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Crypto: Chunk Norris

Writeup by Tian Cilliers of The Order of Bit (#1 South African CTF team!)

Task Description

Chunk Norris is black belt in fast random number generation.

First Look

Rev: Sprint

Writeup by Tian Cilliers of The Order of Bit (#1 South African CTF team!)

Task Description

Sprint faster than this binary!

First Look

Misc: Find Me If You Can

First look

We are provided an address and port. Running netcat on these tells us we need to find the number not matching (we have 3 attempts). We are then given a blob of base64 encoded data. Decoding this reveals a header of 78 9c, meaning this is zlib compressed data. Decompressing gives us data with a JPEG file header, and viewing this image results in the following:

[Insert Image Here]


Rev: ArchRide

First look

We are provided a file surprise which we notice, after running xxd -l 100 surprise, starts with the header 42 5a 68 39. This is recognizable as a BZip2 zipped file. After unzipping it, we are left with an x86-64 ELF file. We throw this into our decompiler of choice and find that it performs a few actions:

  • Reads a 14-letter key
  • Checks the XOR of various sets of 3 letters with some data embedded in the program
  • If all this is satisfied, it overwrites the file surprise with a section of data in the program XORed with the key, repeating every 13 letters

Challenge 15: Self-Replicating Toy

This challenge requires writing a program in the given language that prints out itself. This is commonly known as a quine.


Assemblium uses 2 stacks namely the data stack and code stack, with the following being executed when an instruction gets popped off the top of the code stack:

Instruction Result