t = Int | Bool
| Fun of t * t
| Var of char
let rec subst t0 v t =
match t0 with
| Type.Int -> Type.Int
| Type.Bool -> Type.Bool
| Type.Var s -> if s = v then t else t0
| Type.Fun (arg,ret) ->
Type.Fun (subst arg v t, subst ret v t)
let rec update_type t subst =
match t with
| Type.Int -> Type.Int
| Type.Bool -> Type.Bool
| Type.Fun (arg,ret) ->
Type.Fun (update_type arg subst, update_type ret subst)
| Type.Var v -> try List.assoc v subst with _ -> t
let extend_subst s v t =
(v,t)::( (fun (v1,rhs) -> (v1, (subst rhs v t))) s)
let rec occur v t =
match t with
| Type.Var v1 -> v = v1
| Type.Fun (arg,ret) ->
(occur v arg) || (occur v ret)
| _ -> false
(* 'a M -> ('a -> 'b M) -> 'b M *)
let (>>=) aM a2bM = match aM with
| None -> None
| Some a -> a2bM a
(* (unifier t1 t2) : ('a -> 'b M) *)
let rec unifier t1 t2 s =
let ty1 = update_type t1 s in
let ty2 = update_type t2 s in
match (ty1,ty2) with
| (Type.Int,Type.Int) -> Some s
| (Type.Bool,Type.Bool) -> Some s
| (Type.Var a, Type.Var b) when a=b -> Some s
| (Type.Var a, _) -> if (occur a ty2) then None
else Some (extend_subst s a ty2)
| (_, Type.Var b) -> if (occur b ty1) then None
else Some (extend_subst s b ty1)
| (Type.Fun(a1,e1), Type.Fun(a2,e2)) ->
(Some s)
>>= (unifier a1 a2)
>>= (unifier e1 e2)
| _ -> None
let env_lookup env n = List.assoc n env
let env_extend env n v = (n,v)::env
let gen_var = let id = ref 96 in
fun () -> id := !id + 1; Type.Var (Char.chr !id)
let rec type_of exp env subst =
match exp with
| Ast.Bool _ -> (Type.Bool, subst)
| Ast.Int n -> (Type.Int, subst)
| Ast.Equal (a,b) ->
let (ta, subst1) = (type_of a env subst) in
let subst2 = (subst1 >>= (unifier ta Type.Int)) in
let (tb, subst3) = (type_of b env subst2) in
let subst4 = (subst3 >>= (unifier tb Type.Int)) in
(Type.Bool, subst4)
| Ast.Plus (a,b) ->
let (ta, subst1) = (type_of a env subst) in
let subst2 = subst1 >>= (unifier ta Type.Int) in
let (tb, subst3) = (type_of b env subst2) in
let subst4 = subst3 >>= (unifier tb Type.Int) in
(Type.Int, subst4)
| Ast.If (a,b,c) ->
let (ta, subst1) = type_of a env subst in
let subst2 = subst1 >>= (unifier ta Type.Bool) in
let (tb, subst3) = type_of b env subst2 in
let (tc, subst4) = type_of c env subst3 in
let subst5 = subst4 >>= (unifier tb tc) in
(tb, subst5)
| Ast.Var n -> ((env_lookup env n), subst)
| Ast.Fun (var,body) ->
let tv = gen_var () in
let (ty, subst1) = type_of body (env_extend env var tv) subst in
(Type.Fun (tv,ty), subst1)
| Ast.App (rator,rand) ->
let result_type = gen_var () in
let (rator_type, subst1) = type_of rator env subst in
let (rand_type, subst2) = type_of rand env subst1 in
let subst3 = subst2 >>= (unifier rator_type (Type.Fun (rand_type, result_type))) in
(result_type, subst3)
let infer exp =
let (ty, subst) = type_of exp [] (Some []) in
match subst with
| Some s -> update_type ty s
| None -> failwith "false"
let input1 = Ast.Fun ("f", Ast.Fun ("x",
Ast.Plus(Ast.App (Ast.Var "f", Ast.Int 3),
Ast.App (Ast.Var "f", Ast.Var "x"))))
let output1 = infer input1
let input2 = Ast.Fun ("f", Ast.App (Ast.Var "f", Ast.Int 11))
let output2 = infer input2
(* let input3 = Ast.Fun ("x", Ast.If ((Ast.Var "x"), (Ast.Plus ((Ast.Var "x"), (Ast.Int 1))), Ast.Int 0)) *)
let output4 = type_of (Ast.Plus ((Ast.Var "x"), (Ast.Var "y"))) [("x",Type.Var 'x'); ("y",Type.Var 'y')] (Some []);;
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