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Forked from slarti5191/logstash.conf
Created November 5, 2018 08:53
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ELK Exchange logging
input {
tcp {
port => 3515
host => ""
type => "WindowsEventLog"
codec => "line"
tcp {
port => 3516
host => ""
type => "Exchange"
tcp {
port => 3517
host => ""
type => "EXIIS"
filter {
if [type] == "WindowsEventLog" {
source => "message"
mutate {
replace => [ "message", "%{Message}" ]
mutate {
lowercase => [ "EventType", "FileName", "Hostname", "Severity" ]
mutate {
rename => [ "Hostname", "logsource" ]
date {
match => [ "EventTime", "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ]
if [SubjectUserName] =~ "." {
mutate {
replace => [ "AccountName", "%{SubjectUserName}" ]
if [TargetUserName] =~ "." {
mutate {
replace => [ "AccountName", "%{TargetUserName}" ]
if [FileName] =~ "." {
mutate {
replace => [ "eventlog_channel", "%{FileName}" ]
mutate {
lowercase => [ "AccountName", "eventlog_channel" ]
mutate {
remove => [ "SourceModuleType", "EventTimeWritten", "EventReceivedTime", "EventType" ]
# For Exchange Message Tracking
if [type] == "Exchange" {
csv {
add_tag => [ 'exh_msg_trk' ]
columns => [ 'date-time', 'client-ip', 'client-hostname', 'server-ip', 'server-hostname', 'source-context', 'connector-id', 'source', 'event-id', 'internal-message-id', 'message-id', 'recipient-address', 'recipient-status', 'total-bytes', 'recipient-count', 'related-recipient-address', 'reference', 'message-subject', 'sender-address', 'return-path', 'message-info', 'directionality', 'tenant-id', 'original-client-ip', 'original-server-ip', 'custom-data' ]
remove_field => [ "date-time" ]
grok {
match => [ "message", "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}" ]
mutate {
convert => [ "total-bytes", "integer" ]
convert => [ "recipient-count", "integer" ]
split => ["recipient-address", ";"]
split => [ "source-context", ";" ]
split => [ "custom-data", ";" ]
date {
match => [ "timestamp", "ISO8601" ]
timezone => "America/Los_Angeles"
remove_field => [ "timestamp" ]
if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
drop { }
# For Exchange IIS
if [type] == "EXIIS" {
csv {
separator => [ " " ]
add_tag => [ 'exh_iis' ]
columns => [ 'date', 'time', 's-ip', 'cs-method', 'cs-uri-stem', 'cs-uri-query', 's-port', 'cs-username', 'c-ip', 'csUser-Agent', 'sc-status', 'sc-substatus', 'sc-win32-status', 'time-taken' ]
output {
rabbitmq {
host = ""
exchange_type => direct
key => "logstash"
durable => "true"
persistent => "true"
exchange => "logstash"
user => "billy"
password => "badass"
define ROOT c:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog
Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir %ROOT%\data
Pidfile %ROOT%\data\
SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log
<Extension json>
Module xm_json
<Extension syslog>
Module xm_syslog
define IISDIR C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1
<Input IIS_IN>
Module im_file
File '%IISDIR%\\*.log'
SavePos TRUE
define BASEDIR C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\TransportRoles\Logs\MessageTracking
<Input in>
Module im_msvistalog
Exec $EventReceivedTime = integer($EventReceivedTime) / 1000000; to_json();
<Input in_exchange>
Module im_file
File '%BASEDIR%\\*.LOG' # Exports all logs in Directory
SavePos TRUE
Exec if $raw_event =~ /journaling\ drop();
Exec if $raw_event =~ /^#/ drop();
<Output out>
Module om_tcp
Port 3515
<Route 1>
Path in => out
<Output out_exchange>
Module om_tcp
Port 3516
<Output out_iis>
Module om_tcp
Port 3517
<Route exchange>
Path in_exchange => out_exchange
<Route iis>
Path IIS_IN => out_iis
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