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Last active May 11, 2019 14:40
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The original Bash-based prototype for to prove out the concept \m/
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -Eeuo pipefail
# for real pushes, this would be "library"
_curl() {
curl -fsSL --retry 3 "$@"
split_img() {
local img="$1"; shift
local repoVar="$1"; shift
local tagVar="$1"; shift
local repo="${img%%:*}"
local tag="${img#$repo:}"
[ "$tag" != "$repo" ] || tag='latest'
local printfEval
printfEval="$(printf "declare -g $repoVar=%q $tagVar=%q" "$repo" "$tag")"
eval "$printfEval"
arch_to_ns() {
local arch="$1"; shift
case "$arch" in
windows-*) echo -n "win${arch#windows-}" ;;
*) echo -n "$arch" ;;
fetch_digest() {
local repo="$1"; shift
local man="$1"; shift
local curl
curl="$(_curl --head "$publicProxy/v2/$repo/manifests/$man")" || return 1
curl="$(tr -d '\r' <<<"$curl")" || return 1
local digest
digest="$(sed --quiet --regexp-extended -e '/^docker-content-digest:[[:space:]]+/ s/// p' <<<"${curl,,}")" || return 1
[ -n "$digest" ] || return 1
[[ "$digest" == sha256:* ]] || return 1
echo -n "$digest"
fetch_manifest() {
local repo="$1"; shift
local digest="$1"; shift
[[ "$digest" == sha256:* ]] || return 1
_curl "$publicProxy/v2/$repo/manifests/$digest" || return 1
fetch_blob() {
local repo="$1"; shift
local digest="$1"; shift
[[ "$digest" == sha256:* ]] || return 1
_curl "$publicProxy/v2/$repo/blobs/$digest" || return 1
arch_to_platform() {
local arch="$1"; shift
local goos="${arch%-*}"
[ "$goos" != "$arch" ] || goos='linux'
local goarch="${arch#$goos-}" variant=
case "$goarch" in
i386) goarch='386' ;;
arm32v*) variant="${goarch#arm32}"; goarch='arm' ;;
arm64v*) variant="${goarch#arm64}"; goarch='arm64' ;;
jq -n --arg os "$goos" --arg arch "$goarch" --arg variant "$variant" '{
"architecture": $arch,
"os": $os
} + if ($variant | length) > 0 then { "variant": $variant } else null end'
manifest_list_items() {
local arch="$1"; shift
local repo="$1"; shift
local digest="$1"; shift
local manifest schemaVersion
manifest="$(fetch_manifest "$repo" "$digest")" || return 1
schemaVersion="$(jq -r '.schemaVersion' <<<"$manifest")" || return 1
local platform
platform="$(arch_to_platform "$arch")" || return 1
local mediaType
case "$schemaVersion" in
mediaType="$(jq -r '.mediaType' <<<"$manifest")" || return 1
if [ "$mediaType" = 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json' ]; then
# if we're already a manifest list, we've scored -- just return the list items directly!
jq '.manifests' <<<"$manifest" || return 1
return 0
if [ "$mediaType" != 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json' ]; then
echo >&2 "error: unknown schemaVersion 2 'mediaType' value: '$mediaType' (while parsing '$repo@$digest' for '$arch')"
exit 1
local os; os="$(jq -r '.os' <<<"$platform")"
if [ "$os" = 'windows' ]; then
# if this is a Windows image, we need to fetch "os.version" from the image config object for the "platform" output
local config configDigest
configDigest="$(jq -r '.config.digest' <<<"$manifest")"
config="$(fetch_blob "$repo" "$configDigest")"
local osVersion
osVersion="$(jq -r '."os.version"' <<<"$config")"
if [ -n "$osVersion" ]; then
platform="$(jq -n --argjson 'platform' "$platform" --arg 'osVersion' "$osVersion" '$platform + {
"os.version": $osVersion
# TODO ??? (especially "os.version" for a Windows-based image?)
echo >&2 "error: unknown 'schemaVersion' value: '$schemaVersion' (while parsing '$repo@$digest' for '$arch')"
exit 1
jq -n --arg 'mediaType' "$mediaType" --argjson 'size' "${#manifest}" --arg 'digest' "$digest" --argjson 'platform' "$platform" '[
"mediaType": $mediaType,
"size": $size,
"digest": $digest,
"platform": $platform
for img; do
split_img "$img" 'repo' 'tag'
echo "$targetOrg/$img"
arches="$(bashbrew cat --format '{{ range .Entries }}{{ .Architectures | join "\n" }}{{ "\n" }}{{ end }}' "$img")"
arches="$(sort -u <<<"$arches")"
arches="$(xargs <<<"$arches")"
for arch in $arches; do
ns="$(arch_to_ns "$arch")"
digest="$(fetch_digest "$ns/$repo" "$tag")" || continue # if the tag doesn't exist in this repo, skip it
echo " - $arch: $digest"
manifestListItems="$(manifest_list_items "$arch" "$ns/$repo" "$digest")"
manifests="$(jq -n --argjson 'manifests' "$manifests" --argjson new "$manifestListItems" '$manifests + $new')"
newManifestList="$(jq -n --argjson 'manifests' "$manifests" '{
"schemaVersion": 2,
"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json",
"manifests": $manifests
oldManifestList="$(oldDigest="$(fetch_digest "$targetOrg/$repo" "$tag")" && fetch_manifest "$targetOrg/$repo" "$oldDigest")" || :
diff -u <(jq --tab . <<<"$oldManifestList") <(jq --tab . <<<"$newManifestList") || :
# TODO opportunistic blob mounts + manifest list push
#echo "==> $(jq -c . <<<"$newManifestList")"
# TODO rewrite this all in Perl using promises so it can parallelize like crazy
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