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Last active August 24, 2020 11:17
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Rev: Sprint

Writeup by Tian Cilliers of The Order of Bit (#1 South African CTF team!)

Task Description

Sprint faster than this binary!

First Look

We are provided one ELF, namely sprint. Opening this in Ghidra reveals a main function as follows:

undefined8 main(void)

  undefined8 uVar1;
  ushort *local_98;
  ushort *local_90;
  undefined8 local_88;
  undefined8 local_80;
  undefined8 local_78;
  undefined8 local_70;
  undefined8 local_68;
  undefined8 local_60;
  undefined8 local_58;
  undefined8 local_50 [2];
  ushort *local_40;
  local_40 = (ushort *)mmap((void *)0x4000000,0x4000000,3,0x22,-1,0);
  local_88 = 0;
  local_80 = 0;
  local_78 = 0;
  local_70 = 0;
  local_68 = 0;
  local_60 = 0;
  local_58 = 0;
  local_50[0] = 0;
  local_98 = local_40;
  local_90 = local_40;
  puts("Input password:");
  uVar1 = 0x101270;
  __isoc99_scanf("%255s",local_40 + 0x7000);
  while (local_98 != local_40 + 0x7fff) {
    sprintf((char *)0x6000000,(char *)local_98,&DAT_0011116a,0,&local_98,0x6000000,(ulong)*local_90,
  if (local_40[0x7400] != 0) {
    printf("Flag: %s\n",local_40 + 0x7400);
  return 0;

Upon further investigation, this uses mmap on the memory region 0x40000000 to 0x80000000, as well as copying 0xf134 bytes of data to the start of this section. Looking at the data being copied as characters, we see a whole bunch of strings looking very much like C-style printf format strings:


This makes sense, as we have an sprintf function call inside a loop later on. In fact, the program initializes local_98 to be equal to the start of the mapped region, and provides this as a format string argument to sprintf! We can see that it terminates the program when this variable is equal to a certain value, and then does a check before possibly revealing the flag. This leads us into our next topic.

Control Flow Bending


While we only learnt this afterwards, this is a well known technique to write arbitrary programs using printf format strings (and as a result, printf is Turing-complete!). Upon taking a closer look at the format strings, we are able to figure out what they do:

  • %1, a pointer to null data, is used as an empty string. This is then padded with $1234s in order to print a specific amount of characters to the output memory location, 0x6000000
  • %3 is a pointer to our "instruction pointer", local_98, and controls which format string will be executed next
  • $hn is used to write a half-word (two bytes), representing the amount of characters written so far, to the sprintf argument given
  • $*8 or similar is used to reference a sprintf argument, and commonly as a parameter for the amount of padding to a %s call. This enables the program to perform addition by setting padding equal to one variable and writing it to another
  • %c is used to write a single character, often one that can either be a null character or not
  • %4, a pointer to the location where all this is being printed to, is used to form conditionals. The way this works is that %c is used to print a character, then a set amount of padding is printed, followed by a null character. Then, all the data is printed out again as a string using %4$s. However, when the first character is a null character, no extra data is printed. This is used to form conditional jumps by writing to %3 afterwards

Armed with all this knowledge, we proceeded to write a decompiler for the format strings given. The script, written in the deep hours of the night and not at all guaranteed to work for any other program, is as follows:

import re
ls = open("code").readlines()
f = [l.strip("\n").split("%")[1:] for l in ls]
ln = [len(l.strip("\n"))+1 for l in ls]
ln = ["0x0"] + [hex(sum(ln[:i+1])) for i in range(len(ln)-1)]

def parse(s):
	src ="(\d+)\$([^A-Za-z]*)(\S+)", s)
	return src.groups()

def phex(i):
	return "0x" + hex(i)[2:].zfill(4)

f = [[parse(s) for s in l] for l in f]
names = ["", "nadr", "nchr", "iptr", "optr", "@lv90", "lv90", "lr90", "lv88", "lr88", "lv80", "lr80", "lv78", "lr78", "lv70", "lr70", "lv68", "lr68", "lv60", "lr60", "lv58", "lr58", "@lv50", "lv50", "var1"]

for i in range(len(f)):
	l = f[i]
	wr = 0
	s = ln[i][2:].zfill(4) + " | "
	regs = ""
	end = ""
	if l[0][2] == "c":
		no = (int(l[1][1]) + int(l[4][1]) + 2) % 65536;
		yes = (no + int(l[1][1]) + 1) % 65536;
		s += f"cjump {names[int(l[0][0])]} @{phex(yes)} @{phex(no)}"
		for e in l:
			if e[2] == "s":
				if "*" not in e[1]:
					wr = (wr + int(e[1]))%65536
					regs = (regs if regs == "" else (regs + " + ")) + f"{names[int(e[1][1:-1])]}"
			elif e[2] == "hn":
				if e[0] == "3":
					if (i == len(f)-1 or wr != int(ln[i+1], 16)):
						end = f"jump {phex(wr)}"
					arr = []
					if regs != "":
						arr += [regs]
					if len(arr) == 0 or wr != 0:
						arr += [phex(wr)]
					s += f"write {names[int(e[0])]} {' + '.join(arr)}"
				s += f"ERROR {e[0]}${e[1]}{e[2]}"
		s += end

This outputs relatively nice assembly-ish code that we can then use to get a better idea of what the program is doing. The output is as follows:

0000 | write lr88 0x7000
0026 | write lr90 lv88
004a | write lv90 0x0001
006c | write lr90 lv88 + 0x0002
0095 | write lv90 0x0001
00b7 | write lr80 0x0002
00da | write lr68 lv80 + lv80
0108 | write lr90 lv68 + 0x7000
0136 | write lr70 @lv90
015b | cjump lv70 @0x0324 @0x0180
0180 | write lr78 lv80 + lv80
01ae | write lr90 0xffef
01d4 | write lv90 lv78
01f9 | write lr90 0xfff0
021f | write lr70 @lv90
0244 | cjump lv70 @0x0324 @0x0269
0269 | write lr68 lv78 + lv78
0297 | write lr90 lv68 + 0x7000
02c5 | write lv90 0x0001
02e7 | write lr78 lv78 + lv80
0315 | jump 0x01ae
0324 | write lr80 lv80 + 0x0001
034f | cjump lv80 @0x00da @0x0374
0374 | write lr88 0xe000
039a | write lr80 0x0000
03bd | write lr90 lv88
03e1 | write lr78 @lv90
0406 | cjump lv78 @0x043a @0x042b
042b | jump 0x04a1
043a | write lr80 lv80 + 0xffff
0469 | write lr88 lv88 + 0x0001
0492 | jump 0x03bd
04a1 | write lr68 lv80 + 0x00fe
04d0 | cjump lv68 @0x0504 @0x04f5
04f5 | jump 0x0536
0504 | write lv50 0x0005
0527 | jump 0x13d9
0536 | write lr88 0x0000
0558 | write lr80 0x0000
057b | write lr90 0xf100
05a1 | write lr78 @lv90
05c6 | write lr70 0x0001
05e9 | write lv50 0x0000
060c | write lr90 lv88 + 0xe000
0639 | write lr68 @lv90
065e | cjump lv68 @0x0692 @0x0683
0683 | jump 0x0d97
0692 | write lr88 lv88 + 0x0001
06bb | write lr60 lv68 + 0xff8b
06ea | cjump lv60 @0x0745 @0x070f
070f | write lr68 0xfff0
0736 | jump 0x0945
0745 | write lr60 lv68 + 0xff8e
0774 | cjump lv60 @0x07cb @0x0799
0799 | write lr68 0x0001
07bc | jump 0x0945
07cb | write lr60 lv68 + 0xff9c
07fa | cjump lv60 @0x0852 @0x081f
081f | write lr68 0x0010
0843 | jump 0x0945
0852 | write lr60 lv68 + 0xff94
0881 | cjump lv60 @0x08dc @0x08a6
08a6 | write lr68 0xffff
08cd | jump 0x0945
08dc | write lr70 0x0000
08ff | write lr68 0x0000
0922 | write lv50 0x0001
0945 | write lr78 lv78 + lv68
0973 | write lr90 0xffef
0999 | write lv90 lv78
09be | write lr90 0xfff0
09e4 | write lr68 @lv90
0a09 | cjump lv68 @0x0d65 @0x0a2e
0a2e | write lr90 lv78 + 0xf000
0a5c | write lr68 @lv90
0a81 | write lr90 0xffef
0aa7 | write lv90 lv68
0acc | write lr90 0xfff0
0af2 | write lv90 0x0000
0b14 | write lr90 0xffef
0b3a | write lr68 @lv90
0b5f | write lr68 lv68 + lv68
0b8d | write lr90 lv68 + 0x7000
0bbb | write lr68 @lv90
0be0 | cjump lv68 @0x0d10 @0x0c05
0c05 | write lr68 lv80 + 0x0001
0c30 | write lr90 lv68 + 0xf102
0c5e | write lr68 @lv90
0c83 | write lr68 lv68 + lv78
0cb1 | cjump lv68 @0x0d01 @0x0cd6
0cd6 | write lr80 lv80 + 0x0001
0d01 | jump 0x060c
0d10 | write lr70 0x0000
0d33 | write lv50 0x0002
0d56 | jump 0x060c
0d65 | write lv50 0x0004
0d88 | jump 0xfffe
0d97 | cjump lv70 @0x0dcb @0x0dbc
0dbc | jump 0x13d9
0dcb | write lr68 lv80 + 0xfff7
0dfa | cjump lv68 @0x0e2e @0x0e1f
0e1f | jump 0x0e60
0e2e | write lv50 0x0003
0e51 | jump 0x13d9
0e60 | write lr88 0x0000
0e82 | write lr80 0x0000
0ea5 | write lr78 lv88 + 0xffd9
0ed3 | cjump lv78 @0x0f07 @0x0ef8
0ef8 | jump 0x137b
0f07 | write lr70 0x0004
0f2a | write lr78 0x0000
0f4d | write lr78 lv78 + lv78
0f7b | write lr78 lv78 + lv78
0fa9 | write lr90 lv80 + 0xe000
0fd7 | write lr68 @lv90
0ffc | write lr60 lv68 + 0xff8b
102b | cjump lv60 @0x105f @0x1050
1050 | jump 0x1218
105f | write lr60 lv68 + 0xff8e
108e | cjump lv60 @0x10ed @0x10b3
10b3 | write lr78 lv78 + 0x0001
10de | jump 0x1218
10ed | write lr60 lv68 + 0xff9c
111c | cjump lv60 @0x117b @0x1141
1141 | write lr78 lv78 + 0x0002
116c | jump 0x1218
117b | write lr60 lv68 + 0xff94
11aa | cjump lv60 @0x1209 @0x11cf
11cf | write lr78 lv78 + 0x0003
11fa | jump 0x1218
1209 | jump 0x13d9
1218 | write lr80 lv80 + 0x0001
1243 | write lr70 lv70 + 0xffff
1272 | cjump lv70 @0x0f4d @0x1297
1297 | write lr90 lv88 + 0xf10c
12c4 | write lr70 @lv90
12e9 | write lr90 lv88 + 0xe800
1316 | write lv90 lv70 + lv78
1343 | write lr88 lv88 + 0x0001
136c | jump 0x0ea5
137b | write lr90 lv88 + 0xe800
13a8 | write lv90 0x0000
13ca | jump 0xfffe
13d9 | write lr90 0xe800
13ff | write lv90 0x0000
1421 | jump 0xfffe

Program Analysis

Me and my teammate then spent a good amount of time on a collaborative editing website slowly working our way through this program, analysing the control flow and figuring out what it does. Our final Python-esque pseudocode is as follows:

arr[0x7000] = 1
arr[0x7002] = 1

for inc in range(2, 256):
  if arr[0x7000+2*inc] == 0:
		count = 2*inc
  while True:
    arr[0xffef] = count
    if arr[0xfff0] != 0:
    arr[0x7000+2*count] = 0x0001
    count += inc 

l88 = 0xe000
l80 = 0x0000

while arr[l88] != 0:
  l80 -= 1
  l88 += 1

if l80 != -254:
  	l50 = 0x0005

l88 = 0
l80 = 0
l78 = arr[0xf100]
l70 = 0x0001
l50 = 0x0000

while arr[l88 + 0xe000] != 0:
  l68 = arr[l88 + 0xe000]
  l88 += 1
  if l68 == 117:   # u
    l68 = -0x10
  elif l68 == 114: # r
    l68 =  0x01
  elif l68 == 100: # d
    l68 =  0x10
  elif l68 == 108: # l
    l68 = -0x01
    l70 = 0
    l68 = 0
    l50 = 1
  l78 += l68
  arr[0xffef] = l78
  if arr[0xfff0] != 0:
  arr[0xffef] = arr[l78 + 0xf000]
  arr[0xfff0] = 0
  l68 = 2*arr[0xffef]
  if arr[0x7000 + l68] != 0:
    l70 = 0
    l50 = 2
  elif arr[l80 + 0xf103] + l78 == 0:
    l80 += 1

def exit1():
  l50 = 4

if l70 == 0:

if l80 + 0xfff7 == 0:
  l50 = 3

l88 = 0
l80 = 0

while l88 != 39:
  l78 = 0

  for i in range(4):
    l78 *= 4
    l68 = arr[l80 + 0xe000]
    if l68 == 117:   # u = 0
      l78 += 0
    elif l68 == 114: # r = 1
      l78 += 1
    elif l68 == 100: # d = 2
      l78 += 2
    elif l68 == 108: # l = 3
      l78 += 3
    l80 += 1

  arr[l88 + 0xe800] = arr[l88 + 0xf10c] + l78
  l88 += 1

arr[0xe800+l88] = 0

def exit3():
  	arr[0xe800] = 0

In short, this does the following:

  • Sets up a prime sieve where 0x0001 refers to composite numbers and 0x0000 as primes, starting at 0x7000 offset from the base address and running up to 0x7200. This can be thought of as a 16x16 array
  • Checks length of input string to be 254, else terminates with l50 set to 5
  • Uses input string as directions, where each character has to be u, r, l, or d, or the program exits with code 1
  • Starts at coordinates 1, 1 and executes the moves, exiting with code 4 if an index variable overflows
  • Looks up the coordinate in a preset "16x16" map at 0xf000 offset, and uses the resulting byte as a coordinate to look up in the abovementioned prime sieve. If this location is not on a prime, the program returns exit code 1
  • If this number is on a prime, a check is performed to see if the coordinate is the next in a series of preset coordinates at 0xf103 offset. If so, a counter is incremented
  • This counter is checked to be 9, else the program terminates with code 3
  • Finally, the input string is read 4 characters at a time and converted to a byte using base-4, and is stored in memory as the flag



It is clear we need to find paths from the start to the various locations, and this will give us the flag. Writing a simple Depth-First Search suffices, and after a bit of tweaking the code we get out a string of, you guessed it, 254 moves that will visit each location. The program:

pmap = "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"
junk = "8301af49adc10f8be19effa126143b68606bc734c40a1b6d8cc947766532745fe225723274620ab9816ec617e3c5667d"
prim = "0100010000000000010000000100000001000100010000000100000001000100010000000100000001000100010000000100010001000100010000000100000001000100010001000100000001000100010000000100000001000100010000000100010001000100010000000100010001000100010000000100000001000100010001000100000001000100010000000100000001000100010001000100000001000100010000000100010001000100010000000100010001000100010001000100000001000100010000000100000001000100010000000100000001000100010000000100010001000100010001000100010001000100010001000100000001000100010000000100010001000100010000000100000001000100010001000100010001000100010000000100000001000100010001000100000001000100010001000100000001000100010000000100010001000100010000000100010001000100010000000100000001000100010001000100010001000100010000000100000001000100010000000100000001000100010001000100010001000100010001000100000001000100010001000100010001000100010001000100000001000100010000000100000001000100010000000100010001000100010000000100000001000100010001000100010001000100010000000100010001000100"

pmap = [int(pmap[i:i+2], 16) for i in range(0, len(pmap), 2)]
junk = [int(junk[i:i+2], 16) for i in range(0, len(junk), 2)]
prim = [int(prim[i:i+2], 16) for i in range(0, len(prim), 4)]

real = [[prim[pmap[i*16+j]] for j in range(16)] for i in range(16)]

for i in range(16):
    print(" ".join(" " if real[i][j] == 0 else "0" for j in range(16)))

ms = [(-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)]
ls = ["u", "r", "d", "l"]

def dfs(cur, end, pre, st):
    for i in range(4):
        move = ms[i]
        newl = (cur[0]+move[0], cur[1]+move[1])
        if newl == end:
            return ls[i]
        if 0 <= newl[0] <= 15 and 0 <= newl[1] <= 15 and real[newl[0]][newl[1]] == 0 and newl != pre:
            trail = dfs(newl, end, cur, st)
            if trail != "":
                return ls[i]+trail
    return ""

s = (1, 1)
out = ""

for i in range(9):
    loc = ((256-junk[i])//16, (256-junk[i])%16)
    out += dfs(s, loc, (-1, -1), "")
    s = loc

The moves are:


Before I could even write code to assemble this into base-4 myself, my teammate had already inserted it into the program and gotten the flag, CTF{n0w_ev3n_pr1n7f_1s_7ur1ng_c0mpl3te}

Thanks to the organizers for one of the most fun challenges I have attempted so far!

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