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Created May 20, 2024 21:51
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A very, *very* basic PoC of using `jq` to manage and manipulate OCI layouts.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -Eeuo pipefail
oci="$PWD" # TODO parameter/flag (and pass it aruond to other oci tools correctly!)
# ~validate $oci is an OCI layout
[ -s "$oci/oci-layout" ]
jq -se 'length == 1 and .[0].imageLayoutVersion == "1.0.0"' "$oci/oci-layout" > /dev/null
# TODO more/better validation? definitely better error handling
IFS=$'\n' # TODO more defensive shell escaping handling
descs="$(jq -c '.manifests[]' "$oci/index.json")"
set -- $descs
while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do
desc="$1"; shift
file="$(jq <<<"$desc" -r '"blobs/" + (.digest | sub(":"; "/"))')"
mediaType="$(jq <<<"$desc" -r '.mediaType // ""')"
case "$mediaType" in
application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json | application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json)
descs="$(oci-get "$desc" | jq -c '.manifests[]')"
set -- "$@" $descs
application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json | application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json)
descs="$(oci-get "$desc" | jq -c '.config, .layers[]')"
set -- "$@" $descs
application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json | \
application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar+gzip | \
# known blob type, no children (TODO *technically* this should happen in the above block since layers and config can't have children period)
echo >&2 "warning: unknown children: $desc"
everything="$(cd "$oci" && find blobs -type f)"
comm -13 <(sort -u <<<"$referenced") <(sort -u <<<"$everything")
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -Eeuo pipefail
oci="$PWD" # TODO parameter/flag
case "$#" in
0) ;; # descriptor on stdin
1) exec <<< "$1"; shift ;; # descriptor (now) on stdin
*) echo >&2 "error: expected 0 or 1 arguments, got $#" exit 1 ;;
# ~validate $oci is an OCI layout
[ -s "$oci/oci-layout" ]
jq -se 'length == 1 and .[0].imageLayoutVersion == "1.0.0"' "$oci/oci-layout" > /dev/null
# TODO more/better validation? definitely better error handling
# TODO stream of inputs somehow? multi-input?
digest="$(jq -sR '
gsub("^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$"; "")
| if startswith("{") and endswith("}") then
elif contains(":") then
{ digest: . }
error("input does not look like a descriptor (or digest): " + .)
| .digest
' -r)"
# TODO also validate checksum/size from provided descriptor/digest?
cat "$oci/blobs/${digest/://}"
# TODO some way to get the filename directly instead of the contents
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -Eeuo pipefail
oci="$PWD" # TODO parameter/flag
# ~validate $oci is not yet an OCI layout
[ ! -e "$oci/oci-layout" ]
[ ! -e "$oci/index.json" ]
[ ! -e "$oci/blobs" ]
# TODO more/better validation? definitely better error handling
jq -nc '{ imageLayoutVersion: "1.0.0" }' > "$oci/oci-layout"
jq -n '
schemaVersion: 2,
mediaType: "application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json",
manifests: [],
' > "$oci/index.json"
mkdir -p "$oci/blobs"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -Eeuo pipefail
oci="$PWD" # TODO parameter/flag
case "$#" in
0) ;; # blob data on stdin
1) exec < "$1"; shift ;; # blob data (now) on stdin
*) echo >&2 "error: expected 0 or 1 arguments, got $#" exit 1 ;;
# ~validate $oci is an OCI layout
[ -s "$oci/oci-layout" ]
jq -se 'length == 1 and .[0].imageLayoutVersion == "1.0.0"' "$oci/oci-layout" > /dev/null
# TODO more/better validation? definitely better error handling
tmp="$(mktemp --directory --tmpdir oci-put.XXXXXXXXXX)"
trap "$(printf 'rm -rf %q' "$tmp")" EXIT
sum="$(tee "$tmp/blob-data" | "${algo}sum")"
sum="${sum%% *}"
size="$(stat --format '%s' "$tmp/blob-data")"
mv "$tmp/blob-data" "$tmp/$sum" # avoid needing "mv -T"
mkdir -p "$oci/blobs/$algo"
mv -f "$tmp/$sum" "$oci/blobs/$algo/"
export digest size
jq -nc '{ digest: env.digest, size: (env.size | tonumber) }'
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