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Created February 10, 2014 03:56
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d3 = function() {
var d3 = {
version: "3.3.8"
if (! = function() {
return +new Date();
var d3_arraySlice = [].slice, d3_array = function(list) {
var d3_document = document, d3_documentElement = d3_document.documentElement, d3_window = window;
try {
} catch (e) {
d3_array = function(list) {
var i = list.length, array = new Array(i);
while (i--) array[i] = list[i];
return array;
try {
d3_document.createElement("div").style.setProperty("opacity", 0, "");
} catch (error) {
var d3_element_prototype = d3_window.Element.prototype, d3_element_setAttribute = d3_element_prototype.setAttribute, d3_element_setAttributeNS = d3_element_prototype.setAttributeNS, d3_style_prototype = d3_window.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, d3_style_setProperty = d3_style_prototype.setProperty;
d3_element_prototype.setAttribute = function(name, value) {, name, value + "");
d3_element_prototype.setAttributeNS = function(space, local, value) {, space, local, value + "");
d3_style_prototype.setProperty = function(name, value, priority) {, name, value + "", priority);
d3.ascending = function(a, b) {
return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : a >= b ? 0 : NaN;
d3.descending = function(a, b) {
return b < a ? -1 : b > a ? 1 : b >= a ? 0 : NaN;
d3.min = function(array, f) {
var i = -1, n = array.length, a, b;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
while (++i < n && !((a = array[i]) != null && a <= a)) a = undefined;
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && a > b) a = b;
} else {
while (++i < n && !((a =, array[i], i)) != null && a <= a)) a = undefined;
while (++i < n) if ((b =, array[i], i)) != null && a > b) a = b;
return a;
d3.max = function(array, f) {
var i = -1, n = array.length, a, b;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
while (++i < n && !((a = array[i]) != null && a <= a)) a = undefined;
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && b > a) a = b;
} else {
while (++i < n && !((a =, array[i], i)) != null && a <= a)) a = undefined;
while (++i < n) if ((b =, array[i], i)) != null && b > a) a = b;
return a;
d3.extent = function(array, f) {
var i = -1, n = array.length, a, b, c;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
while (++i < n && !((a = c = array[i]) != null && a <= a)) a = c = undefined;
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null) {
if (a > b) a = b;
if (c < b) c = b;
} else {
while (++i < n && !((a = c =, array[i], i)) != null && a <= a)) a = undefined;
while (++i < n) if ((b =, array[i], i)) != null) {
if (a > b) a = b;
if (c < b) c = b;
return [ a, c ];
d3.sum = function(array, f) {
var s = 0, n = array.length, a, i = -1;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
while (++i < n) if (!isNaN(a = +array[i])) s += a;
} else {
while (++i < n) if (!isNaN(a =, array[i], i))) s += a;
return s;
function d3_number(x) {
return x != null && !isNaN(x);
d3.mean = function(array, f) {
var n = array.length, a, m = 0, i = -1, j = 0;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
while (++i < n) if (d3_number(a = array[i])) m += (a - m) / ++j;
} else {
while (++i < n) if (d3_number(a =, array[i], i))) m += (a - m) / ++j;
return j ? m : undefined;
d3.quantile = function(values, p) {
var H = (values.length - 1) * p + 1, h = Math.floor(H), v = +values[h - 1], e = H - h;
return e ? v + e * (values[h] - v) : v;
d3.median = function(array, f) {
if (arguments.length > 1) array =;
array = array.filter(d3_number);
return array.length ? d3.quantile(array.sort(d3.ascending), .5) : undefined;
d3.bisector = function(f) {
return {
left: function(a, x, lo, hi) {
if (arguments.length < 3) lo = 0;
if (arguments.length < 4) hi = a.length;
while (lo < hi) {
var mid = lo + hi >>> 1;
if (, a[mid], mid) < x) lo = mid + 1; else hi = mid;
return lo;
right: function(a, x, lo, hi) {
if (arguments.length < 3) lo = 0;
if (arguments.length < 4) hi = a.length;
while (lo < hi) {
var mid = lo + hi >>> 1;
if (x <, a[mid], mid)) hi = mid; else lo = mid + 1;
return lo;
var d3_bisector = d3.bisector(function(d) {
return d;
d3.bisectLeft = d3_bisector.left;
d3.bisect = d3.bisectRight = d3_bisector.right;
d3.shuffle = function(array) {
var m = array.length, t, i;
while (m) {
i = Math.random() * m-- | 0;
t = array[m], array[m] = array[i], array[i] = t;
return array;
d3.permute = function(array, indexes) {
var i = indexes.length, permutes = new Array(i);
while (i--) permutes[i] = array[indexes[i]];
return permutes;
d3.pairs = function(array) {
var i = 0, n = array.length - 1, p0, p1 = array[0], pairs = new Array(n < 0 ? 0 : n);
while (i < n) pairs[i] = [ p0 = p1, p1 = array[++i] ];
return pairs;
}; = function() {
if (!(n = arguments.length)) return [];
for (var i = -1, m = d3.min(arguments, d3_zipLength), zips = new Array(m); ++i < m; ) {
for (var j = -1, n, zip = zips[i] = new Array(n); ++j < n; ) {
zip[j] = arguments[j][i];
return zips;
function d3_zipLength(d) {
return d.length;
d3.transpose = function(matrix) {
return, matrix);
d3.keys = function(map) {
var keys = [];
for (var key in map) keys.push(key);
return keys;
d3.values = function(map) {
var values = [];
for (var key in map) values.push(map[key]);
return values;
d3.entries = function(map) {
var entries = [];
for (var key in map) entries.push({
key: key,
value: map[key]
return entries;
d3.merge = function(arrays) {
var n = arrays.length, m, i = -1, j = 0, merged, array;
while (++i < n) j += arrays[i].length;
merged = new Array(j);
while (--n >= 0) {
array = arrays[n];
m = array.length;
while (--m >= 0) {
merged[--j] = array[m];
return merged;
var abs = Math.abs;
d3.range = function(start, stop, step) {
if (arguments.length < 3) {
step = 1;
if (arguments.length < 2) {
stop = start;
start = 0;
if ((stop - start) / step === Infinity) throw new Error("infinite range");
var range = [], k = d3_range_integerScale(abs(step)), i = -1, j;
start *= k, stop *= k, step *= k;
if (step < 0) while ((j = start + step * ++i) > stop) range.push(j / k); else while ((j = start + step * ++i) < stop) range.push(j / k);
return range;
function d3_range_integerScale(x) {
var k = 1;
while (x * k % 1) k *= 10;
return k;
function d3_class(ctor, properties) {
try {
for (var key in properties) {
Object.defineProperty(ctor.prototype, key, {
value: properties[key],
enumerable: false
} catch (e) {
ctor.prototype = properties;
} = function(object) {
var map = new d3_Map();
if (object instanceof d3_Map) object.forEach(function(key, value) {
map.set(key, value);
}); else for (var key in object) map.set(key, object[key]);
return map;
function d3_Map() {}
d3_class(d3_Map, {
has: function(key) {
return d3_map_prefix + key in this;
get: function(key) {
return this[d3_map_prefix + key];
set: function(key, value) {
return this[d3_map_prefix + key] = value;
remove: function(key) {
key = d3_map_prefix + key;
return key in this && delete this[key];
keys: function() {
var keys = [];
this.forEach(function(key) {
return keys;
values: function() {
var values = [];
this.forEach(function(key, value) {
return values;
entries: function() {
var entries = [];
this.forEach(function(key, value) {
key: key,
value: value
return entries;
forEach: function(f) {
for (var key in this) {
if (key.charCodeAt(0) === d3_map_prefixCode) {, key.substring(1), this[key]);
var d3_map_prefix = "\x00", d3_map_prefixCode = d3_map_prefix.charCodeAt(0);
d3.nest = function() {
var nest = {}, keys = [], sortKeys = [], sortValues, rollup;
function map(mapType, array, depth) {
if (depth >= keys.length) return rollup ?, array) : sortValues ? array.sort(sortValues) : array;
var i = -1, n = array.length, key = keys[depth++], keyValue, object, setter, valuesByKey = new d3_Map(), values;
while (++i < n) {
if (values = valuesByKey.get(keyValue = key(object = array[i]))) {
} else {
valuesByKey.set(keyValue, [ object ]);
if (mapType) {
object = mapType();
setter = function(keyValue, values) {
object.set(keyValue, map(mapType, values, depth));
} else {
object = {};
setter = function(keyValue, values) {
object[keyValue] = map(mapType, values, depth);
return object;
function entries(map, depth) {
if (depth >= keys.length) return map;
var array = [], sortKey = sortKeys[depth++];
map.forEach(function(key, keyMap) {
key: key,
values: entries(keyMap, depth)
return sortKey ? array.sort(function(a, b) {
return sortKey(a.key, b.key);
}) : array;
} = function(array, mapType) {
return map(mapType, array, 0);
nest.entries = function(array) {
return entries(map(, array, 0), 0);
nest.key = function(d) {
return nest;
nest.sortKeys = function(order) {
sortKeys[keys.length - 1] = order;
return nest;
nest.sortValues = function(order) {
sortValues = order;
return nest;
nest.rollup = function(f) {
rollup = f;
return nest;
return nest;
d3.set = function(array) {
var set = new d3_Set();
if (array) for (var i = 0, n = array.length; i < n; ++i) set.add(array[i]);
return set;
function d3_Set() {}
d3_class(d3_Set, {
has: function(value) {
return d3_map_prefix + value in this;
add: function(value) {
this[d3_map_prefix + value] = true;
return value;
remove: function(value) {
value = d3_map_prefix + value;
return value in this && delete this[value];
values: function() {
var values = [];
this.forEach(function(value) {
return values;
forEach: function(f) {
for (var value in this) {
if (value.charCodeAt(0) === d3_map_prefixCode) {, value.substring(1));
d3.behavior = {};
d3.rebind = function(target, source) {
var i = 1, n = arguments.length, method;
while (++i < n) target[method = arguments[i]] = d3_rebind(target, source, source[method]);
return target;
function d3_rebind(target, source, method) {
return function() {
var value = method.apply(source, arguments);
return value === source ? target : value;
function d3_vendorSymbol(object, name) {
if (name in object) return name;
name = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1);
for (var i = 0, n = d3_vendorPrefixes.length; i < n; ++i) {
var prefixName = d3_vendorPrefixes[i] + name;
if (prefixName in object) return prefixName;
var d3_vendorPrefixes = [ "webkit", "ms", "moz", "Moz", "o", "O" ];
function d3_noop() {}
d3.dispatch = function() {
var dispatch = new d3_dispatch(), i = -1, n = arguments.length;
while (++i < n) dispatch[arguments[i]] = d3_dispatch_event(dispatch);
return dispatch;
function d3_dispatch() {}
d3_dispatch.prototype.on = function(type, listener) {
var i = type.indexOf("."), name = "";
if (i >= 0) {
name = type.substring(i + 1);
type = type.substring(0, i);
if (type) return arguments.length < 2 ? this[type].on(name) : this[type].on(name, listener);
if (arguments.length === 2) {
if (listener == null) for (type in this) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(type)) this[type].on(name, null);
return this;
function d3_dispatch_event(dispatch) {
var listeners = [], listenerByName = new d3_Map();
function event() {
var z = listeners, i = -1, n = z.length, l;
while (++i < n) if (l = z[i].on) l.apply(this, arguments);
return dispatch;
event.on = function(name, listener) {
var l = listenerByName.get(name), i;
if (arguments.length < 2) return l && l.on;
if (l) {
l.on = null;
listeners = listeners.slice(0, i = listeners.indexOf(l)).concat(listeners.slice(i + 1));
if (listener) listeners.push(listenerByName.set(name, {
on: listener
return dispatch;
return event;
d3.event = null;
function d3_eventPreventDefault() {
function d3_eventSource() {
var e = d3.event, s;
while (s = e.sourceEvent) e = s;
return e;
function d3_eventDispatch(target) {
var dispatch = new d3_dispatch(), i = 0, n = arguments.length;
while (++i < n) dispatch[arguments[i]] = d3_dispatch_event(dispatch);
dispatch.of = function(thiz, argumentz) {
return function(e1) {
try {
var e0 = e1.sourceEvent = d3.event; = target;
d3.event = e1;
dispatch[e1.type].apply(thiz, argumentz);
} finally {
d3.event = e0;
return dispatch;
d3.requote = function(s) {
return s.replace(d3_requote_re, "\\$&");
var d3_requote_re = /[\\\^\$\*\+\?\|\[\]\(\)\.\{\}]/g;
var d3_subclass = {}.__proto__ ? function(object, prototype) {
object.__proto__ = prototype;
} : function(object, prototype) {
for (var property in prototype) object[property] = prototype[property];
function d3_selection(groups) {
d3_subclass(groups, d3_selectionPrototype);
return groups;
var d3_select = function(s, n) {
return n.querySelector(s);
}, d3_selectAll = function(s, n) {
return n.querySelectorAll(s);
}, d3_selectMatcher = d3_documentElement[d3_vendorSymbol(d3_documentElement, "matchesSelector")], d3_selectMatches = function(n, s) {
return, s);
if (typeof Sizzle === "function") {
d3_select = function(s, n) {
return Sizzle(s, n)[0] || null;
d3_selectAll = function(s, n) {
return Sizzle.uniqueSort(Sizzle(s, n));
d3_selectMatches = Sizzle.matchesSelector;
d3.selection = function() {
return d3_selectionRoot;
var d3_selectionPrototype = d3.selection.prototype = []; = function(selector) {
var subgroups = [], subgroup, subnode, group, node;
selector = d3_selection_selector(selector);
for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) {
subgroups.push(subgroup = []);
subgroup.parentNode = (group = this[j]).parentNode;
for (var i = -1, n = group.length; ++i < n; ) {
if (node = group[i]) {
subgroup.push(subnode =, node.__data__, i, j));
if (subnode && "__data__" in node) subnode.__data__ = node.__data__;
} else {
return d3_selection(subgroups);
function d3_selection_selector(selector) {
return typeof selector === "function" ? selector : function() {
return d3_select(selector, this);
d3_selectionPrototype.selectAll = function(selector) {
var subgroups = [], subgroup, node;
selector = d3_selection_selectorAll(selector);
for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) {
for (var group = this[j], i = -1, n = group.length; ++i < n; ) {
if (node = group[i]) {
subgroups.push(subgroup = d3_array(, node.__data__, i, j)));
subgroup.parentNode = node;
return d3_selection(subgroups);
function d3_selection_selectorAll(selector) {
return typeof selector === "function" ? selector : function() {
return d3_selectAll(selector, this);
var d3_nsPrefix = {
svg: "",
xhtml: "",
xlink: "",
xml: "",
xmlns: ""
d3.ns = {
prefix: d3_nsPrefix,
qualify: function(name) {
var i = name.indexOf(":"), prefix = name;
if (i >= 0) {
prefix = name.substring(0, i);
name = name.substring(i + 1);
return d3_nsPrefix.hasOwnProperty(prefix) ? {
space: d3_nsPrefix[prefix],
local: name
} : name;
d3_selectionPrototype.attr = function(name, value) {
if (arguments.length < 2) {
if (typeof name === "string") {
var node = this.node();
name = d3.ns.qualify(name);
return name.local ? node.getAttributeNS(, name.local) : node.getAttribute(name);
for (value in name) this.each(d3_selection_attr(value, name[value]));
return this;
return this.each(d3_selection_attr(name, value));
function d3_selection_attr(name, value) {
name = d3.ns.qualify(name);
function attrNull() {
function attrNullNS() {
this.removeAttributeNS(, name.local);
function attrConstant() {
this.setAttribute(name, value);
function attrConstantNS() {
this.setAttributeNS(, name.local, value);
function attrFunction() {
var x = value.apply(this, arguments);
if (x == null) this.removeAttribute(name); else this.setAttribute(name, x);
function attrFunctionNS() {
var x = value.apply(this, arguments);
if (x == null) this.removeAttributeNS(, name.local); else this.setAttributeNS(, name.local, x);
return value == null ? name.local ? attrNullNS : attrNull : typeof value === "function" ? name.local ? attrFunctionNS : attrFunction : name.local ? attrConstantNS : attrConstant;
function d3_collapse(s) {
return s.trim().replace(/\s+/g, " ");
d3_selectionPrototype.classed = function(name, value) {
if (arguments.length < 2) {
if (typeof name === "string") {
var node = this.node(), n = (name = name.trim().split(/^|\s+/g)).length, i = -1;
if (value = node.classList) {
while (++i < n) if (!value.contains(name[i])) return false;
} else {
value = node.getAttribute("class");
while (++i < n) if (!d3_selection_classedRe(name[i]).test(value)) return false;
return true;
for (value in name) this.each(d3_selection_classed(value, name[value]));
return this;
return this.each(d3_selection_classed(name, value));
function d3_selection_classedRe(name) {
return new RegExp("(?:^|\\s+)" + d3.requote(name) + "(?:\\s+|$)", "g");
function d3_selection_classed(name, value) {
name = name.trim().split(/\s+/).map(d3_selection_classedName);
var n = name.length;
function classedConstant() {
var i = -1;
while (++i < n) name[i](this, value);
function classedFunction() {
var i = -1, x = value.apply(this, arguments);
while (++i < n) name[i](this, x);
return typeof value === "function" ? classedFunction : classedConstant;
function d3_selection_classedName(name) {
var re = d3_selection_classedRe(name);
return function(node, value) {
if (c = node.classList) return value ? c.add(name) : c.remove(name);
var c = node.getAttribute("class") || "";
if (value) {
re.lastIndex = 0;
if (!re.test(c)) node.setAttribute("class", d3_collapse(c + " " + name));
} else {
node.setAttribute("class", d3_collapse(c.replace(re, " ")));
} = function(name, value, priority) {
var n = arguments.length;
if (n < 3) {
if (typeof name !== "string") {
if (n < 2) value = "";
for (priority in name) this.each(d3_selection_style(priority, name[priority], value));
return this;
if (n < 2) return d3_window.getComputedStyle(this.node(), null).getPropertyValue(name);
priority = "";
return this.each(d3_selection_style(name, value, priority));
function d3_selection_style(name, value, priority) {
function styleNull() {;
function styleConstant() {, value, priority);
function styleFunction() {
var x = value.apply(this, arguments);
if (x == null); else, x, priority);
return value == null ? styleNull : typeof value === "function" ? styleFunction : styleConstant;
} = function(name, value) {
if (arguments.length < 2) {
if (typeof name === "string") return this.node()[name];
for (value in name) this.each(d3_selection_property(value, name[value]));
return this;
return this.each(d3_selection_property(name, value));
function d3_selection_property(name, value) {
function propertyNull() {
delete this[name];
function propertyConstant() {
this[name] = value;
function propertyFunction() {
var x = value.apply(this, arguments);
if (x == null) delete this[name]; else this[name] = x;
return value == null ? propertyNull : typeof value === "function" ? propertyFunction : propertyConstant;
d3_selectionPrototype.text = function(value) {
return arguments.length ? this.each(typeof value === "function" ? function() {
var v = value.apply(this, arguments);
this.textContent = v == null ? "" : v;
} : value == null ? function() {
this.textContent = "";
} : function() {
this.textContent = value;
}) : this.node().textContent;
d3_selectionPrototype.html = function(value) {
return arguments.length ? this.each(typeof value === "function" ? function() {
var v = value.apply(this, arguments);
this.innerHTML = v == null ? "" : v;
} : value == null ? function() {
this.innerHTML = "";
} : function() {
this.innerHTML = value;
}) : this.node().innerHTML;
d3_selectionPrototype.append = function(name) {
name = d3_selection_creator(name);
return {
return this.appendChild(name.apply(this, arguments));
function d3_selection_creator(name) {
return typeof name === "function" ? name : (name = d3.ns.qualify(name)).local ? function() {
return this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(, name.local);
} : function() {
return this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(this.namespaceURI, name);
d3_selectionPrototype.insert = function(name, before) {
name = d3_selection_creator(name);
before = d3_selection_selector(before);
return {
return this.insertBefore(name.apply(this, arguments), before.apply(this, arguments) || null);
d3_selectionPrototype.remove = function() {
return this.each(function() {
var parent = this.parentNode;
if (parent) parent.removeChild(this);
}; = function(value, key) {
var i = -1, n = this.length, group, node;
if (!arguments.length) {
value = new Array(n = (group = this[0]).length);
while (++i < n) {
if (node = group[i]) {
value[i] = node.__data__;
return value;
function bind(group, groupData) {
var i, n = group.length, m = groupData.length, n0 = Math.min(n, m), updateNodes = new Array(m), enterNodes = new Array(m), exitNodes = new Array(n), node, nodeData;
if (key) {
var nodeByKeyValue = new d3_Map(), dataByKeyValue = new d3_Map(), keyValues = [], keyValue;
for (i = -1; ++i < n; ) {
keyValue = = group[i], node.__data__, i);
if (nodeByKeyValue.has(keyValue)) {
exitNodes[i] = node;
} else {
nodeByKeyValue.set(keyValue, node);
for (i = -1; ++i < m; ) {
keyValue =, nodeData = groupData[i], i);
if (node = nodeByKeyValue.get(keyValue)) {
updateNodes[i] = node;
node.__data__ = nodeData;
} else if (!dataByKeyValue.has(keyValue)) {
enterNodes[i] = d3_selection_dataNode(nodeData);
dataByKeyValue.set(keyValue, nodeData);
for (i = -1; ++i < n; ) {
if (nodeByKeyValue.has(keyValues[i])) {
exitNodes[i] = group[i];
} else {
for (i = -1; ++i < n0; ) {
node = group[i];
nodeData = groupData[i];
if (node) {
node.__data__ = nodeData;
updateNodes[i] = node;
} else {
enterNodes[i] = d3_selection_dataNode(nodeData);
for (;i < m; ++i) {
enterNodes[i] = d3_selection_dataNode(groupData[i]);
for (;i < n; ++i) {
exitNodes[i] = group[i];
enterNodes.update = updateNodes;
enterNodes.parentNode = updateNodes.parentNode = exitNodes.parentNode = group.parentNode;
var enter = d3_selection_enter([]), update = d3_selection([]), exit = d3_selection([]);
if (typeof value === "function") {
while (++i < n) {
bind(group = this[i],, group.parentNode.__data__, i));
} else {
while (++i < n) {
bind(group = this[i], value);
update.enter = function() {
return enter;
update.exit = function() {
return exit;
return update;
function d3_selection_dataNode(data) {
return {
__data__: data
d3_selectionPrototype.datum = function(value) {
return arguments.length ?"__data__", value) :"__data__");
d3_selectionPrototype.filter = function(filter) {
var subgroups = [], subgroup, group, node;
if (typeof filter !== "function") filter = d3_selection_filter(filter);
for (var j = 0, m = this.length; j < m; j++) {
subgroups.push(subgroup = []);
subgroup.parentNode = (group = this[j]).parentNode;
for (var i = 0, n = group.length; i < n; i++) {
if ((node = group[i]) &&, node.__data__, i)) {
return d3_selection(subgroups);
function d3_selection_filter(selector) {
return function() {
return d3_selectMatches(this, selector);
d3_selectionPrototype.order = function() {
for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) {
for (var group = this[j], i = group.length - 1, next = group[i], node; --i >= 0; ) {
if (node = group[i]) {
if (next && next !== node.nextSibling) next.parentNode.insertBefore(node, next);
next = node;
return this;
d3_selectionPrototype.sort = function(comparator) {
comparator = d3_selection_sortComparator.apply(this, arguments);
for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) this[j].sort(comparator);
return this.order();
function d3_selection_sortComparator(comparator) {
if (!arguments.length) comparator = d3.ascending;
return function(a, b) {
return a && b ? comparator(a.__data__, b.__data__) : !a - !b;
d3_selectionPrototype.each = function(callback) {
return d3_selection_each(this, function(node, i, j) {, node.__data__, i, j);
function d3_selection_each(groups, callback) {
for (var j = 0, m = groups.length; j < m; j++) {
for (var group = groups[j], i = 0, n = group.length, node; i < n; i++) {
if (node = group[i]) callback(node, i, j);
return groups;
} = function(callback) {
var args = d3_array(arguments);
callback.apply(args[0] = this, args);
return this;
d3_selectionPrototype.empty = function() {
return !this.node();
d3_selectionPrototype.node = function() {
for (var j = 0, m = this.length; j < m; j++) {
for (var group = this[j], i = 0, n = group.length; i < n; i++) {
var node = group[i];
if (node) return node;
return null;
d3_selectionPrototype.size = function() {
var n = 0;
this.each(function() {
return n;
function d3_selection_enter(selection) {
d3_subclass(selection, d3_selection_enterPrototype);
return selection;
var d3_selection_enterPrototype = [];
d3.selection.enter = d3_selection_enter;
d3.selection.enter.prototype = d3_selection_enterPrototype;
d3_selection_enterPrototype.append = d3_selectionPrototype.append;
d3_selection_enterPrototype.empty = d3_selectionPrototype.empty;
d3_selection_enterPrototype.node = d3_selectionPrototype.node; =;
d3_selection_enterPrototype.size = d3_selectionPrototype.size; = function(selector) {
var subgroups = [], subgroup, subnode, upgroup, group, node;
for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) {
upgroup = (group = this[j]).update;
subgroups.push(subgroup = []);
subgroup.parentNode = group.parentNode;
for (var i = -1, n = group.length; ++i < n; ) {
if (node = group[i]) {
subgroup.push(upgroup[i] = subnode =, node.__data__, i, j));
subnode.__data__ = node.__data__;
} else {
return d3_selection(subgroups);
d3_selection_enterPrototype.insert = function(name, before) {
if (arguments.length < 2) before = d3_selection_enterInsertBefore(this);
return, name, before);
function d3_selection_enterInsertBefore(enter) {
var i0, j0;
return function(d, i, j) {
var group = enter[j].update, n = group.length, node;
if (j != j0) j0 = j, i0 = 0;
if (i >= i0) i0 = i + 1;
while (!(node = group[i0]) && ++i0 < n) ;
return node;
d3_selectionPrototype.transition = function() {
var id = d3_transitionInheritId || ++d3_transitionId, subgroups = [], subgroup, node, transition = d3_transitionInherit || {
ease: d3_ease_cubicInOut,
delay: 0,
duration: 250
for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) {
subgroups.push(subgroup = []);
for (var group = this[j], i = -1, n = group.length; ++i < n; ) {
if (node = group[i]) d3_transitionNode(node, i, id, transition);
return d3_transition(subgroups, id);
d3_selectionPrototype.interrupt = function() {
return this.each(d3_selection_interrupt);
function d3_selection_interrupt() {
var lock = this.__transition__;
if (lock);
} = function(node) {
var group = [ typeof node === "string" ? d3_select(node, d3_document) : node ];
group.parentNode = d3_documentElement;
return d3_selection([ group ]);
d3.selectAll = function(nodes) {
var group = d3_array(typeof nodes === "string" ? d3_selectAll(nodes, d3_document) : nodes);
group.parentNode = d3_documentElement;
return d3_selection([ group ]);
var d3_selectionRoot =;
d3_selectionPrototype.on = function(type, listener, capture) {
var n = arguments.length;
if (n < 3) {
if (typeof type !== "string") {
if (n < 2) listener = false;
for (capture in type) this.each(d3_selection_on(capture, type[capture], listener));
return this;
if (n < 2) return (n = this.node()["__on" + type]) && n._;
capture = false;
return this.each(d3_selection_on(type, listener, capture));
function d3_selection_on(type, listener, capture) {
var name = "__on" + type, i = type.indexOf("."), wrap = d3_selection_onListener;
if (i > 0) type = type.substring(0, i);
var filter = d3_selection_onFilters.get(type);
if (filter) type = filter, wrap = d3_selection_onFilter;
function onRemove() {
var l = this[name];
if (l) {
this.removeEventListener(type, l, l.$);
delete this[name];
function onAdd() {
var l = wrap(listener, d3_array(arguments));;
this.addEventListener(type, this[name] = l, l.$ = capture);
l._ = listener;
function removeAll() {
var re = new RegExp("^__on([^.]+)" + d3.requote(type) + "$"), match;
for (var name in this) {
if (match = name.match(re)) {
var l = this[name];
this.removeEventListener(match[1], l, l.$);
delete this[name];
return i ? listener ? onAdd : onRemove : listener ? d3_noop : removeAll;
var d3_selection_onFilters ={
mouseenter: "mouseover",
mouseleave: "mouseout"
d3_selection_onFilters.forEach(function(k) {
if ("on" + k in d3_document) d3_selection_onFilters.remove(k);
function d3_selection_onListener(listener, argumentz) {
return function(e) {
var o = d3.event;
d3.event = e;
argumentz[0] = this.__data__;
try {
listener.apply(this, argumentz);
} finally {
d3.event = o;
function d3_selection_onFilter(listener, argumentz) {
var l = d3_selection_onListener(listener, argumentz);
return function(e) {
var target = this, related = e.relatedTarget;
if (!related || related !== target && !(related.compareDocumentPosition(target) & 8)) {, e);
var d3_event_dragSelect = d3_vendorSymbol(, "userSelect"), d3_event_dragId = 0;
function d3_event_dragSuppress() {
var name = ".dragsuppress-" + ++d3_event_dragId, touchmove = "touchmove" + name, selectstart = "selectstart" + name, dragstart = "dragstart" + name, click = "click" + name, w =, d3_eventPreventDefault).on(selectstart, d3_eventPreventDefault).on(dragstart, d3_eventPreventDefault), style =, select = style[d3_event_dragSelect];
style[d3_event_dragSelect] = "none";
return function(suppressClick) {
w.on(name, null);
style[d3_event_dragSelect] = select;
if (suppressClick) {
function off() {
w.on(click, null);
w.on(click, function() {
}, true);
setTimeout(off, 0);
d3.mouse = function(container) {
return d3_mousePoint(container, d3_eventSource());
var d3_mouse_bug44083 = /WebKit/.test(d3_window.navigator.userAgent) ? -1 : 0;
function d3_mousePoint(container, e) {
if (e.changedTouches) e = e.changedTouches[0];
var svg = container.ownerSVGElement || container;
if (svg.createSVGPoint) {
var point = svg.createSVGPoint();
if (d3_mouse_bug44083 < 0 && (d3_window.scrollX || d3_window.scrollY)) {
svg ="body").append("svg").style({
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
left: 0,
margin: 0,
padding: 0,
border: "none"
}, "important");
var ctm = svg[0][0].getScreenCTM();
d3_mouse_bug44083 = !(ctm.f || ctm.e);
if (d3_mouse_bug44083) point.x = e.pageX, point.y = e.pageY; else point.x = e.clientX,
point.y = e.clientY;
point = point.matrixTransform(container.getScreenCTM().inverse());
return [ point.x, point.y ];
var rect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
return [ e.clientX - rect.left - container.clientLeft, e.clientY - - container.clientTop ];
d3.touches = function(container, touches) {
if (arguments.length < 2) touches = d3_eventSource().touches;
return touches ? d3_array(touches).map(function(touch) {
var point = d3_mousePoint(container, touch);
point.identifier = touch.identifier;
return point;
}) : [];
d3.behavior.drag = function() {
var event = d3_eventDispatch(drag, "drag", "dragstart", "dragend"), origin = null, mousedown = dragstart(d3_noop, d3.mouse, "mousemove", "mouseup"), touchstart = dragstart(touchid, touchposition, "touchmove", "touchend");
function drag() {
this.on("mousedown.drag", mousedown).on("touchstart.drag", touchstart);
function touchid() {
return d3.event.changedTouches[0].identifier;
function touchposition(parent, id) {
return d3.touches(parent).filter(function(p) {
return p.identifier === id;
function dragstart(id, position, move, end) {
return function() {
var target = this, parent = target.parentNode, event_ = event.of(target, arguments), eventTarget =, eventId = id(), drag = eventId == null ? "drag" : "drag-" + eventId, origin_ = position(parent, eventId), dragged = 0, offset, w = + "." + drag, moved).on(end + "." + drag, ended), dragRestore = d3_event_dragSuppress();
if (origin) {
offset = origin.apply(target, arguments);
offset = [ offset.x - origin_[0], offset.y - origin_[1] ];
} else {
offset = [ 0, 0 ];
type: "dragstart"
function moved() {
var p = position(parent, eventId), dx = p[0] - origin_[0], dy = p[1] - origin_[1];
dragged |= dx | dy;
origin_ = p;
type: "drag",
x: p[0] + offset[0],
y: p[1] + offset[1],
dx: dx,
dy: dy
function ended() {
w.on(move + "." + drag, null).on(end + "." + drag, null);
dragRestore(dragged && === eventTarget);
type: "dragend"
drag.origin = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return origin;
origin = x;
return drag;
return d3.rebind(drag, event, "on");
var π = Math.PI, τ = 2 * π, halfπ = π / 2, ε = 1e-6, ε2 = ε * ε, d3_radians = π / 180, d3_degrees = 180 / π;
function d3_sgn(x) {
return x > 0 ? 1 : x < 0 ? -1 : 0;
function d3_acos(x) {
return x > 1 ? 0 : x < -1 ? π : Math.acos(x);
function d3_asin(x) {
return x > 1 ? halfπ : x < -1 ? -halfπ : Math.asin(x);
function d3_sinh(x) {
return ((x = Math.exp(x)) - 1 / x) / 2;
function d3_cosh(x) {
return ((x = Math.exp(x)) + 1 / x) / 2;
function d3_tanh(x) {
return ((x = Math.exp(2 * x)) - 1) / (x + 1);
function d3_haversin(x) {
return (x = Math.sin(x / 2)) * x;
var ρ = Math.SQRT2, ρ2 = 2, ρ4 = 4;
d3.interpolateZoom = function(p0, p1) {
var ux0 = p0[0], uy0 = p0[1], w0 = p0[2], ux1 = p1[0], uy1 = p1[1], w1 = p1[2];
var dx = ux1 - ux0, dy = uy1 - uy0, d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy, d1 = Math.sqrt(d2), b0 = (w1 * w1 - w0 * w0 + ρ4 * d2) / (2 * w0 * ρ2 * d1), b1 = (w1 * w1 - w0 * w0 - ρ4 * d2) / (2 * w1 * ρ2 * d1), r0 = Math.log(Math.sqrt(b0 * b0 + 1) - b0), r1 = Math.log(Math.sqrt(b1 * b1 + 1) - b1), dr = r1 - r0, S = (dr || Math.log(w1 / w0)) / ρ;
function interpolate(t) {
var s = t * S;
if (dr) {
var coshr0 = d3_cosh(r0), u = w0 / (ρ2 * d1) * (coshr0 * d3_tanh(ρ * s + r0) - d3_sinh(r0));
return [ ux0 + u * dx, uy0 + u * dy, w0 * coshr0 / d3_cosh(ρ * s + r0) ];
return [ ux0 + t * dx, uy0 + t * dy, w0 * Math.exp(ρ * s) ];
interpolate.duration = S * 1e3;
return interpolate;
d3.behavior.zoom = function() {
var view = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
k: 1
}, translate0, center, size = [ 960, 500 ], scaleExtent = d3_behavior_zoomInfinity, mousedown = "mousedown.zoom", mousemove = "mousemove.zoom", mouseup = "mouseup.zoom", mousewheelTimer, touchstart = "touchstart.zoom", touchtime, event = d3_eventDispatch(zoom, "zoomstart", "zoom", "zoomend"), x0, x1, y0, y1;
function zoom(g) {
g.on(mousedown, mousedowned).on(d3_behavior_zoomWheel + ".zoom", mousewheeled).on(mousemove, mousewheelreset).on("dblclick.zoom", dblclicked).on(touchstart, touchstarted);
zoom.event = function(g) {
g.each(function() {
var event_ = event.of(this, arguments), view1 = view;
if (d3_transitionInheritId) {"start.zoom", function() {
view = this.__chart__ || {
x: 0,
y: 0,
k: 1
}).tween("zoom:zoom", function() {
var dx = size[0], dy = size[1], cx = dx / 2, cy = dy / 2, i = d3.interpolateZoom([ (cx - view.x) / view.k, (cy - view.y) / view.k, dx / view.k ], [ (cx - view1.x) / view1.k, (cy - view1.y) / view1.k, dx / view1.k ]);
return function(t) {
var l = i(t), k = dx / l[2];
this.__chart__ = view = {
x: cx - l[0] * k,
y: cy - l[1] * k,
k: k
}).each("end.zoom", function() {
} else {
this.__chart__ = view;
zoom.translate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [ view.x, view.y ];
view = {
x: +_[0],
y: +_[1],
k: view.k
return zoom;
zoom.scale = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return view.k;
view = {
x: view.x,
y: view.y,
k: +_
return zoom;
zoom.scaleExtent = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return scaleExtent;
scaleExtent = _ == null ? d3_behavior_zoomInfinity : [ +_[0], +_[1] ];
return zoom;
}; = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return center;
center = _ && [ +_[0], +_[1] ];
return zoom;
zoom.size = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return size;
size = _ && [ +_[0], +_[1] ];
return zoom;
zoom.x = function(z) {
if (!arguments.length) return x1;
x1 = z;
x0 = z.copy();
view = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
k: 1
return zoom;
zoom.y = function(z) {
if (!arguments.length) return y1;
y1 = z;
y0 = z.copy();
view = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
k: 1
return zoom;
function location(p) {
return [ (p[0] - view.x) / view.k, (p[1] - view.y) / view.k ];
function point(l) {
return [ l[0] * view.k + view.x, l[1] * view.k + view.y ];
function scaleTo(s) {
view.k = Math.max(scaleExtent[0], Math.min(scaleExtent[1], s));
function translateTo(p, l) {
l = point(l);
view.x += p[0] - l[0];
view.y += p[1] - l[1];
function rescale() {
if (x1) x1.domain(x0.range().map(function(x) {
return (x - view.x) / view.k;
if (y1) y1.domain(y0.range().map(function(y) {
return (y - view.y) / view.k;
function zoomstarted(event) {
type: "zoomstart"
function zoomed(event) {
type: "zoom",
scale: view.k,
translate: [ view.x, view.y ]
function zoomended(event) {
type: "zoomend"
function mousedowned() {
var target = this, event_ = event.of(target, arguments), eventTarget =, dragged = 0, w =, moved).on(mouseup, ended), l = location(d3.mouse(target)), dragRestore = d3_event_dragSuppress();;
function moved() {
dragged = 1;
translateTo(d3.mouse(target), l);
function ended() {
w.on(mousemove, d3_window === target ? mousewheelreset : null).on(mouseup, null);
dragRestore(dragged && === eventTarget);
function touchstarted() {
var target = this, event_ = event.of(target, arguments), locations0 = {}, distance0 = 0, scale0, eventId = d3.event.changedTouches[0].identifier, touchmove = "touchmove.zoom-" + eventId, touchend = "touchend.zoom-" + eventId, w =, moved).on(touchend, ended), t =, null).on(touchstart, started), dragRestore = d3_event_dragSuppress();;
function relocate() {
var touches = d3.touches(target);
scale0 = view.k;
touches.forEach(function(t) {
if (t.identifier in locations0) locations0[t.identifier] = location(t);
return touches;
function started() {
var changed = d3.event.changedTouches;
for (var i = 0, n = changed.length; i < n; ++i) {
locations0[changed[i].identifier] = null;
var touches = relocate(), now =;
if (touches.length === 1) {
if (now - touchtime < 500) {
var p = touches[0], l = locations0[p.identifier];
scaleTo(view.k * 2);
translateTo(p, l);
touchtime = now;
} else if (touches.length > 1) {
var p = touches[0], q = touches[1], dx = p[0] - q[0], dy = p[1] - q[1];
distance0 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
function moved() {
var touches = d3.touches(target), p0, l0, p1, l1;
for (var i = 0, n = touches.length; i < n; ++i, l1 = null) {
p1 = touches[i];
if (l1 = locations0[p1.identifier]) {
if (l0) break;
p0 = p1, l0 = l1;
if (l1) {
var distance1 = (distance1 = p1[0] - p0[0]) * distance1 + (distance1 = p1[1] - p0[1]) * distance1, scale1 = distance0 && Math.sqrt(distance1 / distance0);
p0 = [ (p0[0] + p1[0]) / 2, (p0[1] + p1[1]) / 2 ];
l0 = [ (l0[0] + l1[0]) / 2, (l0[1] + l1[1]) / 2 ];
scaleTo(scale1 * scale0);
touchtime = null;
translateTo(p0, l0);
function ended() {
if (d3.event.touches.length) {
var changed = d3.event.changedTouches;
for (var i = 0, n = changed.length; i < n; ++i) {
delete locations0[changed[i].identifier];
for (var identifier in locations0) {
return void relocate();
w.on(touchmove, null).on(touchend, null);
t.on(mousedown, mousedowned).on(touchstart, touchstarted);
function mousewheeled() {
var event_ = event.of(this, arguments);
if (mousewheelTimer) clearTimeout(mousewheelTimer); else,
mousewheelTimer = setTimeout(function() {
mousewheelTimer = null;
}, 50);
var point = center || d3.mouse(this);
if (!translate0) translate0 = location(point);
scaleTo(Math.pow(2, d3_behavior_zoomDelta() * .002) * view.k);
translateTo(point, translate0);
function mousewheelreset() {
translate0 = null;
function dblclicked() {
var event_ = event.of(this, arguments), p = d3.mouse(this), l = location(p), k = Math.log(view.k) / Math.LN2;
scaleTo(Math.pow(2, d3.event.shiftKey ? Math.ceil(k) - 1 : Math.floor(k) + 1));
translateTo(p, l);
return d3.rebind(zoom, event, "on");
var d3_behavior_zoomInfinity = [ 0, Infinity ];
var d3_behavior_zoomDelta, d3_behavior_zoomWheel = "onwheel" in d3_document ? (d3_behavior_zoomDelta = function() {
return -d3.event.deltaY * (d3.event.deltaMode ? 120 : 1);
}, "wheel") : "onmousewheel" in d3_document ? (d3_behavior_zoomDelta = function() {
return d3.event.wheelDelta;
}, "mousewheel") : (d3_behavior_zoomDelta = function() {
return -d3.event.detail;
}, "MozMousePixelScroll");
function d3_Color() {}
d3_Color.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.rgb() + "";
d3.hsl = function(h, s, l) {
return arguments.length === 1 ? h instanceof d3_Hsl ? d3_hsl(h.h, h.s, h.l) : d3_rgb_parse("" + h, d3_rgb_hsl, d3_hsl) : d3_hsl(+h, +s, +l);
function d3_hsl(h, s, l) {
return new d3_Hsl(h, s, l);
function d3_Hsl(h, s, l) {
this.h = h;
this.s = s;
this.l = l;
var d3_hslPrototype = d3_Hsl.prototype = new d3_Color();
d3_hslPrototype.brighter = function(k) {
k = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? k : 1);
return d3_hsl(this.h, this.s, this.l / k);
d3_hslPrototype.darker = function(k) {
k = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? k : 1);
return d3_hsl(this.h, this.s, k * this.l);
d3_hslPrototype.rgb = function() {
return d3_hsl_rgb(this.h, this.s, this.l);
function d3_hsl_rgb(h, s, l) {
var m1, m2;
h = isNaN(h) ? 0 : (h %= 360) < 0 ? h + 360 : h;
s = isNaN(s) ? 0 : s < 0 ? 0 : s > 1 ? 1 : s;
l = l < 0 ? 0 : l > 1 ? 1 : l;
m2 = l <= .5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
m1 = 2 * l - m2;
function v(h) {
if (h > 360) h -= 360; else if (h < 0) h += 360;
if (h < 60) return m1 + (m2 - m1) * h / 60;
if (h < 180) return m2;
if (h < 240) return m1 + (m2 - m1) * (240 - h) / 60;
return m1;
function vv(h) {
return Math.round(v(h) * 255);
return d3_rgb(vv(h + 120), vv(h), vv(h - 120));
d3.hcl = function(h, c, l) {
return arguments.length === 1 ? h instanceof d3_Hcl ? d3_hcl(h.h, h.c, h.l) : h instanceof d3_Lab ? d3_lab_hcl(h.l, h.a, h.b) : d3_lab_hcl((h = d3_rgb_lab((h = d3.rgb(h)).r, h.g, h.b)).l, h.a, h.b) : d3_hcl(+h, +c, +l);
function d3_hcl(h, c, l) {
return new d3_Hcl(h, c, l);
function d3_Hcl(h, c, l) {
this.h = h;
this.c = c;
this.l = l;
var d3_hclPrototype = d3_Hcl.prototype = new d3_Color();
d3_hclPrototype.brighter = function(k) {
return d3_hcl(this.h, this.c, Math.min(100, this.l + d3_lab_K * (arguments.length ? k : 1)));
d3_hclPrototype.darker = function(k) {
return d3_hcl(this.h, this.c, Math.max(0, this.l - d3_lab_K * (arguments.length ? k : 1)));
d3_hclPrototype.rgb = function() {
return d3_hcl_lab(this.h, this.c, this.l).rgb();
function d3_hcl_lab(h, c, l) {
if (isNaN(h)) h = 0;
if (isNaN(c)) c = 0;
return d3_lab(l, Math.cos(h *= d3_radians) * c, Math.sin(h) * c);
d3.lab = function(l, a, b) {
return arguments.length === 1 ? l instanceof d3_Lab ? d3_lab(l.l, l.a, l.b) : l instanceof d3_Hcl ? d3_hcl_lab(l.l, l.c, l.h) : d3_rgb_lab((l = d3.rgb(l)).r, l.g, l.b) : d3_lab(+l, +a, +b);
function d3_lab(l, a, b) {
return new d3_Lab(l, a, b);
function d3_Lab(l, a, b) {
this.l = l;
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
var d3_lab_K = 18;
var d3_lab_X = .95047, d3_lab_Y = 1, d3_lab_Z = 1.08883;
var d3_labPrototype = d3_Lab.prototype = new d3_Color();
d3_labPrototype.brighter = function(k) {
return d3_lab(Math.min(100, this.l + d3_lab_K * (arguments.length ? k : 1)), this.a, this.b);
d3_labPrototype.darker = function(k) {
return d3_lab(Math.max(0, this.l - d3_lab_K * (arguments.length ? k : 1)), this.a, this.b);
d3_labPrototype.rgb = function() {
return d3_lab_rgb(this.l, this.a, this.b);
function d3_lab_rgb(l, a, b) {
var y = (l + 16) / 116, x = y + a / 500, z = y - b / 200;
x = d3_lab_xyz(x) * d3_lab_X;
y = d3_lab_xyz(y) * d3_lab_Y;
z = d3_lab_xyz(z) * d3_lab_Z;
return d3_rgb(d3_xyz_rgb(3.2404542 * x - 1.5371385 * y - .4985314 * z), d3_xyz_rgb(-.969266 * x + 1.8760108 * y + .041556 * z), d3_xyz_rgb(.0556434 * x - .2040259 * y + 1.0572252 * z));
function d3_lab_hcl(l, a, b) {
return l > 0 ? d3_hcl(Math.atan2(b, a) * d3_degrees, Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b), l) : d3_hcl(NaN, NaN, l);
function d3_lab_xyz(x) {
return x > .206893034 ? x * x * x : (x - 4 / 29) / 7.787037;
function d3_xyz_lab(x) {
return x > .008856 ? Math.pow(x, 1 / 3) : 7.787037 * x + 4 / 29;
function d3_xyz_rgb(r) {
return Math.round(255 * (r <= .00304 ? 12.92 * r : 1.055 * Math.pow(r, 1 / 2.4) - .055));
d3.rgb = function(r, g, b) {
return arguments.length === 1 ? r instanceof d3_Rgb ? d3_rgb(r.r, r.g, r.b) : d3_rgb_parse("" + r, d3_rgb, d3_hsl_rgb) : d3_rgb(~~r, ~~g, ~~b);
function d3_rgbNumber(value) {
return d3_rgb(value >> 16, value >> 8 & 255, value & 255);
function d3_rgbString(value) {
return d3_rgbNumber(value) + "";
function d3_rgb(r, g, b) {
return new d3_Rgb(r, g, b);
function d3_Rgb(r, g, b) {
this.r = r;
this.g = g;
this.b = b;
var d3_rgbPrototype = d3_Rgb.prototype = new d3_Color();
d3_rgbPrototype.brighter = function(k) {
k = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? k : 1);
var r = this.r, g = this.g, b = this.b, i = 30;
if (!r && !g && !b) return d3_rgb(i, i, i);
if (r && r < i) r = i;
if (g && g < i) g = i;
if (b && b < i) b = i;
return d3_rgb(Math.min(255, ~~(r / k)), Math.min(255, ~~(g / k)), Math.min(255, ~~(b / k)));
d3_rgbPrototype.darker = function(k) {
k = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? k : 1);
return d3_rgb(~~(k * this.r), ~~(k * this.g), ~~(k * this.b));
d3_rgbPrototype.hsl = function() {
return d3_rgb_hsl(this.r, this.g, this.b);
d3_rgbPrototype.toString = function() {
return "#" + d3_rgb_hex(this.r) + d3_rgb_hex(this.g) + d3_rgb_hex(this.b);
function d3_rgb_hex(v) {
return v < 16 ? "0" + Math.max(0, v).toString(16) : Math.min(255, v).toString(16);
function d3_rgb_parse(format, rgb, hsl) {
var r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, m1, m2, name;
m1 = /([a-z]+)\((.*)\)/i.exec(format);
if (m1) {
m2 = m1[2].split(",");
switch (m1[1]) {
case "hsl":
return hsl(parseFloat(m2[0]), parseFloat(m2[1]) / 100, parseFloat(m2[2]) / 100);
case "rgb":
return rgb(d3_rgb_parseNumber(m2[0]), d3_rgb_parseNumber(m2[1]), d3_rgb_parseNumber(m2[2]));
if (name = d3_rgb_names.get(format)) return rgb(name.r, name.g, name.b);
if (format != null && format.charAt(0) === "#") {
if (format.length === 4) {
r = format.charAt(1);
r += r;
g = format.charAt(2);
g += g;
b = format.charAt(3);
b += b;
} else if (format.length === 7) {
r = format.substring(1, 3);
g = format.substring(3, 5);
b = format.substring(5, 7);
r = parseInt(r, 16);
g = parseInt(g, 16);
b = parseInt(b, 16);
return rgb(r, g, b);
function d3_rgb_hsl(r, g, b) {
var min = Math.min(r /= 255, g /= 255, b /= 255), max = Math.max(r, g, b), d = max - min, h, s, l = (max + min) / 2;
if (d) {
s = l < .5 ? d / (max + min) : d / (2 - max - min);
if (r == max) h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); else if (g == max) h = (b - r) / d + 2; else h = (r - g) / d + 4;
h *= 60;
} else {
h = NaN;
s = l > 0 && l < 1 ? 0 : h;
return d3_hsl(h, s, l);
function d3_rgb_lab(r, g, b) {
r = d3_rgb_xyz(r);
g = d3_rgb_xyz(g);
b = d3_rgb_xyz(b);
var x = d3_xyz_lab((.4124564 * r + .3575761 * g + .1804375 * b) / d3_lab_X), y = d3_xyz_lab((.2126729 * r + .7151522 * g + .072175 * b) / d3_lab_Y), z = d3_xyz_lab((.0193339 * r + .119192 * g + .9503041 * b) / d3_lab_Z);
return d3_lab(116 * y - 16, 500 * (x - y), 200 * (y - z));
function d3_rgb_xyz(r) {
return (r /= 255) <= .04045 ? r / 12.92 : Math.pow((r + .055) / 1.055, 2.4);
function d3_rgb_parseNumber(c) {
var f = parseFloat(c);
return c.charAt(c.length - 1) === "%" ? Math.round(f * 2.55) : f;
var d3_rgb_names ={
aliceblue: 15792383,
antiquewhite: 16444375,
aqua: 65535,
aquamarine: 8388564,
azure: 15794175,
beige: 16119260,
bisque: 16770244,
black: 0,
blanchedalmond: 16772045,
blue: 255,
blueviolet: 9055202,
brown: 10824234,
burlywood: 14596231,
cadetblue: 6266528,
chartreuse: 8388352,
chocolate: 13789470,
coral: 16744272,
cornflowerblue: 6591981,
cornsilk: 16775388,
crimson: 14423100,
cyan: 65535,
darkblue: 139,
darkcyan: 35723,
darkgoldenrod: 12092939,
darkgray: 11119017,
darkgreen: 25600,
darkgrey: 11119017,
darkkhaki: 12433259,
darkmagenta: 9109643,
darkolivegreen: 5597999,
darkorange: 16747520,
darkorchid: 10040012,
darkred: 9109504,
darksalmon: 15308410,
darkseagreen: 9419919,
darkslateblue: 4734347,
darkslategray: 3100495,
darkslategrey: 3100495,
darkturquoise: 52945,
darkviolet: 9699539,
deeppink: 16716947,
deepskyblue: 49151,
dimgray: 6908265,
dimgrey: 6908265,
dodgerblue: 2003199,
firebrick: 11674146,
floralwhite: 16775920,
forestgreen: 2263842,
fuchsia: 16711935,
gainsboro: 14474460,
ghostwhite: 16316671,
gold: 16766720,
goldenrod: 14329120,
gray: 8421504,
green: 32768,
greenyellow: 11403055,
grey: 8421504,
honeydew: 15794160,
hotpink: 16738740,
indianred: 13458524,
indigo: 4915330,
ivory: 16777200,
khaki: 15787660,
lavender: 15132410,
lavenderblush: 16773365,
lawngreen: 8190976,
lemonchiffon: 16775885,
lightblue: 11393254,
lightcoral: 15761536,
lightcyan: 14745599,
lightgoldenrodyellow: 16448210,
lightgray: 13882323,
lightgreen: 9498256,
lightgrey: 13882323,
lightpink: 16758465,
lightsalmon: 16752762,
lightseagreen: 2142890,
lightskyblue: 8900346,
lightslategray: 7833753,
lightslategrey: 7833753,
lightsteelblue: 11584734,
lightyellow: 16777184,
lime: 65280,
limegreen: 3329330,
linen: 16445670,
magenta: 16711935,
maroon: 8388608,
mediumaquamarine: 6737322,
mediumblue: 205,
mediumorchid: 12211667,
mediumpurple: 9662683,
mediumseagreen: 3978097,
mediumslateblue: 8087790,
mediumspringgreen: 64154,
mediumturquoise: 4772300,
mediumvioletred: 13047173,
midnightblue: 1644912,
mintcream: 16121850,
mistyrose: 16770273,
moccasin: 16770229,
navajowhite: 16768685,
navy: 128,
oldlace: 16643558,
olive: 8421376,
olivedrab: 7048739,
orange: 16753920,
orangered: 16729344,
orchid: 14315734,
palegoldenrod: 15657130,
palegreen: 10025880,
paleturquoise: 11529966,
palevioletred: 14381203,
papayawhip: 16773077,
peachpuff: 16767673,
peru: 13468991,
pink: 16761035,
plum: 14524637,
powderblue: 11591910,
purple: 8388736,
red: 16711680,
rosybrown: 12357519,
royalblue: 4286945,
saddlebrown: 9127187,
salmon: 16416882,
sandybrown: 16032864,
seagreen: 3050327,
seashell: 16774638,
sienna: 10506797,
silver: 12632256,
skyblue: 8900331,
slateblue: 6970061,
slategray: 7372944,
slategrey: 7372944,
snow: 16775930,
springgreen: 65407,
steelblue: 4620980,
tan: 13808780,
teal: 32896,
thistle: 14204888,
tomato: 16737095,
turquoise: 4251856,
violet: 15631086,
wheat: 16113331,
white: 16777215,
whitesmoke: 16119285,
yellow: 16776960,
yellowgreen: 10145074
d3_rgb_names.forEach(function(key, value) {
d3_rgb_names.set(key, d3_rgbNumber(value));
function d3_functor(v) {
return typeof v === "function" ? v : function() {
return v;
d3.functor = d3_functor;
function d3_identity(d) {
return d;
d3.xhr = d3_xhrType(d3_identity);
function d3_xhrType(response) {
return function(url, mimeType, callback) {
if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof mimeType === "function") callback = mimeType,
mimeType = null;
return d3_xhr(url, mimeType, response, callback);
function d3_xhr(url, mimeType, response, callback) {
var xhr = {}, dispatch = d3.dispatch("beforesend", "progress", "load", "error"), headers = {}, request = new XMLHttpRequest(), responseType = null;
if (d3_window.XDomainRequest && !("withCredentials" in request) && /^(http(s)?:)?\/\//.test(url)) request = new XDomainRequest();
"onload" in request ? request.onload = request.onerror = respond : request.onreadystatechange = function() {
request.readyState > 3 && respond();
function respond() {
var status = request.status, result;
if (!status && request.responseText || status >= 200 && status < 300 || status === 304) {
try {
result =, request);
} catch (e) {, e);
}, result);
} else {, request);
request.onprogress = function(event) {
var o = d3.event;
d3.event = event;
try {, request);
} finally {
d3.event = o;
xhr.header = function(name, value) {
name = (name + "").toLowerCase();
if (arguments.length < 2) return headers[name];
if (value == null) delete headers[name]; else headers[name] = value + "";
return xhr;
xhr.mimeType = function(value) {
if (!arguments.length) return mimeType;
mimeType = value == null ? null : value + "";
return xhr;
xhr.responseType = function(value) {
if (!arguments.length) return responseType;
responseType = value;
return xhr;
xhr.response = function(value) {
response = value;
return xhr;
[ "get", "post" ].forEach(function(method) {
xhr[method] = function() {
return xhr.send.apply(xhr, [ method ].concat(d3_array(arguments)));
xhr.send = function(method, data, callback) {
if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof data === "function") callback = data, data = null;, url, true);
if (mimeType != null && !("accept" in headers)) headers["accept"] = mimeType + ",*/*";
if (request.setRequestHeader) for (var name in headers) request.setRequestHeader(name, headers[name]);
if (mimeType != null && request.overrideMimeType) request.overrideMimeType(mimeType);
if (responseType != null) request.responseType = responseType;
if (callback != null) xhr.on("error", callback).on("load", function(request) {
callback(null, request);
});, request);
request.send(data == null ? null : data);
return xhr;
xhr.abort = function() {
return xhr;
d3.rebind(xhr, dispatch, "on");
return callback == null ? xhr : xhr.get(d3_xhr_fixCallback(callback));
function d3_xhr_fixCallback(callback) {
return callback.length === 1 ? function(error, request) {
callback(error == null ? request : null);
} : callback;
d3.dsv = function(delimiter, mimeType) {
var reFormat = new RegExp('["' + delimiter + "\n]"), delimiterCode = delimiter.charCodeAt(0);
function dsv(url, row, callback) {
if (arguments.length < 3) callback = row, row = null;
var xhr = d3.xhr(url, mimeType, callback);
xhr.row = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? xhr.response((row = _) == null ? response : typedResponse(_)) : row;
return xhr.row(row);
function response(request) {
return dsv.parse(request.responseText);
function typedResponse(f) {
return function(request) {
return dsv.parse(request.responseText, f);
dsv.parse = function(text, f) {
var o;
return dsv.parseRows(text, function(row, i) {
if (o) return o(row, i - 1);
var a = new Function("d", "return {" +, i) {
return JSON.stringify(name) + ": d[" + i + "]";
}).join(",") + "}");
o = f ? function(row, i) {
return f(a(row), i);
} : a;
dsv.parseRows = function(text, f) {
var EOL = {}, EOF = {}, rows = [], N = text.length, I = 0, n = 0, t, eol;
function token() {
if (I >= N) return EOF;
if (eol) return eol = false, EOL;
var j = I;
if (text.charCodeAt(j) === 34) {
var i = j;
while (i++ < N) {
if (text.charCodeAt(i) === 34) {
if (text.charCodeAt(i + 1) !== 34) break;
I = i + 2;
var c = text.charCodeAt(i + 1);
if (c === 13) {
eol = true;
if (text.charCodeAt(i + 2) === 10) ++I;
} else if (c === 10) {
eol = true;
return text.substring(j + 1, i).replace(/""/g, '"');
while (I < N) {
var c = text.charCodeAt(I++), k = 1;
if (c === 10) eol = true; else if (c === 13) {
eol = true;
if (text.charCodeAt(I) === 10) ++I, ++k;
} else if (c !== delimiterCode) continue;
return text.substring(j, I - k);
return text.substring(j);
while ((t = token()) !== EOF) {
var a = [];
while (t !== EOL && t !== EOF) {
t = token();
if (f && !(a = f(a, n++))) continue;
return rows;
dsv.format = function(rows) {
if (Array.isArray(rows[0])) return dsv.formatRows(rows);
var fieldSet = new d3_Set(), fields = [];
rows.forEach(function(row) {
for (var field in row) {
if (!fieldSet.has(field)) {
return [ ].concat( {
return {
return formatValue(row[field]);
dsv.formatRows = function(rows) {
function formatRow(row) {
function formatValue(text) {
return reFormat.test(text) ? '"' + text.replace(/\"/g, '""') + '"' : text;
return dsv;
d3.csv = d3.dsv(",", "text/csv");
d3.tsv = d3.dsv(" ", "text/tab-separated-values");
var d3_timer_queueHead, d3_timer_queueTail, d3_timer_interval, d3_timer_timeout, d3_timer_active, d3_timer_frame = d3_window[d3_vendorSymbol(d3_window, "requestAnimationFrame")] || function(callback) {
setTimeout(callback, 17);
d3.timer = function(callback, delay, then) {
var n = arguments.length;
if (n < 2) delay = 0;
if (n < 3) then =;
var time = then + delay, timer = {
c: callback,
t: time,
f: false,
n: null
if (d3_timer_queueTail) d3_timer_queueTail.n = timer; else d3_timer_queueHead = timer;
d3_timer_queueTail = timer;
if (!d3_timer_interval) {
d3_timer_timeout = clearTimeout(d3_timer_timeout);
d3_timer_interval = 1;
function d3_timer_step() {
var now = d3_timer_mark(), delay = d3_timer_sweep() - now;
if (delay > 24) {
if (isFinite(delay)) {
d3_timer_timeout = setTimeout(d3_timer_step, delay);
d3_timer_interval = 0;
} else {
d3_timer_interval = 1;
d3.timer.flush = function() {
function d3_timer_mark() {
var now =;
d3_timer_active = d3_timer_queueHead;
while (d3_timer_active) {
if (now >= d3_timer_active.t) d3_timer_active.f = d3_timer_active.c(now - d3_timer_active.t);
d3_timer_active = d3_timer_active.n;
return now;
function d3_timer_sweep() {
var t0, t1 = d3_timer_queueHead, time = Infinity;
while (t1) {
if (t1.f) {
t1 = t0 ? t0.n = t1.n : d3_timer_queueHead = t1.n;
} else {
if (t1.t < time) time = t1.t;
t1 = (t0 = t1).n;
d3_timer_queueTail = t0;
return time;
var d3_format_decimalPoint = ".", d3_format_thousandsSeparator = ",", d3_format_grouping = [ 3, 3 ], d3_format_currencySymbol = "$";
var d3_formatPrefixes = [ "y", "z", "a", "f", "p", "n", "µ", "m", "", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y" ].map(d3_formatPrefix);
d3.formatPrefix = function(value, precision) {
var i = 0;
if (value) {
if (value < 0) value *= -1;
if (precision) value = d3.round(value, d3_format_precision(value, precision));
i = 1 + Math.floor(1e-12 + Math.log(value) / Math.LN10);
i = Math.max(-24, Math.min(24, Math.floor((i <= 0 ? i + 1 : i - 1) / 3) * 3));
return d3_formatPrefixes[8 + i / 3];
function d3_formatPrefix(d, i) {
var k = Math.pow(10, abs(8 - i) * 3);
return {
scale: i > 8 ? function(d) {
return d / k;
} : function(d) {
return d * k;
symbol: d
d3.round = function(x, n) {
return n ? Math.round(x * (n = Math.pow(10, n))) / n : Math.round(x);
d3.format = function(specifier) {
var match = d3_format_re.exec(specifier), fill = match[1] || " ", align = match[2] || ">", sign = match[3] || "", symbol = match[4] || "", zfill = match[5], width = +match[6], comma = match[7], precision = match[8], type = match[9], scale = 1, suffix = "", integer = false;
if (precision) precision = +precision.substring(1);
if (zfill || fill === "0" && align === "=") {
zfill = fill = "0";
align = "=";
if (comma) width -= Math.floor((width - 1) / 4);
switch (type) {
case "n":
comma = true;
type = "g";
case "%":
scale = 100;
suffix = "%";
type = "f";
case "p":
scale = 100;
suffix = "%";
type = "r";
case "b":
case "o":
case "x":
case "X":
if (symbol === "#") symbol = "0" + type.toLowerCase();
case "c":
case "d":
integer = true;
precision = 0;
case "s":
scale = -1;
type = "r";
if (symbol === "#") symbol = ""; else if (symbol === "$") symbol = d3_format_currencySymbol;
if (type == "r" && !precision) type = "g";
if (precision != null) {
if (type == "g") precision = Math.max(1, Math.min(21, precision)); else if (type == "e" || type == "f") precision = Math.max(0, Math.min(20, precision));
type = d3_format_types.get(type) || d3_format_typeDefault;
var zcomma = zfill && comma;
return function(value) {
if (integer && value % 1) return "";
var negative = value < 0 || value === 0 && 1 / value < 0 ? (value = -value, "-") : sign;
if (scale < 0) {
var prefix = d3.formatPrefix(value, precision);
value = prefix.scale(value);
suffix = prefix.symbol;
} else {
value *= scale;
value = type(value, precision);
var i = value.lastIndexOf("."), before = i < 0 ? value : value.substring(0, i), after = i < 0 ? "" : d3_format_decimalPoint + value.substring(i + 1);
if (!zfill && comma) before = d3_format_group(before);
var length = symbol.length + before.length + after.length + (zcomma ? 0 : negative.length), padding = length < width ? new Array(length = width - length + 1).join(fill) : "";
if (zcomma) before = d3_format_group(padding + before);
negative += symbol;
value = before + after;
return (align === "<" ? negative + value + padding : align === ">" ? padding + negative + value : align === "^" ? padding.substring(0, length >>= 1) + negative + value + padding.substring(length) : negative + (zcomma ? value : padding + value)) + suffix;
var d3_format_re = /(?:([^{])?([<>=^]))?([+\- ])?([$#])?(0)?(\d+)?(,)?(\.-?\d+)?([a-z%])?/i;
var d3_format_types ={
b: function(x) {
return x.toString(2);
c: function(x) {
return String.fromCharCode(x);
o: function(x) {
return x.toString(8);
x: function(x) {
return x.toString(16);
X: function(x) {
return x.toString(16).toUpperCase();
g: function(x, p) {
return x.toPrecision(p);
e: function(x, p) {
return x.toExponential(p);
f: function(x, p) {
return x.toFixed(p);
r: function(x, p) {
return (x = d3.round(x, d3_format_precision(x, p))).toFixed(Math.max(0, Math.min(20, d3_format_precision(x * (1 + 1e-15), p))));
function d3_format_precision(x, p) {
return p - (x ? Math.ceil(Math.log(x) / Math.LN10) : 1);
function d3_format_typeDefault(x) {
return x + "";
var d3_format_group = d3_identity;
if (d3_format_grouping) {
var d3_format_groupingLength = d3_format_grouping.length;
d3_format_group = function(value) {
var i = value.length, t = [], j = 0, g = d3_format_grouping[0];
while (i > 0 && g > 0) {
t.push(value.substring(i -= g, i + g));
g = d3_format_grouping[j = (j + 1) % d3_format_groupingLength];
return t.reverse().join(d3_format_thousandsSeparator);
d3.geo = {};
function d3_adder() {}
d3_adder.prototype = {
s: 0,
t: 0,
add: function(y) {
d3_adderSum(y, this.t, d3_adderTemp);
d3_adderSum(d3_adderTemp.s, this.s, this);
if (this.s) this.t += d3_adderTemp.t; else this.s = d3_adderTemp.t;
reset: function() {
this.s = this.t = 0;
valueOf: function() {
return this.s;
var d3_adderTemp = new d3_adder();
function d3_adderSum(a, b, o) {
var x = o.s = a + b, bv = x - a, av = x - bv;
o.t = a - av + (b - bv);
} = function(object, listener) {
if (object && d3_geo_streamObjectType.hasOwnProperty(object.type)) {
d3_geo_streamObjectType[object.type](object, listener);
} else {
d3_geo_streamGeometry(object, listener);
function d3_geo_streamGeometry(geometry, listener) {
if (geometry && d3_geo_streamGeometryType.hasOwnProperty(geometry.type)) {
d3_geo_streamGeometryType[geometry.type](geometry, listener);
var d3_geo_streamObjectType = {
Feature: function(feature, listener) {
d3_geo_streamGeometry(feature.geometry, listener);
FeatureCollection: function(object, listener) {
var features = object.features, i = -1, n = features.length;
while (++i < n) d3_geo_streamGeometry(features[i].geometry, listener);
var d3_geo_streamGeometryType = {
Sphere: function(object, listener) {
Point: function(object, listener) {
object = object.coordinates;
listener.point(object[0], object[1], object[2]);
MultiPoint: function(object, listener) {
var coordinates = object.coordinates, i = -1, n = coordinates.length;
while (++i < n) object = coordinates[i], listener.point(object[0], object[1], object[2]);
LineString: function(object, listener) {
d3_geo_streamLine(object.coordinates, listener, 0);
MultiLineString: function(object, listener) {
var coordinates = object.coordinates, i = -1, n = coordinates.length;
while (++i < n) d3_geo_streamLine(coordinates[i], listener, 0);
Polygon: function(object, listener) {
d3_geo_streamPolygon(object.coordinates, listener);
MultiPolygon: function(object, listener) {
var coordinates = object.coordinates, i = -1, n = coordinates.length;
while (++i < n) d3_geo_streamPolygon(coordinates[i], listener);
GeometryCollection: function(object, listener) {
var geometries = object.geometries, i = -1, n = geometries.length;
while (++i < n) d3_geo_streamGeometry(geometries[i], listener);
function d3_geo_streamLine(coordinates, listener, closed) {
var i = -1, n = coordinates.length - closed, coordinate;
while (++i < n) coordinate = coordinates[i], listener.point(coordinate[0], coordinate[1], coordinate[2]);
function d3_geo_streamPolygon(coordinates, listener) {
var i = -1, n = coordinates.length;
while (++i < n) d3_geo_streamLine(coordinates[i], listener, 1);
d3.geo.area = function(object) {
d3_geo_areaSum = 0;, d3_geo_area);
return d3_geo_areaSum;
var d3_geo_areaSum, d3_geo_areaRingSum = new d3_adder();
var d3_geo_area = {
sphere: function() {
d3_geo_areaSum += 4 * π;
point: d3_noop,
lineStart: d3_noop,
lineEnd: d3_noop,
polygonStart: function() {
d3_geo_area.lineStart = d3_geo_areaRingStart;
polygonEnd: function() {
var area = 2 * d3_geo_areaRingSum;
d3_geo_areaSum += area < 0 ? 4 * π + area : area;
d3_geo_area.lineStart = d3_geo_area.lineEnd = d3_geo_area.point = d3_noop;
function d3_geo_areaRingStart() {
var λ00, φ00, λ0, cosφ0, sinφ0;
d3_geo_area.point = function(λ, φ) {
d3_geo_area.point = nextPoint;
λ0 = (λ00 = λ) * d3_radians, cosφ0 = Math.cos(φ = (φ00 = φ) * d3_radians / 2 + π / 4),
sinφ0 = Math.sin(φ);
function nextPoint(λ, φ) {
λ *= d3_radians;
φ = φ * d3_radians / 2 + π / 4;
var dλ = λ - λ0, cosφ = Math.cos(φ), sinφ = Math.sin(φ), k = sinφ0 * sinφ, u = cosφ0 * cosφ + k * Math.cos(dλ), v = k * Math.sin(dλ);
d3_geo_areaRingSum.add(Math.atan2(v, u));
λ0 = λ, cosφ0 = cosφ, sinφ0 = sinφ;
d3_geo_area.lineEnd = function() {
nextPoint(λ00, φ00);
function d3_geo_cartesian(spherical) {
var λ = spherical[0], φ = spherical[1], cosφ = Math.cos(φ);
return [ cosφ * Math.cos(λ), cosφ * Math.sin(λ), Math.sin(φ) ];
function d3_geo_cartesianDot(a, b) {
return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2];
function d3_geo_cartesianCross(a, b) {
return [ a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1], a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2], a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0] ];
function d3_geo_cartesianAdd(a, b) {
a[0] += b[0];
a[1] += b[1];
a[2] += b[2];
function d3_geo_cartesianScale(vector, k) {
return [ vector[0] * k, vector[1] * k, vector[2] * k ];
function d3_geo_cartesianNormalize(d) {
var l = Math.sqrt(d[0] * d[0] + d[1] * d[1] + d[2] * d[2]);
d[0] /= l;
d[1] /= l;
d[2] /= l;
function d3_geo_spherical(cartesian) {
return [ Math.atan2(cartesian[1], cartesian[0]), d3_asin(cartesian[2]) ];
function d3_geo_sphericalEqual(a, b) {
return abs(a[0] - b[0]) < ε && abs(a[1] - b[1]) < ε;
d3.geo.bounds = function() {
var λ0, φ0, λ1, φ1, λ_, λ__, φ__, p0, dλSum, ranges, range;
var bound = {
point: point,
lineStart: lineStart,
lineEnd: lineEnd,
polygonStart: function() {
bound.point = ringPoint;
bound.lineStart = ringStart;
bound.lineEnd = ringEnd;
dλSum = 0;
polygonEnd: function() {
bound.point = point;
bound.lineStart = lineStart;
bound.lineEnd = lineEnd;
if (d3_geo_areaRingSum < 0) λ0 = -(λ1 = 180), φ0 = -(φ1 = 90); else if (dλSum > ε) φ1 = 90; else if (dλSum < -ε) φ0 = -90;
range[0] = λ0, range[1] = λ1;
function point(λ, φ) {
ranges.push(range = [ λ0 = λ, λ1 = λ ]);
if (φ < φ0) φ0 = φ;
if (φ > φ1) φ1 = φ;
function linePoint(λ, φ) {
var p = d3_geo_cartesian([ λ * d3_radians, φ * d3_radians ]);
if (p0) {
var normal = d3_geo_cartesianCross(p0, p), equatorial = [ normal[1], -normal[0], 0 ], inflection = d3_geo_cartesianCross(equatorial, normal);
inflection = d3_geo_spherical(inflection);
var dλ = λ - λ_, s = dλ > 0 ? 1 : -1, λi = inflection[0] * d3_degrees * s, antimeridian = abs(dλ) > 180;
if (antimeridian ^ (s * λ_ < λi && λi < s * λ)) {
var φi = inflection[1] * d3_degrees;
if (φi > φ1) φ1 = φi;
} else if (λi = (λi + 360) % 360 - 180, antimeridian ^ (s * λ_ < λi && λi < s * λ)) {
var φi = -inflection[1] * d3_degrees;
if (φi < φ0) φ0 = φi;
} else {
if (φ < φ0) φ0 = φ;
if (φ > φ1) φ1 = φ;
if (antimeridian) {
if (λ < λ_) {
if (angle(λ0, λ) > angle(λ0, λ1)) λ1 = λ;
} else {
if (angle(λ, λ1) > angle(λ0, λ1)) λ0 = λ;
} else {
if (λ1 >= λ0) {
if (λ < λ0) λ0 = λ;
if (λ > λ1) λ1 = λ;
} else {
if (λ > λ_) {
if (angle(λ0, λ) > angle(λ0, λ1)) λ1 = λ;
} else {
if (angle(λ, λ1) > angle(λ0, λ1)) λ0 = λ;
} else {
point(λ, φ);
p0 = p, λ_ = λ;
function lineStart() {
bound.point = linePoint;
function lineEnd() {
range[0] = λ0, range[1] = λ1;
bound.point = point;
p0 = null;
function ringPoint(λ, φ) {
if (p0) {
var dλ = λ - λ_;
dλSum += abs(dλ) > 180 ? dλ + (dλ > 0 ? 360 : -360) : dλ;
} else λ__ = λ, φ__ = φ;
d3_geo_area.point(λ, φ);
linePoint(λ, φ);
function ringStart() {
function ringEnd() {
ringPoint(λ__, φ__);
if (abs(dλSum) > ε) λ0 = -(λ1 = 180);
range[0] = λ0, range[1] = λ1;
p0 = null;
function angle(λ0, λ1) {
return (λ1 -= λ0) < 0 ? λ1 + 360 : λ1;
function compareRanges(a, b) {
return a[0] - b[0];
function withinRange(x, range) {
return range[0] <= range[1] ? range[0] <= x && x <= range[1] : x < range[0] || range[1] < x;
return function(feature) {
φ1 = λ1 = -(λ0 = φ0 = Infinity);
ranges = [];, bound);
var n = ranges.length;
if (n) {
for (var i = 1, a = ranges[0], b, merged = [ a ]; i < n; ++i) {
b = ranges[i];
if (withinRange(b[0], a) || withinRange(b[1], a)) {
if (angle(a[0], b[1]) > angle(a[0], a[1])) a[1] = b[1];
if (angle(b[0], a[1]) > angle(a[0], a[1])) a[0] = b[0];
} else {
merged.push(a = b);
var best = -Infinity, dλ;
for (var n = merged.length - 1, i = 0, a = merged[n], b; i <= n; a = b, ++i) {
b = merged[i];
if ((dλ = angle(a[1], b[0])) > best) best = dλ, λ0 = b[0], λ1 = a[1];
ranges = range = null;
return λ0 === Infinity || φ0 === Infinity ? [ [ NaN, NaN ], [ NaN, NaN ] ] : [ [ λ0, φ0 ], [ λ1, φ1 ] ];
d3.geo.centroid = function(object) {
d3_geo_centroidW0 = d3_geo_centroidW1 = d3_geo_centroidX0 = d3_geo_centroidY0 = d3_geo_centroidZ0 = d3_geo_centroidX1 = d3_geo_centroidY1 = d3_geo_centroidZ1 = d3_geo_centroidX2 = d3_geo_centroidY2 = d3_geo_centroidZ2 = 0;, d3_geo_centroid);
var x = d3_geo_centroidX2, y = d3_geo_centroidY2, z = d3_geo_centroidZ2, m = x * x + y * y + z * z;
if (m < ε2) {
x = d3_geo_centroidX1, y = d3_geo_centroidY1, z = d3_geo_centroidZ1;
if (d3_geo_centroidW1 < ε) x = d3_geo_centroidX0, y = d3_geo_centroidY0, z = d3_geo_centroidZ0;
m = x * x + y * y + z * z;
if (m < ε2) return [ NaN, NaN ];
return [ Math.atan2(y, x) * d3_degrees, d3_asin(z / Math.sqrt(m)) * d3_degrees ];
var d3_geo_centroidW0, d3_geo_centroidW1, d3_geo_centroidX0, d3_geo_centroidY0, d3_geo_centroidZ0, d3_geo_centroidX1, d3_geo_centroidY1, d3_geo_centroidZ1, d3_geo_centroidX2, d3_geo_centroidY2, d3_geo_centroidZ2;
var d3_geo_centroid = {
sphere: d3_noop,
point: d3_geo_centroidPoint,
lineStart: d3_geo_centroidLineStart,
lineEnd: d3_geo_centroidLineEnd,
polygonStart: function() {
d3_geo_centroid.lineStart = d3_geo_centroidRingStart;
polygonEnd: function() {
d3_geo_centroid.lineStart = d3_geo_centroidLineStart;
function d3_geo_centroidPoint(λ, φ) {
λ *= d3_radians;
var cosφ = Math.cos(φ *= d3_radians);
d3_geo_centroidPointXYZ(cosφ * Math.cos(λ), cosφ * Math.sin(λ), Math.sin(φ));
function d3_geo_centroidPointXYZ(x, y, z) {
d3_geo_centroidX0 += (x - d3_geo_centroidX0) / d3_geo_centroidW0;
d3_geo_centroidY0 += (y - d3_geo_centroidY0) / d3_geo_centroidW0;
d3_geo_centroidZ0 += (z - d3_geo_centroidZ0) / d3_geo_centroidW0;
function d3_geo_centroidLineStart() {
var x0, y0, z0;
d3_geo_centroid.point = function(λ, φ) {
λ *= d3_radians;
var cosφ = Math.cos(φ *= d3_radians);
x0 = cosφ * Math.cos(λ);
y0 = cosφ * Math.sin(λ);
z0 = Math.sin(φ);
d3_geo_centroid.point = nextPoint;
d3_geo_centroidPointXYZ(x0, y0, z0);
function nextPoint(λ, φ) {
λ *= d3_radians;
var cosφ = Math.cos(φ *= d3_radians), x = cosφ * Math.cos(λ), y = cosφ * Math.sin(λ), z = Math.sin(φ), w = Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((w = y0 * z - z0 * y) * w + (w = z0 * x - x0 * z) * w + (w = x0 * y - y0 * x) * w), x0 * x + y0 * y + z0 * z);
d3_geo_centroidW1 += w;
d3_geo_centroidX1 += w * (x0 + (x0 = x));
d3_geo_centroidY1 += w * (y0 + (y0 = y));
d3_geo_centroidZ1 += w * (z0 + (z0 = z));
d3_geo_centroidPointXYZ(x0, y0, z0);
function d3_geo_centroidLineEnd() {
d3_geo_centroid.point = d3_geo_centroidPoint;
function d3_geo_centroidRingStart() {
var λ00, φ00, x0, y0, z0;
d3_geo_centroid.point = function(λ, φ) {
λ00 = λ, φ00 = φ;
d3_geo_centroid.point = nextPoint;
λ *= d3_radians;
var cosφ = Math.cos(φ *= d3_radians);
x0 = cosφ * Math.cos(λ);
y0 = cosφ * Math.sin(λ);
z0 = Math.sin(φ);
d3_geo_centroidPointXYZ(x0, y0, z0);
d3_geo_centroid.lineEnd = function() {
nextPoint(λ00, φ00);
d3_geo_centroid.lineEnd = d3_geo_centroidLineEnd;
d3_geo_centroid.point = d3_geo_centroidPoint;
function nextPoint(λ, φ) {
λ *= d3_radians;
var cosφ = Math.cos(φ *= d3_radians), x = cosφ * Math.cos(λ), y = cosφ * Math.sin(λ), z = Math.sin(φ), cx = y0 * z - z0 * y, cy = z0 * x - x0 * z, cz = x0 * y - y0 * x, m = Math.sqrt(cx * cx + cy * cy + cz * cz), u = x0 * x + y0 * y + z0 * z, v = m && -d3_acos(u) / m, w = Math.atan2(m, u);
d3_geo_centroidX2 += v * cx;
d3_geo_centroidY2 += v * cy;
d3_geo_centroidZ2 += v * cz;
d3_geo_centroidW1 += w;
d3_geo_centroidX1 += w * (x0 + (x0 = x));
d3_geo_centroidY1 += w * (y0 + (y0 = y));
d3_geo_centroidZ1 += w * (z0 + (z0 = z));
d3_geo_centroidPointXYZ(x0, y0, z0);
function d3_true() {
return true;
function d3_geo_clipPolygon(segments, compare, clipStartInside, interpolate, listener) {
var subject = [], clip = [];
segments.forEach(function(segment) {
if ((n = segment.length - 1) <= 0) return;
var n, p0 = segment[0], p1 = segment[n];
if (d3_geo_sphericalEqual(p0, p1)) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) listener.point((p0 = segment[i])[0], p0[1]);
var a = new d3_geo_clipPolygonIntersection(p0, segment, null, true), b = new d3_geo_clipPolygonIntersection(p0, null, a, false);
a.o = b;
a = new d3_geo_clipPolygonIntersection(p1, segment, null, false);
b = new d3_geo_clipPolygonIntersection(p1, null, a, true);
a.o = b;
if (!subject.length) return;
for (var i = 0, entry = clipStartInside, n = clip.length; i < n; ++i) {
clip[i].e = entry = !entry;
var start = subject[0], points, point;
while (1) {
var current = start, isSubject = true;
while (current.v) if ((current = current.n) === start) return;
points = current.z;
do {
current.v = current.o.v = true;
if (current.e) {
if (isSubject) {
for (var i = 0, n = points.length; i < n; ++i) listener.point((point = points[i])[0], point[1]);
} else {
interpolate(current.x, current.n.x, 1, listener);
current = current.n;
} else {
if (isSubject) {
points = current.p.z;
for (var i = points.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) listener.point((point = points[i])[0], point[1]);
} else {
interpolate(current.x, current.p.x, -1, listener);
current = current.p;
current = current.o;
points = current.z;
isSubject = !isSubject;
} while (!current.v);
function d3_geo_clipPolygonLinkCircular(array) {
if (!(n = array.length)) return;
var n, i = 0, a = array[0], b;
while (++i < n) {
a.n = b = array[i];
b.p = a;
a = b;
a.n = b = array[0];
b.p = a;
function d3_geo_clipPolygonIntersection(point, points, other, entry) {
this.x = point;
this.z = points;
this.o = other;
this.e = entry;
this.v = false;
this.n = this.p = null;
function d3_geo_clip(pointVisible, clipLine, interpolate, clipStart) {
return function(rotate, listener) {
var line = clipLine(listener), rotatedClipStart = rotate.invert(clipStart[0], clipStart[1]);
var clip = {
point: point,
lineStart: lineStart,
lineEnd: lineEnd,
polygonStart: function() {
clip.point = pointRing;
clip.lineStart = ringStart;
clip.lineEnd = ringEnd;
segments = [];
polygon = [];
polygonEnd: function() {
clip.point = point;
clip.lineStart = lineStart;
clip.lineEnd = lineEnd;
segments = d3.merge(segments);
var clipStartInside = d3_geo_pointInPolygon(rotatedClipStart, polygon);
if (segments.length) {
d3_geo_clipPolygon(segments, d3_geo_clipSort, clipStartInside, interpolate, listener);
} else if (clipStartInside) {
interpolate(null, null, 1, listener);
segments = polygon = null;
sphere: function() {
interpolate(null, null, 1, listener);
function point(λ, φ) {
var point = rotate(λ, φ);
if (pointVisible(λ = point[0], φ = point[1])) listener.point(λ, φ);
function pointLine(λ, φ) {
var point = rotate(λ, φ);
line.point(point[0], point[1]);
function lineStart() {
clip.point = pointLine;
function lineEnd() {
clip.point = point;
var segments;
var buffer = d3_geo_clipBufferListener(), ringListener = clipLine(buffer), polygon, ring;
function pointRing(λ, φ) {
ring.push([ λ, φ ]);
var point = rotate(λ, φ);
ringListener.point(point[0], point[1]);
function ringStart() {
ring = [];
function ringEnd() {
pointRing(ring[0][0], ring[0][1]);
var clean = ringListener.clean(), ringSegments = buffer.buffer(), segment, n = ringSegments.length;
ring = null;
if (!n) return;
if (clean & 1) {
segment = ringSegments[0];
var n = segment.length - 1, i = -1, point;
while (++i < n) listener.point((point = segment[i])[0], point[1]);
if (n > 1 && clean & 2) ringSegments.push(ringSegments.pop().concat(ringSegments.shift()));
return clip;
function d3_geo_clipSegmentLength1(segment) {
return segment.length > 1;
function d3_geo_clipBufferListener() {
var lines = [], line;
return {
lineStart: function() {
lines.push(line = []);
point: function(λ, φ) {
line.push([ λ, φ ]);
lineEnd: d3_noop,
buffer: function() {
var buffer = lines;
lines = [];
line = null;
return buffer;
rejoin: function() {
if (lines.length > 1) lines.push(lines.pop().concat(lines.shift()));
function d3_geo_clipSort(a, b) {
return ((a = a.x)[0] < 0 ? a[1] - halfπ - ε : halfπ - a[1]) - ((b = b.x)[0] < 0 ? b[1] - halfπ - ε : halfπ - b[1]);
function d3_geo_pointInPolygon(point, polygon) {
var meridian = point[0], parallel = point[1], meridianNormal = [ Math.sin(meridian), -Math.cos(meridian), 0 ], polarAngle = 0, winding = 0;
for (var i = 0, n = polygon.length; i < n; ++i) {
var ring = polygon[i], m = ring.length;
if (!m) continue;
var point0 = ring[0], λ0 = point0[0], φ0 = point0[1] / 2 + π / 4, sinφ0 = Math.sin(φ0), cosφ0 = Math.cos(φ0), j = 1;
while (true) {
if (j === m) j = 0;
point = ring[j];
var λ = point[0], φ = point[1] / 2 + π / 4, sinφ = Math.sin(φ), cosφ = Math.cos(φ), dλ = λ - λ0, antimeridian = abs(dλ) > π, k = sinφ0 * sinφ;
d3_geo_areaRingSum.add(Math.atan2(k * Math.sin(dλ), cosφ0 * cosφ + k * Math.cos(dλ)));
polarAngle += antimeridian ? dλ + (dλ >= 0 ? τ : -τ) : dλ;
if (antimeridian ^ λ0 >= meridian ^ λ >= meridian) {
var arc = d3_geo_cartesianCross(d3_geo_cartesian(point0), d3_geo_cartesian(point));
var intersection = d3_geo_cartesianCross(meridianNormal, arc);
var φarc = (antimeridian ^ dλ >= 0 ? -1 : 1) * d3_asin(intersection[2]);
if (parallel > φarc || parallel === φarc && (arc[0] || arc[1])) {
winding += antimeridian ^ dλ >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
if (!j++) break;
λ0 = λ, sinφ0 = sinφ, cosφ0 = cosφ, point0 = point;
return (polarAngle < -ε || polarAngle < ε && d3_geo_areaRingSum < 0) ^ winding & 1;
var d3_geo_clipAntimeridian = d3_geo_clip(d3_true, d3_geo_clipAntimeridianLine, d3_geo_clipAntimeridianInterpolate, [ -π, -π / 2 ]);
function d3_geo_clipAntimeridianLine(listener) {
var λ0 = NaN, φ0 = NaN, sλ0 = NaN, clean;
return {
lineStart: function() {
clean = 1;
point: function(λ1, φ1) {
var sλ1 = λ1 > 0 ? π : -π, dλ = abs(λ1 - λ0);
if (abs(dλ - π) < ε) {
listener.point(λ0, φ0 = (φ0 + φ1) / 2 > 0 ? halfπ : -halfπ);
listener.point(sλ0, φ0);
listener.point(sλ1, φ0);
listener.point(λ1, φ0);
clean = 0;
} else if (sλ0 !== sλ1 && dλ >= π) {
if (abs(λ0 - sλ0) < ε) λ0 -= sλ0 * ε;
if (abs(λ1 - sλ1) < ε) λ1 -= sλ1 * ε;
φ0 = d3_geo_clipAntimeridianIntersect(λ0, φ0, λ1, φ1);
listener.point(sλ0, φ0);
listener.point(sλ1, φ0);
clean = 0;
listener.point(λ0 = λ1, φ0 = φ1);
sλ0 = sλ1;
lineEnd: function() {
λ0 = φ0 = NaN;
clean: function() {
return 2 - clean;
function d3_geo_clipAntimeridianIntersect(λ0, φ0, λ1, φ1) {
var cosφ0, cosφ1, sinλ0_λ1 = Math.sin(λ0 - λ1);
return abs(sinλ0_λ1) > ε ? Math.atan((Math.sin(φ0) * (cosφ1 = Math.cos(φ1)) * Math.sin(λ1) - Math.sin(φ1) * (cosφ0 = Math.cos(φ0)) * Math.sin(λ0)) / (cosφ0 * cosφ1 * sinλ0_λ1)) : (φ0 + φ1) / 2;
function d3_geo_clipAntimeridianInterpolate(from, to, direction, listener) {
var φ;
if (from == null) {
φ = direction * halfπ;
listener.point(-π, φ);
listener.point(0, φ);
listener.point(π, φ);
listener.point(π, 0);
listener.point(π, -φ);
listener.point(0, -φ);
listener.point(-π, -φ);
listener.point(-π, 0);
listener.point(-π, φ);
} else if (abs(from[0] - to[0]) > ε) {
var s = from[0] < to[0] ? π : -π;
φ = direction * s / 2;
listener.point(-s, φ);
listener.point(0, φ);
listener.point(s, φ);
} else {
listener.point(to[0], to[1]);
function d3_geo_clipCircle(radius) {
var cr = Math.cos(radius), smallRadius = cr > 0, notHemisphere = abs(cr) > ε, interpolate = d3_geo_circleInterpolate(radius, 6 * d3_radians);
return d3_geo_clip(visible, clipLine, interpolate, smallRadius ? [ 0, -radius ] : [ -π, radius - π ]);
function visible(λ, φ) {
return Math.cos(λ) * Math.cos(φ) > cr;
function clipLine(listener) {
var point0, c0, v0, v00, clean;
return {
lineStart: function() {
v00 = v0 = false;
clean = 1;
point: function(λ, φ) {
var point1 = [ λ, φ ], point2, v = visible(λ, φ), c = smallRadius ? v ? 0 : code(λ, φ) : v ? code(λ + (λ < 0 ? π : -π), φ) : 0;
if (!point0 && (v00 = v0 = v)) listener.lineStart();
if (v !== v0) {
point2 = intersect(point0, point1);
if (d3_geo_sphericalEqual(point0, point2) || d3_geo_sphericalEqual(point1, point2)) {
point1[0] += ε;
point1[1] += ε;
v = visible(point1[0], point1[1]);
if (v !== v0) {
clean = 0;
if (v) {
point2 = intersect(point1, point0);
listener.point(point2[0], point2[1]);
} else {
point2 = intersect(point0, point1);
listener.point(point2[0], point2[1]);
point0 = point2;
} else if (notHemisphere && point0 && smallRadius ^ v) {
var t;
if (!(c & c0) && (t = intersect(point1, point0, true))) {
clean = 0;
if (smallRadius) {
listener.point(t[0][0], t[0][1]);
listener.point(t[1][0], t[1][1]);
} else {
listener.point(t[1][0], t[1][1]);
listener.point(t[0][0], t[0][1]);
if (v && (!point0 || !d3_geo_sphericalEqual(point0, point1))) {
listener.point(point1[0], point1[1]);
point0 = point1, v0 = v, c0 = c;
lineEnd: function() {
if (v0) listener.lineEnd();
point0 = null;
clean: function() {
return clean | (v00 && v0) << 1;
function intersect(a, b, two) {
var pa = d3_geo_cartesian(a), pb = d3_geo_cartesian(b);
var n1 = [ 1, 0, 0 ], n2 = d3_geo_cartesianCross(pa, pb), n2n2 = d3_geo_cartesianDot(n2, n2), n1n2 = n2[0], determinant = n2n2 - n1n2 * n1n2;
if (!determinant) return !two && a;
var c1 = cr * n2n2 / determinant, c2 = -cr * n1n2 / determinant, n1xn2 = d3_geo_cartesianCross(n1, n2), A = d3_geo_cartesianScale(n1, c1), B = d3_geo_cartesianScale(n2, c2);
d3_geo_cartesianAdd(A, B);
var u = n1xn2, w = d3_geo_cartesianDot(A, u), uu = d3_geo_cartesianDot(u, u), t2 = w * w - uu * (d3_geo_cartesianDot(A, A) - 1);
if (t2 < 0) return;
var t = Math.sqrt(t2), q = d3_geo_cartesianScale(u, (-w - t) / uu);
d3_geo_cartesianAdd(q, A);
q = d3_geo_spherical(q);
if (!two) return q;
var λ0 = a[0], λ1 = b[0], φ0 = a[1], φ1 = b[1], z;
if (λ1 < λ0) z = λ0, λ0 = λ1, λ1 = z;
var δλ = λ1 - λ0, polar = abs(δλ - π) < ε, meridian = polar || δλ < ε;
if (!polar && φ1 < φ0) z = φ0, φ0 = φ1, φ1 = z;
if (meridian ? polar ? φ0 + φ1 > 0 ^ q[1] < (abs(q[0] - λ0) < ε ? φ0 : φ1) : φ0 <= q[1] && q[1] <= φ1 : δλ > π ^ (λ0 <= q[0] && q[0] <= λ1)) {
var q1 = d3_geo_cartesianScale(u, (-w + t) / uu);
d3_geo_cartesianAdd(q1, A);
return [ q, d3_geo_spherical(q1) ];
function code(λ, φ) {
var r = smallRadius ? radius : π - radius, code = 0;
if (λ < -r) code |= 1; else if (λ > r) code |= 2;
if (φ < -r) code |= 4; else if (φ > r) code |= 8;
return code;
function d3_geom_clipLine(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
return function(line) {
var a = line.a, b = line.b, ax = a.x, ay = a.y, bx = b.x, by = b.y, t0 = 0, t1 = 1, dx = bx - ax, dy = by - ay, r;
r = x0 - ax;
if (!dx && r > 0) return;
r /= dx;
if (dx < 0) {
if (r < t0) return;
if (r < t1) t1 = r;
} else if (dx > 0) {
if (r > t1) return;
if (r > t0) t0 = r;
r = x1 - ax;
if (!dx && r < 0) return;
r /= dx;
if (dx < 0) {
if (r > t1) return;
if (r > t0) t0 = r;
} else if (dx > 0) {
if (r < t0) return;
if (r < t1) t1 = r;
r = y0 - ay;
if (!dy && r > 0) return;
r /= dy;
if (dy < 0) {
if (r < t0) return;
if (r < t1) t1 = r;
} else if (dy > 0) {
if (r > t1) return;
if (r > t0) t0 = r;
r = y1 - ay;
if (!dy && r < 0) return;
r /= dy;
if (dy < 0) {
if (r > t1) return;
if (r > t0) t0 = r;
} else if (dy > 0) {
if (r < t0) return;
if (r < t1) t1 = r;
if (t0 > 0) line.a = {
x: ax + t0 * dx,
y: ay + t0 * dy
if (t1 < 1) line.b = {
x: ax + t1 * dx,
y: ay + t1 * dy
return line;
var d3_geo_clipExtentMAX = 1e9;
d3.geo.clipExtent = function() {
var x0, y0, x1, y1, stream, clip, clipExtent = {
stream: function(output) {
if (stream) stream.valid = false;
stream = clip(output);
stream.valid = true;
return stream;
extent: function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [ [ x0, y0 ], [ x1, y1 ] ];
clip = d3_geo_clipExtent(x0 = +_[0][0], y0 = +_[0][1], x1 = +_[1][0], y1 = +_[1][1]);
if (stream) stream.valid = false, stream = null;
return clipExtent;
return clipExtent.extent([ [ 0, 0 ], [ 960, 500 ] ]);
function d3_geo_clipExtent(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
return function(listener) {
var listener_ = listener, bufferListener = d3_geo_clipBufferListener(), clipLine = d3_geom_clipLine(x0, y0, x1, y1), segments, polygon, ring;
var clip = {
point: point,
lineStart: lineStart,
lineEnd: lineEnd,
polygonStart: function() {
listener = bufferListener;
segments = [];
polygon = [];
clean = true;
polygonEnd: function() {
listener = listener_;
segments = d3.merge(segments);
var clipStartInside = insidePolygon([ x0, y1 ]), inside = clean && clipStartInside, visible = segments.length;
if (inside || visible) {
if (inside) {
interpolate(null, null, 1, listener);
if (visible) {
d3_geo_clipPolygon(segments, compare, clipStartInside, interpolate, listener);
segments = polygon = ring = null;
function insidePolygon(p) {
var wn = 0, n = polygon.length, y = p[1];
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
for (var j = 1, v = polygon[i], m = v.length, a = v[0], b; j < m; ++j) {
b = v[j];
if (a[1] <= y) {
if (b[1] > y && isLeft(a, b, p) > 0) ++wn;
} else {
if (b[1] <= y && isLeft(a, b, p) < 0) --wn;
a = b;
return wn !== 0;
function isLeft(a, b, c) {
return (b[0] - a[0]) * (c[1] - a[1]) - (c[0] - a[0]) * (b[1] - a[1]);
function interpolate(from, to, direction, listener) {
var a = 0, a1 = 0;
if (from == null || (a = corner(from, direction)) !== (a1 = corner(to, direction)) || comparePoints(from, to) < 0 ^ direction > 0) {
do {
listener.point(a === 0 || a === 3 ? x0 : x1, a > 1 ? y1 : y0);
} while ((a = (a + direction + 4) % 4) !== a1);
} else {
listener.point(to[0], to[1]);
function pointVisible(x, y) {
return x0 <= x && x <= x1 && y0 <= y && y <= y1;
function point(x, y) {
if (pointVisible(x, y)) listener.point(x, y);
var x__, y__, v__, x_, y_, v_, first, clean;
function lineStart() {
clip.point = linePoint;
if (polygon) polygon.push(ring = []);
first = true;
v_ = false;
x_ = y_ = NaN;
function lineEnd() {
if (segments) {
linePoint(x__, y__);
if (v__ && v_) bufferListener.rejoin();
clip.point = point;
if (v_) listener.lineEnd();
function linePoint(x, y) {
x = Math.max(-d3_geo_clipExtentMAX, Math.min(d3_geo_clipExtentMAX, x));
y = Math.max(-d3_geo_clipExtentMAX, Math.min(d3_geo_clipExtentMAX, y));
var v = pointVisible(x, y);
if (polygon) ring.push([ x, y ]);
if (first) {
x__ = x, y__ = y, v__ = v;
first = false;
if (v) {
listener.point(x, y);
} else {
if (v && v_) listener.point(x, y); else {
var l = {
a: {
x: x_,
y: y_
b: {
x: x,
y: y
if (clipLine(l)) {
if (!v_) {
listener.point(l.a.x, l.a.y);
listener.point(l.b.x, l.b.y);
if (!v) listener.lineEnd();
clean = false;
} else if (v) {
listener.point(x, y);
clean = false;
x_ = x, y_ = y, v_ = v;
return clip;
function corner(p, direction) {
return abs(p[0] - x0) < ε ? direction > 0 ? 0 : 3 : abs(p[0] - x1) < ε ? direction > 0 ? 2 : 1 : abs(p[1] - y0) < ε ? direction > 0 ? 1 : 0 : direction > 0 ? 3 : 2;
function compare(a, b) {
return comparePoints(a.x, b.x);
function comparePoints(a, b) {
var ca = corner(a, 1), cb = corner(b, 1);
return ca !== cb ? ca - cb : ca === 0 ? b[1] - a[1] : ca === 1 ? a[0] - b[0] : ca === 2 ? a[1] - b[1] : b[0] - a[0];
function d3_geo_compose(a, b) {
function compose(x, y) {
return x = a(x, y), b(x[0], x[1]);
if (a.invert && b.invert) compose.invert = function(x, y) {
return x = b.invert(x, y), x && a.invert(x[0], x[1]);
return compose;
function d3_geo_conic(projectAt) {
var φ0 = 0, φ1 = π / 3, m = d3_geo_projectionMutator(projectAt), p = m(φ0, φ1);
p.parallels = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [ φ0 / π * 180, φ1 / π * 180 ];
return m(φ0 = _[0] * π / 180, φ1 = _[1] * π / 180);
return p;
function d3_geo_conicEqualArea(φ0, φ1) {
var sinφ0 = Math.sin(φ0), n = (sinφ0 + Math.sin(φ1)) / 2, C = 1 + sinφ0 * (2 * n - sinφ0), ρ0 = Math.sqrt(C) / n;
function forward(λ, φ) {
var ρ = Math.sqrt(C - 2 * n * Math.sin(φ)) / n;
return [ ρ * Math.sin(λ *= n), ρ0 - ρ * Math.cos(λ) ];
forward.invert = function(x, y) {
var ρ0_y = ρ0 - y;
return [ Math.atan2(x, ρ0_y) / n, d3_asin((C - (x * x + ρ0_y * ρ0_y) * n * n) / (2 * n)) ];
return forward;
(d3.geo.conicEqualArea = function() {
return d3_geo_conic(d3_geo_conicEqualArea);
}).raw = d3_geo_conicEqualArea;
d3.geo.albers = function() {
return d3.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([ 96, 0 ]).center([ -.6, 38.7 ]).parallels([ 29.5, 45.5 ]).scale(1070);
d3.geo.albersUsa = function() {
var lower48 = d3.geo.albers();
var alaska = d3.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([ 154, 0 ]).center([ -2, 58.5 ]).parallels([ 55, 65 ]);
var hawaii = d3.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([ 157, 0 ]).center([ -3, 19.9 ]).parallels([ 8, 18 ]);
var point, pointStream = {
point: function(x, y) {
point = [ x, y ];
}, lower48Point, alaskaPoint, hawaiiPoint;
function albersUsa(coordinates) {
var x = coordinates[0], y = coordinates[1];
point = null;
(lower48Point(x, y), point) || (alaskaPoint(x, y), point) || hawaiiPoint(x, y);
return point;
albersUsa.invert = function(coordinates) {
var k = lower48.scale(), t = lower48.translate(), x = (coordinates[0] - t[0]) / k, y = (coordinates[1] - t[1]) / k;
return (y >= .12 && y < .234 && x >= -.425 && x < -.214 ? alaska : y >= .166 && y < .234 && x >= -.214 && x < -.115 ? hawaii : lower48).invert(coordinates);
}; = function(stream) {
var lower48Stream =, alaskaStream =, hawaiiStream =;
return {
point: function(x, y) {
lower48Stream.point(x, y);
alaskaStream.point(x, y);
hawaiiStream.point(x, y);
sphere: function() {
lineStart: function() {
lineEnd: function() {
polygonStart: function() {
polygonEnd: function() {
albersUsa.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return lower48.precision();
return albersUsa;
albersUsa.scale = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return lower48.scale();
alaska.scale(_ * .35);
return albersUsa.translate(lower48.translate());
albersUsa.translate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return lower48.translate();
var k = lower48.scale(), x = +_[0], y = +_[1];
lower48Point = lower48.translate(_).clipExtent([ [ x - .455 * k, y - .238 * k ], [ x + .455 * k, y + .238 * k ] ]).stream(pointStream).point;
alaskaPoint = alaska.translate([ x - .307 * k, y + .201 * k ]).clipExtent([ [ x - .425 * k + ε, y + .12 * k + ε ], [ x - .214 * k - ε, y + .234 * k - ε ] ]).stream(pointStream).point;
hawaiiPoint = hawaii.translate([ x - .205 * k, y + .212 * k ]).clipExtent([ [ x - .214 * k + ε, y + .166 * k + ε ], [ x - .115 * k - ε, y + .234 * k - ε ] ]).stream(pointStream).point;
return albersUsa;
return albersUsa.scale(1070);
var d3_geo_pathAreaSum, d3_geo_pathAreaPolygon, d3_geo_pathArea = {
point: d3_noop,
lineStart: d3_noop,
lineEnd: d3_noop,
polygonStart: function() {
d3_geo_pathAreaPolygon = 0;
d3_geo_pathArea.lineStart = d3_geo_pathAreaRingStart;
polygonEnd: function() {
d3_geo_pathArea.lineStart = d3_geo_pathArea.lineEnd = d3_geo_pathArea.point = d3_noop;
d3_geo_pathAreaSum += abs(d3_geo_pathAreaPolygon / 2);
function d3_geo_pathAreaRingStart() {
var x00, y00, x0, y0;
d3_geo_pathArea.point = function(x, y) {
d3_geo_pathArea.point = nextPoint;
x00 = x0 = x, y00 = y0 = y;
function nextPoint(x, y) {
d3_geo_pathAreaPolygon += y0 * x - x0 * y;
x0 = x, y0 = y;
d3_geo_pathArea.lineEnd = function() {
nextPoint(x00, y00);
var d3_geo_pathBoundsX0, d3_geo_pathBoundsY0, d3_geo_pathBoundsX1, d3_geo_pathBoundsY1;
var d3_geo_pathBounds = {
point: d3_geo_pathBoundsPoint,
lineStart: d3_noop,
lineEnd: d3_noop,
polygonStart: d3_noop,
polygonEnd: d3_noop
function d3_geo_pathBoundsPoint(x, y) {
if (x < d3_geo_pathBoundsX0) d3_geo_pathBoundsX0 = x;
if (x > d3_geo_pathBoundsX1) d3_geo_pathBoundsX1 = x;
if (y < d3_geo_pathBoundsY0) d3_geo_pathBoundsY0 = y;
if (y > d3_geo_pathBoundsY1) d3_geo_pathBoundsY1 = y;
function d3_geo_pathBuffer() {
var pointCircle = d3_geo_pathBufferCircle(4.5), buffer = [];
var stream = {
point: point,
lineStart: function() {
stream.point = pointLineStart;
lineEnd: lineEnd,
polygonStart: function() {
stream.lineEnd = lineEndPolygon;
polygonEnd: function() {
stream.lineEnd = lineEnd;
stream.point = point;
pointRadius: function(_) {
pointCircle = d3_geo_pathBufferCircle(_);
return stream;
result: function() {
if (buffer.length) {
var result = buffer.join("");
buffer = [];
return result;
function point(x, y) {
buffer.push("M", x, ",", y, pointCircle);
function pointLineStart(x, y) {
buffer.push("M", x, ",", y);
stream.point = pointLine;
function pointLine(x, y) {
buffer.push("L", x, ",", y);
function lineEnd() {
stream.point = point;
function lineEndPolygon() {
return stream;
function d3_geo_pathBufferCircle(radius) {
return "m0," + radius + "a" + radius + "," + radius + " 0 1,1 0," + -2 * radius + "a" + radius + "," + radius + " 0 1,1 0," + 2 * radius + "z";
var d3_geo_pathCentroid = {
point: d3_geo_pathCentroidPoint,
lineStart: d3_geo_pathCentroidLineStart,
lineEnd: d3_geo_pathCentroidLineEnd,
polygonStart: function() {
d3_geo_pathCentroid.lineStart = d3_geo_pathCentroidRingStart;
polygonEnd: function() {
d3_geo_pathCentroid.point = d3_geo_pathCentroidPoint;
d3_geo_pathCentroid.lineStart = d3_geo_pathCentroidLineStart;
d3_geo_pathCentroid.lineEnd = d3_geo_pathCentroidLineEnd;
function d3_geo_pathCentroidPoint(x, y) {
d3_geo_centroidX0 += x;
d3_geo_centroidY0 += y;
function d3_geo_pathCentroidLineStart() {
var x0, y0;
d3_geo_pathCentroid.point = function(x, y) {
d3_geo_pathCentroid.point = nextPoint;
d3_geo_pathCentroidPoint(x0 = x, y0 = y);
function nextPoint(x, y) {
var dx = x - x0, dy = y - y0, z = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
d3_geo_centroidX1 += z * (x0 + x) / 2;
d3_geo_centroidY1 += z * (y0 + y) / 2;
d3_geo_centroidZ1 += z;
d3_geo_pathCentroidPoint(x0 = x, y0 = y);
function d3_geo_pathCentroidLineEnd() {
d3_geo_pathCentroid.point = d3_geo_pathCentroidPoint;
function d3_geo_pathCentroidRingStart() {
var x00, y00, x0, y0;
d3_geo_pathCentroid.point = function(x, y) {
d3_geo_pathCentroid.point = nextPoint;
d3_geo_pathCentroidPoint(x00 = x0 = x, y00 = y0 = y);
function nextPoint(x, y) {
var dx = x - x0, dy = y - y0, z = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
d3_geo_centroidX1 += z * (x0 + x) / 2;
d3_geo_centroidY1 += z * (y0 + y) / 2;
d3_geo_centroidZ1 += z;
z = y0 * x - x0 * y;
d3_geo_centroidX2 += z * (x0 + x);
d3_geo_centroidY2 += z * (y0 + y);
d3_geo_centroidZ2 += z * 3;
d3_geo_pathCentroidPoint(x0 = x, y0 = y);
d3_geo_pathCentroid.lineEnd = function() {
nextPoint(x00, y00);
function d3_geo_pathContext(context) {
var pointRadius = 4.5;
var stream = {
point: point,
lineStart: function() {
stream.point = pointLineStart;
lineEnd: lineEnd,
polygonStart: function() {
stream.lineEnd = lineEndPolygon;
polygonEnd: function() {
stream.lineEnd = lineEnd;
stream.point = point;
pointRadius: function(_) {
pointRadius = _;
return stream;
result: d3_noop
function point(x, y) {
context.moveTo(x, y);
context.arc(x, y, pointRadius, 0, τ);
function pointLineStart(x, y) {
context.moveTo(x, y);
stream.point = pointLine;
function pointLine(x, y) {
context.lineTo(x, y);
function lineEnd() {
stream.point = point;
function lineEndPolygon() {
return stream;
function d3_geo_resample(project) {
var δ2 = .5, cosMinDistance = Math.cos(30 * d3_radians), maxDepth = 16;
function resample(stream) {
var λ00, φ00, x00, y00, a00, b00, c00, λ0, x0, y0, a0, b0, c0;
var resample = {
point: point,
lineStart: lineStart,
lineEnd: lineEnd,
polygonStart: function() {
resample.lineStart = ringStart;
polygonEnd: function() {
resample.lineStart = lineStart;
function point(x, y) {
x = project(x, y);
stream.point(x[0], x[1]);
function lineStart() {
x0 = NaN;
resample.point = linePoint;
function linePoint(λ, φ) {
var c = d3_geo_cartesian([ λ, φ ]), p = project(λ, φ);
resampleLineTo(x0, y0, λ0, a0, b0, c0, x0 = p[0], y0 = p[1], λ0 = λ, a0 = c[0], b0 = c[1], c0 = c[2], maxDepth, stream);
stream.point(x0, y0);
function lineEnd() {
resample.point = point;
function ringStart() {
resample.point = ringPoint;
resample.lineEnd = ringEnd;
function ringPoint(λ, φ) {
linePoint(λ00 = λ, φ00 = φ), x00 = x0, y00 = y0, a00 = a0, b00 = b0, c00 = c0;
resample.point = linePoint;
function ringEnd() {
resampleLineTo(x0, y0, λ0, a0, b0, c0, x00, y00, λ00, a00, b00, c00, maxDepth, stream);
resample.lineEnd = lineEnd;
return resample;
function resampleLineTo(x0, y0, λ0, a0, b0, c0, x1, y1, λ1, a1, b1, c1, depth, stream) {
var dx = x1 - x0, dy = y1 - y0, d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (d2 > 4 * δ2 && depth--) {
var a = a0 + a1, b = b0 + b1, c = c0 + c1, m = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c), φ2 = Math.asin(c /= m), λ2 = abs(abs(c) - 1) < ε ? (λ0 + λ1) / 2 : Math.atan2(b, a), p = project(λ2, φ2), x2 = p[0], y2 = p[1], dx2 = x2 - x0, dy2 = y2 - y0, dz = dy * dx2 - dx * dy2;
if (dz * dz / d2 > δ2 || abs((dx * dx2 + dy * dy2) / d2 - .5) > .3 || a0 * a1 + b0 * b1 + c0 * c1 < cosMinDistance) {
resampleLineTo(x0, y0, λ0, a0, b0, c0, x2, y2, λ2, a /= m, b /= m, c, depth, stream);
stream.point(x2, y2);
resampleLineTo(x2, y2, λ2, a, b, c, x1, y1, λ1, a1, b1, c1, depth, stream);
resample.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return Math.sqrt(δ2);
maxDepth = (δ2 = _ * _) > 0 && 16;
return resample;
return resample;
d3.geo.transform = function(methods) {
return {
stream: function(stream) {
var transform = new d3_geo_transform(stream);
for (var k in methods) transform[k] = methods[k];
return transform;
function d3_geo_transform(stream) { = stream;
d3_geo_transform.prototype = {
point: function(x, y) {, y);
sphere: function() {;
lineStart: function() {;
lineEnd: function() {;
polygonStart: function() {;
polygonEnd: function() {;
d3.geo.path = function() {
var pointRadius = 4.5, projection, context, projectStream, contextStream, cacheStream;
function path(object) {
if (object) {
if (typeof pointRadius === "function") contextStream.pointRadius(+pointRadius.apply(this, arguments));
if (!cacheStream || !cacheStream.valid) cacheStream = projectStream(contextStream);, cacheStream);
return contextStream.result();
path.area = function(object) {
d3_geo_pathAreaSum = 0;, projectStream(d3_geo_pathArea));
return d3_geo_pathAreaSum;
path.centroid = function(object) {
d3_geo_centroidX0 = d3_geo_centroidY0 = d3_geo_centroidZ0 = d3_geo_centroidX1 = d3_geo_centroidY1 = d3_geo_centroidZ1 = d3_geo_centroidX2 = d3_geo_centroidY2 = d3_geo_centroidZ2 = 0;, projectStream(d3_geo_pathCentroid));
return d3_geo_centroidZ2 ? [ d3_geo_centroidX2 / d3_geo_centroidZ2, d3_geo_centroidY2 / d3_geo_centroidZ2 ] : d3_geo_centroidZ1 ? [ d3_geo_centroidX1 / d3_geo_centroidZ1, d3_geo_centroidY1 / d3_geo_centroidZ1 ] : d3_geo_centroidZ0 ? [ d3_geo_centroidX0 / d3_geo_centroidZ0, d3_geo_centroidY0 / d3_geo_centroidZ0 ] : [ NaN, NaN ];
path.bounds = function(object) {
d3_geo_pathBoundsX1 = d3_geo_pathBoundsY1 = -(d3_geo_pathBoundsX0 = d3_geo_pathBoundsY0 = Infinity);, projectStream(d3_geo_pathBounds));
return [ [ d3_geo_pathBoundsX0, d3_geo_pathBoundsY0 ], [ d3_geo_pathBoundsX1, d3_geo_pathBoundsY1 ] ];
path.projection = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return projection;
projectStream = (projection = _) ? || d3_geo_pathProjectStream(_) : d3_identity;
return reset();
path.context = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return context;
contextStream = (context = _) == null ? new d3_geo_pathBuffer() : new d3_geo_pathContext(_);
if (typeof pointRadius !== "function") contextStream.pointRadius(pointRadius);
return reset();
path.pointRadius = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return pointRadius;
pointRadius = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : (contextStream.pointRadius(+_), +_);
return path;
function reset() {
cacheStream = null;
return path;
return path.projection(d3.geo.albersUsa()).context(null);
function d3_geo_pathProjectStream(project) {
var resample = d3_geo_resample(function(x, y) {
return project([ x * d3_degrees, y * d3_degrees ]);
return function(stream) {
var transform = new d3_geo_transform(stream = resample(stream));
transform.point = function(x, y) {
stream.point(x * d3_radians, y * d3_radians);
return transform;
d3.geo.projection = d3_geo_projection;
d3.geo.projectionMutator = d3_geo_projectionMutator;
function d3_geo_projection(project) {
return d3_geo_projectionMutator(function() {
return project;
function d3_geo_projectionMutator(projectAt) {
var project, rotate, projectRotate, projectResample = d3_geo_resample(function(x, y) {
x = project(x, y);
return [ x[0] * k + δx, δy - x[1] * k ];
}), k = 150, x = 480, y = 250, λ = 0, φ = 0, δλ = 0, δφ = 0, δγ = 0, δx, δy, preclip = d3_geo_clipAntimeridian, postclip = d3_identity, clipAngle = null, clipExtent = null, stream;
function projection(point) {
point = projectRotate(point[0] * d3_radians, point[1] * d3_radians);
return [ point[0] * k + δx, δy - point[1] * k ];
function invert(point) {
point = projectRotate.invert((point[0] - δx) / k, (δy - point[1]) / k);
return point && [ point[0] * d3_degrees, point[1] * d3_degrees ];
} = function(output) {
if (stream) stream.valid = false;
stream = d3_geo_projectionRadians(preclip(rotate, projectResample(postclip(output))));
stream.valid = true;
return stream;
projection.clipAngle = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return clipAngle;
preclip = _ == null ? (clipAngle = _, d3_geo_clipAntimeridian) : d3_geo_clipCircle((clipAngle = +_) * d3_radians);
return invalidate();
projection.clipExtent = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return clipExtent;
clipExtent = _;
postclip = _ ? d3_geo_clipExtent(_[0][0], _[0][1], _[1][0], _[1][1]) : d3_identity;
return invalidate();
projection.scale = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return k;
k = +_;
return reset();
projection.translate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [ x, y ];
x = +_[0];
y = +_[1];
return reset();
}; = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [ λ * d3_degrees, φ * d3_degrees ];
λ = _[0] % 360 * d3_radians;
φ = _[1] % 360 * d3_radians;
return reset();
projection.rotate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [ δλ * d3_degrees, δφ * d3_degrees, δγ * d3_degrees ];
δλ = _[0] % 360 * d3_radians;
δφ = _[1] % 360 * d3_radians;
δγ = _.length > 2 ? _[2] % 360 * d3_radians : 0;
return reset();
d3.rebind(projection, projectResample, "precision");
function reset() {
projectRotate = d3_geo_compose(rotate = d3_geo_rotation(δλ, δφ, δγ), project);
var center = project(λ, φ);
δx = x - center[0] * k;
δy = y + center[1] * k;
return invalidate();
function invalidate() {
if (stream) stream.valid = false, stream = null;
return projection;
return function() {
project = projectAt.apply(this, arguments);
projection.invert = project.invert && invert;
return reset();
function d3_geo_projectionRadians(stream) {
var transform = new d3_geo_transform(stream);
transform.point = function(λ, φ) {
stream.point(λ * d3_radians, φ * d3_radians);
return transform;
function d3_geo_equirectangular(λ, φ) {
return [ λ, φ ];
(d3.geo.equirectangular = function() {
return d3_geo_projection(d3_geo_equirectangular);
}).raw = d3_geo_equirectangular.invert = d3_geo_equirectangular;
d3.geo.rotation = function(rotate) {
rotate = d3_geo_rotation(rotate[0] % 360 * d3_radians, rotate[1] * d3_radians, rotate.length > 2 ? rotate[2] * d3_radians : 0);
function forward(coordinates) {
coordinates = rotate(coordinates[0] * d3_radians, coordinates[1] * d3_radians);
return coordinates[0] *= d3_degrees, coordinates[1] *= d3_degrees, coordinates;
forward.invert = function(coordinates) {
coordinates = rotate.invert(coordinates[0] * d3_radians, coordinates[1] * d3_radians);
return coordinates[0] *= d3_degrees, coordinates[1] *= d3_degrees, coordinates;
return forward;
function d3_geo_identityRotation(λ, φ) {
return [ λ > π ? λ - τ : λ < -π ? λ + τ : λ, φ ];
d3_geo_identityRotation.invert = d3_geo_equirectangular;
function d3_geo_rotation(δλ, δφ, δγ) {
return δλ ? δφ || δγ ? d3_geo_compose(d3_geo_rotationλ(δλ), d3_geo_rotationφγ(δφ, δγ)) : d3_geo_rotationλ(δλ) : δφ || δγ ? d3_geo_rotationφγ(δφ, δγ) : d3_geo_identityRotation;
function d3_geo_forwardRotationλ(δλ) {
return function(λ, φ) {
return λ += δλ, [ λ > π ? λ - τ : λ < -π ? λ + τ : λ, φ ];
function d3_geo_rotationλ(δλ) {
var rotation = d3_geo_forwardRotationλ(δλ);
rotation.invert = d3_geo_forwardRotationλ(-δλ);
return rotation;
function d3_geo_rotationφγ(δφ, δγ) {
var cosδφ = Math.cos(δφ), sinδφ = Math.sin(δφ), cosδγ = Math.cos(δγ), sinδγ = Math.sin(δγ);
function rotation(λ, φ) {
var cosφ = Math.cos(φ), x = Math.cos(λ) * cosφ, y = Math.sin(λ) * cosφ, z = Math.sin(φ), k = z * cosδφ + x * sinδφ;
return [ Math.atan2(y * cosδγ - k * sinδγ, x * cosδφ - z * sinδφ), d3_asin(k * cosδγ + y * sinδγ) ];
rotation.invert = function(λ, φ) {
var cosφ = Math.cos(φ), x = Math.cos(λ) * cosφ, y = Math.sin(λ) * cosφ, z = Math.sin(φ), k = z * cosδγ - y * sinδγ;
return [ Math.atan2(y * cosδγ + z * sinδγ, x * cosδφ + k * sinδφ), d3_asin(k * cosδφ - x * sinδφ) ];
return rotation;
} = function() {
var origin = [ 0, 0 ], angle, precision = 6, interpolate;
function circle() {
var center = typeof origin === "function" ? origin.apply(this, arguments) : origin, rotate = d3_geo_rotation(-center[0] * d3_radians, -center[1] * d3_radians, 0).invert, ring = [];
interpolate(null, null, 1, {
point: function(x, y) {
ring.push(x = rotate(x, y));
x[0] *= d3_degrees, x[1] *= d3_degrees;
return {
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [ ring ]
circle.origin = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return origin;
origin = x;
return circle;
circle.angle = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return angle;
interpolate = d3_geo_circleInterpolate((angle = +x) * d3_radians, precision * d3_radians);
return circle;
circle.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return precision;
interpolate = d3_geo_circleInterpolate(angle * d3_radians, (precision = +_) * d3_radians);
return circle;
return circle.angle(90);
function d3_geo_circleInterpolate(radius, precision) {
var cr = Math.cos(radius), sr = Math.sin(radius);
return function(from, to, direction, listener) {
var step = direction * precision;
if (from != null) {
from = d3_geo_circleAngle(cr, from);
to = d3_geo_circleAngle(cr, to);
if (direction > 0 ? from < to : from > to) from += direction * τ;
} else {
from = radius + direction * τ;
to = radius - .5 * step;
for (var point, t = from; direction > 0 ? t > to : t < to; t -= step) {
listener.point((point = d3_geo_spherical([ cr, -sr * Math.cos(t), -sr * Math.sin(t) ]))[0], point[1]);
function d3_geo_circleAngle(cr, point) {
var a = d3_geo_cartesian(point);
a[0] -= cr;
var angle = d3_acos(-a[1]);
return ((-a[2] < 0 ? -angle : angle) + 2 * Math.PI - ε) % (2 * Math.PI);
d3.geo.distance = function(a, b) {
var Δλ = (b[0] - a[0]) * d3_radians, φ0 = a[1] * d3_radians, φ1 = b[1] * d3_radians, sinΔλ = Math.sin(Δλ), cosΔλ = Math.cos(Δλ), sinφ0 = Math.sin(φ0), cosφ0 = Math.cos(φ0), sinφ1 = Math.sin(φ1), cosφ1 = Math.cos(φ1), t;
return Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((t = cosφ1 * sinΔλ) * t + (t = cosφ0 * sinφ1 - sinφ0 * cosφ1 * cosΔλ) * t), sinφ0 * sinφ1 + cosφ0 * cosφ1 * cosΔλ);
d3.geo.graticule = function() {
var x1, x0, X1, X0, y1, y0, Y1, Y0, dx = 10, dy = dx, DX = 90, DY = 360, x, y, X, Y, precision = 2.5;
function graticule() {
return {
type: "MultiLineString",
coordinates: lines()
function lines() {
return d3.range(Math.ceil(X0 / DX) * DX, X1, DX).map(X).concat(d3.range(Math.ceil(Y0 / DY) * DY, Y1, DY).map(Y)).concat(d3.range(Math.ceil(x0 / dx) * dx, x1, dx).filter(function(x) {
return abs(x % DX) > ε;
}).map(x)).concat(d3.range(Math.ceil(y0 / dy) * dy, y1, dy).filter(function(y) {
return abs(y % DY) > ε;
graticule.lines = function() {
return lines().map(function(coordinates) {
return {
type: "LineString",
coordinates: coordinates
graticule.outline = function() {
return {
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [ X(X0).concat(Y(Y1).slice(1), X(X1).reverse().slice(1), Y(Y0).reverse().slice(1)) ]
graticule.extent = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return graticule.minorExtent();
return graticule.majorExtent(_).minorExtent(_);
graticule.majorExtent = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [ [ X0, Y0 ], [ X1, Y1 ] ];
X0 = +_[0][0], X1 = +_[1][0];
Y0 = +_[0][1], Y1 = +_[1][1];
if (X0 > X1) _ = X0, X0 = X1, X1 = _;
if (Y0 > Y1) _ = Y0, Y0 = Y1, Y1 = _;
return graticule.precision(precision);
graticule.minorExtent = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [ [ x0, y0 ], [ x1, y1 ] ];
x0 = +_[0][0], x1 = +_[1][0];
y0 = +_[0][1], y1 = +_[1][1];
if (x0 > x1) _ = x0, x0 = x1, x1 = _;
if (y0 > y1) _ = y0, y0 = y1, y1 = _;
return graticule.precision(precision);
graticule.step = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return graticule.minorStep();
return graticule.majorStep(_).minorStep(_);
graticule.majorStep = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [ DX, DY ];
DX = +_[0], DY = +_[1];
return graticule;
graticule.minorStep = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [ dx, dy ];
dx = +_[0], dy = +_[1];
return graticule;
graticule.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return precision;
precision = +_;
x = d3_geo_graticuleX(y0, y1, 90);
y = d3_geo_graticuleY(x0, x1, precision);
X = d3_geo_graticuleX(Y0, Y1, 90);
Y = d3_geo_graticuleY(X0, X1, precision);
return graticule;
return graticule.majorExtent([ [ -180, -90 + ε ], [ 180, 90 - ε ] ]).minorExtent([ [ -180, -80 - ε ], [ 180, 80 + ε ] ]);
function d3_geo_graticuleX(y0, y1, dy) {
var y = d3.range(y0, y1 - ε, dy).concat(y1);
return function(x) {
return {
return [ x, y ];
function d3_geo_graticuleY(x0, x1, dx) {
var x = d3.range(x0, x1 - ε, dx).concat(x1);
return function(y) {
return {
return [ x, y ];
function d3_source(d) {
return d.source;
function d3_target(d) {
d3.geo.greatArc = function() {
var source = d3_source, source_, target = d3_target, target_;
function greatArc() {
return {
type: "LineString",
coordinates: [ source_ || source.apply(this, arguments), target_ || target.apply(this, arguments) ]
greatArc.distance = function() {
return d3.geo.distance(source_ || source.apply(this, arguments), target_ || target.apply(this, arguments));
greatArc.source = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return source;
source = _, source_ = typeof _ === "function" ? null : _;
return greatArc;
}; = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return target;
target = _, target_ = typeof _ === "function" ? null : _;
return greatArc;
greatArc.precision = function() {
return arguments.length ? greatArc : 0;
return greatArc;
d3.geo.interpolate = function(source, target) {
return d3_geo_interpolate(source[0] * d3_radians, source[1] * d3_radians, target[0] * d3_radians, target[1] * d3_radians);
function d3_geo_interpolate(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
var cy0 = Math.cos(y0), sy0 = Math.sin(y0), cy1 = Math.cos(y1), sy1 = Math.sin(y1), kx0 = cy0 * Math.cos(x0), ky0 = cy0 * Math.sin(x0), kx1 = cy1 * Math.cos(x1), ky1 = cy1 * Math.sin(x1), d = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(d3_haversin(y1 - y0) + cy0 * cy1 * d3_haversin(x1 - x0))), k = 1 / Math.sin(d);
var interpolate = d ? function(t) {
var B = Math.sin(t *= d) * k, A = Math.sin(d - t) * k, x = A * kx0 + B * kx1, y = A * ky0 + B * ky1, z = A * sy0 + B * sy1;
return [ Math.atan2(y, x) * d3_degrees, Math.atan2(z, Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)) * d3_degrees ];
} : function() {
return [ x0 * d3_degrees, y0 * d3_degrees ];
interpolate.distance = d;
return interpolate;
d3.geo.length = function(object) {
d3_geo_lengthSum = 0;, d3_geo_length);
return d3_geo_lengthSum;
var d3_geo_lengthSum;
var d3_geo_length = {
sphere: d3_noop,
point: d3_noop,
lineStart: d3_geo_lengthLineStart,
lineEnd: d3_noop,
polygonStart: d3_noop,
polygonEnd: d3_noop
function d3_geo_lengthLineStart() {
var λ0, sinφ0, cosφ0;
d3_geo_length.point = function(λ, φ) {
λ0 = λ * d3_radians, sinφ0 = Math.sin(φ *= d3_radians), cosφ0 = Math.cos(φ);
d3_geo_length.point = nextPoint;
d3_geo_length.lineEnd = function() {
d3_geo_length.point = d3_geo_length.lineEnd = d3_noop;
function nextPoint(λ, φ) {
var sinφ = Math.sin(φ *= d3_radians), cosφ = Math.cos(φ), t = abs((λ *= d3_radians) - λ0), cosΔλ = Math.cos(t);
d3_geo_lengthSum += Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((t = cosφ * Math.sin(t)) * t + (t = cosφ0 * sinφ - sinφ0 * cosφ * cosΔλ) * t), sinφ0 * sinφ + cosφ0 * cosφ * cosΔλ);
λ0 = λ, sinφ0 = sinφ, cosφ0 = cosφ;
function d3_geo_azimuthal(scale, angle) {
function azimuthal(λ, φ) {
var cosλ = Math.cos(λ), cosφ = Math.cos(φ), k = scale(cosλ * cosφ);
return [ k * cosφ * Math.sin(λ), k * Math.sin(φ) ];
azimuthal.invert = function(x, y) {
var ρ = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y), c = angle(ρ), sinc = Math.sin(c), cosc = Math.cos(c);
return [ Math.atan2(x * sinc, ρ * cosc), Math.asin(ρ && y * sinc / ρ) ];
return azimuthal;
var d3_geo_azimuthalEqualArea = d3_geo_azimuthal(function(cosλcosφ) {
return Math.sqrt(2 / (1 + cosλcosφ));
}, function(ρ) {
return 2 * Math.asin(ρ / 2);
(d3.geo.azimuthalEqualArea = function() {
return d3_geo_projection(d3_geo_azimuthalEqualArea);
}).raw = d3_geo_azimuthalEqualArea;
var d3_geo_azimuthalEquidistant = d3_geo_azimuthal(function(cosλcosφ) {
var c = Math.acos(cosλcosφ);
return c && c / Math.sin(c);
}, d3_identity);
(d3.geo.azimuthalEquidistant = function() {
return d3_geo_projection(d3_geo_azimuthalEquidistant);
}).raw = d3_geo_azimuthalEquidistant;
function d3_geo_conicConformal(φ0, φ1) {
var cosφ0 = Math.cos(φ0), t = function(φ) {
return Math.tan(π / 4 + φ / 2);
}, n = φ0 === φ1 ? Math.sin(φ0) : Math.log(cosφ0 / Math.cos(φ1)) / Math.log(t(φ1) / t(φ0)), F = cosφ0 * Math.pow(t(φ0), n) / n;
if (!n) return d3_geo_mercator;
function forward(λ, φ) {
var ρ = abs(abs(φ) - halfπ) < ε ? 0 : F / Math.pow(t(φ), n);
return [ ρ * Math.sin(n * λ), F - ρ * Math.cos(n * λ) ];
forward.invert = function(x, y) {
var ρ0_y = F - y, ρ = d3_sgn(n) * Math.sqrt(x * x + ρ0_y * ρ0_y);
return [ Math.atan2(x, ρ0_y) / n, 2 * Math.atan(Math.pow(F / ρ, 1 / n)) - halfπ ];
return forward;
(d3.geo.conicConformal = function() {
return d3_geo_conic(d3_geo_conicConformal);
}).raw = d3_geo_conicConformal;
function d3_geo_conicEquidistant(φ0, φ1) {
var cosφ0 = Math.cos(φ0), n = φ0 === φ1 ? Math.sin(φ0) : (cosφ0 - Math.cos(φ1)) / (φ1 - φ0), G = cosφ0 / n + φ0;
if (abs(n) < ε) return d3_geo_equirectangular;
function forward(λ, φ) {
var ρ = G - φ;
return [ ρ * Math.sin(n * λ), G - ρ * Math.cos(n * λ) ];
forward.invert = function(x, y) {
var ρ0_y = G - y;
return [ Math.atan2(x, ρ0_y) / n, G - d3_sgn(n) * Math.sqrt(x * x + ρ0_y * ρ0_y) ];
return forward;
(d3.geo.conicEquidistant = function() {
return d3_geo_conic(d3_geo_conicEquidistant);
}).raw = d3_geo_conicEquidistant;
var d3_geo_gnomonic = d3_geo_azimuthal(function(cosλcosφ) {
return 1 / cosλcosφ;
}, Math.atan);
(d3.geo.gnomonic = function() {
return d3_geo_projection(d3_geo_gnomonic);
}).raw = d3_geo_gnomonic;
function d3_geo_mercator(λ, φ) {
return [ λ, Math.log(Math.tan(π / 4 + φ / 2)) ];
d3_geo_mercator.invert = function(x, y) {
return [ x, 2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(y)) - halfπ ];
function d3_geo_mercatorProjection(project) {
var m = d3_geo_projection(project), scale = m.scale, translate = m.translate, clipExtent = m.clipExtent, clipAuto;
m.scale = function() {
var v = scale.apply(m, arguments);
return v === m ? clipAuto ? m.clipExtent(null) : m : v;
m.translate = function() {
var v = translate.apply(m, arguments);
return v === m ? clipAuto ? m.clipExtent(null) : m : v;
m.clipExtent = function(_) {
var v = clipExtent.apply(m, arguments);
if (v === m) {
if (clipAuto = _ == null) {
var k = π * scale(), t = translate();
clipExtent([ [ t[0] - k, t[1] - k ], [ t[0] + k, t[1] + k ] ]);
} else if (clipAuto) {
v = null;
return v;
return m.clipExtent(null);
(d3.geo.mercator = function() {
return d3_geo_mercatorProjection(d3_geo_mercator);
}).raw = d3_geo_mercator;
var d3_geo_orthographic = d3_geo_azimuthal(function() {
return 1;
}, Math.asin);
(d3.geo.orthographic = function() {
return d3_geo_projection(d3_geo_orthographic);
}).raw = d3_geo_orthographic;
var d3_geo_stereographic = d3_geo_azimuthal(function(cosλcosφ) {
return 1 / (1 + cosλcosφ);
}, function(ρ) {
return 2 * Math.atan(ρ);
(d3.geo.stereographic = function() {
return d3_geo_projection(d3_geo_stereographic);
}).raw = d3_geo_stereographic;
function d3_geo_transverseMercator(λ, φ) {
var B = Math.cos(φ) * Math.sin(λ);
return [ Math.log((1 + B) / (1 - B)) / 2, Math.atan2(Math.tan(φ), Math.cos(λ)) ];
d3_geo_transverseMercator.invert = function(x, y) {
return [ Math.atan2(d3_sinh(x), Math.cos(y)), d3_asin(Math.sin(y) / d3_cosh(x)) ];
(d3.geo.transverseMercator = function() {
return d3_geo_mercatorProjection(d3_geo_transverseMercator);
}).raw = d3_geo_transverseMercator;
d3.geom = {};
function d3_geom_pointX(d) {
return d[0];
function d3_geom_pointY(d) {
return d[1];
d3.geom.hull = function(vertices) {
var x = d3_geom_pointX, y = d3_geom_pointY;
if (arguments.length) return hull(vertices);
function hull(data) {
if (data.length < 3) return [];
var fx = d3_functor(x), fy = d3_functor(y), n = data.length, vertices, plen = n - 1, points = [], stack = [], d, i, j, h = 0, x1, y1, x2, y2, u, v, a, sp;
if (fx === d3_geom_pointX && y === d3_geom_pointY) vertices = data; else for (i = 0,
vertices = []; i < n; ++i) {
vertices.push([, d = data[i], i),, d, i) ]);
for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
if (vertices[i][1] < vertices[h][1] || vertices[i][1] == vertices[h][1] && vertices[i][0] < vertices[h][0]) h = i;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (i === h) continue;
y1 = vertices[i][1] - vertices[h][1];
x1 = vertices[i][0] - vertices[h][0];
angle: Math.atan2(y1, x1),
index: i
points.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.angle - b.angle;
a = points[0].angle;
v = points[0].index;
u = 0;
for (i = 1; i < plen; ++i) {
j = points[i].index;
if (a == points[i].angle) {
x1 = vertices[v][0] - vertices[h][0];
y1 = vertices[v][1] - vertices[h][1];
x2 = vertices[j][0] - vertices[h][0];
y2 = vertices[j][1] - vertices[h][1];
if (x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 >= x2 * x2 + y2 * y2) {
points[i].index = -1;
} else {
points[u].index = -1;
a = points[i].angle;
u = i;
v = j;
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < 2; ++j) {
if (points[j].index > -1) {
sp = stack.length;
for (;j < plen; ++j) {
if (points[j].index < 0) continue;
while (!d3_geom_hullCCW(stack[sp - 2], stack[sp - 1], points[j].index, vertices)) {
stack[sp++] = points[j].index;
var poly = [];
for (i = sp - 1; i >= 0; --i) poly.push(data[stack[i]]);
return poly;
hull.x = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (x = _, hull) : x;
hull.y = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (y = _, hull) : y;
return hull;
function d3_geom_hullCCW(i1, i2, i3, v) {
var t, a, b, c, d, e, f;
t = v[i1];
a = t[0];
b = t[1];
t = v[i2];
c = t[0];
d = t[1];
t = v[i3];
e = t[0];
f = t[1];
return (f - b) * (c - a) - (d - b) * (e - a) > 0;
d3.geom.polygon = function(coordinates) {
d3_subclass(coordinates, d3_geom_polygonPrototype);
return coordinates;
var d3_geom_polygonPrototype = d3.geom.polygon.prototype = [];
d3_geom_polygonPrototype.area = function() {
var i = -1, n = this.length, a, b = this[n - 1], area = 0;
while (++i < n) {
a = b;
b = this[i];
area += a[1] * b[0] - a[0] * b[1];
return area * .5;
d3_geom_polygonPrototype.centroid = function(k) {
var i = -1, n = this.length, x = 0, y = 0, a, b = this[n - 1], c;
if (!arguments.length) k = -1 / (6 * this.area());
while (++i < n) {
a = b;
b = this[i];
c = a[0] * b[1] - b[0] * a[1];
x += (a[0] + b[0]) * c;
y += (a[1] + b[1]) * c;
return [ x * k, y * k ];
d3_geom_polygonPrototype.clip = function(subject) {
var input, closed = d3_geom_polygonClosed(subject), i = -1, n = this.length - d3_geom_polygonClosed(this), j, m, a = this[n - 1], b, c, d;
while (++i < n) {
input = subject.slice();
subject.length = 0;
b = this[i];
c = input[(m = input.length - closed) - 1];
j = -1;
while (++j < m) {
d = input[j];
if (d3_geom_polygonInside(d, a, b)) {
if (!d3_geom_polygonInside(c, a, b)) {
subject.push(d3_geom_polygonIntersect(c, d, a, b));
} else if (d3_geom_polygonInside(c, a, b)) {
subject.push(d3_geom_polygonIntersect(c, d, a, b));
c = d;
if (closed) subject.push(subject[0]);
a = b;
return subject;
function d3_geom_polygonInside(p, a, b) {
return (b[0] - a[0]) * (p[1] - a[1]) < (b[1] - a[1]) * (p[0] - a[0]);
function d3_geom_polygonIntersect(c, d, a, b) {
var x1 = c[0], x3 = a[0], x21 = d[0] - x1, x43 = b[0] - x3, y1 = c[1], y3 = a[1], y21 = d[1] - y1, y43 = b[1] - y3, ua = (x43 * (y1 - y3) - y43 * (x1 - x3)) / (y43 * x21 - x43 * y21);
return [ x1 + ua * x21, y1 + ua * y21 ];
function d3_geom_polygonClosed(coordinates) {
var a = coordinates[0], b = coordinates[coordinates.length - 1];
return !(a[0] - b[0] || a[1] - b[1]);
var d3_geom_voronoiEdges, d3_geom_voronoiCells, d3_geom_voronoiBeaches, d3_geom_voronoiBeachPool = [], d3_geom_voronoiFirstCircle, d3_geom_voronoiCircles, d3_geom_voronoiCirclePool = [];
function d3_geom_voronoiBeach() {
this.edge = = = null;
function d3_geom_voronoiCreateBeach(site) {
var beach = d3_geom_voronoiBeachPool.pop() || new d3_geom_voronoiBeach(); = site;
return beach;
function d3_geom_voronoiDetachBeach(beach) {
function d3_geom_voronoiRemoveBeach(beach) {
var circle =, x = circle.x, y =, vertex = {
x: x,
y: y
}, previous = beach.P, next = beach.N, disappearing = [ beach ];
var lArc = previous;
while ( && abs(x - < ε && abs(y - < ε) {
previous = lArc.P;
lArc = previous;
var rArc = next;
while ( && abs(x - < ε && abs(y - < ε) {
next = rArc.N;
rArc = next;
var nArcs = disappearing.length, iArc;
for (iArc = 1; iArc < nArcs; ++iArc) {
rArc = disappearing[iArc];
lArc = disappearing[iArc - 1];
d3_geom_voronoiSetEdgeEnd(rArc.edge,,, vertex);
lArc = disappearing[0];
rArc = disappearing[nArcs - 1];
rArc.edge = d3_geom_voronoiCreateEdge(,, null, vertex);
function d3_geom_voronoiAddBeach(site) {
var x = site.x, directrix = site.y, lArc, rArc, dxl, dxr, node = d3_geom_voronoiBeaches._;
while (node) {
dxl = d3_geom_voronoiLeftBreakPoint(node, directrix) - x;
if (dxl > ε) node = node.L; else {
dxr = x - d3_geom_voronoiRightBreakPoint(node, directrix);
if (dxr > ε) {
if (!node.R) {
lArc = node;
node = node.R;
} else {
if (dxl > -ε) {
lArc = node.P;
rArc = node;
} else if (dxr > -ε) {
lArc = node;
rArc = node.N;
} else {
lArc = rArc = node;
var newArc = d3_geom_voronoiCreateBeach(site);
d3_geom_voronoiBeaches.insert(lArc, newArc);
if (!lArc && !rArc) return;
if (lArc === rArc) {
rArc = d3_geom_voronoiCreateBeach(;
d3_geom_voronoiBeaches.insert(newArc, rArc);
newArc.edge = rArc.edge = d3_geom_voronoiCreateEdge(,;
if (!rArc) {
newArc.edge = d3_geom_voronoiCreateEdge(,;
var lSite =, ax = lSite.x, ay = lSite.y, bx = site.x - ax, by = site.y - ay, rSite =, cx = rSite.x - ax, cy = rSite.y - ay, d = 2 * (bx * cy - by * cx), hb = bx * bx + by * by, hc = cx * cx + cy * cy, vertex = {
x: (cy * hb - by * hc) / d + ax,
y: (bx * hc - cx * hb) / d + ay
d3_geom_voronoiSetEdgeEnd(rArc.edge, lSite, rSite, vertex);
newArc.edge = d3_geom_voronoiCreateEdge(lSite, site, null, vertex);
rArc.edge = d3_geom_voronoiCreateEdge(site, rSite, null, vertex);
function d3_geom_voronoiLeftBreakPoint(arc, directrix) {
var site =, rfocx = site.x, rfocy = site.y, pby2 = rfocy - directrix;
if (!pby2) return rfocx;
var lArc = arc.P;
if (!lArc) return -Infinity;
site =;
var lfocx = site.x, lfocy = site.y, plby2 = lfocy - directrix;
if (!plby2) return lfocx;
var hl = lfocx - rfocx, aby2 = 1 / pby2 - 1 / plby2, b = hl / plby2;
if (aby2) return (-b + Math.sqrt(b * b - 2 * aby2 * (hl * hl / (-2 * plby2) - lfocy + plby2 / 2 + rfocy - pby2 / 2))) / aby2 + rfocx;
return (rfocx + lfocx) / 2;
function d3_geom_voronoiRightBreakPoint(arc, directrix) {
var rArc = arc.N;
if (rArc) return d3_geom_voronoiLeftBreakPoint(rArc, directrix);
var site =;
return site.y === directrix ? site.x : Infinity;
function d3_geom_voronoiCell(site) { = site;
this.edges = [];
d3_geom_voronoiCell.prototype.prepare = function() {
var halfEdges = this.edges, iHalfEdge = halfEdges.length, edge;
while (iHalfEdge--) {
edge = halfEdges[iHalfEdge].edge;
if (!edge.b || !edge.a) halfEdges.splice(iHalfEdge, 1);
return halfEdges.length;
function d3_geom_voronoiCloseCells(extent) {
var x0 = extent[0][0], x1 = extent[1][0], y0 = extent[0][1], y1 = extent[1][1], x2, y2, x3, y3, cells = d3_geom_voronoiCells, iCell = cells.length, cell, iHalfEdge, halfEdges, nHalfEdges, start, end;
while (iCell--) {
cell = cells[iCell];
if (!cell || !cell.prepare()) continue;
halfEdges = cell.edges;
nHalfEdges = halfEdges.length;
iHalfEdge = 0;
while (iHalfEdge < nHalfEdges) {
end = halfEdges[iHalfEdge].end(), x3 = end.x, y3 = end.y;
start = halfEdges[++iHalfEdge % nHalfEdges].start(), x2 = start.x, y2 = start.y;
if (abs(x3 - x2) > ε || abs(y3 - y2) > ε) {
halfEdges.splice(iHalfEdge, 0, new d3_geom_voronoiHalfEdge(d3_geom_voronoiCreateBorderEdge(, end, abs(x3 - x0) < ε && y1 - y3 > ε ? {
x: x0,
y: abs(x2 - x0) < ε ? y2 : y1
} : abs(y3 - y1) < ε && x1 - x3 > ε ? {
x: abs(y2 - y1) < ε ? x2 : x1,
y: y1
} : abs(x3 - x1) < ε && y3 - y0 > ε ? {
x: x1,
y: abs(x2 - x1) < ε ? y2 : y0
} : abs(y3 - y0) < ε && x3 - x0 > ε ? {
x: abs(y2 - y0) < ε ? x2 : x0,
y: y0
} : null),, null));
function d3_geom_voronoiHalfEdgeOrder(a, b) {
return b.angle - a.angle;
function d3_geom_voronoiCircle() {
this.x = this.y = this.arc = = = null;
function d3_geom_voronoiAttachCircle(arc) {
var lArc = arc.P, rArc = arc.N;
if (!lArc || !rArc) return;
var lSite =, cSite =, rSite =;
if (lSite === rSite) return;
var bx = cSite.x, by = cSite.y, ax = lSite.x - bx, ay = lSite.y - by, cx = rSite.x - bx, cy = rSite.y - by;
var d = 2 * (ax * cy - ay * cx);
if (d >= -ε2) return;
var ha = ax * ax + ay * ay, hc = cx * cx + cy * cy, x = (cy * ha - ay * hc) / d, y = (ax * hc - cx * ha) / d, cy = y + by;
var circle = d3_geom_voronoiCirclePool.pop() || new d3_geom_voronoiCircle();
circle.arc = arc; = cSite;
circle.x = x + bx;
circle.y = cy + Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); = cy; = circle;
var before = null, node = d3_geom_voronoiCircles._;
while (node) {
if (circle.y < node.y || circle.y === node.y && circle.x <= node.x) {
if (node.L) node = node.L; else {
before = node.P;
} else {
if (node.R) node = node.R; else {
before = node;
d3_geom_voronoiCircles.insert(before, circle);
if (!before) d3_geom_voronoiFirstCircle = circle;
function d3_geom_voronoiDetachCircle(arc) {
var circle =;
if (circle) {
if (!circle.P) d3_geom_voronoiFirstCircle = circle.N;
d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackNode(circle); = null;
function d3_geom_voronoiClipEdges(extent) {
var edges = d3_geom_voronoiEdges, clip = d3_geom_clipLine(extent[0][0], extent[0][1], extent[1][0], extent[1][1]), i = edges.length, e;
while (i--) {
e = edges[i];
if (!d3_geom_voronoiConnectEdge(e, extent) || !clip(e) || abs(e.a.x - e.b.x) < ε && abs(e.a.y - e.b.y) < ε) {
e.a = e.b = null;
edges.splice(i, 1);
function d3_geom_voronoiConnectEdge(edge, extent) {
var vb = edge.b;
if (vb) return true;
var va = edge.a, x0 = extent[0][0], x1 = extent[1][0], y0 = extent[0][1], y1 = extent[1][1], lSite = edge.l, rSite = edge.r, lx = lSite.x, ly = lSite.y, rx = rSite.x, ry = rSite.y, fx = (lx + rx) / 2, fy = (ly + ry) / 2, fm, fb;
if (ry === ly) {
if (fx < x0 || fx >= x1) return;
if (lx > rx) {
if (!va) va = {
x: fx,
y: y0
}; else if (va.y >= y1) return;
vb = {
x: fx,
y: y1
} else {
if (!va) va = {
x: fx,
y: y1
}; else if (va.y < y0) return;
vb = {
x: fx,
y: y0
} else {
fm = (lx - rx) / (ry - ly);
fb = fy - fm * fx;
if (fm < -1 || fm > 1) {
if (lx > rx) {
if (!va) va = {
x: (y0 - fb) / fm,
y: y0
}; else if (va.y >= y1) return;
vb = {
x: (y1 - fb) / fm,
y: y1
} else {
if (!va) va = {
x: (y1 - fb) / fm,
y: y1
}; else if (va.y < y0) return;
vb = {
x: (y0 - fb) / fm,
y: y0
} else {
if (ly < ry) {
if (!va) va = {
x: x0,
y: fm * x0 + fb
}; else if (va.x >= x1) return;
vb = {
x: x1,
y: fm * x1 + fb
} else {
if (!va) va = {
x: x1,
y: fm * x1 + fb
}; else if (va.x < x0) return;
vb = {
x: x0,
y: fm * x0 + fb
edge.a = va;
edge.b = vb;
return true;
function d3_geom_voronoiEdge(lSite, rSite) {
this.l = lSite;
this.r = rSite;
this.a = this.b = null;
function d3_geom_voronoiCreateEdge(lSite, rSite, va, vb) {
var edge = new d3_geom_voronoiEdge(lSite, rSite);
if (va) d3_geom_voronoiSetEdgeEnd(edge, lSite, rSite, va);
if (vb) d3_geom_voronoiSetEdgeEnd(edge, rSite, lSite, vb);
d3_geom_voronoiCells[lSite.i].edges.push(new d3_geom_voronoiHalfEdge(edge, lSite, rSite));
d3_geom_voronoiCells[rSite.i].edges.push(new d3_geom_voronoiHalfEdge(edge, rSite, lSite));
return edge;
function d3_geom_voronoiCreateBorderEdge(lSite, va, vb) {
var edge = new d3_geom_voronoiEdge(lSite, null);
edge.a = va;
edge.b = vb;
return edge;
function d3_geom_voronoiSetEdgeEnd(edge, lSite, rSite, vertex) {
if (!edge.a && !edge.b) {
edge.a = vertex;
edge.l = lSite;
edge.r = rSite;
} else if (edge.l === rSite) {
edge.b = vertex;
} else {
edge.a = vertex;
function d3_geom_voronoiHalfEdge(edge, lSite, rSite) {
var va = edge.a, vb = edge.b;
this.edge = edge; = lSite;
this.angle = rSite ? Math.atan2(rSite.y - lSite.y, rSite.x - lSite.x) : edge.l === lSite ? Math.atan2(vb.x - va.x, va.y - vb.y) : Math.atan2(va.x - vb.x, vb.y - va.y);
d3_geom_voronoiHalfEdge.prototype = {
start: function() {
return this.edge.l === ? this.edge.a : this.edge.b;
end: function() {
return this.edge.l === ? this.edge.b : this.edge.a;
function d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackTree() {
this._ = null;
function d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackNode(node) {
node.U = node.C = node.L = node.R = node.P = node.N = null;
d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackTree.prototype = {
insert: function(after, node) {
var parent, grandpa, uncle;
if (after) {
node.P = after;
node.N = after.N;
if (after.N) after.N.P = node;
after.N = node;
if (after.R) {
after = after.R;
while (after.L) after = after.L;
after.L = node;
} else {
after.R = node;
parent = after;
} else if (this._) {
after = d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackFirst(this._);
node.P = null;
node.N = after;
after.P = after.L = node;
parent = after;
} else {
node.P = node.N = null;
this._ = node;
parent = null;
node.L = node.R = null;
node.U = parent;
node.C = true;
after = node;
while (parent && parent.C) {
grandpa = parent.U;
if (parent === grandpa.L) {
uncle = grandpa.R;
if (uncle && uncle.C) {
parent.C = uncle.C = false;
grandpa.C = true;
after = grandpa;
} else {
if (after === parent.R) {
d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackRotateLeft(this, parent);
after = parent;
parent = after.U;
parent.C = false;
grandpa.C = true;
d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackRotateRight(this, grandpa);
} else {
uncle = grandpa.L;
if (uncle && uncle.C) {
parent.C = uncle.C = false;
grandpa.C = true;
after = grandpa;
} else {
if (after === parent.L) {
d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackRotateRight(this, parent);
after = parent;
parent = after.U;
parent.C = false;
grandpa.C = true;
d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackRotateLeft(this, grandpa);
parent = after.U;
this._.C = false;
remove: function(node) {
if (node.N) node.N.P = node.P;
if (node.P) node.P.N = node.N;
node.N = node.P = null;
var parent = node.U, sibling, left = node.L, right = node.R, next, red;
if (!left) next = right; else if (!right) next = left; else next = d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackFirst(right);
if (parent) {
if (parent.L === node) parent.L = next; else parent.R = next;
} else {
this._ = next;
if (left && right) {
red = next.C;
next.C = node.C;
next.L = left;
left.U = next;
if (next !== right) {
parent = next.U;
next.U = node.U;
node = next.R;
parent.L = node;
next.R = right;
right.U = next;
} else {
next.U = parent;
parent = next;
node = next.R;
} else {
red = node.C;
node = next;
if (node) node.U = parent;
if (red) return;
if (node && node.C) {
node.C = false;
do {
if (node === this._) break;
if (node === parent.L) {
sibling = parent.R;
if (sibling.C) {
sibling.C = false;
parent.C = true;
d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackRotateLeft(this, parent);
sibling = parent.R;
if (sibling.L && sibling.L.C || sibling.R && sibling.R.C) {
if (!sibling.R || !sibling.R.C) {
sibling.L.C = false;
sibling.C = true;
d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackRotateRight(this, sibling);
sibling = parent.R;
sibling.C = parent.C;
parent.C = sibling.R.C = false;
d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackRotateLeft(this, parent);
node = this._;
} else {
sibling = parent.L;
if (sibling.C) {
sibling.C = false;
parent.C = true;
d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackRotateRight(this, parent);
sibling = parent.L;
if (sibling.L && sibling.L.C || sibling.R && sibling.R.C) {
if (!sibling.L || !sibling.L.C) {
sibling.R.C = false;
sibling.C = true;
d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackRotateLeft(this, sibling);
sibling = parent.L;
sibling.C = parent.C;
parent.C = sibling.L.C = false;
d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackRotateRight(this, parent);
node = this._;
sibling.C = true;
node = parent;
parent = parent.U;
} while (!node.C);
if (node) node.C = false;
function d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackRotateLeft(tree, node) {
var p = node, q = node.R, parent = p.U;
if (parent) {
if (parent.L === p) parent.L = q; else parent.R = q;
} else {
tree._ = q;
q.U = parent;
p.U = q;
p.R = q.L;
if (p.R) p.R.U = p;
q.L = p;
function d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackRotateRight(tree, node) {
var p = node, q = node.L, parent = p.U;
if (parent) {
if (parent.L === p) parent.L = q; else parent.R = q;
} else {
tree._ = q;
q.U = parent;
p.U = q;
p.L = q.R;
if (p.L) p.L.U = p;
q.R = p;
function d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackFirst(node) {
while (node.L) node = node.L;
return node;
function d3_geom_voronoi(sites, bbox) {
var site = sites.sort(d3_geom_voronoiVertexOrder).pop(), x0, y0, circle;
d3_geom_voronoiEdges = [];
d3_geom_voronoiCells = new Array(sites.length);
d3_geom_voronoiBeaches = new d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackTree();
d3_geom_voronoiCircles = new d3_geom_voronoiRedBlackTree();
while (true) {
circle = d3_geom_voronoiFirstCircle;
if (site && (!circle || site.y < circle.y || site.y === circle.y && site.x < circle.x)) {
if (site.x !== x0 || site.y !== y0) {
d3_geom_voronoiCells[site.i] = new d3_geom_voronoiCell(site);
x0 = site.x, y0 = site.y;
site = sites.pop();
} else if (circle) {
} else {
if (bbox) d3_geom_voronoiClipEdges(bbox), d3_geom_voronoiCloseCells(bbox);
var diagram = {
cells: d3_geom_voronoiCells,
edges: d3_geom_voronoiEdges
d3_geom_voronoiBeaches = d3_geom_voronoiCircles = d3_geom_voronoiEdges = d3_geom_voronoiCells = null;
return diagram;
function d3_geom_voronoiVertexOrder(a, b) {
return b.y - a.y || b.x - a.x;
d3.geom.voronoi = function(points) {
var x = d3_geom_pointX, y = d3_geom_pointY, fx = x, fy = y, clipExtent = d3_geom_voronoiClipExtent;
if (points) return voronoi(points);
function voronoi(data) {
var polygons = new Array(data.length), x0 = clipExtent[0][0], y0 = clipExtent[0][1], x1 = clipExtent[1][0], y1 = clipExtent[1][1];
d3_geom_voronoi(sites(data), clipExtent).cells.forEach(function(cell, i) {
var edges = cell.edges, site =, polygon = polygons[i] = edges.length ? {
var s = e.start();
return [ s.x, s.y ];
}) : site.x >= x0 && site.x <= x1 && site.y >= y0 && site.y <= y1 ? [ [ x0, y1 ], [ x1, y1 ], [ x1, y0 ], [ x0, y0 ] ] : [];
polygon.point = data[i];
return polygons;
function sites(data) {
return, i) {
return {
x: Math.round(fx(d, i) / ε) * ε,
y: Math.round(fy(d, i) / ε) * ε,
i: i
voronoi.links = function(data) {
return d3_geom_voronoi(sites(data)).edges.filter(function(edge) {
return edge.l && edge.r;
}).map(function(edge) {
return {
source: data[edge.l.i],
target: data[edge.r.i]
voronoi.triangles = function(data) {
var triangles = [];
d3_geom_voronoi(sites(data)).cells.forEach(function(cell, i) {
var site =, edges = cell.edges.sort(d3_geom_voronoiHalfEdgeOrder), j = -1, m = edges.length, e0, s0, e1 = edges[m - 1].edge, s1 = e1.l === site ? e1.r : e1.l;
while (++j < m) {
e0 = e1;
s0 = s1;
e1 = edges[j].edge;
s1 = e1.l === site ? e1.r : e1.l;
if (i < s0.i && i < s1.i && d3_geom_voronoiTriangleArea(site, s0, s1) < 0) {
triangles.push([ data[i], data[s0.i], data[s1.i] ]);
return triangles;
voronoi.x = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (fx = d3_functor(x = _), voronoi) : x;
voronoi.y = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (fy = d3_functor(y = _), voronoi) : y;
voronoi.clipExtent = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return clipExtent === d3_geom_voronoiClipExtent ? null : clipExtent;
clipExtent = _ == null ? d3_geom_voronoiClipExtent : _;
return voronoi;
voronoi.size = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return clipExtent === d3_geom_voronoiClipExtent ? null : clipExtent && clipExtent[1];
return voronoi.clipExtent(_ && [ [ 0, 0 ], _ ]);
return voronoi;
var d3_geom_voronoiClipExtent = [ [ -1e6, -1e6 ], [ 1e6, 1e6 ] ];
function d3_geom_voronoiTriangleArea(a, b, c) {
return (a.x - c.x) * (b.y - a.y) - (a.x - b.x) * (c.y - a.y);
d3.geom.delaunay = function(vertices) {
return d3.geom.voronoi().triangles(vertices);
d3.geom.quadtree = function(points, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
var x = d3_geom_pointX, y = d3_geom_pointY, compat;
if (compat = arguments.length) {
x = d3_geom_quadtreeCompatX;
y = d3_geom_quadtreeCompatY;
if (compat === 3) {
y2 = y1;
x2 = x1;
y1 = x1 = 0;
return quadtree(points);
function quadtree(data) {
var d, fx = d3_functor(x), fy = d3_functor(y), xs, ys, i, n, x1_, y1_, x2_, y2_;
if (x1 != null) {
x1_ = x1, y1_ = y1, x2_ = x2, y2_ = y2;
} else {
x2_ = y2_ = -(x1_ = y1_ = Infinity);
xs = [], ys = [];
n = data.length;
if (compat) for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
d = data[i];
if (d.x < x1_) x1_ = d.x;
if (d.y < y1_) y1_ = d.y;
if (d.x > x2_) x2_ = d.x;
if (d.y > y2_) y2_ = d.y;
} else for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
var x_ = +fx(d = data[i], i), y_ = +fy(d, i);
if (x_ < x1_) x1_ = x_;
if (y_ < y1_) y1_ = y_;
if (x_ > x2_) x2_ = x_;
if (y_ > y2_) y2_ = y_;
var dx = x2_ - x1_, dy = y2_ - y1_;
if (dx > dy) y2_ = y1_ + dx; else x2_ = x1_ + dy;
function insert(n, d, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) return;
if (n.leaf) {
var nx = n.x, ny = n.y;
if (nx != null) {
if (abs(nx - x) + abs(ny - y) < .01) {
insertChild(n, d, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2);
} else {
var nPoint = n.point;
n.x = n.y = n.point = null;
insertChild(n, nPoint, nx, ny, x1, y1, x2, y2);
insertChild(n, d, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2);
} else {
n.x = x, n.y = y, n.point = d;
} else {
insertChild(n, d, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2);
function insertChild(n, d, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
var sx = (x1 + x2) * .5, sy = (y1 + y2) * .5, right = x >= sx, bottom = y >= sy, i = (bottom << 1) + right;
n.leaf = false;
n = n.nodes[i] || (n.nodes[i] = d3_geom_quadtreeNode());
if (right) x1 = sx; else x2 = sx;
if (bottom) y1 = sy; else y2 = sy;
insert(n, d, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2);
var root = d3_geom_quadtreeNode();
root.add = function(d) {
insert(root, d, +fx(d, ++i), +fy(d, i), x1_, y1_, x2_, y2_);
root.visit = function(f) {
d3_geom_quadtreeVisit(f, root, x1_, y1_, x2_, y2_);
i = -1;
if (x1 == null) {
while (++i < n) {
insert(root, data[i], xs[i], ys[i], x1_, y1_, x2_, y2_);
} else data.forEach(root.add);
xs = ys = data = d = null;
return root;
quadtree.x = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (x = _, quadtree) : x;
quadtree.y = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (y = _, quadtree) : y;
quadtree.extent = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return x1 == null ? null : [ [ x1, y1 ], [ x2, y2 ] ];
if (_ == null) x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = null; else x1 = +_[0][0], y1 = +_[0][1], x2 = +_[1][0],
y2 = +_[1][1];
return quadtree;
quadtree.size = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return x1 == null ? null : [ x2 - x1, y2 - y1 ];
if (_ == null) x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = null; else x1 = y1 = 0, x2 = +_[0], y2 = +_[1];
return quadtree;
return quadtree;
function d3_geom_quadtreeCompatX(d) {
return d.x;
function d3_geom_quadtreeCompatY(d) {
return d.y;
function d3_geom_quadtreeNode() {
return {
leaf: true,
nodes: [],
point: null,
x: null,
y: null
function d3_geom_quadtreeVisit(f, node, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
if (!f(node, x1, y1, x2, y2)) {
var sx = (x1 + x2) * .5, sy = (y1 + y2) * .5, children = node.nodes;
if (children[0]) d3_geom_quadtreeVisit(f, children[0], x1, y1, sx, sy);
if (children[1]) d3_geom_quadtreeVisit(f, children[1], sx, y1, x2, sy);
if (children[2]) d3_geom_quadtreeVisit(f, children[2], x1, sy, sx, y2);
if (children[3]) d3_geom_quadtreeVisit(f, children[3], sx, sy, x2, y2);
d3.interpolateRgb = d3_interpolateRgb;
function d3_interpolateRgb(a, b) {
a = d3.rgb(a);
b = d3.rgb(b);
var ar = a.r, ag = a.g, ab = a.b, br = b.r - ar, bg = b.g - ag, bb = b.b - ab;
return function(t) {
return "#" + d3_rgb_hex(Math.round(ar + br * t)) + d3_rgb_hex(Math.round(ag + bg * t)) + d3_rgb_hex(Math.round(ab + bb * t));
d3.interpolateObject = d3_interpolateObject;
function d3_interpolateObject(a, b) {
var i = {}, c = {}, k;
for (k in a) {
if (k in b) {
i[k] = d3_interpolate(a[k], b[k]);
} else {
c[k] = a[k];
for (k in b) {
if (!(k in a)) {
c[k] = b[k];
return function(t) {
for (k in i) c[k] = i[k](t);
return c;
d3.interpolateNumber = d3_interpolateNumber;
function d3_interpolateNumber(a, b) {
b -= a = +a;
return function(t) {
return a + b * t;
d3.interpolateString = d3_interpolateString;
function d3_interpolateString(a, b) {
var m, i, j, s0 = 0, s1 = 0, s = [], q = [], n, o;
a = a + "", b = b + "";
d3_interpolate_number.lastIndex = 0;
for (i = 0; m = d3_interpolate_number.exec(b); ++i) {
if (m.index) s.push(b.substring(s0, s1 = m.index));
i: s.length,
x: m[0]
s0 = d3_interpolate_number.lastIndex;
if (s0 < b.length) s.push(b.substring(s0));
for (i = 0, n = q.length; (m = d3_interpolate_number.exec(a)) && i < n; ++i) {
o = q[i];
if (o.x == m[0]) {
if (o.i) {
if (s[o.i + 1] == null) {
s[o.i - 1] += o.x;
s.splice(o.i, 1);
for (j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) q[j].i--;
} else {
s[o.i - 1] += o.x + s[o.i + 1];
s.splice(o.i, 2);
for (j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) q[j].i -= 2;
} else {
if (s[o.i + 1] == null) {
s[o.i] = o.x;
} else {
s[o.i] = o.x + s[o.i + 1];
s.splice(o.i + 1, 1);
for (j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) q[j].i--;
q.splice(i, 1);
} else {
o.x = d3_interpolateNumber(parseFloat(m[0]), parseFloat(o.x));
while (i < n) {
o = q.pop();
if (s[o.i + 1] == null) {
s[o.i] = o.x;
} else {
s[o.i] = o.x + s[o.i + 1];
s.splice(o.i + 1, 1);
if (s.length === 1) {
return s[0] == null ? (o = q[0].x, function(t) {
return o(t) + "";
}) : function() {
return b;
return function(t) {
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) s[(o = q[i]).i] = o.x(t);
return s.join("");
var d3_interpolate_number = /[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g;
d3.interpolate = d3_interpolate;
function d3_interpolate(a, b) {
var i = d3.interpolators.length, f;
while (--i >= 0 && !(f = d3.interpolators[i](a, b))) ;
return f;
d3.interpolators = [ function(a, b) {
var t = typeof b;
return (t === "string" ? d3_rgb_names.has(b) || /^(#|rgb\(|hsl\()/.test(b) ? d3_interpolateRgb : d3_interpolateString : b instanceof d3_Color ? d3_interpolateRgb : t === "object" ? Array.isArray(b) ? d3_interpolateArray : d3_interpolateObject : d3_interpolateNumber)(a, b);
} ];
d3.interpolateArray = d3_interpolateArray;
function d3_interpolateArray(a, b) {
var x = [], c = [], na = a.length, nb = b.length, n0 = Math.min(a.length, b.length), i;
for (i = 0; i < n0; ++i) x.push(d3_interpolate(a[i], b[i]));
for (;i < na; ++i) c[i] = a[i];
for (;i < nb; ++i) c[i] = b[i];
return function(t) {
for (i = 0; i < n0; ++i) c[i] = x[i](t);
return c;
var d3_ease_default = function() {
return d3_identity;
var d3_ease ={
linear: d3_ease_default,
poly: d3_ease_poly,
quad: function() {
return d3_ease_quad;
cubic: function() {
return d3_ease_cubic;
sin: function() {
return d3_ease_sin;
exp: function() {
return d3_ease_exp;
circle: function() {
return d3_ease_circle;
elastic: d3_ease_elastic,
back: d3_ease_back,
bounce: function() {
return d3_ease_bounce;
var d3_ease_mode ={
"in": d3_identity,
out: d3_ease_reverse,
"in-out": d3_ease_reflect,
"out-in": function(f) {
return d3_ease_reflect(d3_ease_reverse(f));
d3.ease = function(name) {
var i = name.indexOf("-"), t = i >= 0 ? name.substring(0, i) : name, m = i >= 0 ? name.substring(i + 1) : "in";
t = d3_ease.get(t) || d3_ease_default;
m = d3_ease_mode.get(m) || d3_identity;
return d3_ease_clamp(m(t.apply(null,, 1))));
function d3_ease_clamp(f) {
return function(t) {
return t <= 0 ? 0 : t >= 1 ? 1 : f(t);
function d3_ease_reverse(f) {
return function(t) {
return 1 - f(1 - t);
function d3_ease_reflect(f) {
return function(t) {
return .5 * (t < .5 ? f(2 * t) : 2 - f(2 - 2 * t));
function d3_ease_quad(t) {
return t * t;
function d3_ease_cubic(t) {
return t * t * t;
function d3_ease_cubicInOut(t) {
if (t <= 0) return 0;
if (t >= 1) return 1;
var t2 = t * t, t3 = t2 * t;
return 4 * (t < .5 ? t3 : 3 * (t - t2) + t3 - .75);
function d3_ease_poly(e) {
return function(t) {
return Math.pow(t, e);
function d3_ease_sin(t) {
return 1 - Math.cos(t * halfπ);
function d3_ease_exp(t) {
return Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1));
function d3_ease_circle(t) {
return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - t * t);
function d3_ease_elastic(a, p) {
var s;
if (arguments.length < 2) p = .45;
if (arguments.length) s = p / τ * Math.asin(1 / a); else a = 1, s = p / 4;
return function(t) {
return 1 + a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t - s) * τ / p);
function d3_ease_back(s) {
if (!s) s = 1.70158;
return function(t) {
return t * t * ((s + 1) * t - s);
function d3_ease_bounce(t) {
return t < 1 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * t * t : t < 2 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * (t -= 1.5 / 2.75) * t + .75 : t < 2.5 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + .9375 : 7.5625 * (t -= 2.625 / 2.75) * t + .984375;
d3.interpolateHcl = d3_interpolateHcl;
function d3_interpolateHcl(a, b) {
a = d3.hcl(a);
b = d3.hcl(b);
var ah = a.h, ac = a.c, al = a.l, bh = b.h - ah, bc = b.c - ac, bl = b.l - al;
if (isNaN(bc)) bc = 0, ac = isNaN(ac) ? b.c : ac;
if (isNaN(bh)) bh = 0, ah = isNaN(ah) ? b.h : ah; else if (bh > 180) bh -= 360; else if (bh < -180) bh += 360;
return function(t) {
return d3_hcl_lab(ah + bh * t, ac + bc * t, al + bl * t) + "";
d3.interpolateHsl = d3_interpolateHsl;
function d3_interpolateHsl(a, b) {
a = d3.hsl(a);
b = d3.hsl(b);
var ah = a.h, as = a.s, al = a.l, bh = b.h - ah, bs = b.s - as, bl = b.l - al;
if (isNaN(bs)) bs = 0, as = isNaN(as) ? b.s : as;
if (isNaN(bh)) bh = 0, ah = isNaN(ah) ? b.h : ah; else if (bh > 180) bh -= 360; else if (bh < -180) bh += 360;
return function(t) {
return d3_hsl_rgb(ah + bh * t, as + bs * t, al + bl * t) + "";
d3.interpolateLab = d3_interpolateLab;
function d3_interpolateLab(a, b) {
a = d3.lab(a);
b = d3.lab(b);
var al = a.l, aa = a.a, ab = a.b, bl = b.l - al, ba = b.a - aa, bb = b.b - ab;
return function(t) {
return d3_lab_rgb(al + bl * t, aa + ba * t, ab + bb * t) + "";
d3.interpolateRound = d3_interpolateRound;
function d3_interpolateRound(a, b) {
b -= a;
return function(t) {
return Math.round(a + b * t);
d3.transform = function(string) {
var g = d3_document.createElementNS(d3.ns.prefix.svg, "g");
return (d3.transform = function(string) {
if (string != null) {
g.setAttribute("transform", string);
var t = g.transform.baseVal.consolidate();
return new d3_transform(t ? t.matrix : d3_transformIdentity);
function d3_transform(m) {
var r0 = [ m.a, m.b ], r1 = [ m.c, m.d ], kx = d3_transformNormalize(r0), kz = d3_transformDot(r0, r1), ky = d3_transformNormalize(d3_transformCombine(r1, r0, -kz)) || 0;
if (r0[0] * r1[1] < r1[0] * r0[1]) {
r0[0] *= -1;
r0[1] *= -1;
kx *= -1;
kz *= -1;
this.rotate = (kx ? Math.atan2(r0[1], r0[0]) : Math.atan2(-r1[0], r1[1])) * d3_degrees;
this.translate = [ m.e, m.f ];
this.scale = [ kx, ky ];
this.skew = ky ? Math.atan2(kz, ky) * d3_degrees : 0;
d3_transform.prototype.toString = function() {
return "translate(" + this.translate + ")rotate(" + this.rotate + ")skewX(" + this.skew + ")scale(" + this.scale + ")";
function d3_transformDot(a, b) {
return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1];
function d3_transformNormalize(a) {
var k = Math.sqrt(d3_transformDot(a, a));
if (k) {
a[0] /= k;
a[1] /= k;
return k;
function d3_transformCombine(a, b, k) {
a[0] += k * b[0];
a[1] += k * b[1];
return a;
var d3_transformIdentity = {
a: 1,
b: 0,
c: 0,
d: 1,
e: 0,
f: 0
d3.interpolateTransform = d3_interpolateTransform;
function d3_interpolateTransform(a, b) {
var s = [], q = [], n, A = d3.transform(a), B = d3.transform(b), ta = A.translate, tb = B.translate, ra = A.rotate, rb = B.rotate, wa = A.skew, wb = B.skew, ka = A.scale, kb = B.scale;
if (ta[0] != tb[0] || ta[1] != tb[1]) {
s.push("translate(", null, ",", null, ")");
i: 1,
x: d3_interpolateNumber(ta[0], tb[0])
}, {
i: 3,
x: d3_interpolateNumber(ta[1], tb[1])
} else if (tb[0] || tb[1]) {
s.push("translate(" + tb + ")");
} else {
if (ra != rb) {
if (ra - rb > 180) rb += 360; else if (rb - ra > 180) ra += 360;
i: s.push(s.pop() + "rotate(", null, ")") - 2,
x: d3_interpolateNumber(ra, rb)
} else if (rb) {
s.push(s.pop() + "rotate(" + rb + ")");
if (wa != wb) {
i: s.push(s.pop() + "skewX(", null, ")") - 2,
x: d3_interpolateNumber(wa, wb)
} else if (wb) {
s.push(s.pop() + "skewX(" + wb + ")");
if (ka[0] != kb[0] || ka[1] != kb[1]) {
n = s.push(s.pop() + "scale(", null, ",", null, ")");
i: n - 4,
x: d3_interpolateNumber(ka[0], kb[0])
}, {
i: n - 2,
x: d3_interpolateNumber(ka[1], kb[1])
} else if (kb[0] != 1 || kb[1] != 1) {
s.push(s.pop() + "scale(" + kb + ")");
n = q.length;
return function(t) {
var i = -1, o;
while (++i < n) s[(o = q[i]).i] = o.x(t);
return s.join("");
function d3_uninterpolateNumber(a, b) {
b = b - (a = +a) ? 1 / (b - a) : 0;
return function(x) {
return (x - a) * b;
function d3_uninterpolateClamp(a, b) {
b = b - (a = +a) ? 1 / (b - a) : 0;
return function(x) {
return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (x - a) * b));
d3.layout = {};
d3.layout.bundle = function() {
return function(links) {
var paths = [], i = -1, n = links.length;
while (++i < n) paths.push(d3_layout_bundlePath(links[i]));
return paths;
function d3_layout_bundlePath(link) {
var start = link.source, end =, lca = d3_layout_bundleLeastCommonAncestor(start, end), points = [ start ];
while (start !== lca) {
start = start.parent;
var k = points.length;
while (end !== lca) {
points.splice(k, 0, end);
end = end.parent;
return points;
function d3_layout_bundleAncestors(node) {
var ancestors = [], parent = node.parent;
while (parent != null) {
node = parent;
parent = parent.parent;
return ancestors;
function d3_layout_bundleLeastCommonAncestor(a, b) {
if (a === b) return a;
var aNodes = d3_layout_bundleAncestors(a), bNodes = d3_layout_bundleAncestors(b), aNode = aNodes.pop(), bNode = bNodes.pop(), sharedNode = null;
while (aNode === bNode) {
sharedNode = aNode;
aNode = aNodes.pop();
bNode = bNodes.pop();
return sharedNode;
d3.layout.chord = function() {
var chord = {}, chords, groups, matrix, n, padding = 0, sortGroups, sortSubgroups, sortChords;
function relayout() {
var subgroups = {}, groupSums = [], groupIndex = d3.range(n), subgroupIndex = [], k, x, x0, i, j;
chords = [];
groups = [];
k = 0, i = -1;
while (++i < n) {
x = 0, j = -1;
while (++j < n) {
x += matrix[i][j];
k += x;
if (sortGroups) {
groupIndex.sort(function(a, b) {
return sortGroups(groupSums[a], groupSums[b]);
if (sortSubgroups) {
subgroupIndex.forEach(function(d, i) {
d.sort(function(a, b) {
return sortSubgroups(matrix[i][a], matrix[i][b]);
k = (τ - padding * n) / k;
x = 0, i = -1;
while (++i < n) {
x0 = x, j = -1;
while (++j < n) {
var di = groupIndex[i], dj = subgroupIndex[di][j], v = matrix[di][dj], a0 = x, a1 = x += v * k;
subgroups[di + "-" + dj] = {
index: di,
subindex: dj,
startAngle: a0,
endAngle: a1,
value: v
groups[di] = {
index: di,
startAngle: x0,
endAngle: x,
value: (x - x0) / k
x += padding;
i = -1;
while (++i < n) {
j = i - 1;
while (++j < n) {
var source = subgroups[i + "-" + j], target = subgroups[j + "-" + i];
if (source.value || target.value) {
chords.push(source.value < target.value ? {
source: target,
target: source
} : {
source: source,
target: target
if (sortChords) resort();
function resort() {
chords.sort(function(a, b) {
return sortChords((a.source.value + / 2, (b.source.value + / 2);
chord.matrix = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return matrix;
n = (matrix = x) && matrix.length;
chords = groups = null;
return chord;
chord.padding = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return padding;
padding = x;
chords = groups = null;
return chord;
chord.sortGroups = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return sortGroups;
sortGroups = x;
chords = groups = null;
return chord;
chord.sortSubgroups = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return sortSubgroups;
sortSubgroups = x;
chords = null;
return chord;
chord.sortChords = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return sortChords;
sortChords = x;
if (chords) resort();
return chord;
chord.chords = function() {
if (!chords) relayout();
return chords;
chord.groups = function() {
if (!groups) relayout();
return groups;
return chord;
d3.layout.force = function() {
var force = {}, event = d3.dispatch("start", "tick", "end"), size = [ 1, 1 ], drag, alpha, friction = .9, linkDistance = d3_layout_forceLinkDistance, linkStrength = d3_layout_forceLinkStrength, charge = -30, gravity = .1, theta = .8, nodes = [], links = [], distances, strengths, charges;
function repulse(node) {
return function(quad, x1, _, x2) {
if (quad.point !== node) {
var dx = - node.x, dy = - node.y, dn = 1 / Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if ((x2 - x1) * dn < theta) {
var k = quad.charge * dn * dn;
node.px -= dx * k; -= dy * k;
return true;
if (quad.point && isFinite(dn)) {
var k = quad.pointCharge * dn * dn;
node.px -= dx * k; -= dy * k;
return !quad.charge;
force.tick = function() {
if ((alpha *= .99) < .005) {
type: "end",
alpha: alpha = 0
return true;
var n = nodes.length, m = links.length, q, i, o, s, t, l, k, x, y;
for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
o = links[i];
s = o.source;
t =;
x = t.x - s.x;
y = t.y - s.y;
if (l = x * x + y * y) {
l = alpha * strengths[i] * ((l = Math.sqrt(l)) - distances[i]) / l;
x *= l;
y *= l;
t.x -= x * (k = s.weight / (t.weight + s.weight));
t.y -= y * k;
s.x += x * (k = 1 - k);
s.y += y * k;
if (k = alpha * gravity) {
x = size[0] / 2;
y = size[1] / 2;
i = -1;
if (k) while (++i < n) {
o = nodes[i];
o.x += (x - o.x) * k;
o.y += (y - o.y) * k;
if (charge) {
d3_layout_forceAccumulate(q = d3.geom.quadtree(nodes), alpha, charges);
i = -1;
while (++i < n) {
if (!(o = nodes[i]).fixed) {
i = -1;
while (++i < n) {
o = nodes[i];
if (o.fixed) {
o.x = o.px;
o.y =;
} else {
o.x -= (o.px - (o.px = o.x)) * friction;
o.y -= ( - ( = o.y)) * friction;
type: "tick",
alpha: alpha
force.nodes = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return nodes;
nodes = x;
return force;
force.links = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return links;
links = x;
return force;
force.size = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return size;
size = x;
return force;
force.linkDistance = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return linkDistance;
linkDistance = typeof x === "function" ? x : +x;
return force;
force.distance = force.linkDistance;
force.linkStrength = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return linkStrength;
linkStrength = typeof x === "function" ? x : +x;
return force;
force.friction = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return friction;
friction = +x;
return force;
force.charge = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return charge;
charge = typeof x === "function" ? x : +x;
return force;
force.gravity = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return gravity;
gravity = +x;
return force;
force.theta = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return theta;
theta = +x;
return force;
force.alpha = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return alpha;
x = +x;
if (alpha) {
if (x > 0) alpha = x; else alpha = 0;
} else if (x > 0) {
type: "start",
alpha: alpha = x
return force;
force.start = function() {
var i, n = nodes.length, m = links.length, w = size[0], h = size[1], neighbors, o;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
(o = nodes[i]).index = i;
o.weight = 0;
for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
o = links[i];
if (typeof o.source == "number") o.source = nodes[o.source];
if (typeof == "number") = nodes[];
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
o = nodes[i];
if (isNaN(o.x)) o.x = position("x", w);
if (isNaN(o.y)) o.y = position("y", h);
if (isNaN(o.px)) o.px = o.x;
if (isNaN( = o.y;
distances = [];
if (typeof linkDistance === "function") for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) distances[i] =, links[i], i); else for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) distances[i] = linkDistance;
strengths = [];
if (typeof linkStrength === "function") for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) strengths[i] =, links[i], i); else for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) strengths[i] = linkStrength;
charges = [];
if (typeof charge === "function") for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) charges[i] =, nodes[i], i); else for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) charges[i] = charge;
function position(dimension, size) {
if (!neighbors) {
neighbors = new Array(n);
for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
neighbors[j] = [];
for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
var o = links[j];
var candidates = neighbors[i], j = -1, m = candidates.length, x;
while (++j < m) if (!isNaN(x = candidates[j][dimension])) return x;
return Math.random() * size;
return force.resume();
force.resume = function() {
return force.alpha(.1);
force.stop = function() {
return force.alpha(0);
force.drag = function() {
if (!drag) drag = d3.behavior.drag().origin(d3_identity).on("dragstart.force", d3_layout_forceDragstart).on("drag.force", dragmove).on("dragend.force", d3_layout_forceDragend);
if (!arguments.length) return drag;
this.on("mouseover.force", d3_layout_forceMouseover).on("mouseout.force", d3_layout_forceMouseout).call(drag);
function dragmove(d) {
d.px = d3.event.x, = d3.event.y;
return d3.rebind(force, event, "on");
function d3_layout_forceDragstart(d) {
d.fixed |= 2;
function d3_layout_forceDragend(d) {
d.fixed &= ~6;
function d3_layout_forceMouseover(d) {
d.fixed |= 4;
d.px = d.x, = d.y;
function d3_layout_forceMouseout(d) {
d.fixed &= ~4;
function d3_layout_forceAccumulate(quad, alpha, charges) {
var cx = 0, cy = 0;
quad.charge = 0;
if (!quad.leaf) {
var nodes = quad.nodes, n = nodes.length, i = -1, c;
while (++i < n) {
c = nodes[i];
if (c == null) continue;
d3_layout_forceAccumulate(c, alpha, charges);
quad.charge += c.charge;
cx += c.charge *;
cy += c.charge *;
if (quad.point) {
if (!quad.leaf) {
quad.point.x += Math.random() - .5;
quad.point.y += Math.random() - .5;
var k = alpha * charges[quad.point.index];
quad.charge += quad.pointCharge = k;
cx += k * quad.point.x;
cy += k * quad.point.y;
} = cx / quad.charge; = cy / quad.charge;
var d3_layout_forceLinkDistance = 20, d3_layout_forceLinkStrength = 1;
d3.layout.hierarchy = function() {
var sort = d3_layout_hierarchySort, children = d3_layout_hierarchyChildren, value = d3_layout_hierarchyValue;
function recurse(node, depth, nodes) {
var childs =, node, depth);
node.depth = depth;
if (childs && (n = childs.length)) {
var i = -1, n, c = node.children = new Array(n), v = 0, j = depth + 1, d;
while (++i < n) {
d = c[i] = recurse(childs[i], j, nodes);
d.parent = node;
v += d.value;
if (sort) c.sort(sort);
if (value) node.value = v;
} else {
delete node.children;
if (value) {
node.value =, node, depth) || 0;
return node;
function revalue(node, depth) {
var children = node.children, v = 0;
if (children && (n = children.length)) {
var i = -1, n, j = depth + 1;
while (++i < n) v += revalue(children[i], j);
} else if (value) {
v =, node, depth) || 0;
if (value) node.value = v;
return v;
function hierarchy(d) {
var nodes = [];
recurse(d, 0, nodes);
return nodes;
hierarchy.sort = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return sort;
sort = x;
return hierarchy;
hierarchy.children = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return children;
children = x;
return hierarchy;
hierarchy.value = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return value;
value = x;
return hierarchy;
hierarchy.revalue = function(root) {
revalue(root, 0);
return root;
return hierarchy;
function d3_layout_hierarchyRebind(object, hierarchy) {
d3.rebind(object, hierarchy, "sort", "children", "value");
object.nodes = object;
object.links = d3_layout_hierarchyLinks;
return object;
function d3_layout_hierarchyChildren(d) {
return d.children;
function d3_layout_hierarchyValue(d) {
return d.value;
function d3_layout_hierarchySort(a, b) {
return b.value - a.value;
function d3_layout_hierarchyLinks(nodes) {
return d3.merge( {
return (parent.children || []).map(function(child) {
return {
source: parent,
target: child
d3.layout.partition = function() {
var hierarchy = d3.layout.hierarchy(), size = [ 1, 1 ];
function position(node, x, dx, dy) {
var children = node.children;
node.x = x;
node.y = node.depth * dy;
node.dx = dx;
node.dy = dy;
if (children && (n = children.length)) {
var i = -1, n, c, d;
dx = node.value ? dx / node.value : 0;
while (++i < n) {
position(c = children[i], x, d = c.value * dx, dy);
x += d;
function depth(node) {
var children = node.children, d = 0;
if (children && (n = children.length)) {
var i = -1, n;
while (++i < n) d = Math.max(d, depth(children[i]));
return 1 + d;
function partition(d, i) {
var nodes =, d, i);
position(nodes[0], 0, size[0], size[1] / depth(nodes[0]));
return nodes;
partition.size = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return size;
size = x;
return partition;
return d3_layout_hierarchyRebind(partition, hierarchy);
d3.layout.pie = function() {
var value = Number, sort = d3_layout_pieSortByValue, startAngle = 0, endAngle = τ;
function pie(data) {
var values =, i) {
return, d, i);
var a = +(typeof startAngle === "function" ? startAngle.apply(this, arguments) : startAngle);
var k = ((typeof endAngle === "function" ? endAngle.apply(this, arguments) : endAngle) - a) / d3.sum(values);
var index = d3.range(data.length);
if (sort != null) index.sort(sort === d3_layout_pieSortByValue ? function(i, j) {
return values[j] - values[i];
} : function(i, j) {
return sort(data[i], data[j]);
var arcs = [];
index.forEach(function(i) {
var d;
arcs[i] = {
data: data[i],
value: d = values[i],
startAngle: a,
endAngle: a += d * k
return arcs;
pie.value = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return value;
value = x;
return pie;
pie.sort = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return sort;
sort = x;
return pie;
pie.startAngle = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return startAngle;
startAngle = x;
return pie;
pie.endAngle = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return endAngle;
endAngle = x;
return pie;
return pie;
var d3_layout_pieSortByValue = {};
d3.layout.stack = function() {
var values = d3_identity, order = d3_layout_stackOrderDefault, offset = d3_layout_stackOffsetZero, out = d3_layout_stackOut, x = d3_layout_stackX, y = d3_layout_stackY;
function stack(data, index) {
var series =, i) {
return, d, i);
var points = {
return, i) {
return [, v, i),, v, i) ];
var orders =, points, index);
series = d3.permute(series, orders);
points = d3.permute(points, orders);
var offsets =, points, index);
var n = series.length, m = series[0].length, i, j, o;
for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {, series[0][j], o = offsets[j], points[0][j][1]);
for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) {, series[i][j], o += points[i - 1][j][1], points[i][j][1]);
return data;
stack.values = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return values;
values = x;
return stack;
stack.order = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return order;
order = typeof x === "function" ? x : d3_layout_stackOrders.get(x) || d3_layout_stackOrderDefault;
return stack;
stack.offset = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return offset;
offset = typeof x === "function" ? x : d3_layout_stackOffsets.get(x) || d3_layout_stackOffsetZero;
return stack;
stack.x = function(z) {
if (!arguments.length) return x;
x = z;
return stack;
stack.y = function(z) {
if (!arguments.length) return y;
y = z;
return stack;
stack.out = function(z) {
if (!arguments.length) return out;
out = z;
return stack;
return stack;
function d3_layout_stackX(d) {
return d.x;
function d3_layout_stackY(d) {
return d.y;
function d3_layout_stackOut(d, y0, y) {
d.y0 = y0;
d.y = y;
var d3_layout_stackOrders ={
"inside-out": function(data) {
var n = data.length, i, j, max =, sums =, index = d3.range(n).sort(function(a, b) {
return max[a] - max[b];
}), top = 0, bottom = 0, tops = [], bottoms = [];
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
j = index[i];
if (top < bottom) {
top += sums[j];
} else {
bottom += sums[j];
return bottoms.reverse().concat(tops);
reverse: function(data) {
return d3.range(data.length).reverse();
"default": d3_layout_stackOrderDefault
var d3_layout_stackOffsets ={
silhouette: function(data) {
var n = data.length, m = data[0].length, sums = [], max = 0, i, j, o, y0 = [];
for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (i = 0, o = 0; i < n; i++) o += data[i][j][1];
if (o > max) max = o;
for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
y0[j] = (max - sums[j]) / 2;
return y0;
wiggle: function(data) {
var n = data.length, x = data[0], m = x.length, i, j, k, s1, s2, s3, dx, o, o0, y0 = [];
y0[0] = o = o0 = 0;
for (j = 1; j < m; ++j) {
for (i = 0, s1 = 0; i < n; ++i) s1 += data[i][j][1];
for (i = 0, s2 = 0, dx = x[j][0] - x[j - 1][0]; i < n; ++i) {
for (k = 0, s3 = (data[i][j][1] - data[i][j - 1][1]) / (2 * dx); k < i; ++k) {
s3 += (data[k][j][1] - data[k][j - 1][1]) / dx;
s2 += s3 * data[i][j][1];
y0[j] = o -= s1 ? s2 / s1 * dx : 0;
if (o < o0) o0 = o;
for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) y0[j] -= o0;
return y0;
expand: function(data) {
var n = data.length, m = data[0].length, k = 1 / n, i, j, o, y0 = [];
for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (i = 0, o = 0; i < n; i++) o += data[i][j][1];
if (o) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) data[i][j][1] /= o; else for (i = 0; i < n; i++) data[i][j][1] = k;
for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) y0[j] = 0;
return y0;
zero: d3_layout_stackOffsetZero
function d3_layout_stackOrderDefault(data) {
return d3.range(data.length);
function d3_layout_stackOffsetZero(data) {
var j = -1, m = data[0].length, y0 = [];
while (++j < m) y0[j] = 0;
return y0;
function d3_layout_stackMaxIndex(array) {
var i = 1, j = 0, v = array[0][1], k, n = array.length;
for (;i < n; ++i) {
if ((k = array[i][1]) > v) {
j = i;
v = k;
return j;
function d3_layout_stackReduceSum(d) {
return d.reduce(d3_layout_stackSum, 0);
function d3_layout_stackSum(p, d) {
return p + d[1];
d3.layout.histogram = function() {
var frequency = true, valuer = Number, ranger = d3_layout_histogramRange, binner = d3_layout_histogramBinSturges;
function histogram(data, i) {
var bins = [], values =, this), range =, values, i), thresholds =, range, values, i), bin, i = -1, n = values.length, m = thresholds.length - 1, k = frequency ? 1 : 1 / n, x;
while (++i < m) {
bin = bins[i] = [];
bin.dx = thresholds[i + 1] - (bin.x = thresholds[i]);
bin.y = 0;
if (m > 0) {
i = -1;
while (++i < n) {
x = values[i];
if (x >= range[0] && x <= range[1]) {
bin = bins[d3.bisect(thresholds, x, 1, m) - 1];
bin.y += k;
return bins;
histogram.value = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return valuer;
valuer = x;
return histogram;
histogram.range = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return ranger;
ranger = d3_functor(x);
return histogram;
histogram.bins = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return binner;
binner = typeof x === "number" ? function(range) {
return d3_layout_histogramBinFixed(range, x);
} : d3_functor(x);
return histogram;
histogram.frequency = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return frequency;
frequency = !!x;
return histogram;
return histogram;
function d3_layout_histogramBinSturges(range, values) {
return d3_layout_histogramBinFixed(range, Math.ceil(Math.log(values.length) / Math.LN2 + 1));
function d3_layout_histogramBinFixed(range, n) {
var x = -1, b = +range[0], m = (range[1] - b) / n, f = [];
while (++x <= n) f[x] = m * x + b;
return f;
function d3_layout_histogramRange(values) {
return [ d3.min(values), d3.max(values) ];
d3.layout.tree = function() {
var hierarchy = d3.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null), separation = d3_layout_treeSeparation, size = [ 1, 1 ], nodeSize = false;
function tree(d, i) {
var nodes =, d, i), root = nodes[0];
function firstWalk(node, previousSibling) {
var children = node.children, layout = node._tree;
if (children && (n = children.length)) {
var n, firstChild = children[0], previousChild, ancestor = firstChild, child, i = -1;
while (++i < n) {
child = children[i];
firstWalk(child, previousChild);
ancestor = apportion(child, previousChild, ancestor);
previousChild = child;
var midpoint = .5 * (firstChild._tree.prelim + child._tree.prelim);
if (previousSibling) {
layout.prelim = previousSibling._tree.prelim + separation(node, previousSibling);
layout.mod = layout.prelim - midpoint;
} else {
layout.prelim = midpoint;
} else {
if (previousSibling) {
layout.prelim = previousSibling._tree.prelim + separation(node, previousSibling);
function secondWalk(node, x) {
node.x = node._tree.prelim + x;
var children = node.children;
if (children && (n = children.length)) {
var i = -1, n;
x += node._tree.mod;
while (++i < n) {
secondWalk(children[i], x);
function apportion(node, previousSibling, ancestor) {
if (previousSibling) {
var vip = node, vop = node, vim = previousSibling, vom = node.parent.children[0], sip = vip._tree.mod, sop = vop._tree.mod, sim = vim._tree.mod, som = vom._tree.mod, shift;
while (vim = d3_layout_treeRight(vim), vip = d3_layout_treeLeft(vip), vim && vip) {
vom = d3_layout_treeLeft(vom);
vop = d3_layout_treeRight(vop);
vop._tree.ancestor = node;
shift = vim._tree.prelim + sim - vip._tree.prelim - sip + separation(vim, vip);
if (shift > 0) {
d3_layout_treeMove(d3_layout_treeAncestor(vim, node, ancestor), node, shift);
sip += shift;
sop += shift;
sim += vim._tree.mod;
sip += vip._tree.mod;
som += vom._tree.mod;
sop += vop._tree.mod;
if (vim && !d3_layout_treeRight(vop)) {
vop._tree.thread = vim;
vop._tree.mod += sim - sop;
if (vip && !d3_layout_treeLeft(vom)) {
vom._tree.thread = vip;
vom._tree.mod += sip - som;
ancestor = node;
return ancestor;
d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, function(node, previousSibling) {
node._tree = {
ancestor: node,
prelim: 0,
mod: 0,
change: 0,
shift: 0,
number: previousSibling ? previousSibling._tree.number + 1 : 0
secondWalk(root, -root._tree.prelim);
var left = d3_layout_treeSearch(root, d3_layout_treeLeftmost), right = d3_layout_treeSearch(root, d3_layout_treeRightmost), deep = d3_layout_treeSearch(root, d3_layout_treeDeepest), x0 = left.x - separation(left, right) / 2, x1 = right.x + separation(right, left) / 2, y1 = deep.depth || 1;
d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, nodeSize ? function(node) {
node.x *= size[0];
node.y = node.depth * size[1];
delete node._tree;
} : function(node) {
node.x = (node.x - x0) / (x1 - x0) * size[0];
node.y = node.depth / y1 * size[1];
delete node._tree;
return nodes;
tree.separation = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return separation;
separation = x;
return tree;
tree.size = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return nodeSize ? null : size;
nodeSize = (size = x) == null;
return tree;
tree.nodeSize = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return nodeSize ? size : null;
nodeSize = (size = x) != null;
return tree;
return d3_layout_hierarchyRebind(tree, hierarchy);
function d3_layout_treeSeparation(a, b) {
return a.parent == b.parent ? 1 : 2;
function d3_layout_treeLeft(node) {
var children = node.children;
return children && children.length ? children[0] : node._tree.thread;
function d3_layout_treeRight(node) {
var children = node.children, n;
return children && (n = children.length) ? children[n - 1] : node._tree.thread;
function d3_layout_treeSearch(node, compare) {
var children = node.children;
if (children && (n = children.length)) {
var child, n, i = -1;
while (++i < n) {
if (compare(child = d3_layout_treeSearch(children[i], compare), node) > 0) {
node = child;
return node;
function d3_layout_treeRightmost(a, b) {
return a.x - b.x;
function d3_layout_treeLeftmost(a, b) {
return b.x - a.x;
function d3_layout_treeDeepest(a, b) {
return a.depth - b.depth;
function d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(node, callback) {
function visit(node, previousSibling) {
var children = node.children;
if (children && (n = children.length)) {
var child, previousChild = null, i = -1, n;
while (++i < n) {
child = children[i];
visit(child, previousChild);
previousChild = child;
callback(node, previousSibling);
visit(node, null);
function d3_layout_treeShift(node) {
var shift = 0, change = 0, children = node.children, i = children.length, child;
while (--i >= 0) {
child = children[i]._tree;
child.prelim += shift;
child.mod += shift;
shift += child.shift + (change += child.change);
function d3_layout_treeMove(ancestor, node, shift) {
ancestor = ancestor._tree;
node = node._tree;
var change = shift / (node.number - ancestor.number);
ancestor.change += change;
node.change -= change;
node.shift += shift;
node.prelim += shift;
node.mod += shift;
function d3_layout_treeAncestor(vim, node, ancestor) {
return vim._tree.ancestor.parent == node.parent ? vim._tree.ancestor : ancestor;
d3.layout.pack = function() {
var hierarchy = d3.layout.hierarchy().sort(d3_layout_packSort), padding = 0, size = [ 1, 1 ], radius;
function pack(d, i) {
var nodes =, d, i), root = nodes[0], w = size[0], h = size[1], r = radius == null ? Math.sqrt : typeof radius === "function" ? radius : function() {
return radius;
root.x = root.y = 0;
d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, function(d) {
d.r = +r(d.value);
d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, d3_layout_packSiblings);
if (padding) {
var dr = padding * (radius ? 1 : Math.max(2 * root.r / w, 2 * root.r / h)) / 2;
d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, function(d) {
d.r += dr;
d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, d3_layout_packSiblings);
d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, function(d) {
d.r -= dr;
d3_layout_packTransform(root, w / 2, h / 2, radius ? 1 : 1 / Math.max(2 * root.r / w, 2 * root.r / h));
return nodes;
pack.size = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return size;
size = _;
return pack;
pack.radius = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return radius;
radius = _ == null || typeof _ === "function" ? _ : +_;
return pack;
pack.padding = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return padding;
padding = +_;
return pack;
return d3_layout_hierarchyRebind(pack, hierarchy);
function d3_layout_packSort(a, b) {
return a.value - b.value;
function d3_layout_packInsert(a, b) {
var c = a._pack_next;
a._pack_next = b;
b._pack_prev = a;
b._pack_next = c;
c._pack_prev = b;
function d3_layout_packSplice(a, b) {
a._pack_next = b;
b._pack_prev = a;
function d3_layout_packIntersects(a, b) {
var dx = b.x - a.x, dy = b.y - a.y, dr = a.r + b.r;
return .999 * dr * dr > dx * dx + dy * dy;
function d3_layout_packSiblings(node) {
if (!(nodes = node.children) || !(n = nodes.length)) return;
var nodes, xMin = Infinity, xMax = -Infinity, yMin = Infinity, yMax = -Infinity, a, b, c, i, j, k, n;
function bound(node) {
xMin = Math.min(node.x - node.r, xMin);
xMax = Math.max(node.x + node.r, xMax);
yMin = Math.min(node.y - node.r, yMin);
yMax = Math.max(node.y + node.r, yMax);
a = nodes[0];
a.x = -a.r;
a.y = 0;
if (n > 1) {
b = nodes[1];
b.x = b.r;
b.y = 0;
if (n > 2) {
c = nodes[2];
d3_layout_packPlace(a, b, c);
d3_layout_packInsert(a, c);
a._pack_prev = c;
d3_layout_packInsert(c, b);
b = a._pack_next;
for (i = 3; i < n; i++) {
d3_layout_packPlace(a, b, c = nodes[i]);
var isect = 0, s1 = 1, s2 = 1;
for (j = b._pack_next; j !== b; j = j._pack_next, s1++) {
if (d3_layout_packIntersects(j, c)) {
isect = 1;
if (isect == 1) {
for (k = a._pack_prev; k !== j._pack_prev; k = k._pack_prev, s2++) {
if (d3_layout_packIntersects(k, c)) {
if (isect) {
if (s1 < s2 || s1 == s2 && b.r < a.r) d3_layout_packSplice(a, b = j); else d3_layout_packSplice(a = k, b);
} else {
d3_layout_packInsert(a, c);
b = c;
var cx = (xMin + xMax) / 2, cy = (yMin + yMax) / 2, cr = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
c = nodes[i];
c.x -= cx;
c.y -= cy;
cr = Math.max(cr, c.r + Math.sqrt(c.x * c.x + c.y * c.y));
node.r = cr;
function d3_layout_packLink(node) {
node._pack_next = node._pack_prev = node;
function d3_layout_packUnlink(node) {
delete node._pack_next;
delete node._pack_prev;
function d3_layout_packTransform(node, x, y, k) {
var children = node.children;
node.x = x += k * node.x;
node.y = y += k * node.y;
node.r *= k;
if (children) {
var i = -1, n = children.length;
while (++i < n) d3_layout_packTransform(children[i], x, y, k);
function d3_layout_packPlace(a, b, c) {
var db = a.r + c.r, dx = b.x - a.x, dy = b.y - a.y;
if (db && (dx || dy)) {
var da = b.r + c.r, dc = dx * dx + dy * dy;
da *= da;
db *= db;
var x = .5 + (db - da) / (2 * dc), y = Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, 2 * da * (db + dc) - (db -= dc) * db - da * da)) / (2 * dc);
c.x = a.x + x * dx + y * dy;
c.y = a.y + x * dy - y * dx;
} else {
c.x = a.x + db;
c.y = a.y;
d3.layout.cluster = function() {
var hierarchy = d3.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null), separation = d3_layout_treeSeparation, size = [ 1, 1 ], nodeSize = false;
function cluster(d, i) {
var nodes =, d, i), root = nodes[0], previousNode, x = 0;
d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, function(node) {
var children = node.children;
if (children && children.length) {
node.x = d3_layout_clusterX(children);
node.y = d3_layout_clusterY(children);
} else {
node.x = previousNode ? x += separation(node, previousNode) : 0;
node.y = 0;
previousNode = node;
var left = d3_layout_clusterLeft(root), right = d3_layout_clusterRight(root), x0 = left.x - separation(left, right) / 2, x1 = right.x + separation(right, left) / 2;
d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, nodeSize ? function(node) {
node.x = (node.x - root.x) * size[0];
node.y = (root.y - node.y) * size[1];
} : function(node) {
node.x = (node.x - x0) / (x1 - x0) * size[0];
node.y = (1 - (root.y ? node.y / root.y : 1)) * size[1];
return nodes;
cluster.separation = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return separation;
separation = x;
return cluster;
cluster.size = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return nodeSize ? null : size;
nodeSize = (size = x) == null;
return cluster;
cluster.nodeSize = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return nodeSize ? size : null;
nodeSize = (size = x) != null;
return cluster;
return d3_layout_hierarchyRebind(cluster, hierarchy);
function d3_layout_clusterY(children) {
return 1 + d3.max(children, function(child) {
return child.y;
function d3_layout_clusterX(children) {
return children.reduce(function(x, child) {
return x + child.x;
}, 0) / children.length;
function d3_layout_clusterLeft(node) {
var children = node.children;
return children && children.length ? d3_layout_clusterLeft(children[0]) : node;
function d3_layout_clusterRight(node) {
var children = node.children, n;
return children && (n = children.length) ? d3_layout_clusterRight(children[n - 1]) : node;
d3.layout.treemap = function() {
var hierarchy = d3.layout.hierarchy(), round = Math.round, size = [ 1, 1 ], padding = null, pad = d3_layout_treemapPadNull, sticky = false, stickies, mode = "squarify", ratio = .5 * (1 + Math.sqrt(5));
function scale(children, k) {
var i = -1, n = children.length, child, area;
while (++i < n) {
area = (child = children[i]).value * (k < 0 ? 0 : k);
child.area = isNaN(area) || area <= 0 ? 0 : area;
function squarify(node) {
var children = node.children;
if (children && children.length) {
var rect = pad(node), row = [], remaining = children.slice(), child, best = Infinity, score, u = mode === "slice" ? rect.dx : mode === "dice" ? rect.dy : mode === "slice-dice" ? node.depth & 1 ? rect.dy : rect.dx : Math.min(rect.dx, rect.dy), n;
scale(remaining, rect.dx * rect.dy / node.value);
row.area = 0;
while ((n = remaining.length) > 0) {
row.push(child = remaining[n - 1]);
row.area += child.area;
if (mode !== "squarify" || (score = worst(row, u)) <= best) {
best = score;
} else {
row.area -= row.pop().area;
position(row, u, rect, false);
u = Math.min(rect.dx, rect.dy);
row.length = row.area = 0;
best = Infinity;
if (row.length) {
position(row, u, rect, true);
row.length = row.area = 0;
function stickify(node) {
var children = node.children;
if (children && children.length) {
var rect = pad(node), remaining = children.slice(), child, row = [];
scale(remaining, rect.dx * rect.dy / node.value);
row.area = 0;
while (child = remaining.pop()) {
row.area += child.area;
if (child.z != null) {
position(row, child.z ? rect.dx : rect.dy, rect, !remaining.length);
row.length = row.area = 0;
function worst(row, u) {
var s = row.area, r, rmax = 0, rmin = Infinity, i = -1, n = row.length;
while (++i < n) {
if (!(r = row[i].area)) continue;
if (r < rmin) rmin = r;
if (r > rmax) rmax = r;
s *= s;
u *= u;
return s ? Math.max(u * rmax * ratio / s, s / (u * rmin * ratio)) : Infinity;
function position(row, u, rect, flush) {
var i = -1, n = row.length, x = rect.x, y = rect.y, v = u ? round(row.area / u) : 0, o;
if (u == rect.dx) {
if (flush || v > rect.dy) v = rect.dy;
while (++i < n) {
o = row[i];
o.x = x;
o.y = y;
o.dy = v;
x += o.dx = Math.min(rect.x + rect.dx - x, v ? round(o.area / v) : 0);
o.z = true;
o.dx += rect.x + rect.dx - x;
rect.y += v;
rect.dy -= v;
} else {
if (flush || v > rect.dx) v = rect.dx;
while (++i < n) {
o = row[i];
o.x = x;
o.y = y;
o.dx = v;
y += o.dy = Math.min(rect.y + rect.dy - y, v ? round(o.area / v) : 0);
o.z = false;
o.dy += rect.y + rect.dy - y;
rect.x += v;
rect.dx -= v;
function treemap(d) {
var nodes = stickies || hierarchy(d), root = nodes[0];
root.x = 0;
root.y = 0;
root.dx = size[0];
root.dy = size[1];
if (stickies) hierarchy.revalue(root);
scale([ root ], root.dx * root.dy / root.value);
(stickies ? stickify : squarify)(root);
if (sticky) stickies = nodes;
return nodes;
treemap.size = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return size;
size = x;
return treemap;
treemap.padding = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return padding;
function padFunction(node) {
var p =, node, node.depth);
return p == null ? d3_layout_treemapPadNull(node) : d3_layout_treemapPad(node, typeof p === "number" ? [ p, p, p, p ] : p);
function padConstant(node) {
return d3_layout_treemapPad(node, x);
var type;
pad = (padding = x) == null ? d3_layout_treemapPadNull : (type = typeof x) === "function" ? padFunction : type === "number" ? (x = [ x, x, x, x ],
padConstant) : padConstant;
return treemap;
treemap.round = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return round != Number;
round = x ? Math.round : Number;
return treemap;
treemap.sticky = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return sticky;
sticky = x;
stickies = null;
return treemap;
treemap.ratio = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return ratio;
ratio = x;
return treemap;
treemap.mode = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return mode;
mode = x + "";
return treemap;
return d3_layout_hierarchyRebind(treemap, hierarchy);
function d3_layout_treemapPadNull(node) {
return {
x: node.x,
y: node.y,
dx: node.dx,
dy: node.dy
function d3_layout_treemapPad(node, padding) {
var x = node.x + padding[3], y = node.y + padding[0], dx = node.dx - padding[1] - padding[3], dy = node.dy - padding[0] - padding[2];
if (dx < 0) {
x += dx / 2;
dx = 0;
if (dy < 0) {
y += dy / 2;
dy = 0;
return {
x: x,
y: y,
dx: dx,
dy: dy
d3.random = {
normal: function(µ, σ) {
var n = arguments.length;
if (n < 2) σ = 1;
if (n < 1) µ = 0;
return function() {
var x, y, r;
do {
x = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
y = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
r = x * x + y * y;
} while (!r || r > 1);
return µ + σ * x * Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(r) / r);
logNormal: function() {
var random = d3.random.normal.apply(d3, arguments);
return function() {
return Math.exp(random());
irwinHall: function(m) {
return function() {
for (var s = 0, j = 0; j < m; j++) s += Math.random();
return s / m;
d3.scale = {};
function d3_scaleExtent(domain) {
var start = domain[0], stop = domain[domain.length - 1];
return start < stop ? [ start, stop ] : [ stop, start ];
function d3_scaleRange(scale) {
return scale.rangeExtent ? scale.rangeExtent() : d3_scaleExtent(scale.range());
function d3_scale_bilinear(domain, range, uninterpolate, interpolate) {
var u = uninterpolate(domain[0], domain[1]), i = interpolate(range[0], range[1]);
return function(x) {
return i(u(x));
function d3_scale_nice(domain, nice) {
var i0 = 0, i1 = domain.length - 1, x0 = domain[i0], x1 = domain[i1], dx;
if (x1 < x0) {
dx = i0, i0 = i1, i1 = dx;
dx = x0, x0 = x1, x1 = dx;
domain[i0] = nice.floor(x0);
domain[i1] = nice.ceil(x1);
return domain;
function d3_scale_niceStep(step) {
return step ? {
floor: function(x) {
return Math.floor(x / step) * step;
ceil: function(x) {
return Math.ceil(x / step) * step;
} : d3_scale_niceIdentity;
var d3_scale_niceIdentity = {
floor: d3_identity,
ceil: d3_identity
function d3_scale_polylinear(domain, range, uninterpolate, interpolate) {
var u = [], i = [], j = 0, k = Math.min(domain.length, range.length) - 1;
if (domain[k] < domain[0]) {
domain = domain.slice().reverse();
range = range.slice().reverse();
while (++j <= k) {
u.push(uninterpolate(domain[j - 1], domain[j]));
i.push(interpolate(range[j - 1], range[j]));
return function(x) {
var j = d3.bisect(domain, x, 1, k) - 1;
return i[j](u[j](x));
d3.scale.linear = function() {
return d3_scale_linear([ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ], d3_interpolate, false);
function d3_scale_linear(domain, range, interpolate, clamp) {
var output, input;
function rescale() {
var linear = Math.min(domain.length, range.length) > 2 ? d3_scale_polylinear : d3_scale_bilinear, uninterpolate = clamp ? d3_uninterpolateClamp : d3_uninterpolateNumber;
output = linear(domain, range, uninterpolate, interpolate);
input = linear(range, domain, uninterpolate, d3_interpolate);
return scale;
function scale(x) {
return output(x);
scale.invert = function(y) {
return input(y);
scale.domain = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return domain;
domain =;
return rescale();
scale.range = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return range;
range = x;
return rescale();
scale.rangeRound = function(x) {
return scale.range(x).interpolate(d3_interpolateRound);
scale.clamp = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return clamp;
clamp = x;
return rescale();
scale.interpolate = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return interpolate;
interpolate = x;
return rescale();
scale.ticks = function(m) {
return d3_scale_linearTicks(domain, m);
scale.tickFormat = function(m, format) {
return d3_scale_linearTickFormat(domain, m, format);
scale.nice = function(m) {
d3_scale_linearNice(domain, m);
return rescale();
scale.copy = function() {
return d3_scale_linear(domain, range, interpolate, clamp);
return rescale();
function d3_scale_linearRebind(scale, linear) {
return d3.rebind(scale, linear, "range", "rangeRound", "interpolate", "clamp");
function d3_scale_linearNice(domain, m) {
return d3_scale_nice(domain, d3_scale_niceStep(d3_scale_linearTickRange(domain, m)[2]));
function d3_scale_linearTickRange(domain, m) {
if (m == null) m = 10;
var extent = d3_scaleExtent(domain), span = extent[1] - extent[0], step = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(span / m) / Math.LN10)), err = m / span * step;
if (err <= .15) step *= 10; else if (err <= .35) step *= 5; else if (err <= .75) step *= 2;
extent[0] = Math.ceil(extent[0] / step) * step;
extent[1] = Math.floor(extent[1] / step) * step + step * .5;
extent[2] = step;
return extent;
function d3_scale_linearTicks(domain, m) {
return d3.range.apply(d3, d3_scale_linearTickRange(domain, m));
function d3_scale_linearTickFormat(domain, m, format) {
var precision = -Math.floor(Math.log(d3_scale_linearTickRange(domain, m)[2]) / Math.LN10 + .01);
return d3.format(format ? format.replace(d3_format_re, function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) {
return [ b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i || "." + (precision - (j === "%") * 2), j ].join("");
}) : ",." + precision + "f");
d3.scale.log = function() {
return d3_scale_log(d3.scale.linear().domain([ 0, 1 ]), 10, true, [ 1, 10 ]);
function d3_scale_log(linear, base, positive, domain) {
function log(x) {
return (positive ? Math.log(x < 0 ? 0 : x) : -Math.log(x > 0 ? 0 : -x)) / Math.log(base);
function pow(x) {
return positive ? Math.pow(base, x) : -Math.pow(base, -x);
function scale(x) {
return linear(log(x));
scale.invert = function(x) {
return pow(linear.invert(x));
scale.domain = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return domain;
positive = x[0] >= 0;
linear.domain((domain =;
return scale;
scale.base = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return base;
base = +_;
return scale;
scale.nice = function() {
var niced = d3_scale_nice(, positive ? Math : d3_scale_logNiceNegative);
domain =;
return scale;
scale.ticks = function() {
var extent = d3_scaleExtent(domain), ticks = [], u = extent[0], v = extent[1], i = Math.floor(log(u)), j = Math.ceil(log(v)), n = base % 1 ? 2 : base;
if (isFinite(j - i)) {
if (positive) {
for (;i < j; i++) for (var k = 1; k < n; k++) ticks.push(pow(i) * k);
} else {
for (;i++ < j; ) for (var k = n - 1; k > 0; k--) ticks.push(pow(i) * k);
for (i = 0; ticks[i] < u; i++) {}
for (j = ticks.length; ticks[j - 1] > v; j--) {}
ticks = ticks.slice(i, j);
return ticks;
scale.tickFormat = function(n, format) {
if (!arguments.length) return d3_scale_logFormat;
if (arguments.length < 2) format = d3_scale_logFormat; else if (typeof format !== "function") format = d3.format(format);
var k = Math.max(.1, n / scale.ticks().length), f = positive ? (e = 1e-12, Math.ceil) : (e = -1e-12,
Math.floor), e;
return function(d) {
return d / pow(f(log(d) + e)) <= k ? format(d) : "";
scale.copy = function() {
return d3_scale_log(linear.copy(), base, positive, domain);
return d3_scale_linearRebind(scale, linear);
var d3_scale_logFormat = d3.format(".0e"), d3_scale_logNiceNegative = {
floor: function(x) {
return -Math.ceil(-x);
ceil: function(x) {
return -Math.floor(-x);
d3.scale.pow = function() {
return d3_scale_pow(d3.scale.linear(), 1, [ 0, 1 ]);
function d3_scale_pow(linear, exponent, domain) {
var powp = d3_scale_powPow(exponent), powb = d3_scale_powPow(1 / exponent);
function scale(x) {
return linear(powp(x));
scale.invert = function(x) {
return powb(linear.invert(x));
scale.domain = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return domain;
linear.domain((domain =;
return scale;
scale.ticks = function(m) {
return d3_scale_linearTicks(domain, m);
scale.tickFormat = function(m, format) {
return d3_scale_linearTickFormat(domain, m, format);
scale.nice = function(m) {
return scale.domain(d3_scale_linearNice(domain, m));
scale.exponent = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return exponent;
powp = d3_scale_powPow(exponent = x);
powb = d3_scale_powPow(1 / exponent);
return scale;
scale.copy = function() {
return d3_scale_pow(linear.copy(), exponent, domain);
return d3_scale_linearRebind(scale, linear);
function d3_scale_powPow(e) {
return function(x) {
return x < 0 ? -Math.pow(-x, e) : Math.pow(x, e);
d3.scale.sqrt = function() {
return d3.scale.pow().exponent(.5);
d3.scale.ordinal = function() {
return d3_scale_ordinal([], {
t: "range",
a: [ [] ]
function d3_scale_ordinal(domain, ranger) {
var index, range, rangeBand;
function scale(x) {
return range[((index.get(x) || ranger.t === "range" && index.set(x, domain.push(x))) - 1) % range.length];
function steps(start, step) {
return d3.range(domain.length).map(function(i) {
return start + step * i;
scale.domain = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return domain;
domain = [];
index = new d3_Map();
var i = -1, n = x.length, xi;
while (++i < n) if (!index.has(xi = x[i])) index.set(xi, domain.push(xi));
return scale[ranger.t].apply(scale, ranger.a);
scale.range = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return range;
range = x;
rangeBand = 0;
ranger = {
t: "range",
a: arguments
return scale;
scale.rangePoints = function(x, padding) {
if (arguments.length < 2) padding = 0;
var start = x[0], stop = x[1], step = (stop - start) / (Math.max(1, domain.length - 1) + padding);
range = steps(domain.length < 2 ? (start + stop) / 2 : start + step * padding / 2, step);
rangeBand = 0;
ranger = {
t: "rangePoints",
a: arguments
return scale;
scale.rangeBands = function(x, padding, outerPadding) {
if (arguments.length < 2) padding = 0;
if (arguments.length < 3) outerPadding = padding;
var reverse = x[1] < x[0], start = x[reverse - 0], stop = x[1 - reverse], step = (stop - start) / (domain.length - padding + 2 * outerPadding);
range = steps(start + step * outerPadding, step);
if (reverse) range.reverse();
rangeBand = step * (1 - padding);
ranger = {
t: "rangeBands",
a: arguments
return scale;
scale.rangeRoundBands = function(x, padding, outerPadding) {
if (arguments.length < 2) padding = 0;
if (arguments.length < 3) outerPadding = padding;
var reverse = x[1] < x[0], start = x[reverse - 0], stop = x[1 - reverse], step = Math.floor((stop - start) / (domain.length - padding + 2 * outerPadding)), error = stop - start - (domain.length - padding) * step;
range = steps(start + Math.round(error / 2), step);
if (reverse) range.reverse();
rangeBand = Math.round(step * (1 - padding));
ranger = {
t: "rangeRoundBands",
a: arguments
return scale;
scale.rangeBand = function() {
return rangeBand;
scale.rangeExtent = function() {
return d3_scaleExtent(ranger.a[0]);
scale.copy = function() {
return d3_scale_ordinal(domain, ranger);
return scale.domain(domain);
d3.scale.category10 = function() {
return d3.scale.ordinal().range(d3_category10);
d3.scale.category20 = function() {
return d3.scale.ordinal().range(d3_category20);
d3.scale.category20b = function() {
return d3.scale.ordinal().range(d3_category20b);
d3.scale.category20c = function() {
return d3.scale.ordinal().range(d3_category20c);
var d3_category10 = [ 2062260, 16744206, 2924588, 14034728, 9725885, 9197131, 14907330, 8355711, 12369186, 1556175 ].map(d3_rgbString);
var d3_category20 = [ 2062260, 11454440, 16744206, 16759672, 2924588, 10018698, 14034728, 16750742, 9725885, 12955861, 9197131, 12885140, 14907330, 16234194, 8355711, 13092807, 12369186, 14408589, 1556175, 10410725 ].map(d3_rgbString);
var d3_category20b = [ 3750777, 5395619, 7040719, 10264286, 6519097, 9216594, 11915115, 13556636, 9202993, 12426809, 15186514, 15190932, 8666169, 11356490, 14049643, 15177372, 8077683, 10834324, 13528509, 14589654 ].map(d3_rgbString);
var d3_category20c = [ 3244733, 7057110, 10406625, 13032431, 15095053, 16616764, 16625259, 16634018, 3253076, 7652470, 10607003, 13101504, 7695281, 10394312, 12369372, 14342891, 6513507, 9868950, 12434877, 14277081 ].map(d3_rgbString);
d3.scale.quantile = function() {
return d3_scale_quantile([], []);
function d3_scale_quantile(domain, range) {
var thresholds;
function rescale() {
var k = 0, q = range.length;
thresholds = [];
while (++k < q) thresholds[k - 1] = d3.quantile(domain, k / q);
return scale;
function scale(x) {
if (!isNaN(x = +x)) return range[d3.bisect(thresholds, x)];
scale.domain = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return domain;
domain = x.filter(function(d) {
return !isNaN(d);
return rescale();
scale.range = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return range;
range = x;
return rescale();
scale.quantiles = function() {
return thresholds;
scale.invertExtent = function(y) {
y = range.indexOf(y);
return y < 0 ? [ NaN, NaN ] : [ y > 0 ? thresholds[y - 1] : domain[0], y < thresholds.length ? thresholds[y] : domain[domain.length - 1] ];
scale.copy = function() {
return d3_scale_quantile(domain, range);
return rescale();
d3.scale.quantize = function() {
return d3_scale_quantize(0, 1, [ 0, 1 ]);
function d3_scale_quantize(x0, x1, range) {
var kx, i;
function scale(x) {
return range[Math.max(0, Math.min(i, Math.floor(kx * (x - x0))))];
function rescale() {
kx = range.length / (x1 - x0);
i = range.length - 1;
return scale;
scale.domain = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return [ x0, x1 ];
x0 = +x[0];
x1 = +x[x.length - 1];
return rescale();
scale.range = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return range;
range = x;
return rescale();
scale.invertExtent = function(y) {
y = range.indexOf(y);
y = y < 0 ? NaN : y / kx + x0;
return [ y, y + 1 / kx ];
scale.copy = function() {
return d3_scale_quantize(x0, x1, range);
return rescale();
d3.scale.threshold = function() {
return d3_scale_threshold([ .5 ], [ 0, 1 ]);
function d3_scale_threshold(domain, range) {
function scale(x) {
if (x <= x) return range[d3.bisect(domain, x)];
scale.domain = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return domain;
domain = _;
return scale;
scale.range = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return range;
range = _;
return scale;
scale.invertExtent = function(y) {
y = range.indexOf(y);
return [ domain[y - 1], domain[y] ];
scale.copy = function() {
return d3_scale_threshold(domain, range);
return scale;
d3.scale.identity = function() {
return d3_scale_identity([ 0, 1 ]);
function d3_scale_identity(domain) {
function identity(x) {
return +x;
identity.invert = identity;
identity.domain = identity.range = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return domain;
domain =;
return identity;
identity.ticks = function(m) {
return d3_scale_linearTicks(domain, m);
identity.tickFormat = function(m, format) {
return d3_scale_linearTickFormat(domain, m, format);
identity.copy = function() {
return d3_scale_identity(domain);
return identity;
d3.svg = {};
d3.svg.arc = function() {
var innerRadius = d3_svg_arcInnerRadius, outerRadius = d3_svg_arcOuterRadius, startAngle = d3_svg_arcStartAngle, endAngle = d3_svg_arcEndAngle;
function arc() {
var r0 = innerRadius.apply(this, arguments), r1 = outerRadius.apply(this, arguments), a0 = startAngle.apply(this, arguments) + d3_svg_arcOffset, a1 = endAngle.apply(this, arguments) + d3_svg_arcOffset, da = (a1 < a0 && (da = a0,
a0 = a1, a1 = da), a1 - a0), df = da < π ? "0" : "1", c0 = Math.cos(a0), s0 = Math.sin(a0), c1 = Math.cos(a1), s1 = Math.sin(a1);
return da >= d3_svg_arcMax ? r0 ? "M0," + r1 + "A" + r1 + "," + r1 + " 0 1,1 0," + -r1 + "A" + r1 + "," + r1 + " 0 1,1 0," + r1 + "M0," + r0 + "A" + r0 + "," + r0 + " 0 1,0 0," + -r0 + "A" + r0 + "," + r0 + " 0 1,0 0," + r0 + "Z" : "M0," + r1 + "A" + r1 + "," + r1 + " 0 1,1 0," + -r1 + "A" + r1 + "," + r1 + " 0 1,1 0," + r1 + "Z" : r0 ? "M" + r1 * c0 + "," + r1 * s0 + "A" + r1 + "," + r1 + " 0 " + df + ",1 " + r1 * c1 + "," + r1 * s1 + "L" + r0 * c1 + "," + r0 * s1 + "A" + r0 + "," + r0 + " 0 " + df + ",0 " + r0 * c0 + "," + r0 * s0 + "Z" : "M" + r1 * c0 + "," + r1 * s0 + "A" + r1 + "," + r1 + " 0 " + df + ",1 " + r1 * c1 + "," + r1 * s1 + "L0,0" + "Z";
arc.innerRadius = function(v) {
if (!arguments.length) return innerRadius;
innerRadius = d3_functor(v);
return arc;
arc.outerRadius = function(v) {
if (!arguments.length) return outerRadius;
outerRadius = d3_functor(v);
return arc;
arc.startAngle = function(v) {
if (!arguments.length) return startAngle;
startAngle = d3_functor(v);
return arc;
arc.endAngle = function(v) {
if (!arguments.length) return endAngle;
endAngle = d3_functor(v);
return arc;
arc.centroid = function() {
var r = (innerRadius.apply(this, arguments) + outerRadius.apply(this, arguments)) / 2, a = (startAngle.apply(this, arguments) + endAngle.apply(this, arguments)) / 2 + d3_svg_arcOffset;
return [ Math.cos(a) * r, Math.sin(a) * r ];
return arc;
var d3_svg_arcOffset = -halfπ, d3_svg_arcMax = τ - ε;
function d3_svg_arcInnerRadius(d) {
return d.innerRadius;
function d3_svg_arcOuterRadius(d) {
return d.outerRadius;
function d3_svg_arcStartAngle(d) {
return d.startAngle;
function d3_svg_arcEndAngle(d) {
return d.endAngle;
function d3_svg_line(projection) {
var x = d3_geom_pointX, y = d3_geom_pointY, defined = d3_true, interpolate = d3_svg_lineLinear, interpolateKey = interpolate.key, tension = .7;
function line(data) {
var segments = [], points = [], i = -1, n = data.length, d, fx = d3_functor(x), fy = d3_functor(y);
function segment() {
segments.push("M", interpolate(projection(points), tension));
while (++i < n) {
if (, d = data[i], i)) {
points.push([, d, i),, d, i) ]);
} else if (points.length) {
points = [];
if (points.length) segment();
return segments.length ? segments.join("") : null;
line.x = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return x;
x = _;
return line;
line.y = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return y;
y = _;
return line;
line.defined = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return defined;
defined = _;
return line;
line.interpolate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return interpolateKey;
if (typeof _ === "function") interpolateKey = interpolate = _; else interpolateKey = (interpolate = d3_svg_lineInterpolators.get(_) || d3_svg_lineLinear).key;
return line;
line.tension = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return tension;
tension = _;
return line;
return line;
d3.svg.line = function() {
return d3_svg_line(d3_identity);
var d3_svg_lineInterpolators ={
linear: d3_svg_lineLinear,
"linear-closed": d3_svg_lineLinearClosed,
step: d3_svg_lineStep,
"step-before": d3_svg_lineStepBefore,
"step-after": d3_svg_lineStepAfter,
basis: d3_svg_lineBasis,
"basis-open": d3_svg_lineBasisOpen,
"basis-closed": d3_svg_lineBasisClosed,
bundle: d3_svg_lineBundle,
cardinal: d3_svg_lineCardinal,
"cardinal-open": d3_svg_lineCardinalOpen,
"cardinal-closed": d3_svg_lineCardinalClosed,
monotone: d3_svg_lineMonotone
d3_svg_lineInterpolators.forEach(function(key, value) {
value.key = key;
value.closed = /-closed$/.test(key);
function d3_svg_lineLinear(points) {
return points.join("L");
function d3_svg_lineLinearClosed(points) {
return d3_svg_lineLinear(points) + "Z";
function d3_svg_lineStep(points) {
var i = 0, n = points.length, p = points[0], path = [ p[0], ",", p[1] ];
while (++i < n) path.push("H", (p[0] + (p = points[i])[0]) / 2, "V", p[1]);
if (n > 1) path.push("H", p[0]);
return path.join("");
function d3_svg_lineStepBefore(points) {
var i = 0, n = points.length, p = points[0], path = [ p[0], ",", p[1] ];
while (++i < n) path.push("V", (p = points[i])[1], "H", p[0]);
return path.join("");
function d3_svg_lineStepAfter(points) {
var i = 0, n = points.length, p = points[0], path = [ p[0], ",", p[1] ];
while (++i < n) path.push("H", (p = points[i])[0], "V", p[1]);
return path.join("");
function d3_svg_lineCardinalOpen(points, tension) {
return points.length < 4 ? d3_svg_lineLinear(points) : points[1] + d3_svg_lineHermite(points.slice(1, points.length - 1), d3_svg_lineCardinalTangents(points, tension));
function d3_svg_lineCardinalClosed(points, tension) {
return points.length < 3 ? d3_svg_lineLinear(points) : points[0] + d3_svg_lineHermite((points.push(points[0]),
points), d3_svg_lineCardinalTangents([ points[points.length - 2] ].concat(points, [ points[1] ]), tension));
function d3_svg_lineCardinal(points, tension) {
return points.length < 3 ? d3_svg_lineLinear(points) : points[0] + d3_svg_lineHermite(points, d3_svg_lineCardinalTangents(points, tension));
function d3_svg_lineHermite(points, tangents) {
if (tangents.length < 1 || points.length != tangents.length && points.length != tangents.length + 2) {
return d3_svg_lineLinear(points);
var quad = points.length != tangents.length, path = "", p0 = points[0], p = points[1], t0 = tangents[0], t = t0, pi = 1;
if (quad) {
path += "Q" + (p[0] - t0[0] * 2 / 3) + "," + (p[1] - t0[1] * 2 / 3) + "," + p[0] + "," + p[1];
p0 = points[1];
pi = 2;
if (tangents.length > 1) {
t = tangents[1];
p = points[pi];
path += "C" + (p0[0] + t0[0]) + "," + (p0[1] + t0[1]) + "," + (p[0] - t[0]) + "," + (p[1] - t[1]) + "," + p[0] + "," + p[1];
for (var i = 2; i < tangents.length; i++, pi++) {
p = points[pi];
t = tangents[i];
path += "S" + (p[0] - t[0]) + "," + (p[1] - t[1]) + "," + p[0] + "," + p[1];
if (quad) {
var lp = points[pi];
path += "Q" + (p[0] + t[0] * 2 / 3) + "," + (p[1] + t[1] * 2 / 3) + "," + lp[0] + "," + lp[1];
return path;
function d3_svg_lineCardinalTangents(points, tension) {
var tangents = [], a = (1 - tension) / 2, p0, p1 = points[0], p2 = points[1], i = 1, n = points.length;
while (++i < n) {
p0 = p1;
p1 = p2;
p2 = points[i];
tangents.push([ a * (p2[0] - p0[0]), a * (p2[1] - p0[1]) ]);
return tangents;
function d3_svg_lineBasis(points) {
if (points.length < 3) return d3_svg_lineLinear(points);
var i = 1, n = points.length, pi = points[0], x0 = pi[0], y0 = pi[1], px = [ x0, x0, x0, (pi = points[1])[0] ], py = [ y0, y0, y0, pi[1] ], path = [ x0, ",", y0, "L", d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier3, px), ",", d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier3, py) ];
points.push(points[n - 1]);
while (++i <= n) {
pi = points[i];
d3_svg_lineBasisBezier(path, px, py);
path.push("L", pi);
return path.join("");
function d3_svg_lineBasisOpen(points) {
if (points.length < 4) return d3_svg_lineLinear(points);
var path = [], i = -1, n = points.length, pi, px = [ 0 ], py = [ 0 ];
while (++i < 3) {
pi = points[i];
path.push(d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier3, px) + "," + d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier3, py));
while (++i < n) {
pi = points[i];
d3_svg_lineBasisBezier(path, px, py);
return path.join("");
function d3_svg_lineBasisClosed(points) {
var path, i = -1, n = points.length, m = n + 4, pi, px = [], py = [];
while (++i < 4) {
pi = points[i % n];
path = [ d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier3, px), ",", d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier3, py) ];
while (++i < m) {
pi = points[i % n];
d3_svg_lineBasisBezier(path, px, py);
return path.join("");
function d3_svg_lineBundle(points, tension) {
var n = points.length - 1;
if (n) {
var x0 = points[0][0], y0 = points[0][1], dx = points[n][0] - x0, dy = points[n][1] - y0, i = -1, p, t;
while (++i <= n) {
p = points[i];
t = i / n;
p[0] = tension * p[0] + (1 - tension) * (x0 + t * dx);
p[1] = tension * p[1] + (1 - tension) * (y0 + t * dy);
return d3_svg_lineBasis(points);
function d3_svg_lineDot4(a, b) {
return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2] + a[3] * b[3];
var d3_svg_lineBasisBezier1 = [ 0, 2 / 3, 1 / 3, 0 ], d3_svg_lineBasisBezier2 = [ 0, 1 / 3, 2 / 3, 0 ], d3_svg_lineBasisBezier3 = [ 0, 1 / 6, 2 / 3, 1 / 6 ];
function d3_svg_lineBasisBezier(path, x, y) {
path.push("C", d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier1, x), ",", d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier1, y), ",", d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier2, x), ",", d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier2, y), ",", d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier3, x), ",", d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier3, y));
function d3_svg_lineSlope(p0, p1) {
return (p1[1] - p0[1]) / (p1[0] - p0[0]);
function d3_svg_lineFiniteDifferences(points) {
var i = 0, j = points.length - 1, m = [], p0 = points[0], p1 = points[1], d = m[0] = d3_svg_lineSlope(p0, p1);
while (++i < j) {
m[i] = (d + (d = d3_svg_lineSlope(p0 = p1, p1 = points[i + 1]))) / 2;
m[i] = d;
return m;
function d3_svg_lineMonotoneTangents(points) {
var tangents = [], d, a, b, s, m = d3_svg_lineFiniteDifferences(points), i = -1, j = points.length - 1;
while (++i < j) {
d = d3_svg_lineSlope(points[i], points[i + 1]);
if (abs(d) < ε) {
m[i] = m[i + 1] = 0;
} else {
a = m[i] / d;
b = m[i + 1] / d;
s = a * a + b * b;
if (s > 9) {
s = d * 3 / Math.sqrt(s);
m[i] = s * a;
m[i + 1] = s * b;
i = -1;
while (++i <= j) {
s = (points[Math.min(j, i + 1)][0] - points[Math.max(0, i - 1)][0]) / (6 * (1 + m[i] * m[i]));
tangents.push([ s || 0, m[i] * s || 0 ]);
return tangents;
function d3_svg_lineMonotone(points) {
return points.length < 3 ? d3_svg_lineLinear(points) : points[0] + d3_svg_lineHermite(points, d3_svg_lineMonotoneTangents(points));
d3.svg.line.radial = function() {
var line = d3_svg_line(d3_svg_lineRadial);
line.radius = line.x, delete line.x;
line.angle = line.y, delete line.y;
return line;
function d3_svg_lineRadial(points) {
var point, i = -1, n = points.length, r, a;
while (++i < n) {
point = points[i];
r = point[0];
a = point[1] + d3_svg_arcOffset;
point[0] = r * Math.cos(a);
point[1] = r * Math.sin(a);
return points;
function d3_svg_area(projection) {
var x0 = d3_geom_pointX, x1 = d3_geom_pointX, y0 = 0, y1 = d3_geom_pointY, defined = d3_true, interpolate = d3_svg_lineLinear, interpolateKey = interpolate.key, interpolateReverse = interpolate, L = "L", tension = .7;
function area(data) {
var segments = [], points0 = [], points1 = [], i = -1, n = data.length, d, fx0 = d3_functor(x0), fy0 = d3_functor(y0), fx1 = x0 === x1 ? function() {
return x;
} : d3_functor(x1), fy1 = y0 === y1 ? function() {
return y;
} : d3_functor(y1), x, y;
function segment() {
segments.push("M", interpolate(projection(points1), tension), L, interpolateReverse(projection(points0.reverse()), tension), "Z");
while (++i < n) {
if (, d = data[i], i)) {
points0.push([ x =, d, i), y =, d, i) ]);
points1.push([, d, i),, d, i) ]);
} else if (points0.length) {
points0 = [];
points1 = [];
if (points0.length) segment();
return segments.length ? segments.join("") : null;
area.x = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return x1;
x0 = x1 = _;
return area;
area.x0 = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return x0;
x0 = _;
return area;
area.x1 = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return x1;
x1 = _;
return area;
area.y = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return y1;
y0 = y1 = _;
return area;
area.y0 = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return y0;
y0 = _;
return area;
area.y1 = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return y1;
y1 = _;
return area;
area.defined = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return defined;
defined = _;
return area;
area.interpolate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return interpolateKey;
if (typeof _ === "function") interpolateKey = interpolate = _; else interpolateKey = (interpolate = d3_svg_lineInterpolators.get(_) || d3_svg_lineLinear).key;
interpolateReverse = interpolate.reverse || interpolate;
L = interpolate.closed ? "M" : "L";
return area;
area.tension = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return tension;
tension = _;
return area;
return area;
d3_svg_lineStepBefore.reverse = d3_svg_lineStepAfter;
d3_svg_lineStepAfter.reverse = d3_svg_lineStepBefore;
d3.svg.area = function() {
return d3_svg_area(d3_identity);
d3.svg.area.radial = function() {
var area = d3_svg_area(d3_svg_lineRadial);
area.radius = area.x, delete area.x;
area.innerRadius = area.x0, delete area.x0;
area.outerRadius = area.x1, delete area.x1;
area.angle = area.y, delete area.y;
area.startAngle = area.y0, delete area.y0;
area.endAngle = area.y1, delete area.y1;
return area;
d3.svg.chord = function() {
var source = d3_source, target = d3_target, radius = d3_svg_chordRadius, startAngle = d3_svg_arcStartAngle, endAngle = d3_svg_arcEndAngle;
function chord(d, i) {
var s = subgroup(this, source, d, i), t = subgroup(this, target, d, i);
return "M" + s.p0 + arc(s.r, s.p1, s.a1 - s.a0) + (equals(s, t) ? curve(s.r, s.p1, s.r, s.p0) : curve(s.r, s.p1, t.r, t.p0) + arc(t.r, t.p1, t.a1 - t.a0) + curve(t.r, t.p1, s.r, s.p0)) + "Z";
function subgroup(self, f, d, i) {
var subgroup =, d, i), r =, subgroup, i), a0 =, subgroup, i) + d3_svg_arcOffset, a1 =, subgroup, i) + d3_svg_arcOffset;
return {
r: r,
a0: a0,
a1: a1,
p0: [ r * Math.cos(a0), r * Math.sin(a0) ],
p1: [ r * Math.cos(a1), r * Math.sin(a1) ]
function equals(a, b) {
return a.a0 == b.a0 && a.a1 == b.a1;
function arc(r, p, a) {
return "A" + r + "," + r + " 0 " + +(a > π) + ",1 " + p;
function curve(r0, p0, r1, p1) {
return "Q 0,0 " + p1;
chord.radius = function(v) {
if (!arguments.length) return radius;
radius = d3_functor(v);
return chord;
chord.source = function(v) {
if (!arguments.length) return source;
source = d3_functor(v);
return chord;
}; = function(v) {
if (!arguments.length) return target;
target = d3_functor(v);
return chord;
chord.startAngle = function(v) {
if (!arguments.length) return startAngle;
startAngle = d3_functor(v);
return chord;
chord.endAngle = function(v) {
if (!arguments.length) return endAngle;
endAngle = d3_functor(v);
return chord;
return chord;
function d3_svg_chordRadius(d) {
return d.radius;
d3.svg.diagonal = function() {
var source = d3_source, target = d3_target, projection = d3_svg_diagonalProjection;
function diagonal(d, i) {
var p0 =, d, i), p3 =, d, i), m = (p0.y + p3.y) / 2, p = [ p0, {
x: p0.x,
y: m
}, {
x: p3.x,
y: m
}, p3 ];
p =;
return "M" + p[0] + "C" + p[1] + " " + p[2] + " " + p[3];
diagonal.source = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return source;
source = d3_functor(x);
return diagonal;
}; = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return target;
target = d3_functor(x);
return diagonal;
diagonal.projection = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return projection;
projection = x;
return diagonal;
return diagonal;
function d3_svg_diagonalProjection(d) {
return [ d.x, d.y ];
d3.svg.diagonal.radial = function() {
var diagonal = d3.svg.diagonal(), projection = d3_svg_diagonalProjection, projection_ = diagonal.projection;
diagonal.projection = function(x) {
return arguments.length ? projection_(d3_svg_diagonalRadialProjection(projection = x)) : projection;
return diagonal;
function d3_svg_diagonalRadialProjection(projection) {
return function() {
var d = projection.apply(this, arguments), r = d[0], a = d[1] + d3_svg_arcOffset;
return [ r * Math.cos(a), r * Math.sin(a) ];
d3.svg.symbol = function() {
var type = d3_svg_symbolType, size = d3_svg_symbolSize;
function symbol(d, i) {
return (d3_svg_symbols.get(, d, i)) || d3_svg_symbolCircle)(, d, i));
symbol.type = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return type;
type = d3_functor(x);
return symbol;
symbol.size = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return size;
size = d3_functor(x);
return symbol;
return symbol;
function d3_svg_symbolSize() {
return 64;
function d3_svg_symbolType() {
return "circle";
function d3_svg_symbolCircle(size) {
var r = Math.sqrt(size / π);
return "M0," + r + "A" + r + "," + r + " 0 1,1 0," + -r + "A" + r + "," + r + " 0 1,1 0," + r + "Z";
var d3_svg_symbols ={
circle: d3_svg_symbolCircle,
cross: function(size) {
var r = Math.sqrt(size / 5) / 2;
return "M" + -3 * r + "," + -r + "H" + -r + "V" + -3 * r + "H" + r + "V" + -r + "H" + 3 * r + "V" + r + "H" + r + "V" + 3 * r + "H" + -r + "V" + r + "H" + -3 * r + "Z";
diamond: function(size) {
var ry = Math.sqrt(size / (2 * d3_svg_symbolTan30)), rx = ry * d3_svg_symbolTan30;
return "M0," + -ry + "L" + rx + ",0" + " 0," + ry + " " + -rx + ",0" + "Z";
square: function(size) {
var r = Math.sqrt(size) / 2;
return "M" + -r + "," + -r + "L" + r + "," + -r + " " + r + "," + r + " " + -r + "," + r + "Z";
"triangle-down": function(size) {
var rx = Math.sqrt(size / d3_svg_symbolSqrt3), ry = rx * d3_svg_symbolSqrt3 / 2;
return "M0," + ry + "L" + rx + "," + -ry + " " + -rx + "," + -ry + "Z";
"triangle-up": function(size) {
var rx = Math.sqrt(size / d3_svg_symbolSqrt3), ry = rx * d3_svg_symbolSqrt3 / 2;
return "M0," + -ry + "L" + rx + "," + ry + " " + -rx + "," + ry + "Z";
d3.svg.symbolTypes = d3_svg_symbols.keys();
var d3_svg_symbolSqrt3 = Math.sqrt(3), d3_svg_symbolTan30 = Math.tan(30 * d3_radians);
function d3_transition(groups, id) {
d3_subclass(groups, d3_transitionPrototype); = id;
return groups;
var d3_transitionPrototype = [], d3_transitionId = 0, d3_transitionInheritId, d3_transitionInherit; =;
d3_transitionPrototype.empty = d3_selectionPrototype.empty;
d3_transitionPrototype.node = d3_selectionPrototype.node;
d3_transitionPrototype.size = d3_selectionPrototype.size;
d3.transition = function(selection) {
return arguments.length ? d3_transitionInheritId ? selection.transition() : selection : d3_selectionRoot.transition();
d3.transition.prototype = d3_transitionPrototype; = function(selector) {
var id =, subgroups = [], subgroup, subnode, node;
selector = d3_selection_selector(selector);
for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) {
subgroups.push(subgroup = []);
for (var group = this[j], i = -1, n = group.length; ++i < n; ) {
if ((node = group[i]) && (subnode =, node.__data__, i, j))) {
if ("__data__" in node) subnode.__data__ = node.__data__;
d3_transitionNode(subnode, i, id, node.__transition__[id]);
} else {
return d3_transition(subgroups, id);
d3_transitionPrototype.selectAll = function(selector) {
var id =, subgroups = [], subgroup, subnodes, node, subnode, transition;
selector = d3_selection_selectorAll(selector);
for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) {
for (var group = this[j], i = -1, n = group.length; ++i < n; ) {
if (node = group[i]) {
transition = node.__transition__[id];
subnodes =, node.__data__, i, j);
subgroups.push(subgroup = []);
for (var k = -1, o = subnodes.length; ++k < o; ) {
if (subnode = subnodes[k]) d3_transitionNode(subnode, k, id, transition);
return d3_transition(subgroups, id);
d3_transitionPrototype.filter = function(filter) {
var subgroups = [], subgroup, group, node;
if (typeof filter !== "function") filter = d3_selection_filter(filter);
for (var j = 0, m = this.length; j < m; j++) {
subgroups.push(subgroup = []);
for (var group = this[j], i = 0, n = group.length; i < n; i++) {
if ((node = group[i]) &&, node.__data__, i)) {
return d3_transition(subgroups,;
d3_transitionPrototype.tween = function(name, tween) {
var id =;
if (arguments.length < 2) return this.node().__transition__[id].tween.get(name);
return d3_selection_each(this, tween == null ? function(node) {
} : function(node) {
node.__transition__[id].tween.set(name, tween);
function d3_transition_tween(groups, name, value, tween) {
var id =;
return d3_selection_each(groups, typeof value === "function" ? function(node, i, j) {
node.__transition__[id].tween.set(name, tween(, node.__data__, i, j)));
} : (value = tween(value), function(node) {
node.__transition__[id].tween.set(name, value);
d3_transitionPrototype.attr = function(nameNS, value) {
if (arguments.length < 2) {
for (value in nameNS) this.attr(value, nameNS[value]);
return this;
var interpolate = nameNS == "transform" ? d3_interpolateTransform : d3_interpolate, name = d3.ns.qualify(nameNS);
function attrNull() {
function attrNullNS() {
this.removeAttributeNS(, name.local);
function attrTween(b) {
return b == null ? attrNull : (b += "", function() {
var a = this.getAttribute(name), i;
return a !== b && (i = interpolate(a, b), function(t) {
this.setAttribute(name, i(t));
function attrTweenNS(b) {
return b == null ? attrNullNS : (b += "", function() {
var a = this.getAttributeNS(, name.local), i;
return a !== b && (i = interpolate(a, b), function(t) {
this.setAttributeNS(, name.local, i(t));
return d3_transition_tween(this, "attr." + nameNS, value, name.local ? attrTweenNS : attrTween);
d3_transitionPrototype.attrTween = function(nameNS, tween) {
var name = d3.ns.qualify(nameNS);
function attrTween(d, i) {
var f =, d, i, this.getAttribute(name));
return f && function(t) {
this.setAttribute(name, f(t));
function attrTweenNS(d, i) {
var f =, d, i, this.getAttributeNS(, name.local));
return f && function(t) {
this.setAttributeNS(, name.local, f(t));
return this.tween("attr." + nameNS, name.local ? attrTweenNS : attrTween);
}; = function(name, value, priority) {
var n = arguments.length;
if (n < 3) {
if (typeof name !== "string") {
if (n < 2) value = "";
for (priority in name), name[priority], value);
return this;
priority = "";
function styleNull() {;
function styleString(b) {
return b == null ? styleNull : (b += "", function() {
var a = d3_window.getComputedStyle(this, null).getPropertyValue(name), i;
return a !== b && (i = d3_interpolate(a, b), function(t) {, i(t), priority);
return d3_transition_tween(this, "style." + name, value, styleString);
d3_transitionPrototype.styleTween = function(name, tween, priority) {
if (arguments.length < 3) priority = "";
function styleTween(d, i) {
var f =, d, i, d3_window.getComputedStyle(this, null).getPropertyValue(name));
return f && function(t) {, f(t), priority);
return this.tween("style." + name, styleTween);
d3_transitionPrototype.text = function(value) {
return d3_transition_tween(this, "text", value, d3_transition_text);
function d3_transition_text(b) {
if (b == null) b = "";
return function() {
this.textContent = b;
d3_transitionPrototype.remove = function() {
return this.each("end.transition", function() {
var p;
if (this.__transition__.count < 2 && (p = this.parentNode)) p.removeChild(this);
d3_transitionPrototype.ease = function(value) {
var id =;
if (arguments.length < 1) return this.node().__transition__[id].ease;
if (typeof value !== "function") value = d3.ease.apply(d3, arguments);
return d3_selection_each(this, function(node) {
node.__transition__[id].ease = value;
d3_transitionPrototype.delay = function(value) {
var id =;
return d3_selection_each(this, typeof value === "function" ? function(node, i, j) {
node.__transition__[id].delay =, node.__data__, i, j);
} : (value = +value, function(node) {
node.__transition__[id].delay = value;
d3_transitionPrototype.duration = function(value) {
var id =;
return d3_selection_each(this, typeof value === "function" ? function(node, i, j) {
node.__transition__[id].duration = Math.max(1,, node.__data__, i, j));
} : (value = Math.max(1, value), function(node) {
node.__transition__[id].duration = value;
d3_transitionPrototype.each = function(type, listener) {
var id =;
if (arguments.length < 2) {
var inherit = d3_transitionInherit, inheritId = d3_transitionInheritId;
d3_transitionInheritId = id;
d3_selection_each(this, function(node, i, j) {
d3_transitionInherit = node.__transition__[id];, node.__data__, i, j);
d3_transitionInherit = inherit;
d3_transitionInheritId = inheritId;
} else {
d3_selection_each(this, function(node) {
var transition = node.__transition__[id];
(transition.event || (transition.event = d3.dispatch("start", "end"))).on(type, listener);
return this;
d3_transitionPrototype.transition = function() {
var id0 =, id1 = ++d3_transitionId, subgroups = [], subgroup, group, node, transition;
for (var j = 0, m = this.length; j < m; j++) {
subgroups.push(subgroup = []);
for (var group = this[j], i = 0, n = group.length; i < n; i++) {
if (node = group[i]) {
transition = Object.create(node.__transition__[id0]);
transition.delay += transition.duration;
d3_transitionNode(node, i, id1, transition);
return d3_transition(subgroups, id1);
function d3_transitionNode(node, i, id, inherit) {
var lock = node.__transition__ || (node.__transition__ = {
active: 0,
count: 0
}), transition = lock[id];
if (!transition) {
var time = inherit.time;
transition = lock[id] = {
tween: new d3_Map(),
time: time,
ease: inherit.ease,
delay: inherit.delay,
duration: inherit.duration
d3.timer(function(elapsed) {
var d = node.__data__, ease = transition.ease, delay = transition.delay, duration = transition.duration, timer = d3_timer_active, tweened = [];
timer.t = delay + time;
if (delay <= elapsed) return start(elapsed - delay);
timer.c = start;
function start(elapsed) {
if ( > id) return stop(); = id;
transition.event &&, d, i);
transition.tween.forEach(function(key, value) {
if (value =, d, i)) {
d3.timer(function() {
timer.c = tick(elapsed || 1) ? d3_true : tick;
return 1;
}, 0, time);
function tick(elapsed) {
if ( !== id) return stop();
var t = elapsed / duration, e = ease(t), n = tweened.length;
while (n > 0) {
tweened[--n].call(node, e);
if (t >= 1) {
transition.event &&, d, i);
return stop();
function stop() {
if (--lock.count) delete lock[id]; else delete node.__transition__;
return 1;
}, 0, time);
d3.svg.axis = function() {
var scale = d3.scale.linear(), orient = d3_svg_axisDefaultOrient, innerTickSize = 6, outerTickSize = 6, tickPadding = 3, tickArguments_ = [ 10 ], tickValues = null, tickFormat_;
function axis(g) {
g.each(function() {
var g =;
var scale0 = this.__chart__ || scale, scale1 = this.__chart__ = scale.copy();
var ticks = tickValues == null ? scale1.ticks ? scale1.ticks.apply(scale1, tickArguments_) : scale1.domain() : tickValues, tickFormat = tickFormat_ == null ? scale1.tickFormat ? scale1.tickFormat.apply(scale1, tickArguments_) : d3_identity : tickFormat_, tick = g.selectAll(".tick").data(ticks, scale1), tickEnter = tick.enter().insert("g", ".domain").attr("class", "tick").style("opacity", ε), tickExit = d3.transition(tick.exit()).style("opacity", ε).remove(), tickUpdate = d3.transition(tick).style("opacity", 1), tickTransform;
var range = d3_scaleRange(scale1), path = g.selectAll(".domain").data([ 0 ]), pathUpdate = (path.enter().append("path").attr("class", "domain"),
var lineEnter ="line"), lineUpdate ="line"), text ="text").text(tickFormat), textEnter ="text"), textUpdate ="text");
switch (orient) {
case "bottom":
tickTransform = d3_svg_axisX;
lineEnter.attr("y2", innerTickSize);
textEnter.attr("y", Math.max(innerTickSize, 0) + tickPadding);
lineUpdate.attr("x2", 0).attr("y2", innerTickSize);
textUpdate.attr("x", 0).attr("y", Math.max(innerTickSize, 0) + tickPadding);
text.attr("dy", ".71em").style("text-anchor", "middle");
pathUpdate.attr("d", "M" + range[0] + "," + outerTickSize + "V0H" + range[1] + "V" + outerTickSize);
case "top":
tickTransform = d3_svg_axisX;
lineEnter.attr("y2", -innerTickSize);
textEnter.attr("y", -(Math.max(innerTickSize, 0) + tickPadding));
lineUpdate.attr("x2", 0).attr("y2", -innerTickSize);
textUpdate.attr("x", 0).attr("y", -(Math.max(innerTickSize, 0) + tickPadding));
text.attr("dy", "0em").style("text-anchor", "middle");
pathUpdate.attr("d", "M" + range[0] + "," + -outerTickSize + "V0H" + range[1] + "V" + -outerTickSize);
case "left":
tickTransform = d3_svg_axisY;
lineEnter.attr("x2", -innerTickSize);
textEnter.attr("x", -(Math.max(innerTickSize, 0) + tickPadding));
lineUpdate.attr("x2", -innerTickSize).attr("y2", 0);
textUpdate.attr("x", -(Math.max(innerTickSize, 0) + tickPadding)).attr("y", 0);
text.attr("dy", ".32em").style("text-anchor", "end");
pathUpdate.attr("d", "M" + -outerTickSize + "," + range[0] + "H0V" + range[1] + "H" + -outerTickSize);
case "right":
tickTransform = d3_svg_axisY;
lineEnter.attr("x2", innerTickSize);
textEnter.attr("x", Math.max(innerTickSize, 0) + tickPadding);
lineUpdate.attr("x2", innerTickSize).attr("y2", 0);
textUpdate.attr("x", Math.max(innerTickSize, 0) + tickPadding).attr("y", 0);
text.attr("dy", ".32em").style("text-anchor", "start");
pathUpdate.attr("d", "M" + outerTickSize + "," + range[0] + "H0V" + range[1] + "H" + outerTickSize);
if (scale1.rangeBand) {
var dx = scale1.rangeBand() / 2, x = function(d) {
return scale1(d) + dx;
};, x);, x);
} else {, scale0);, scale1);, scale1);
axis.scale = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return scale;
scale = x;
return axis;
axis.orient = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return orient;
orient = x in d3_svg_axisOrients ? x + "" : d3_svg_axisDefaultOrient;
return axis;
axis.ticks = function() {
if (!arguments.length) return tickArguments_;
tickArguments_ = arguments;
return axis;
axis.tickValues = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return tickValues;
tickValues = x;
return axis;
axis.tickFormat = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return tickFormat_;
tickFormat_ = x;
return axis;
axis.tickSize = function(x) {
var n = arguments.length;
if (!n) return innerTickSize;
innerTickSize = +x;
outerTickSize = +arguments[n - 1];
return axis;
axis.innerTickSize = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return innerTickSize;
innerTickSize = +x;
return axis;
axis.outerTickSize = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return outerTickSize;
outerTickSize = +x;
return axis;
axis.tickPadding = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return tickPadding;
tickPadding = +x;
return axis;
axis.tickSubdivide = function() {
return arguments.length && axis;
return axis;
var d3_svg_axisDefaultOrient = "bottom", d3_svg_axisOrients = {
top: 1,
right: 1,
bottom: 1,
left: 1
function d3_svg_axisX(selection, x) {
selection.attr("transform", function(d) {
return "translate(" + x(d) + ",0)";
function d3_svg_axisY(selection, y) {
selection.attr("transform", function(d) {
return "translate(0," + y(d) + ")";
d3.svg.brush = function() {
var event = d3_eventDispatch(brush, "brushstart", "brush", "brushend"), x = null, y = null, xExtent = [ 0, 0 ], yExtent = [ 0, 0 ], xExtentDomain, yExtentDomain, xClamp = true, yClamp = true, resizes = d3_svg_brushResizes[0];
function brush(g) {
g.each(function() {
var g ="pointer-events", "all").style("-webkit-tap-highlight-color", "rgba(0,0,0,0)").on("mousedown.brush", brushstart).on("touchstart.brush", brushstart);
var background = g.selectAll(".background").data([ 0 ]);
background.enter().append("rect").attr("class", "background").style("visibility", "hidden").style("cursor", "crosshair");
g.selectAll(".extent").data([ 0 ]).enter().append("rect").attr("class", "extent").style("cursor", "move");
var resize = g.selectAll(".resize").data(resizes, d3_identity);
resize.enter().append("g").attr("class", function(d) {
return "resize " + d;
}).style("cursor", function(d) {
return d3_svg_brushCursor[d];
}).append("rect").attr("x", function(d) {
return /[ew]$/.test(d) ? -3 : null;
}).attr("y", function(d) {
return /^[ns]/.test(d) ? -3 : null;
}).attr("width", 6).attr("height", 6).style("visibility", "hidden");"display", brush.empty() ? "none" : null);
var gUpdate = d3.transition(g), backgroundUpdate = d3.transition(background), range;
if (x) {
range = d3_scaleRange(x);
backgroundUpdate.attr("x", range[0]).attr("width", range[1] - range[0]);
if (y) {
range = d3_scaleRange(y);
backgroundUpdate.attr("y", range[0]).attr("height", range[1] - range[0]);
brush.event = function(g) {
g.each(function() {
var event_ = event.of(this, arguments), extent1 = {
x: xExtent,
y: yExtent,
i: xExtentDomain,
j: yExtentDomain
}, extent0 = this.__chart__ || extent1;
this.__chart__ = extent1;
if (d3_transitionInheritId) {"start.brush", function() {
xExtentDomain = extent0.i;
yExtentDomain = extent0.j;
xExtent = extent0.x;
yExtent = extent0.y;
type: "brushstart"
}).tween("brush:brush", function() {
var xi = d3_interpolateArray(xExtent, extent1.x), yi = d3_interpolateArray(yExtent, extent1.y);
xExtentDomain = yExtentDomain = null;
return function(t) {
xExtent = extent1.x = xi(t);
yExtent = extent1.y = yi(t);
type: "brush",
mode: "resize"
}).each("end.brush", function() {
xExtentDomain = extent1.i;
yExtentDomain = extent1.j;
type: "brush",
mode: "resize"
type: "brushend"
} else {
type: "brushstart"
type: "brush",
mode: "resize"
type: "brushend"
function redraw(g) {
g.selectAll(".resize").attr("transform", function(d) {
return "translate(" + xExtent[+/e$/.test(d)] + "," + yExtent[+/^s/.test(d)] + ")";
function redrawX(g) {".extent").attr("x", xExtent[0]);
g.selectAll(".extent,.n>rect,.s>rect").attr("width", xExtent[1] - xExtent[0]);
function redrawY(g) {".extent").attr("y", yExtent[0]);
g.selectAll(".extent,.e>rect,.w>rect").attr("height", yExtent[1] - yExtent[0]);
function brushstart() {
var target = this, eventTarget =, event_ = event.of(target, arguments), g =, resizing = eventTarget.datum(), resizingX = !/^(n|s)$/.test(resizing) && x, resizingY = !/^(e|w)$/.test(resizing) && y, dragging = eventTarget.classed("extent"), dragRestore = d3_event_dragSuppress(), center, origin = d3.mouse(target), offset;
var w ="keydown.brush", keydown).on("keyup.brush", keyup);
if (d3.event.changedTouches) {
w.on("touchmove.brush", brushmove).on("touchend.brush", brushend);
} else {
w.on("mousemove.brush", brushmove).on("mouseup.brush", brushend);
if (dragging) {
origin[0] = xExtent[0] - origin[0];
origin[1] = yExtent[0] - origin[1];
} else if (resizing) {
var ex = +/w$/.test(resizing), ey = +/^n/.test(resizing);
offset = [ xExtent[1 - ex] - origin[0], yExtent[1 - ey] - origin[1] ];
origin[0] = xExtent[ex];
origin[1] = yExtent[ey];
} else if (d3.event.altKey) center = origin.slice();"pointer-events", "none").selectAll(".resize").style("display", null);"body").style("cursor","cursor"));
type: "brushstart"
function keydown() {
if (d3.event.keyCode == 32) {
if (!dragging) {
center = null;
origin[0] -= xExtent[1];
origin[1] -= yExtent[1];
dragging = 2;
function keyup() {
if (d3.event.keyCode == 32 && dragging == 2) {
origin[0] += xExtent[1];
origin[1] += yExtent[1];
dragging = 0;
function brushmove() {
var point = d3.mouse(target), moved = false;
if (offset) {
point[0] += offset[0];
point[1] += offset[1];
if (!dragging) {
if (d3.event.altKey) {
if (!center) center = [ (xExtent[0] + xExtent[1]) / 2, (yExtent[0] + yExtent[1]) / 2 ];
origin[0] = xExtent[+(point[0] < center[0])];
origin[1] = yExtent[+(point[1] < center[1])];
} else center = null;
if (resizingX && move1(point, x, 0)) {
moved = true;
if (resizingY && move1(point, y, 1)) {
moved = true;
if (moved) {
type: "brush",
mode: dragging ? "move" : "resize"
function move1(point, scale, i) {
var range = d3_scaleRange(scale), r0 = range[0], r1 = range[1], position = origin[i], extent = i ? yExtent : xExtent, size = extent[1] - extent[0], min, max;
if (dragging) {
r0 -= position;
r1 -= size + position;
min = (i ? yClamp : xClamp) ? Math.max(r0, Math.min(r1, point[i])) : point[i];
if (dragging) {
max = (min += position) + size;
} else {
if (center) position = Math.max(r0, Math.min(r1, 2 * center[i] - min));
if (position < min) {
max = min;
min = position;
} else {
max = position;
if (extent[0] != min || extent[1] != max) {
if (i) yExtentDomain = null; else xExtentDomain = null;
extent[0] = min;
extent[1] = max;
return true;
function brushend() {
brushmove();"pointer-events", "all").selectAll(".resize").style("display", brush.empty() ? "none" : null);"body").style("cursor", null);
w.on("mousemove.brush", null).on("mouseup.brush", null).on("touchmove.brush", null).on("touchend.brush", null).on("keydown.brush", null).on("keyup.brush", null);
type: "brushend"
brush.x = function(z) {
if (!arguments.length) return x;
x = z;
resizes = d3_svg_brushResizes[!x << 1 | !y];
return brush;
brush.y = function(z) {
if (!arguments.length) return y;
y = z;
resizes = d3_svg_brushResizes[!x << 1 | !y];
return brush;
brush.clamp = function(z) {
if (!arguments.length) return x && y ? [ xClamp, yClamp ] : x ? xClamp : y ? yClamp : null;
if (x && y) xClamp = !!z[0], yClamp = !!z[1]; else if (x) xClamp = !!z; else if (y) yClamp = !!z;
return brush;
brush.extent = function(z) {
var x0, x1, y0, y1, t;
if (!arguments.length) {
if (x) {
if (xExtentDomain) {
x0 = xExtentDomain[0], x1 = xExtentDomain[1];
} else {
x0 = xExtent[0], x1 = xExtent[1];
if (x.invert) x0 = x.invert(x0), x1 = x.invert(x1);
if (x1 < x0) t = x0, x0 = x1, x1 = t;
if (y) {
if (yExtentDomain) {
y0 = yExtentDomain[0], y1 = yExtentDomain[1];
} else {
y0 = yExtent[0], y1 = yExtent[1];
if (y.invert) y0 = y.invert(y0), y1 = y.invert(y1);
if (y1 < y0) t = y0, y0 = y1, y1 = t;
return x && y ? [ [ x0, y0 ], [ x1, y1 ] ] : x ? [ x0, x1 ] : y && [ y0, y1 ];
if (x) {
x0 = z[0], x1 = z[1];
if (y) x0 = x0[0], x1 = x1[0];
xExtentDomain = [ x0, x1 ];
if (x.invert) x0 = x(x0), x1 = x(x1);
if (x1 < x0) t = x0, x0 = x1, x1 = t;
if (x0 != xExtent[0] || x1 != xExtent[1]) xExtent = [ x0, x1 ];
if (y) {
y0 = z[0], y1 = z[1];
if (x) y0 = y0[1], y1 = y1[1];
yExtentDomain = [ y0, y1 ];
if (y.invert) y0 = y(y0), y1 = y(y1);
if (y1 < y0) t = y0, y0 = y1, y1 = t;
if (y0 != yExtent[0] || y1 != yExtent[1]) yExtent = [ y0, y1 ];
return brush;
brush.clear = function() {
if (!brush.empty()) {
xExtent = [ 0, 0 ], yExtent = [ 0, 0 ];
xExtentDomain = yExtentDomain = null;
return brush;
brush.empty = function() {
return !!x && xExtent[0] == xExtent[1] || !!y && yExtent[0] == yExtent[1];
return d3.rebind(brush, event, "on");
var d3_svg_brushCursor = {
n: "ns-resize",
e: "ew-resize",
s: "ns-resize",
w: "ew-resize",
nw: "nwse-resize",
ne: "nesw-resize",
se: "nwse-resize",
sw: "nesw-resize"
var d3_svg_brushResizes = [ [ "n", "e", "s", "w", "nw", "ne", "se", "sw" ], [ "e", "w" ], [ "n", "s" ], [] ];
var d3_time = d3.time = {}, d3_date = Date, d3_time_daySymbols = [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ];
function d3_date_utc() {
this._ = new Date(arguments.length > 1 ? Date.UTC.apply(this, arguments) : arguments[0]);
d3_date_utc.prototype = {
getDate: function() {
return this._.getUTCDate();
getDay: function() {
return this._.getUTCDay();
getFullYear: function() {
return this._.getUTCFullYear();
getHours: function() {
return this._.getUTCHours();
getMilliseconds: function() {
return this._.getUTCMilliseconds();
getMinutes: function() {
return this._.getUTCMinutes();
getMonth: function() {
return this._.getUTCMonth();
getSeconds: function() {
return this._.getUTCSeconds();
getTime: function() {
return this._.getTime();
getTimezoneOffset: function() {
return 0;
valueOf: function() {
return this._.valueOf();
setDate: function() {
d3_time_prototype.setUTCDate.apply(this._, arguments);
setDay: function() {
d3_time_prototype.setUTCDay.apply(this._, arguments);
setFullYear: function() {
d3_time_prototype.setUTCFullYear.apply(this._, arguments);
setHours: function() {
d3_time_prototype.setUTCHours.apply(this._, arguments);
setMilliseconds: function() {
d3_time_prototype.setUTCMilliseconds.apply(this._, arguments);
setMinutes: function() {
d3_time_prototype.setUTCMinutes.apply(this._, arguments);
setMonth: function() {
d3_time_prototype.setUTCMonth.apply(this._, arguments);
setSeconds: function() {
d3_time_prototype.setUTCSeconds.apply(this._, arguments);
setTime: function() {
d3_time_prototype.setTime.apply(this._, arguments);
var d3_time_prototype = Date.prototype;
var d3_time_formatDateTime = "%a %b %e %X %Y", d3_time_formatDate = "%m/%d/%Y", d3_time_formatTime = "%H:%M:%S";
var d3_time_days = [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ], d3_time_dayAbbreviations = [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" ], d3_time_months = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ], d3_time_monthAbbreviations = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ];
function d3_time_interval(local, step, number) {
function round(date) {
var d0 = local(date), d1 = offset(d0, 1);
return date - d0 < d1 - date ? d0 : d1;
function ceil(date) {
step(date = local(new d3_date(date - 1)), 1);
return date;
function offset(date, k) {
step(date = new d3_date(+date), k);
return date;
function range(t0, t1, dt) {
var time = ceil(t0), times = [];
if (dt > 1) {
while (time < t1) {
if (!(number(time) % dt)) times.push(new Date(+time));
step(time, 1);
} else {
while (time < t1) times.push(new Date(+time)), step(time, 1);
return times;
function range_utc(t0, t1, dt) {
try {
d3_date = d3_date_utc;
var utc = new d3_date_utc();
utc._ = t0;
return range(utc, t1, dt);
} finally {
d3_date = Date;
local.floor = local;
local.round = round;
local.ceil = ceil;
local.offset = offset;
local.range = range;
var utc = local.utc = d3_time_interval_utc(local);
utc.floor = utc;
utc.round = d3_time_interval_utc(round);
utc.ceil = d3_time_interval_utc(ceil);
utc.offset = d3_time_interval_utc(offset);
utc.range = range_utc;
return local;
function d3_time_interval_utc(method) {
return function(date, k) {
try {
d3_date = d3_date_utc;
var utc = new d3_date_utc();
utc._ = date;
return method(utc, k)._;
} finally {
d3_date = Date;
d3_time.year = d3_time_interval(function(date) {
date =;
date.setMonth(0, 1);
return date;
}, function(date, offset) {
date.setFullYear(date.getFullYear() + offset);
}, function(date) {
return date.getFullYear();
d3_time.years = d3_time.year.range;
d3_time.years.utc = d3_time.year.utc.range; = d3_time_interval(function(date) {
var day = new d3_date(2e3, 0);
day.setFullYear(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate());
return day;
}, function(date, offset) {
date.setDate(date.getDate() + offset);
}, function(date) {
return date.getDate() - 1;
d3_time.days =;
d3_time.days.utc =;
d3_time.dayOfYear = function(date) {
var year = d3_time.year(date);
return Math.floor((date - year - (date.getTimezoneOffset() - year.getTimezoneOffset()) * 6e4) / 864e5);
d3_time_daySymbols.forEach(function(day, i) {
day = day.toLowerCase();
i = 7 - i;
var interval = d3_time[day] = d3_time_interval(function(date) {
(date = - (date.getDay() + i) % 7);
return date;
}, function(date, offset) {
date.setDate(date.getDate() + Math.floor(offset) * 7);
}, function(date) {
var day = d3_time.year(date).getDay();
return Math.floor((d3_time.dayOfYear(date) + (day + i) % 7) / 7) - (day !== i);
d3_time[day + "s"] = interval.range;
d3_time[day + "s"].utc = interval.utc.range;
d3_time[day + "OfYear"] = function(date) {
var day = d3_time.year(date).getDay();
return Math.floor((d3_time.dayOfYear(date) + (day + i) % 7) / 7);
d3_time.week = d3_time.sunday;
d3_time.weeks = d3_time.sunday.range;
d3_time.weeks.utc = d3_time.sunday.utc.range;
d3_time.weekOfYear = d3_time.sundayOfYear;
d3_time.format = d3_time_format;
function d3_time_format(template) {
var n = template.length;
function format(date) {
var string = [], i = -1, j = 0, c, p, f;
while (++i < n) {
if (template.charCodeAt(i) === 37) {
string.push(template.substring(j, i));
if ((p = d3_time_formatPads[c = template.charAt(++i)]) != null) c = template.charAt(++i);
if (f = d3_time_formats[c]) c = f(date, p == null ? c === "e" ? " " : "0" : p);
j = i + 1;
string.push(template.substring(j, i));
return string.join("");
format.parse = function(string) {
var d = {
y: 1900,
m: 0,
d: 1,
H: 0,
M: 0,
S: 0,
L: 0,
Z: null
}, i = d3_time_parse(d, template, string, 0);
if (i != string.length) return null;
if ("p" in d) d.H = d.H % 12 + d.p * 12;
var localZ = d.Z != null && d3_date !== d3_date_utc, date = new (localZ ? d3_date_utc : d3_date)();
if ("j" in d) date.setFullYear(d.y, 0, d.j); else if ("w" in d && ("W" in d || "U" in d)) {
date.setFullYear(d.y, 0, 1);
date.setFullYear(d.y, 0, "W" in d ? (d.w + 6) % 7 + d.W * 7 - (date.getDay() + 5) % 7 : d.w + d.U * 7 - (date.getDay() + 6) % 7);
} else date.setFullYear(d.y, d.m, d.d);
date.setHours(d.H + Math.floor(d.Z / 100), d.M + d.Z % 100, d.S, d.L);
return localZ ? date._ : date;
format.toString = function() {
return template;
return format;
function d3_time_parse(date, template, string, j) {
var c, p, t, i = 0, n = template.length, m = string.length;
while (i < n) {
if (j >= m) return -1;
c = template.charCodeAt(i++);
if (c === 37) {
t = template.charAt(i++);
p = d3_time_parsers[t in d3_time_formatPads ? template.charAt(i++) : t];
if (!p || (j = p(date, string, j)) < 0) return -1;
} else if (c != string.charCodeAt(j++)) {
return -1;
return j;
function d3_time_formatRe(names) {
return new RegExp("^(?:" +"|") + ")", "i");
function d3_time_formatLookup(names) {
var map = new d3_Map(), i = -1, n = names.length;
while (++i < n) map.set(names[i].toLowerCase(), i);
return map;
function d3_time_formatPad(value, fill, width) {
var sign = value < 0 ? "-" : "", string = (sign ? -value : value) + "", length = string.length;
return sign + (length < width ? new Array(width - length + 1).join(fill) + string : string);
var d3_time_dayRe = d3_time_formatRe(d3_time_days), d3_time_dayLookup = d3_time_formatLookup(d3_time_days), d3_time_dayAbbrevRe = d3_time_formatRe(d3_time_dayAbbreviations), d3_time_dayAbbrevLookup = d3_time_formatLookup(d3_time_dayAbbreviations), d3_time_monthRe = d3_time_formatRe(d3_time_months), d3_time_monthLookup = d3_time_formatLookup(d3_time_months), d3_time_monthAbbrevRe = d3_time_formatRe(d3_time_monthAbbreviations), d3_time_monthAbbrevLookup = d3_time_formatLookup(d3_time_monthAbbreviations), d3_time_percentRe = /^%/;
var d3_time_formatPads = {
"-": "",
_: " ",
"0": "0"
var d3_time_formats = {
a: function(d) {
return d3_time_dayAbbreviations[d.getDay()];
A: function(d) {
return d3_time_days[d.getDay()];
b: function(d) {
return d3_time_monthAbbreviations[d.getMonth()];
B: function(d) {
return d3_time_months[d.getMonth()];
c: d3_time_format(d3_time_formatDateTime),
d: function(d, p) {
return d3_time_formatPad(d.getDate(), p, 2);
e: function(d, p) {
return d3_time_formatPad(d.getDate(), p, 2);
H: function(d, p) {
return d3_time_formatPad(d.getHours(), p, 2);
I: function(d, p) {
return d3_time_formatPad(d.getHours() % 12 || 12, p, 2);
j: function(d, p) {
return d3_time_formatPad(1 + d3_time.dayOfYear(d), p, 3);
L: function(d, p) {
return d3_time_formatPad(d.getMilliseconds(), p, 3);
m: function(d, p) {
return d3_time_formatPad(d.getMonth() + 1, p, 2);
M: function(d, p) {
return d3_time_formatPad(d.getMinutes(), p, 2);
p: function(d) {
return d.getHours() >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM";
S: function(d, p) {
return d3_time_formatPad(d.getSeconds(), p, 2);
U: function(d, p) {
return d3_time_formatPad(d3_time.sundayOfYear(d), p, 2);
w: function(d) {
return d.getDay();
W: function(d, p) {
return d3_time_formatPad(d3_time.mondayOfYear(d), p, 2);
x: d3_time_format(d3_time_formatDate),
X: d3_time_format(d3_time_formatTime),
y: function(d, p) {
return d3_time_formatPad(d.getFullYear() % 100, p, 2);
Y: function(d, p) {
return d3_time_formatPad(d.getFullYear() % 1e4, p, 4);
Z: d3_time_zone,
"%": function() {
return "%";
var d3_time_parsers = {
a: d3_time_parseWeekdayAbbrev,
A: d3_time_parseWeekday,
b: d3_time_parseMonthAbbrev,
B: d3_time_parseMonth,
c: d3_time_parseLocaleFull,
d: d3_time_parseDay,
e: d3_time_parseDay,
H: d3_time_parseHour24,
I: d3_time_parseHour24,
j: d3_time_parseDayOfYear,
L: d3_time_parseMilliseconds,
m: d3_time_parseMonthNumber,
M: d3_time_parseMinutes,
p: d3_time_parseAmPm,
S: d3_time_parseSeconds,
U: d3_time_parseWeekNumberSunday,
w: d3_time_parseWeekdayNumber,
W: d3_time_parseWeekNumberMonday,
x: d3_time_parseLocaleDate,
X: d3_time_parseLocaleTime,
y: d3_time_parseYear,
Y: d3_time_parseFullYear,
Z: d3_time_parseZone,
"%": d3_time_parseLiteralPercent
function d3_time_parseWeekdayAbbrev(date, string, i) {
d3_time_dayAbbrevRe.lastIndex = 0;
var n = d3_time_dayAbbrevRe.exec(string.substring(i));
return n ? (date.w = d3_time_dayAbbrevLookup.get(n[0].toLowerCase()), i + n[0].length) : -1;
function d3_time_parseWeekday(date, string, i) {
d3_time_dayRe.lastIndex = 0;
var n = d3_time_dayRe.exec(string.substring(i));
return n ? (date.w = d3_time_dayLookup.get(n[0].toLowerCase()), i + n[0].length) : -1;
function d3_time_parseWeekdayNumber(date, string, i) {
d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0;
var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i, i + 1));
return n ? (date.w = +n[0], i + n[0].length) : -1;
function d3_time_parseWeekNumberSunday(date, string, i) {
d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0;
var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i));
return n ? (date.U = +n[0], i + n[0].length) : -1;
function d3_time_parseWeekNumberMonday(date, string, i) {
d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0;
var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i));
return n ? (date.W = +n[0], i + n[0].length) : -1;
function d3_time_parseMonthAbbrev(date, string, i) {
d3_time_monthAbbrevRe.lastIndex = 0;
var n = d3_time_monthAbbrevRe.exec(string.substring(i));
return n ? (date.m = d3_time_monthAbbrevLookup.get(n[0].toLowerCase()), i + n[0].length) : -1;
function d3_time_parseMonth(date, string, i) {
d3_time_monthRe.lastIndex = 0;
var n = d3_time_monthRe.exec(string.substring(i));
return n ? (date.m = d3_time_monthLookup.get(n[0].toLowerCase()), i + n[0].length) : -1;
function d3_time_parseLocaleFull(date, string, i) {
return d3_time_parse(date, d3_time_formats.c.toString(), string, i);
function d3_time_parseLocaleDate(date, string, i) {
return d3_time_parse(date, d3_time_formats.x.toString(), string, i);
function d3_time_parseLocaleTime(date, string, i) {
return d3_time_parse(date, d3_time_formats.X.toString(), string, i);
function d3_time_parseFullYear(date, string, i) {
d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0;
var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i, i + 4));
return n ? (date.y = +n[0], i + n[0].length) : -1;
function d3_time_parseYear(date, string, i) {
d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0;
var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i, i + 2));
return n ? (date.y = d3_time_expandYear(+n[0]), i + n[0].length) : -1;
function d3_time_parseZone(date, string, i) {
return /^[+-]\d{4}$/.test(string = string.substring(i, i + 5)) ? (date.Z = +string,
i + 5) : -1;
function d3_time_expandYear(d) {
return d + (d > 68 ? 1900 : 2e3);
function d3_time_parseMonthNumber(date, string, i) {
d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0;
var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i, i + 2));
return n ? (date.m = n[0] - 1, i + n[0].length) : -1;
function d3_time_parseDay(date, string, i) {
d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0;
var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i, i + 2));
return n ? (date.d = +n[0], i + n[0].length) : -1;
function d3_time_parseDayOfYear(date, string, i) {
d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0;
var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i, i + 3));
return n ? (date.j = +n[0], i + n[0].length) : -1;
function d3_time_parseHour24(date, string, i) {
d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0;
var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i, i + 2));
return n ? (date.H = +n[0], i + n[0].length) : -1;
function d3_time_parseMinutes(date, string, i) {
d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0;
var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i, i + 2));
return n ? (date.M = +n[0], i + n[0].length) : -1;
function d3_time_parseSeconds(date, string, i) {
d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0;
var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i, i + 2));
return n ? (date.S = +n[0], i + n[0].length) : -1;
function d3_time_parseMilliseconds(date, string, i) {
d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0;
var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i, i + 3));
return n ? (date.L = +n[0], i + n[0].length) : -1;
var d3_time_numberRe = /^\s*\d+/;
function d3_time_parseAmPm(date, string, i) {
var n = d3_time_amPmLookup.get(string.substring(i, i += 2).toLowerCase());
return n == null ? -1 : (date.p = n, i);
var d3_time_amPmLookup ={
am: 0,
pm: 1
function d3_time_zone(d) {
var z = d.getTimezoneOffset(), zs = z > 0 ? "-" : "+", zh = ~~(abs(z) / 60), zm = abs(z) % 60;
return zs + d3_time_formatPad(zh, "0", 2) + d3_time_formatPad(zm, "0", 2);
function d3_time_parseLiteralPercent(date, string, i) {
d3_time_percentRe.lastIndex = 0;
var n = d3_time_percentRe.exec(string.substring(i, i + 1));
return n ? i + n[0].length : -1;
d3_time_format.utc = d3_time_formatUtc;
function d3_time_formatUtc(template) {
var local = d3_time_format(template);
function format(date) {
try {
d3_date = d3_date_utc;
var utc = new d3_date();
utc._ = date;
return local(utc);
} finally {
d3_date = Date;
format.parse = function(string) {
try {
d3_date = d3_date_utc;
var date = local.parse(string);
return date && date._;
} finally {
d3_date = Date;
format.toString = local.toString;
return format;
var d3_time_formatIso = d3_time_formatUtc("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ");
d3_time_format.iso = Date.prototype.toISOString && +new Date("2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z") ? d3_time_formatIsoNative : d3_time_formatIso;
function d3_time_formatIsoNative(date) {
return date.toISOString();
d3_time_formatIsoNative.parse = function(string) {
var date = new Date(string);
return isNaN(date) ? null : date;
d3_time_formatIsoNative.toString = d3_time_formatIso.toString;
d3_time.second = d3_time_interval(function(date) {
return new d3_date(Math.floor(date / 1e3) * 1e3);
}, function(date, offset) {
date.setTime(date.getTime() + Math.floor(offset) * 1e3);
}, function(date) {
return date.getSeconds();
d3_time.seconds = d3_time.second.range;
d3_time.seconds.utc = d3_time.second.utc.range;
d3_time.minute = d3_time_interval(function(date) {
return new d3_date(Math.floor(date / 6e4) * 6e4);
}, function(date, offset) {
date.setTime(date.getTime() + Math.floor(offset) * 6e4);
}, function(date) {
return date.getMinutes();
d3_time.minutes = d3_time.minute.range;
d3_time.minutes.utc = d3_time.minute.utc.range;
d3_time.hour = d3_time_interval(function(date) {
var timezone = date.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
return new d3_date((Math.floor(date / 36e5 - timezone) + timezone) * 36e5);
}, function(date, offset) {
date.setTime(date.getTime() + Math.floor(offset) * 36e5);
}, function(date) {
return date.getHours();
d3_time.hours = d3_time.hour.range;
d3_time.hours.utc = d3_time.hour.utc.range;
d3_time.month = d3_time_interval(function(date) {
date =;
return date;
}, function(date, offset) {
date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + offset);
}, function(date) {
return date.getMonth();
d3_time.months = d3_time.month.range;
d3_time.months.utc = d3_time.month.utc.range;
function d3_time_scale(linear, methods, format) {
function scale(x) {
return linear(x);
scale.invert = function(x) {
return d3_time_scaleDate(linear.invert(x));
scale.domain = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return linear.domain().map(d3_time_scaleDate);
return scale;
function tickMethod(extent, count) {
var span = extent[1] - extent[0], target = span / count, i = d3.bisect(d3_time_scaleSteps, target);
return i == d3_time_scaleSteps.length ? [ methods.year, d3_scale_linearTickRange( {
return d / 31536e6;
}), count)[2] ] : !i ? [ d3_time_scaleMilliseconds, d3_scale_linearTickRange(extent, count)[2] ] : methods[target / d3_time_scaleSteps[i - 1] < d3_time_scaleSteps[i] / target ? i - 1 : i];
scale.nice = function(interval, skip) {
var domain = scale.domain(), extent = d3_scaleExtent(domain), method = interval == null ? tickMethod(extent, 10) : typeof interval === "number" && tickMethod(extent, interval);
if (method) interval = method[0], skip = method[1];
function skipped(date) {
return !isNaN(date) && !interval.range(date, d3_time_scaleDate(+date + 1), skip).length;
return scale.domain(d3_scale_nice(domain, skip > 1 ? {
floor: function(date) {
while (skipped(date = interval.floor(date))) date = d3_time_scaleDate(date - 1);
return date;
ceil: function(date) {
while (skipped(date = interval.ceil(date))) date = d3_time_scaleDate(+date + 1);
return date;
} : interval));
scale.ticks = function(interval, skip) {
var extent = d3_scaleExtent(scale.domain()), method = interval == null ? tickMethod(extent, 10) : typeof interval === "number" ? tickMethod(extent, interval) : !interval.range && [ {
range: interval
}, skip ];
if (method) interval = method[0], skip = method[1];
return interval.range(extent[0], d3_time_scaleDate(+extent[1] + 1), skip < 1 ? 1 : skip);
scale.tickFormat = function() {
return format;
scale.copy = function() {
return d3_time_scale(linear.copy(), methods, format);
return d3_scale_linearRebind(scale, linear);
function d3_time_scaleDate(t) {
return new Date(t);
function d3_time_scaleFormat(formats) {
return function(date) {
var i = formats.length - 1, f = formats[i];
while (!f[1](date)) f = formats[--i];
return f[0](date);
var d3_time_scaleSteps = [ 1e3, 5e3, 15e3, 3e4, 6e4, 3e5, 9e5, 18e5, 36e5, 108e5, 216e5, 432e5, 864e5, 1728e5, 6048e5, 2592e6, 7776e6, 31536e6 ];
var d3_time_scaleLocalMethods = [ [ d3_time.second, 1 ], [ d3_time.second, 5 ], [ d3_time.second, 15 ], [ d3_time.second, 30 ], [ d3_time.minute, 1 ], [ d3_time.minute, 5 ], [ d3_time.minute, 15 ], [ d3_time.minute, 30 ], [ d3_time.hour, 1 ], [ d3_time.hour, 3 ], [ d3_time.hour, 6 ], [ d3_time.hour, 12 ], [, 1 ], [, 2 ], [ d3_time.week, 1 ], [ d3_time.month, 1 ], [ d3_time.month, 3 ], [ d3_time.year, 1 ] ];
var d3_time_scaleLocalFormats = [ [ d3_time_format("%Y"), d3_true ], [ d3_time_format("%B"), function(d) {
return d.getMonth();
} ], [ d3_time_format("%b %d"), function(d) {
return d.getDate() != 1;
} ], [ d3_time_format("%a %d"), function(d) {
return d.getDay() && d.getDate() != 1;
} ], [ d3_time_format("%I %p"), function(d) {
return d.getHours();
} ], [ d3_time_format("%I:%M"), function(d) {
return d.getMinutes();
} ], [ d3_time_format(":%S"), function(d) {
return d.getSeconds();
} ], [ d3_time_format(".%L"), function(d) {
return d.getMilliseconds();
} ] ];
var d3_time_scaleLocalFormat = d3_time_scaleFormat(d3_time_scaleLocalFormats);
d3_time_scaleLocalMethods.year = d3_time.year;
d3_time.scale = function() {
return d3_time_scale(d3.scale.linear(), d3_time_scaleLocalMethods, d3_time_scaleLocalFormat);
var d3_time_scaleMilliseconds = {
range: function(start, stop, step) {
return d3.range(+start, +stop, step).map(d3_time_scaleDate);
var d3_time_scaleUTCMethods = {
return [ m[0].utc, m[1] ];
var d3_time_scaleUTCFormats = [ [ d3_time_formatUtc("%Y"), d3_true ], [ d3_time_formatUtc("%B"), function(d) {
return d.getUTCMonth();
} ], [ d3_time_formatUtc("%b %d"), function(d) {
return d.getUTCDate() != 1;
} ], [ d3_time_formatUtc("%a %d"), function(d) {
return d.getUTCDay() && d.getUTCDate() != 1;
} ], [ d3_time_formatUtc("%I %p"), function(d) {
return d.getUTCHours();
} ], [ d3_time_formatUtc("%I:%M"), function(d) {
return d.getUTCMinutes();
} ], [ d3_time_formatUtc(":%S"), function(d) {
return d.getUTCSeconds();
} ], [ d3_time_formatUtc(".%L"), function(d) {
return d.getUTCMilliseconds();
} ] ];
var d3_time_scaleUTCFormat = d3_time_scaleFormat(d3_time_scaleUTCFormats);
d3_time_scaleUTCMethods.year = d3_time.year.utc;
d3_time.scale.utc = function() {
return d3_time_scale(d3.scale.linear(), d3_time_scaleUTCMethods, d3_time_scaleUTCFormat);
d3.text = d3_xhrType(function(request) {
return request.responseText;
d3.json = function(url, callback) {
return d3_xhr(url, "application/json", d3_json, callback);
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* jQuery JavaScript Library v1.8.3
* Includes Sizzle.js
* Copyright 2012 jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license
* Date: Tue Nov 13 2012 08:20:33 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
(function( window, undefined ) {
// A central reference to the root jQuery(document)
// The deferred used on DOM ready
// Use the correct document accordingly with window argument (sandbox)
document = window.document,
location = window.location,
navigator = window.navigator,
// Map over jQuery in case of overwrite
_jQuery = window.jQuery,
// Map over the $ in case of overwrite
_$ = window.$,
// Save a reference to some core methods
core_push = Array.prototype.push,
core_slice = Array.prototype.slice,
core_indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf,
core_toString = Object.prototype.toString,
core_hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
core_trim = String.prototype.trim,
// Define a local copy of jQuery
jQuery = function( selector, context ) {
// The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced'
return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context, rootjQuery );
// Used for matching numbers
core_pnum = /[\-+]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][\-+]?\d+|)/.source,
// Used for detecting and trimming whitespace
core_rnotwhite = /\S/,
core_rspace = /\s+/,
// Make sure we trim BOM and NBSP (here's looking at you, Safari 5.0 and IE)
rtrim = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g,
// A simple way to check for HTML strings
// Prioritize #id over <tag> to avoid XSS via location.hash (#9521)
rquickExpr = /^(?:[^#<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$|#([\w\-]*)$)/,
// Match a standalone tag
rsingleTag = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/,
// JSON RegExp
rvalidchars = /^[\],:{}\s]*$/,
rvalidbraces = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,
rvalidescape = /\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[\da-fA-F]{4})/g,
rvalidtokens = /"[^"\\\r\n]*"|true|false|null|-?(?:\d\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][\-+]?\d+|)/g,
// Matches dashed string for camelizing
rmsPrefix = /^-ms-/,
rdashAlpha = /-([\da-z])/gi,
// Used by jQuery.camelCase as callback to replace()
fcamelCase = function( all, letter ) {
return ( letter + "" ).toUpperCase();
// The ready event handler and self cleanup method
DOMContentLoaded = function() {
if ( document.addEventListener ) {
document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false );
} else if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
// we're here because readyState === "complete" in oldIE
// which is good enough for us to call the dom ready!
document.detachEvent( "onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded );
// [[Class]] -> type pairs
class2type = {};
jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
constructor: jQuery,
init: function( selector, context, rootjQuery ) {
var match, elem, ret, doc;
// Handle $(""), $(null), $(undefined), $(false)
if ( !selector ) {
return this;
// Handle $(DOMElement)
if ( selector.nodeType ) {
this.context = this[0] = selector;
this.length = 1;
return this;
// Handle HTML strings
if ( typeof selector === "string" ) {
if ( selector.charAt(0) === "<" && selector.charAt( selector.length - 1 ) === ">" && selector.length >= 3 ) {
// Assume that strings that start and end with <> are HTML and skip the regex check
match = [ null, selector, null ];
} else {
match = rquickExpr.exec( selector );
// Match html or make sure no context is specified for #id
if ( match && (match[1] || !context) ) {
// HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array)
if ( match[1] ) {
context = context instanceof jQuery ? context[0] : context;
doc = ( context && context.nodeType ? context.ownerDocument || context : document );
// scripts is true for back-compat
selector = jQuery.parseHTML( match[1], doc, true );
if ( rsingleTag.test( match[1] ) && jQuery.isPlainObject( context ) ) { selector, context, true );
return jQuery.merge( this, selector );
// HANDLE: $(#id)
} else {
elem = document.getElementById( match[2] );
// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
// nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) {
// Handle the case where IE and Opera return items
// by name instead of ID
if ( !== match[2] ) {
return rootjQuery.find( selector );
// Otherwise, we inject the element directly into the jQuery object
this.length = 1;
this[0] = elem;
this.context = document;
this.selector = selector;
return this;
// HANDLE: $(expr, $(...))
} else if ( !context || context.jquery ) {
return ( context || rootjQuery ).find( selector );
// HANDLE: $(expr, context)
// (which is just equivalent to: $(context).find(expr)
} else {
return this.constructor( context ).find( selector );
// HANDLE: $(function)
// Shortcut for document ready
} else if ( jQuery.isFunction( selector ) ) {
return rootjQuery.ready( selector );
if ( selector.selector !== undefined ) {
this.selector = selector.selector;
this.context = selector.context;
return jQuery.makeArray( selector, this );
// Start with an empty selector
selector: "",
// The current version of jQuery being used
jquery: "1.8.3",
// The default length of a jQuery object is 0
length: 0,
// The number of elements contained in the matched element set
size: function() {
return this.length;
toArray: function() {
return this );
// Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR
// Get the whole matched element set as a clean array
get: function( num ) {
return num == null ?
// Return a 'clean' array
this.toArray() :
// Return just the object
( num < 0 ? this[ this.length + num ] : this[ num ] );
// Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack
// (returning the new matched element set)
pushStack: function( elems, name, selector ) {
// Build a new jQuery matched element set
var ret = jQuery.merge( this.constructor(), elems );
// Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference)
ret.prevObject = this;
ret.context = this.context;
if ( name === "find" ) {
ret.selector = this.selector + ( this.selector ? " " : "" ) + selector;
} else if ( name ) {
ret.selector = this.selector + "." + name + "(" + selector + ")";
// Return the newly-formed element set
return ret;
// Execute a callback for every element in the matched set.
// (You can seed the arguments with an array of args, but this is
// only used internally.)
each: function( callback, args ) {
return jQuery.each( this, callback, args );
ready: function( fn ) {
// Add the callback
jQuery.ready.promise().done( fn );
return this;
eq: function( i ) {
i = +i;
return i === -1 ?
this.slice( i ) :
this.slice( i, i + 1 );
first: function() {
return this.eq( 0 );
last: function() {
return this.eq( -1 );
slice: function() {
return this.pushStack( core_slice.apply( this, arguments ),
"slice",",") );
map: function( callback ) {
return this.pushStack(, function( elem, i ) {
return elem, i, elem );
end: function() {
return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null);
// For internal use only.
// Behaves like an Array's method, not like a jQuery method.
push: core_push,
sort: [].sort,
splice: [].splice
// Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation
jQuery.fn.init.prototype = jQuery.fn;
jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() {
var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone,
target = arguments[0] || {},
i = 1,
length = arguments.length,
deep = false;
// Handle a deep copy situation
if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) {
deep = target;
target = arguments[1] || {};
// skip the boolean and the target
i = 2;
// Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)
if ( typeof target !== "object" && !jQuery.isFunction(target) ) {
target = {};
// extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed
if ( length === i ) {
target = this;
for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
// Only deal with non-null/undefined values
if ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) {
// Extend the base object
for ( name in options ) {
src = target[ name ];
copy = options[ name ];
// Prevent never-ending loop
if ( target === copy ) {
// Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays
if ( deep && copy && ( jQuery.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = jQuery.isArray(copy)) ) ) {
if ( copyIsArray ) {
copyIsArray = false;
clone = src && jQuery.isArray(src) ? src : [];
} else {
clone = src && jQuery.isPlainObject(src) ? src : {};
// Never move original objects, clone them
target[ name ] = jQuery.extend( deep, clone, copy );
// Don't bring in undefined values
} else if ( copy !== undefined ) {
target[ name ] = copy;
// Return the modified object
return target;
noConflict: function( deep ) {
if ( window.$ === jQuery ) {
window.$ = _$;
if ( deep && window.jQuery === jQuery ) {
window.jQuery = _jQuery;
return jQuery;
// Is the DOM ready to be used? Set to true once it occurs.
isReady: false,
// A counter to track how many items to wait for before
// the ready event fires. See #6781
readyWait: 1,
// Hold (or release) the ready event
holdReady: function( hold ) {
if ( hold ) {
} else {
jQuery.ready( true );
// Handle when the DOM is ready
ready: function( wait ) {
// Abort if there are pending holds or we're already ready
if ( wait === true ? --jQuery.readyWait : jQuery.isReady ) {
// Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443).
if ( !document.body ) {
return setTimeout( jQuery.ready, 1 );
// Remember that the DOM is ready
jQuery.isReady = true;
// If a normal DOM Ready event fired, decrement, and wait if need be
if ( wait !== true && --jQuery.readyWait > 0 ) {
// If there are functions bound, to execute
readyList.resolveWith( document, [ jQuery ] );
// Trigger any bound ready events
if ( jQuery.fn.trigger ) {
jQuery( document ).trigger("ready").off("ready");
// See test/unit/core.js for details concerning isFunction.
// Since version 1.3, DOM methods and functions like alert
// aren't supported. They return false on IE (#2968).
isFunction: function( obj ) {
return jQuery.type(obj) === "function";
isArray: Array.isArray || function( obj ) {
return jQuery.type(obj) === "array";
isWindow: function( obj ) {
return obj != null && obj == obj.window;
isNumeric: function( obj ) {
return !isNaN( parseFloat(obj) ) && isFinite( obj );
type: function( obj ) {
return obj == null ?
String( obj ) :
class2type[ ] || "object";
isPlainObject: function( obj ) {
// Must be an Object.
// Because of IE, we also have to check the presence of the constructor property.
// Make sure that DOM nodes and window objects don't pass through, as well
if ( !obj || jQuery.type(obj) !== "object" || obj.nodeType || jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) {
return false;
try {
// Not own constructor property must be Object
if ( obj.constructor &&
!, "constructor") &&
!, "isPrototypeOf") ) {
return false;
} catch ( e ) {
// IE8,9 Will throw exceptions on certain host objects #9897
return false;
// Own properties are enumerated firstly, so to speed up,
// if last one is own, then all properties are own.
var key;
for ( key in obj ) {}
return key === undefined || obj, key );
isEmptyObject: function( obj ) {
var name;
for ( name in obj ) {
return false;
return true;
error: function( msg ) {
throw new Error( msg );
// data: string of html
// context (optional): If specified, the fragment will be created in this context, defaults to document
// scripts (optional): If true, will include scripts passed in the html string
parseHTML: function( data, context, scripts ) {
var parsed;
if ( !data || typeof data !== "string" ) {
return null;
if ( typeof context === "boolean" ) {
scripts = context;
context = 0;
context = context || document;
// Single tag
if ( (parsed = rsingleTag.exec( data )) ) {
return [ context.createElement( parsed[1] ) ];
parsed = jQuery.buildFragment( [ data ], context, scripts ? null : [] );
return jQuery.merge( [],
(parsed.cacheable ? jQuery.clone( parsed.fragment ) : parsed.fragment).childNodes );
parseJSON: function( data ) {
if ( !data || typeof data !== "string") {
return null;
// Make sure leading/trailing whitespace is removed (IE can't handle it)
data = jQuery.trim( data );
// Attempt to parse using the native JSON parser first
if ( window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ) {
return window.JSON.parse( data );
// Make sure the incoming data is actual JSON
// Logic borrowed from
if ( rvalidchars.test( data.replace( rvalidescape, "@" )
.replace( rvalidtokens, "]" )
.replace( rvalidbraces, "")) ) {
return ( new Function( "return " + data ) )();
jQuery.error( "Invalid JSON: " + data );
// Cross-browser xml parsing
parseXML: function( data ) {
var xml, tmp;
if ( !data || typeof data !== "string" ) {
return null;
try {
if ( window.DOMParser ) { // Standard
tmp = new DOMParser();
xml = tmp.parseFromString( data , "text/xml" );
} else { // IE
xml = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" );
xml.async = "false";
xml.loadXML( data );
} catch( e ) {
xml = undefined;
if ( !xml || !xml.documentElement || xml.getElementsByTagName( "parsererror" ).length ) {
jQuery.error( "Invalid XML: " + data );
return xml;
noop: function() {},
// Evaluates a script in a global context
// Workarounds based on findings by Jim Driscoll
globalEval: function( data ) {
if ( data && core_rnotwhite.test( data ) ) {
// We use execScript on Internet Explorer
// We use an anonymous function so that context is window
// rather than jQuery in Firefox
( window.execScript || function( data ) {
window[ "eval" ].call( window, data );
} )( data );
// Convert dashed to camelCase; used by the css and data modules
// Microsoft forgot to hump their vendor prefix (#9572)
camelCase: function( string ) {
return string.replace( rmsPrefix, "ms-" ).replace( rdashAlpha, fcamelCase );
nodeName: function( elem, name ) {
return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase();
// args is for internal usage only
each: function( obj, callback, args ) {
var name,
i = 0,
length = obj.length,
isObj = length === undefined || jQuery.isFunction( obj );
if ( args ) {
if ( isObj ) {
for ( name in obj ) {
if ( callback.apply( obj[ name ], args ) === false ) {
} else {
for ( ; i < length; ) {
if ( callback.apply( obj[ i++ ], args ) === false ) {
// A special, fast, case for the most common use of each
} else {
if ( isObj ) {
for ( name in obj ) {
if ( obj[ name ], name, obj[ name ] ) === false ) {
} else {
for ( ; i < length; ) {
if ( obj[ i ], i, obj[ i++ ] ) === false ) {
return obj;
// Use native String.trim function wherever possible
trim: core_trim && !"\uFEFF\xA0") ?
function( text ) {
return text == null ?
"" : text );
} :
// Otherwise use our own trimming functionality
function( text ) {
return text == null ?
"" :
( text + "" ).replace( rtrim, "" );
// results is for internal usage only
makeArray: function( arr, results ) {
var type,
ret = results || [];
if ( arr != null ) {
// The window, strings (and functions) also have 'length'
// Tweaked logic slightly to handle Blackberry 4.7 RegExp issues #6930
type = jQuery.type( arr );
if ( arr.length == null || type === "string" || type === "function" || type === "regexp" || jQuery.isWindow( arr ) ) { ret, arr );
} else {
jQuery.merge( ret, arr );
return ret;
inArray: function( elem, arr, i ) {
var len;
if ( arr ) {
if ( core_indexOf ) {
return arr, elem, i );
len = arr.length;
i = i ? i < 0 ? Math.max( 0, len + i ) : i : 0;
for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
// Skip accessing in sparse arrays
if ( i in arr && arr[ i ] === elem ) {
return i;
return -1;
merge: function( first, second ) {
var l = second.length,
i = first.length,
j = 0;
if ( typeof l === "number" ) {
for ( ; j < l; j++ ) {
first[ i++ ] = second[ j ];
} else {
while ( second[j] !== undefined ) {
first[ i++ ] = second[ j++ ];
first.length = i;
return first;
grep: function( elems, callback, inv ) {
var retVal,
ret = [],
i = 0,
length = elems.length;
inv = !!inv;
// Go through the array, only saving the items
// that pass the validator function
for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
retVal = !!callback( elems[ i ], i );
if ( inv !== retVal ) {
ret.push( elems[ i ] );
return ret;
// arg is for internal usage only
map: function( elems, callback, arg ) {
var value, key,
ret = [],
i = 0,
length = elems.length,
// jquery objects are treated as arrays
isArray = elems instanceof jQuery || length !== undefined && typeof length === "number" && ( ( length > 0 && elems[ 0 ] && elems[ length -1 ] ) || length === 0 || jQuery.isArray( elems ) ) ;
// Go through the array, translating each of the items to their
if ( isArray ) {
for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg );
if ( value != null ) {
ret[ ret.length ] = value;
// Go through every key on the object,
} else {
for ( key in elems ) {
value = callback( elems[ key ], key, arg );
if ( value != null ) {
ret[ ret.length ] = value;
// Flatten any nested arrays
return ret.concat.apply( [], ret );
// A global GUID counter for objects
guid: 1,
// Bind a function to a context, optionally partially applying any
// arguments.
proxy: function( fn, context ) {
var tmp, args, proxy;
if ( typeof context === "string" ) {
tmp = fn[ context ];
context = fn;
fn = tmp;
// Quick check to determine if target is callable, in the spec
// this throws a TypeError, but we will just return undefined.
if ( !jQuery.isFunction( fn ) ) {
return undefined;
// Simulated bind
args = arguments, 2 );
proxy = function() {
return fn.apply( context, args.concat( arguments ) ) );
// Set the guid of unique handler to the same of original handler, so it can be removed
proxy.guid = fn.guid = fn.guid || jQuery.guid++;
return proxy;
// Multifunctional method to get and set values of a collection
// The value/s can optionally be executed if it's a function
access: function( elems, fn, key, value, chainable, emptyGet, pass ) {
var exec,
bulk = key == null,
i = 0,
length = elems.length;
// Sets many values
if ( key && typeof key === "object" ) {
for ( i in key ) {
jQuery.access( elems, fn, i, key[i], 1, emptyGet, value );
chainable = 1;
// Sets one value
} else if ( value !== undefined ) {
// Optionally, function values get executed if exec is true
exec = pass === undefined && jQuery.isFunction( value );
if ( bulk ) {
// Bulk operations only iterate when executing function values
if ( exec ) {
exec = fn;
fn = function( elem, key, value ) {
return jQuery( elem ), value );
// Otherwise they run against the entire set
} else { elems, value );
fn = null;
if ( fn ) {
for (; i < length; i++ ) {
fn( elems[i], key, exec ? elems[i], i, fn( elems[i], key ) ) : value, pass );
chainable = 1;
return chainable ?
elems :
// Gets
bulk ? elems ) :
length ? fn( elems[0], key ) : emptyGet;
now: function() {
return ( new Date() ).getTime();
jQuery.ready.promise = function( obj ) {
if ( !readyList ) {
readyList = jQuery.Deferred();
// Catch cases where $(document).ready() is called after the browser event has already occurred.
// we once tried to use readyState "interactive" here, but it caused issues like the one
// discovered by ChrisS here:
if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
// Handle it asynchronously to allow scripts the opportunity to delay ready
setTimeout( jQuery.ready, 1 );
// Standards-based browsers support DOMContentLoaded
} else if ( document.addEventListener ) {
// Use the handy event callback
document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false );
// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
window.addEventListener( "load", jQuery.ready, false );
// If IE event model is used
} else {
// Ensure firing before onload, maybe late but safe also for iframes
document.attachEvent( "onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded );
// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
window.attachEvent( "onload", jQuery.ready );
// If IE and not a frame
// continually check to see if the document is ready
var top = false;
try {
top = window.frameElement == null && document.documentElement;
} catch(e) {}
if ( top && top.doScroll ) {
(function doScrollCheck() {
if ( !jQuery.isReady ) {
try {
// Use the trick by Diego Perini
} catch(e) {
return setTimeout( doScrollCheck, 50 );
// and execute any waiting functions
return readyList.promise( obj );
// Populate the class2type map
jQuery.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object".split(" "), function(i, name) {
class2type[ "[object " + name + "]" ] = name.toLowerCase();
// All jQuery objects should point back to these
rootjQuery = jQuery(document);
// String to Object options format cache
var optionsCache = {};
// Convert String-formatted options into Object-formatted ones and store in cache
function createOptions( options ) {
var object = optionsCache[ options ] = {};
jQuery.each( options.split( core_rspace ), function( _, flag ) {
object[ flag ] = true;
return object;
* Create a callback list using the following parameters:
* options: an optional list of space-separated options that will change how
* the callback list behaves or a more traditional option object
* By default a callback list will act like an event callback list and can be
* "fired" multiple times.
* Possible options:
* once: will ensure the callback list can only be fired once (like a Deferred)
* memory: will keep track of previous values and will call any callback added
* after the list has been fired right away with the latest "memorized"
* values (like a Deferred)
* unique: will ensure a callback can only be added once (no duplicate in the list)
* stopOnFalse: interrupt callings when a callback returns false
jQuery.Callbacks = function( options ) {
// Convert options from String-formatted to Object-formatted if needed
// (we check in cache first)
options = typeof options === "string" ?
( optionsCache[ options ] || createOptions( options ) ) :
jQuery.extend( {}, options );
var // Last fire value (for non-forgettable lists)
// Flag to know if list was already fired
// Flag to know if list is currently firing
// First callback to fire (used internally by add and fireWith)
// End of the loop when firing
// Index of currently firing callback (modified by remove if needed)
// Actual callback list
list = [],
// Stack of fire calls for repeatable lists
stack = !options.once && [],
// Fire callbacks
fire = function( data ) {
memory = options.memory && data;
fired = true;
firingIndex = firingStart || 0;
firingStart = 0;
firingLength = list.length;
firing = true;
for ( ; list && firingIndex < firingLength; firingIndex++ ) {
if ( list[ firingIndex ].apply( data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ] ) === false && options.stopOnFalse ) {
memory = false; // To prevent further calls using add
firing = false;
if ( list ) {
if ( stack ) {
if ( stack.length ) {
fire( stack.shift() );
} else if ( memory ) {
list = [];
} else {
// Actual Callbacks object
self = {
// Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to the list
add: function() {
if ( list ) {
// First, we save the current length
var start = list.length;
(function add( args ) {
jQuery.each( args, function( _, arg ) {
var type = jQuery.type( arg );
if ( type === "function" ) {
if ( !options.unique || !self.has( arg ) ) {
list.push( arg );
} else if ( arg && arg.length && type !== "string" ) {
// Inspect recursively
add( arg );
})( arguments );
// Do we need to add the callbacks to the
// current firing batch?
if ( firing ) {
firingLength = list.length;
// With memory, if we're not firing then
// we should call right away
} else if ( memory ) {
firingStart = start;
fire( memory );
return this;
// Remove a callback from the list
remove: function() {
if ( list ) {
jQuery.each( arguments, function( _, arg ) {
var index;
while( ( index = jQuery.inArray( arg, list, index ) ) > -1 ) {
list.splice( index, 1 );
// Handle firing indexes
if ( firing ) {
if ( index <= firingLength ) {
if ( index <= firingIndex ) {
return this;
// Control if a given callback is in the list
has: function( fn ) {
return jQuery.inArray( fn, list ) > -1;
// Remove all callbacks from the list
empty: function() {
list = [];
return this;
// Have the list do nothing anymore
disable: function() {
list = stack = memory = undefined;
return this;
// Is it disabled?
disabled: function() {
return !list;
// Lock the list in its current state
lock: function() {
stack = undefined;
if ( !memory ) {
return this;
// Is it locked?
locked: function() {
return !stack;
// Call all callbacks with the given context and arguments
fireWith: function( context, args ) {
args = args || [];
args = [ context, args.slice ? args.slice() : args ];
if ( list && ( !fired || stack ) ) {
if ( firing ) {
stack.push( args );
} else {
fire( args );
return this;
// Call all the callbacks with the given arguments
fire: function() {
self.fireWith( this, arguments );
return this;
// To know if the callbacks have already been called at least once
fired: function() {
return !!fired;
return self;
Deferred: function( func ) {
var tuples = [
// action, add listener, listener list, final state
[ "resolve", "done", jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), "resolved" ],
[ "reject", "fail", jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), "rejected" ],
[ "notify", "progress", jQuery.Callbacks("memory") ]
state = "pending",
promise = {
state: function() {
return state;
always: function() {
deferred.done( arguments ).fail( arguments );
return this;
then: function( /* fnDone, fnFail, fnProgress */ ) {
var fns = arguments;
return jQuery.Deferred(function( newDefer ) {
jQuery.each( tuples, function( i, tuple ) {
var action = tuple[ 0 ],
fn = fns[ i ];
// deferred[ done | fail | progress ] for forwarding actions to newDefer
deferred[ tuple[1] ]( jQuery.isFunction( fn ) ?
function() {
var returned = fn.apply( this, arguments );
if ( returned && jQuery.isFunction( returned.promise ) ) {
.done( newDefer.resolve )
.fail( newDefer.reject )
.progress( newDefer.notify );
} else {
newDefer[ action + "With" ]( this === deferred ? newDefer : this, [ returned ] );
} :
newDefer[ action ]
fns = null;
// Get a promise for this deferred
// If obj is provided, the promise aspect is added to the object
promise: function( obj ) {
return obj != null ? jQuery.extend( obj, promise ) : promise;
deferred = {};
// Keep pipe for back-compat
promise.pipe = promise.then;
// Add list-specific methods
jQuery.each( tuples, function( i, tuple ) {
var list = tuple[ 2 ],
stateString = tuple[ 3 ];
// promise[ done | fail | progress ] = list.add
promise[ tuple[1] ] = list.add;
// Handle state
if ( stateString ) {
list.add(function() {
// state = [ resolved | rejected ]
state = stateString;
// [ reject_list | resolve_list ].disable; progress_list.lock
}, tuples[ i ^ 1 ][ 2 ].disable, tuples[ 2 ][ 2 ].lock );
// deferred[ resolve | reject | notify ] =
deferred[ tuple[0] ] =;
deferred[ tuple[0] + "With" ] = list.fireWith;
// Make the deferred a promise
promise.promise( deferred );
// Call given func if any
if ( func ) { deferred, deferred );
// All done!
return deferred;
// Deferred helper
when: function( subordinate /* , ..., subordinateN */ ) {
var i = 0,
resolveValues = arguments ),
length = resolveValues.length,
// the count of uncompleted subordinates
remaining = length !== 1 || ( subordinate && jQuery.isFunction( subordinate.promise ) ) ? length : 0,
// the master Deferred. If resolveValues consist of only a single Deferred, just use that.
deferred = remaining === 1 ? subordinate : jQuery.Deferred(),
// Update function for both resolve and progress values
updateFunc = function( i, contexts, values ) {
return function( value ) {
contexts[ i ] = this;
values[ i ] = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments ) : value;
if( values === progressValues ) {
deferred.notifyWith( contexts, values );
} else if ( !( --remaining ) ) {
deferred.resolveWith( contexts, values );
progressValues, progressContexts, resolveContexts;
// add listeners to Deferred subordinates; treat others as resolved
if ( length > 1 ) {
progressValues = new Array( length );
progressContexts = new Array( length );
resolveContexts = new Array( length );
for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
if ( resolveValues[ i ] && jQuery.isFunction( resolveValues[ i ].promise ) ) {
resolveValues[ i ].promise()
.done( updateFunc( i, resolveContexts, resolveValues ) )
.fail( deferred.reject )
.progress( updateFunc( i, progressContexts, progressValues ) );
} else {
// if we're not waiting on anything, resolve the master
if ( !remaining ) {
deferred.resolveWith( resolveContexts, resolveValues );
return deferred.promise();
}); = (function() {
var support,
div = document.createElement("div");
// Setup
div.setAttribute( "className", "t" );
div.innerHTML = " <link/><table></table><a href='/a'>a</a><input type='checkbox'/>";
// Support tests won't run in some limited or non-browser environments
all = div.getElementsByTagName("*");
a = div.getElementsByTagName("a")[ 0 ];
if ( !all || !a || !all.length ) {
return {};
// First batch of tests
select = document.createElement("select");
opt = select.appendChild( document.createElement("option") );
input = div.getElementsByTagName("input")[ 0 ]; = "top:1px;float:left;opacity:.5";
support = {
// IE strips leading whitespace when .innerHTML is used
leadingWhitespace: ( div.firstChild.nodeType === 3 ),
// Make sure that tbody elements aren't automatically inserted
// IE will insert them into empty tables
tbody: !div.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length,
// Make sure that link elements get serialized correctly by innerHTML
// This requires a wrapper element in IE
htmlSerialize: !!div.getElementsByTagName("link").length,
// Get the style information from getAttribute
// (IE uses .cssText instead)
style: /top/.test( a.getAttribute("style") ),
// Make sure that URLs aren't manipulated
// (IE normalizes it by default)
hrefNormalized: ( a.getAttribute("href") === "/a" ),
// Make sure that element opacity exists
// (IE uses filter instead)
// Use a regex to work around a WebKit issue. See #5145
opacity: /^0.5/.test( ),
// Verify style float existence
// (IE uses styleFloat instead of cssFloat)
cssFloat: !!,
// Make sure that if no value is specified for a checkbox
// that it defaults to "on".
// (WebKit defaults to "" instead)
checkOn: ( input.value === "on" ),
// Make sure that a selected-by-default option has a working selected property.
// (WebKit defaults to false instead of true, IE too, if it's in an optgroup)
optSelected: opt.selected,
// Test setAttribute on camelCase class. If it works, we need attrFixes when doing get/setAttribute (ie6/7)
getSetAttribute: div.className !== "t",
// Tests for enctype support on a form (#6743)
enctype: !!document.createElement("form").enctype,
// Makes sure cloning an html5 element does not cause problems
// Where outerHTML is undefined, this still works
html5Clone: document.createElement("nav").cloneNode( true ).outerHTML !== "<:nav></:nav>",
// DEPRECATED in 1.8 since we don't support Quirks Mode
boxModel: ( document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" ),
// Will be defined later
submitBubbles: true,
changeBubbles: true,
focusinBubbles: false,
deleteExpando: true,
noCloneEvent: true,
inlineBlockNeedsLayout: false,
shrinkWrapBlocks: false,
reliableMarginRight: true,
boxSizingReliable: true,
pixelPosition: false
// Make sure checked status is properly cloned
input.checked = true;
support.noCloneChecked = input.cloneNode( true ).checked;
// Make sure that the options inside disabled selects aren't marked as disabled
// (WebKit marks them as disabled)
select.disabled = true;
support.optDisabled = !opt.disabled;
// Test to see if it's possible to delete an expando from an element
// Fails in Internet Explorer
try {
delete div.test;
} catch( e ) {
support.deleteExpando = false;
if ( !div.addEventListener && div.attachEvent && div.fireEvent ) {
div.attachEvent( "onclick", clickFn = function() {
// Cloning a node shouldn't copy over any
// bound event handlers (IE does this)
support.noCloneEvent = false;
div.cloneNode( true ).fireEvent("onclick");
div.detachEvent( "onclick", clickFn );
// Check if a radio maintains its value
// after being appended to the DOM
input = document.createElement("input");
input.value = "t";
input.setAttribute( "type", "radio" );
support.radioValue = input.value === "t";
input.setAttribute( "checked", "checked" );
// #11217 - WebKit loses check when the name is after the checked attribute
input.setAttribute( "name", "t" );
div.appendChild( input );
fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
fragment.appendChild( div.lastChild );
// WebKit doesn't clone checked state correctly in fragments
support.checkClone = fragment.cloneNode( true ).cloneNode( true ).lastChild.checked;
// Check if a disconnected checkbox will retain its checked
// value of true after appended to the DOM (IE6/7)
support.appendChecked = input.checked;
fragment.removeChild( input );
fragment.appendChild( div );
// Technique from Juriy Zaytsev
// We only care about the case where non-standard event systems
// are used, namely in IE. Short-circuiting here helps us to
// avoid an eval call (in setAttribute) which can cause CSP
// to go haywire. See:
if ( div.attachEvent ) {
for ( i in {
submit: true,
change: true,
focusin: true
}) {
eventName = "on" + i;
isSupported = ( eventName in div );
if ( !isSupported ) {
div.setAttribute( eventName, "return;" );
isSupported = ( typeof div[ eventName ] === "function" );
support[ i + "Bubbles" ] = isSupported;
// Run tests that need a body at doc ready
jQuery(function() {
var container, div, tds, marginDiv,
divReset = "padding:0;margin:0;border:0;display:block;overflow:hidden;",
body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
if ( !body ) {
// Return for frameset docs that don't have a body
container = document.createElement("div"); = "visibility:hidden;border:0;width:0;height:0;position:static;top:0;margin-top:1px";
body.insertBefore( container, body.firstChild );
// Construct the test element
div = document.createElement("div");
container.appendChild( div );
// Check if table cells still have offsetWidth/Height when they are set
// to display:none and there are still other visible table cells in a
// table row; if so, offsetWidth/Height are not reliable for use when
// determining if an element has been hidden directly using
// display:none (it is still safe to use offsets if a parent element is
// hidden; don safety goggles and see bug #4512 for more information).
// (only IE 8 fails this test)
div.innerHTML = "<table><tr><td></td><td>t</td></tr></table>";
tds = div.getElementsByTagName("td");
tds[ 0 ].style.cssText = "padding:0;margin:0;border:0;display:none";
isSupported = ( tds[ 0 ].offsetHeight === 0 );
tds[ 0 ].style.display = "";
tds[ 1 ].style.display = "none";
// Check if empty table cells still have offsetWidth/Height
// (IE <= 8 fail this test)
support.reliableHiddenOffsets = isSupported && ( tds[ 0 ].offsetHeight === 0 );
// Check box-sizing and margin behavior
div.innerHTML = ""; = "box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;padding:1px;border:1px;display:block;width:4px;margin-top:1%;position:absolute;top:1%;";
support.boxSizing = ( div.offsetWidth === 4 );
support.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = ( body.offsetTop !== 1 );
// NOTE: To any future maintainer, we've window.getComputedStyle
// because jsdom on node.js will break without it.
if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
support.pixelPosition = ( window.getComputedStyle( div, null ) || {} ).top !== "1%";
support.boxSizingReliable = ( window.getComputedStyle( div, null ) || { width: "4px" } ).width === "4px";
// Check if div with explicit width and no margin-right incorrectly
// gets computed margin-right based on width of container. For more
// info see bug #3333
// Fails in WebKit before Feb 2011 nightlies
// WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right
marginDiv = document.createElement("div"); = = divReset; = = "0"; = "1px";
div.appendChild( marginDiv );
support.reliableMarginRight =
!parseFloat( ( window.getComputedStyle( marginDiv, null ) || {} ).marginRight );
if ( typeof !== "undefined" ) {
// Check if natively block-level elements act like inline-block
// elements when setting their display to 'inline' and giving
// them layout
// (IE < 8 does this)
div.innerHTML = ""; = divReset + "width:1px;padding:1px;display:inline;zoom:1";
support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = ( div.offsetWidth === 3 );
// Check if elements with layout shrink-wrap their children
// (IE 6 does this) = "block"; = "visible";
div.innerHTML = "<div></div>"; = "5px";
support.shrinkWrapBlocks = ( div.offsetWidth !== 3 ); = 1;
// Null elements to avoid leaks in IE
body.removeChild( container );
container = div = tds = marginDiv = null;
// Null elements to avoid leaks in IE
fragment.removeChild( div );
all = a = select = opt = input = fragment = div = null;
return support;
var rbrace = /(?:\{[\s\S]*\}|\[[\s\S]*\])$/,
rmultiDash = /([A-Z])/g;
cache: {},
deletedIds: [],
// Remove at next major release (1.9/2.0)
uuid: 0,
// Unique for each copy of jQuery on the page
// Non-digits removed to match rinlinejQuery
expando: "jQuery" + ( jQuery.fn.jquery + Math.random() ).replace( /\D/g, "" ),
// The following elements throw uncatchable exceptions if you
// attempt to add expando properties to them.
noData: {
"embed": true,
// Ban all objects except for Flash (which handle expandos)
"object": "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000",
"applet": true
hasData: function( elem ) {
elem = elem.nodeType ? jQuery.cache[ elem[jQuery.expando] ] : elem[ jQuery.expando ];
return !!elem && !isEmptyDataObject( elem );
data: function( elem, name, data, pvt /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
var thisCache, ret,
internalKey = jQuery.expando,
getByName = typeof name === "string",
// We have to handle DOM nodes and JS objects differently because IE6-7
// can't GC object references properly across the DOM-JS boundary
isNode = elem.nodeType,
// Only DOM nodes need the global jQuery cache; JS object data is
// attached directly to the object so GC can occur automatically
cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem,
// Only defining an ID for JS objects if its cache already exists allows
// the code to shortcut on the same path as a DOM node with no cache
id = isNode ? elem[ internalKey ] : elem[ internalKey ] && internalKey;
// Avoid doing any more work than we need to when trying to get data on an
// object that has no data at all
if ( (!id || !cache[id] || (!pvt && !cache[id].data)) && getByName && data === undefined ) {
if ( !id ) {
// Only DOM nodes need a new unique ID for each element since their data
// ends up in the global cache
if ( isNode ) {
elem[ internalKey ] = id = jQuery.deletedIds.pop() || jQuery.guid++;
} else {
id = internalKey;
if ( !cache[ id ] ) {
cache[ id ] = {};
// Avoids exposing jQuery metadata on plain JS objects when the object
// is serialized using JSON.stringify
if ( !isNode ) {
cache[ id ].toJSON = jQuery.noop;
// An object can be passed to instead of a key/value pair; this gets
// shallow copied over onto the existing cache
if ( typeof name === "object" || typeof name === "function" ) {
if ( pvt ) {
cache[ id ] = jQuery.extend( cache[ id ], name );
} else {
cache[ id ].data = jQuery.extend( cache[ id ].data, name );
thisCache = cache[ id ];
// jQuery data() is stored in a separate object inside the object's internal data
// cache in order to avoid key collisions between internal data and user-defined
// data.
if ( !pvt ) {
if ( ! ) { = {};
thisCache =;
if ( data !== undefined ) {
thisCache[ jQuery.camelCase( name ) ] = data;
// Check for both converted-to-camel and non-converted data property names
// If a data property was specified
if ( getByName ) {
// First Try to find as-is property data
ret = thisCache[ name ];
// Test for null|undefined property data
if ( ret == null ) {
// Try to find the camelCased property
ret = thisCache[ jQuery.camelCase( name ) ];
} else {
ret = thisCache;
return ret;
removeData: function( elem, name, pvt /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
var thisCache, i, l,
isNode = elem.nodeType,
// See for more information
cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem,
id = isNode ? elem[ jQuery.expando ] : jQuery.expando;
// If there is already no cache entry for this object, there is no
// purpose in continuing
if ( !cache[ id ] ) {
if ( name ) {
thisCache = pvt ? cache[ id ] : cache[ id ].data;
if ( thisCache ) {
// Support array or space separated string names for data keys
if ( !jQuery.isArray( name ) ) {
// try the string as a key before any manipulation
if ( name in thisCache ) {
name = [ name ];
} else {
// split the camel cased version by spaces unless a key with the spaces exists
name = jQuery.camelCase( name );
if ( name in thisCache ) {
name = [ name ];
} else {
name = name.split(" ");
for ( i = 0, l = name.length; i < l; i++ ) {
delete thisCache[ name[i] ];
// If there is no data left in the cache, we want to continue
// and let the cache object itself get destroyed
if ( !( pvt ? isEmptyDataObject : jQuery.isEmptyObject )( thisCache ) ) {
// See for more information
if ( !pvt ) {
delete cache[ id ].data;
// Don't destroy the parent cache unless the internal data object
// had been the only thing left in it
if ( !isEmptyDataObject( cache[ id ] ) ) {
// Destroy the cache
if ( isNode ) {
jQuery.cleanData( [ elem ], true );
// Use delete when supported for expandos or `cache` is not a window per isWindow (#10080)
} else if ( || cache != cache.window ) {
delete cache[ id ];
// When all else fails, null
} else {
cache[ id ] = null;
// For internal use only.
_data: function( elem, name, data ) {
return elem, name, data, true );
// A method for determining if a DOM node can handle the data expando
acceptData: function( elem ) {
var noData = elem.nodeName && jQuery.noData[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
// nodes accept data unless otherwise specified; rejection can be conditional
return !noData || noData !== true && elem.getAttribute("classid") === noData;
data: function( key, value ) {
var parts, part, attr, name, l,
elem = this[0],
i = 0,
data = null;
// Gets all values
if ( key === undefined ) {
if ( this.length ) {
data = elem );
if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !jQuery._data( elem, "parsedAttrs" ) ) {
attr = elem.attributes;
for ( l = attr.length; i < l; i++ ) {
name = attr[i].name;
if ( !name.indexOf( "data-" ) ) {
name = jQuery.camelCase( name.substring(5) );
dataAttr( elem, name, data[ name ] );
jQuery._data( elem, "parsedAttrs", true );
return data;
// Sets multiple values
if ( typeof key === "object" ) {
return this.each(function() { this, key );
parts = key.split( ".", 2 );
parts[1] = parts[1] ? "." + parts[1] : "";
part = parts[1] + "!";
return jQuery.access( this, function( value ) {
if ( value === undefined ) {
data = this.triggerHandler( "getData" + part, [ parts[0] ] );
// Try to fetch any internally stored data first
if ( data === undefined && elem ) {
data = elem, key );
data = dataAttr( elem, key, data );
return data === undefined && parts[1] ? parts[0] ) :
parts[1] = value;
this.each(function() {
var self = jQuery( this );
self.triggerHandler( "setData" + part, parts ); this, key, value );
self.triggerHandler( "changeData" + part, parts );
}, null, value, arguments.length > 1, null, false );
removeData: function( key ) {
return this.each(function() {
jQuery.removeData( this, key );
function dataAttr( elem, key, data ) {
// If nothing was found internally, try to fetch any
// data from the HTML5 data-* attribute
if ( data === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
var name = "data-" + key.replace( rmultiDash, "-$1" ).toLowerCase();
data = elem.getAttribute( name );
if ( typeof data === "string" ) {
try {
data = data === "true" ? true :
data === "false" ? false :
data === "null" ? null :
// Only convert to a number if it doesn't change the string
+data + "" === data ? +data :
rbrace.test( data ) ? jQuery.parseJSON( data ) :
} catch( e ) {}
// Make sure we set the data so it isn't changed later elem, key, data );
} else {
data = undefined;
return data;
// checks a cache object for emptiness
function isEmptyDataObject( obj ) {
var name;
for ( name in obj ) {
// if the public data object is empty, the private is still empty
if ( name === "data" && jQuery.isEmptyObject( obj[name] ) ) {
if ( name !== "toJSON" ) {
return false;
return true;
queue: function( elem, type, data ) {
var queue;
if ( elem ) {
type = ( type || "fx" ) + "queue";
queue = jQuery._data( elem, type );
// Speed up dequeue by getting out quickly if this is just a lookup
if ( data ) {
if ( !queue || jQuery.isArray(data) ) {
queue = jQuery._data( elem, type, jQuery.makeArray(data) );
} else {
queue.push( data );
return queue || [];
dequeue: function( elem, type ) {
type = type || "fx";
var queue = jQuery.queue( elem, type ),
startLength = queue.length,
fn = queue.shift(),
hooks = jQuery._queueHooks( elem, type ),
next = function() {
jQuery.dequeue( elem, type );
// If the fx queue is dequeued, always remove the progress sentinel
if ( fn === "inprogress" ) {
fn = queue.shift();
if ( fn ) {
// Add a progress sentinel to prevent the fx queue from being
// automatically dequeued
if ( type === "fx" ) {
queue.unshift( "inprogress" );
// clear up the last queue stop function
delete hooks.stop; elem, next, hooks );
if ( !startLength && hooks ) {;
// not intended for public consumption - generates a queueHooks object, or returns the current one
_queueHooks: function( elem, type ) {
var key = type + "queueHooks";
return jQuery._data( elem, key ) || jQuery._data( elem, key, {
empty: jQuery.Callbacks("once memory").add(function() {
jQuery.removeData( elem, type + "queue", true );
jQuery.removeData( elem, key, true );
queue: function( type, data ) {
var setter = 2;
if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
data = type;
type = "fx";
if ( arguments.length < setter ) {
return jQuery.queue( this[0], type );
return data === undefined ?
this :
this.each(function() {
var queue = jQuery.queue( this, type, data );
// ensure a hooks for this queue
jQuery._queueHooks( this, type );
if ( type === "fx" && queue[0] !== "inprogress" ) {
jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
dequeue: function( type ) {
return this.each(function() {
jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
// Based off of the plugin by Clint Helfers, with permission.
delay: function( time, type ) {
time = jQuery.fx ? jQuery.fx.speeds[ time ] || time : time;
type = type || "fx";
return this.queue( type, function( next, hooks ) {
var timeout = setTimeout( next, time );
hooks.stop = function() {
clearTimeout( timeout );
clearQueue: function( type ) {
return this.queue( type || "fx", [] );
// Get a promise resolved when queues of a certain type
// are emptied (fx is the type by default)
promise: function( type, obj ) {
var tmp,
count = 1,
defer = jQuery.Deferred(),
elements = this,
i = this.length,
resolve = function() {
if ( !( --count ) ) {
defer.resolveWith( elements, [ elements ] );
if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
obj = type;
type = undefined;
type = type || "fx";
while( i-- ) {
tmp = jQuery._data( elements[ i ], type + "queueHooks" );
if ( tmp && tmp.empty ) {
tmp.empty.add( resolve );
return defer.promise( obj );
var nodeHook, boolHook, fixSpecified,
rclass = /[\t\r\n]/g,
rreturn = /\r/g,
rtype = /^(?:button|input)$/i,
rfocusable = /^(?:button|input|object|select|textarea)$/i,
rclickable = /^a(?:rea|)$/i,
rboolean = /^(?:autofocus|autoplay|async|checked|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped|selected)$/i,
getSetAttribute =;
attr: function( name, value ) {
return jQuery.access( this, jQuery.attr, name, value, arguments.length > 1 );
removeAttr: function( name ) {
return this.each(function() {
jQuery.removeAttr( this, name );
prop: function( name, value ) {
return jQuery.access( this, jQuery.prop, name, value, arguments.length > 1 );
removeProp: function( name ) {
name = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
return this.each(function() {
// try/catch handles cases where IE balks (such as removing a property on window)
try {
this[ name ] = undefined;
delete this[ name ];
} catch( e ) {}
addClass: function( value ) {
var classNames, i, l, elem,
setClass, c, cl;
if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
return this.each(function( j ) {
jQuery( this ).addClass(, j, this.className) );
if ( value && typeof value === "string" ) {
classNames = value.split( core_rspace );
for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
elem = this[ i ];
if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
if ( !elem.className && classNames.length === 1 ) {
elem.className = value;
} else {
setClass = " " + elem.className + " ";
for ( c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++ ) {
if ( setClass.indexOf( " " + classNames[ c ] + " " ) < 0 ) {
setClass += classNames[ c ] + " ";
elem.className = jQuery.trim( setClass );
return this;
removeClass: function( value ) {
var removes, className, elem, c, cl, i, l;
if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
return this.each(function( j ) {
jQuery( this ).removeClass(, j, this.className) );
if ( (value && typeof value === "string") || value === undefined ) {
removes = ( value || "" ).split( core_rspace );
for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
elem = this[ i ];
if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.className ) {
className = (" " + elem.className + " ").replace( rclass, " " );
// loop over each item in the removal list
for ( c = 0, cl = removes.length; c < cl; c++ ) {
// Remove until there is nothing to remove,
while ( className.indexOf(" " + removes[ c ] + " ") >= 0 ) {
className = className.replace( " " + removes[ c ] + " " , " " );
elem.className = value ? jQuery.trim( className ) : "";
return this;
toggleClass: function( value, stateVal ) {
var type = typeof value,
isBool = typeof stateVal === "boolean";
if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
return this.each(function( i ) {
jQuery( this ).toggleClass(, i, this.className, stateVal), stateVal );
return this.each(function() {
if ( type === "string" ) {
// toggle individual class names
var className,
i = 0,
self = jQuery( this ),
state = stateVal,
classNames = value.split( core_rspace );
while ( (className = classNames[ i++ ]) ) {
// check each className given, space separated list
state = isBool ? state : !self.hasClass( className );
self[ state ? "addClass" : "removeClass" ]( className );
} else if ( type === "undefined" || type === "boolean" ) {
if ( this.className ) {
// store className if set
jQuery._data( this, "__className__", this.className );
// toggle whole className
this.className = this.className || value === false ? "" : jQuery._data( this, "__className__" ) || "";
hasClass: function( selector ) {
var className = " " + selector + " ",
i = 0,
l = this.length;
for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
if ( this[i].nodeType === 1 && (" " + this[i].className + " ").replace(rclass, " ").indexOf( className ) >= 0 ) {
return true;
return false;
val: function( value ) {
var hooks, ret, isFunction,
elem = this[0];
if ( !arguments.length ) {
if ( elem ) {
hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ elem.type ] || jQuery.valHooks[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, "value" )) !== undefined ) {
return ret;
ret = elem.value;
return typeof ret === "string" ?
// handle most common string cases
ret.replace(rreturn, "") :
// handle cases where value is null/undef or number
ret == null ? "" : ret;
isFunction = jQuery.isFunction( value );
return this.each(function( i ) {
var val,
self = jQuery(this);
if ( this.nodeType !== 1 ) {
if ( isFunction ) {
val = this, i, self.val() );
} else {
val = value;
// Treat null/undefined as ""; convert numbers to string
if ( val == null ) {
val = "";
} else if ( typeof val === "number" ) {
val += "";
} else if ( jQuery.isArray( val ) ) {
val =, function ( value ) {
return value == null ? "" : value + "";
hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ this.type ] || jQuery.valHooks[ this.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
// If set returns undefined, fall back to normal setting
if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || hooks.set( this, val, "value" ) === undefined ) {
this.value = val;
valHooks: {
option: {
get: function( elem ) {
// attributes.value is undefined in Blackberry 4.7 but
// uses .value. See #6932
var val = elem.attributes.value;
return !val || val.specified ? elem.value : elem.text;
select: {
get: function( elem ) {
var value, option,
options = elem.options,
index = elem.selectedIndex,
one = elem.type === "select-one" || index < 0,
values = one ? null : [],
max = one ? index + 1 : options.length,
i = index < 0 ?
max :
one ? index : 0;
// Loop through all the selected options
for ( ; i < max; i++ ) {
option = options[ i ];
// oldIE doesn't update selected after form reset (#2551)
if ( ( option.selected || i === index ) &&
// Don't return options that are disabled or in a disabled optgroup
( ? !option.disabled : option.getAttribute("disabled") === null ) &&
( !option.parentNode.disabled || !jQuery.nodeName( option.parentNode, "optgroup" ) ) ) {
// Get the specific value for the option
value = jQuery( option ).val();
// We don't need an array for one selects
if ( one ) {
return value;
// Multi-Selects return an array
values.push( value );
return values;
set: function( elem, value ) {
var values = jQuery.makeArray( value );
jQuery(elem).find("option").each(function() {
this.selected = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(this).val(), values ) >= 0;
if ( !values.length ) {
elem.selectedIndex = -1;
return values;
// Unused in 1.8, left in so attrFn-stabbers won't die; remove in 1.9
attrFn: {},
attr: function( elem, name, value, pass ) {
var ret, hooks, notxml,
nType = elem.nodeType;
// don't get/set attributes on text, comment and attribute nodes
if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) {
if ( pass && jQuery.isFunction( jQuery.fn[ name ] ) ) {
return jQuery( elem )[ name ]( value );
// Fallback to prop when attributes are not supported
if ( typeof elem.getAttribute === "undefined" ) {
return jQuery.prop( elem, name, value );
notxml = nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem );
// All attributes are lowercase
// Grab necessary hook if one is defined
if ( notxml ) {
name = name.toLowerCase();
hooks = jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] || ( rboolean.test( name ) ? boolHook : nodeHook );
if ( value !== undefined ) {
if ( value === null ) {
jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name );
} else if ( hooks && "set" in hooks && notxml && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ) {
return ret;
} else {
elem.setAttribute( name, value + "" );
return value;
} else if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && notxml && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ) {
return ret;
} else {
ret = elem.getAttribute( name );
// Non-existent attributes return null, we normalize to undefined
return ret === null ?
undefined :
removeAttr: function( elem, value ) {
var propName, attrNames, name, isBool,
i = 0;
if ( value && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
attrNames = value.split( core_rspace );
for ( ; i < attrNames.length; i++ ) {
name = attrNames[ i ];
if ( name ) {
propName = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
isBool = rboolean.test( name );
// See #9699 for explanation of this approach (setting first, then removal)
// Do not do this for boolean attributes (see #10870)
if ( !isBool ) {
jQuery.attr( elem, name, "" );
elem.removeAttribute( getSetAttribute ? name : propName );
// Set corresponding property to false for boolean attributes
if ( isBool && propName in elem ) {
elem[ propName ] = false;
attrHooks: {
type: {
set: function( elem, value ) {
// We can't allow the type property to be changed (since it causes problems in IE)
if ( rtype.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.parentNode ) {
jQuery.error( "type property can't be changed" );
} else if ( ! && value === "radio" && jQuery.nodeName(elem, "input") ) {
// Setting the type on a radio button after the value resets the value in IE6-9
// Reset value to it's default in case type is set after value
// This is for element creation
var val = elem.value;
elem.setAttribute( "type", value );
if ( val ) {
elem.value = val;
return value;
// Use the value property for back compat
// Use the nodeHook for button elements in IE6/7 (#1954)
value: {
get: function( elem, name ) {
if ( nodeHook && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ) {
return nodeHook.get( elem, name );
return name in elem ?
elem.value :
set: function( elem, value, name ) {
if ( nodeHook && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ) {
return nodeHook.set( elem, value, name );
// Does not return so that setAttribute is also used
elem.value = value;
propFix: {
tabindex: "tabIndex",
readonly: "readOnly",
"for": "htmlFor",
"class": "className",
maxlength: "maxLength",
cellspacing: "cellSpacing",
cellpadding: "cellPadding",
rowspan: "rowSpan",
colspan: "colSpan",
usemap: "useMap",
frameborder: "frameBorder",
contenteditable: "contentEditable"
prop: function( elem, name, value ) {
var ret, hooks, notxml,
nType = elem.nodeType;
// don't get/set properties on text, comment and attribute nodes
if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) {
notxml = nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem );
if ( notxml ) {
// Fix name and attach hooks
name = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
hooks = jQuery.propHooks[ name ];
if ( value !== undefined ) {
if ( hooks && "set" in hooks && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ) {
return ret;
} else {
return ( elem[ name ] = value );
} else {
if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ) {
return ret;
} else {
return elem[ name ];
propHooks: {
tabIndex: {
get: function( elem ) {
// elem.tabIndex doesn't always return the correct value when it hasn't been explicitly set
var attributeNode = elem.getAttributeNode("tabindex");
return attributeNode && attributeNode.specified ?
parseInt( attributeNode.value, 10 ) :
rfocusable.test( elem.nodeName ) || rclickable.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.href ?
0 :
// Hook for boolean attributes
boolHook = {
get: function( elem, name ) {
// Align boolean attributes with corresponding properties
// Fall back to attribute presence where some booleans are not supported
var attrNode,
property = jQuery.prop( elem, name );
return property === true || typeof property !== "boolean" && ( attrNode = elem.getAttributeNode(name) ) && attrNode.nodeValue !== false ?
name.toLowerCase() :
set: function( elem, value, name ) {
var propName;
if ( value === false ) {
// Remove boolean attributes when set to false
jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name );
} else {
// value is true since we know at this point it's type boolean and not false
// Set boolean attributes to the same name and set the DOM property
propName = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
if ( propName in elem ) {
// Only set the IDL specifically if it already exists on the element
elem[ propName ] = true;
elem.setAttribute( name, name.toLowerCase() );
return name;
// IE6/7 do not support getting/setting some attributes with get/setAttribute
if ( !getSetAttribute ) {
fixSpecified = {
name: true,
id: true,
coords: true
// Use this for any attribute in IE6/7
// This fixes almost every IE6/7 issue
nodeHook = jQuery.valHooks.button = {
get: function( elem, name ) {
var ret;
ret = elem.getAttributeNode( name );
return ret && ( fixSpecified[ name ] ? ret.value !== "" : ret.specified ) ?
ret.value :
set: function( elem, value, name ) {
// Set the existing or create a new attribute node
var ret = elem.getAttributeNode( name );
if ( !ret ) {
ret = document.createAttribute( name );
elem.setAttributeNode( ret );
return ( ret.value = value + "" );
// Set width and height to auto instead of 0 on empty string( Bug #8150 )
// This is for removals
jQuery.each([ "width", "height" ], function( i, name ) {
jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.attrHooks[ name ], {
set: function( elem, value ) {
if ( value === "" ) {
elem.setAttribute( name, "auto" );
return value;
// Set contenteditable to false on removals(#10429)
// Setting to empty string throws an error as an invalid value
jQuery.attrHooks.contenteditable = {
get: nodeHook.get,
set: function( elem, value, name ) {
if ( value === "" ) {
value = "false";
nodeHook.set( elem, value, name );
// Some attributes require a special call on IE
if ( ! ) {
jQuery.each([ "href", "src", "width", "height" ], function( i, name ) {
jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.attrHooks[ name ], {
get: function( elem ) {
var ret = elem.getAttribute( name, 2 );
return ret === null ? undefined : ret;
if ( ! ) { = {
get: function( elem ) {
// Return undefined in the case of empty string
// Normalize to lowercase since IE uppercases css property names
return || undefined;
set: function( elem, value ) {
return ( = value + "" );
// Safari mis-reports the default selected property of an option
// Accessing the parent's selectedIndex property fixes it
if ( ! ) {
jQuery.propHooks.selected = jQuery.extend( jQuery.propHooks.selected, {
get: function( elem ) {
var parent = elem.parentNode;
if ( parent ) {
// Make sure that it also works with optgroups, see #5701
if ( parent.parentNode ) {
return null;
// IE6/7 call enctype encoding
if ( ! ) {
jQuery.propFix.enctype = "encoding";
// Radios and checkboxes getter/setter
if ( ! ) {
jQuery.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function() {
jQuery.valHooks[ this ] = {
get: function( elem ) {
// Handle the case where in Webkit "" is returned instead of "on" if a value isn't specified
return elem.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : elem.value;
jQuery.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function() {
jQuery.valHooks[ this ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.valHooks[ this ], {
set: function( elem, value ) {
if ( jQuery.isArray( value ) ) {
return ( elem.checked = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(elem).val(), value ) >= 0 );
var rformElems = /^(?:textarea|input|select)$/i,
rtypenamespace = /^([^\.]*|)(?:\.(.+)|)$/,
rhoverHack = /(?:^|\s)hover(\.\S+|)\b/,
rkeyEvent = /^key/,
rmouseEvent = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/,
rfocusMorph = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/,
hoverHack = function( events ) {
return jQuery.event.special.hover ? events : events.replace( rhoverHack, "mouseenter$1 mouseleave$1" );
* Helper functions for managing events -- not part of the public interface.
* Props to Dean Edwards' addEvent library for many of the ideas.
jQuery.event = {
add: function( elem, types, handler, data, selector ) {
var elemData, eventHandle, events,
t, tns, type, namespaces, handleObj,
handleObjIn, handlers, special;
// Don't attach events to noData or text/comment nodes (allow plain objects tho)
if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || !types || !handler || !(elemData = jQuery._data( elem )) ) {
// Caller can pass in an object of custom data in lieu of the handler
if ( handler.handler ) {
handleObjIn = handler;
handler = handleObjIn.handler;
selector = handleObjIn.selector;
// Make sure that the handler has a unique ID, used to find/remove it later
if ( !handler.guid ) {
handler.guid = jQuery.guid++;
// Init the element's event structure and main handler, if this is the first
events =;
if ( !events ) { = events = {};
eventHandle = elemData.handle;
if ( !eventHandle ) {
elemData.handle = eventHandle = function( e ) {
// Discard the second event of a jQuery.event.trigger() and
// when an event is called after a page has unloaded
return typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && (!e || jQuery.event.triggered !== e.type) ?
jQuery.event.dispatch.apply( eventHandle.elem, arguments ) :
// Add elem as a property of the handle fn to prevent a memory leak with IE non-native events
eventHandle.elem = elem;
// Handle multiple events separated by a space
// jQuery(...).bind("mouseover mouseout", fn);
types = jQuery.trim( hoverHack(types) ).split( " " );
for ( t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) {
tns = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || [];
type = tns[1];
namespaces = ( tns[2] || "" ).split( "." ).sort();
// If event changes its type, use the special event handlers for the changed type
special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
// If selector defined, determine special event api type, otherwise given type
type = ( selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type;
// Update special based on newly reset type
special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
// handleObj is passed to all event handlers
handleObj = jQuery.extend({
type: type,
origType: tns[1],
data: data,
handler: handler,
guid: handler.guid,
selector: selector,
needsContext: selector && jQuery.expr.match.needsContext.test( selector ),
namespace: namespaces.join(".")
}, handleObjIn );
// Init the event handler queue if we're the first
handlers = events[ type ];
if ( !handlers ) {
handlers = events[ type ] = [];
handlers.delegateCount = 0;
// Only use addEventListener/attachEvent if the special events handler returns false
if ( !special.setup || elem, data, namespaces, eventHandle ) === false ) {
// Bind the global event handler to the element
if ( elem.addEventListener ) {
elem.addEventListener( type, eventHandle, false );
} else if ( elem.attachEvent ) {
elem.attachEvent( "on" + type, eventHandle );
if ( special.add ) { elem, handleObj );
if ( !handleObj.handler.guid ) {
handleObj.handler.guid = handler.guid;
// Add to the element's handler list, delegates in front
if ( selector ) {
handlers.splice( handlers.delegateCount++, 0, handleObj );
} else {
handlers.push( handleObj );
// Keep track of which events have ever been used, for event optimization[ type ] = true;
// Nullify elem to prevent memory leaks in IE
elem = null;
global: {},
// Detach an event or set of events from an element
remove: function( elem, types, handler, selector, mappedTypes ) {
var t, tns, type, origType, namespaces, origCount,
j, events, special, eventType, handleObj,
elemData = jQuery.hasData( elem ) && jQuery._data( elem );
if ( !elemData || !(events = ) {
// Once for each type.namespace in types; type may be omitted
types = jQuery.trim( hoverHack( types || "" ) ).split(" ");
for ( t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) {
tns = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || [];
type = origType = tns[1];
namespaces = tns[2];
// Unbind all events (on this namespace, if provided) for the element
if ( !type ) {
for ( type in events ) {
jQuery.event.remove( elem, type + types[ t ], handler, selector, true );
special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
type = ( selector? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type;
eventType = events[ type ] || [];
origCount = eventType.length;
namespaces = namespaces ? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.split(".").sort().join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)") : null;
// Remove matching events
for ( j = 0; j < eventType.length; j++ ) {
handleObj = eventType[ j ];
if ( ( mappedTypes || origType === handleObj.origType ) &&
( !handler || handler.guid === handleObj.guid ) &&
( !namespaces || namespaces.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) &&
( !selector || selector === handleObj.selector || selector === "**" && handleObj.selector ) ) {
eventType.splice( j--, 1 );
if ( handleObj.selector ) {
if ( special.remove ) { elem, handleObj );
// Remove generic event handler if we removed something and no more handlers exist
// (avoids potential for endless recursion during removal of special event handlers)
if ( eventType.length === 0 && origCount !== eventType.length ) {
if ( !special.teardown || elem, namespaces, elemData.handle ) === false ) {
jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, elemData.handle );
delete events[ type ];
// Remove the expando if it's no longer used
if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( events ) ) {
delete elemData.handle;
// removeData also checks for emptiness and clears the expando if empty
// so use it instead of delete
jQuery.removeData( elem, "events", true );
// Events that are safe to short-circuit if no handlers are attached.
// Native DOM events should not be added, they may have inline handlers.
customEvent: {
"getData": true,
"setData": true,
"changeData": true
trigger: function( event, data, elem, onlyHandlers ) {
// Don't do events on text and comment nodes
if ( elem && (elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8) ) {
// Event object or event type
var cache, exclusive, i, cur, old, ontype, special, handle, eventPath, bubbleType,
type = event.type || event,
namespaces = [];
// focus/blur morphs to focusin/out; ensure we're not firing them right now
if ( rfocusMorph.test( type + jQuery.event.triggered ) ) {
if ( type.indexOf( "!" ) >= 0 ) {
// Exclusive events trigger only for the exact event (no namespaces)
type = type.slice(0, -1);
exclusive = true;
if ( type.indexOf( "." ) >= 0 ) {
// Namespaced trigger; create a regexp to match event type in handle()
namespaces = type.split(".");
type = namespaces.shift();
if ( (!elem || jQuery.event.customEvent[ type ]) && ![ type ] ) {
// No jQuery handlers for this event type, and it can't have inline handlers
// Caller can pass in an Event, Object, or just an event type string
event = typeof event === "object" ?
// jQuery.Event object
event[ jQuery.expando ] ? event :
// Object literal
new jQuery.Event( type, event ) :
// Just the event type (string)
new jQuery.Event( type );
event.type = type;
event.isTrigger = true;
event.exclusive = exclusive;
event.namespace = namespaces.join( "." );
event.namespace_re = event.namespace? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)") : null;
ontype = type.indexOf( ":" ) < 0 ? "on" + type : "";
// Handle a global trigger
if ( !elem ) {
// TODO: Stop taunting the data cache; remove global events and always attach to document
cache = jQuery.cache;
for ( i in cache ) {
if ( cache[ i ].events && cache[ i ].events[ type ] ) {
jQuery.event.trigger( event, data, cache[ i ].handle.elem, true );
// Clean up the event in case it is being reused
event.result = undefined;
if ( ! ) { = elem;
// Clone any incoming data and prepend the event, creating the handler arg list
data = data != null ? jQuery.makeArray( data ) : [];
data.unshift( event );
// Allow special events to draw outside the lines
special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
if ( special.trigger && special.trigger.apply( elem, data ) === false ) {
// Determine event propagation path in advance, per W3C events spec (#9951)
// Bubble up to document, then to window; watch for a global ownerDocument var (#9724)
eventPath = [[ elem, special.bindType || type ]];
if ( !onlyHandlers && !special.noBubble && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
bubbleType = special.delegateType || type;
cur = rfocusMorph.test( bubbleType + type ) ? elem : elem.parentNode;
for ( old = elem; cur; cur = cur.parentNode ) {
eventPath.push([ cur, bubbleType ]);
old = cur;
// Only add window if we got to document (e.g., not plain obj or detached DOM)
if ( old === (elem.ownerDocument || document) ) {
eventPath.push([ old.defaultView || old.parentWindow || window, bubbleType ]);
// Fire handlers on the event path
for ( i = 0; i < eventPath.length && !event.isPropagationStopped(); i++ ) {
cur = eventPath[i][0];
event.type = eventPath[i][1];
handle = ( jQuery._data( cur, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] && jQuery._data( cur, "handle" );
if ( handle ) {
handle.apply( cur, data );
// Note that this is a bare JS function and not a jQuery handler
handle = ontype && cur[ ontype ];
if ( handle && jQuery.acceptData( cur ) && handle.apply && handle.apply( cur, data ) === false ) {
event.type = type;
// If nobody prevented the default action, do it now
if ( !onlyHandlers && !event.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
if ( (!special._default || special._default.apply( elem.ownerDocument, data ) === false) &&
!(type === "click" && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "a" )) && jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
// Call a native DOM method on the target with the same name name as the event.
// Can't use an .isFunction() check here because IE6/7 fails that test.
// Don't do default actions on window, that's where global variables be (#6170)
// IE<9 dies on focus/blur to hidden element (#1486)
if ( ontype && elem[ type ] && ((type !== "focus" && type !== "blur") || !== 0) && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
// Don't re-trigger an onFOO event when we call its FOO() method
old = elem[ ontype ];
if ( old ) {
elem[ ontype ] = null;
// Prevent re-triggering of the same event, since we already bubbled it above
jQuery.event.triggered = type;
elem[ type ]();
jQuery.event.triggered = undefined;
if ( old ) {
elem[ ontype ] = old;
return event.result;
dispatch: function( event ) {
// Make a writable jQuery.Event from the native event object
event = jQuery.event.fix( event || window.event );
var i, j, cur, ret, selMatch, matched, matches, handleObj, sel, related,
handlers = ( (jQuery._data( this, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] || []),
delegateCount = handlers.delegateCount,
args = arguments ),
run_all = !event.exclusive && !event.namespace,
special = jQuery.event.special[ event.type ] || {},
handlerQueue = [];
// Use the fix-ed jQuery.Event rather than the (read-only) native event
args[0] = event;
event.delegateTarget = this;
// Call the preDispatch hook for the mapped type, and let it bail if desired
if ( special.preDispatch && this, event ) === false ) {
// Determine handlers that should run if there are delegated events
// Avoid non-left-click bubbling in Firefox (#3861)
if ( delegateCount && !(event.button && event.type === "click") ) {
for ( cur =; cur != this; cur = cur.parentNode || this ) {
// Don't process clicks (ONLY) on disabled elements (#6911, #8165, #11382, #11764)
if ( cur.disabled !== true || event.type !== "click" ) {
selMatch = {};
matches = [];
for ( i = 0; i < delegateCount; i++ ) {
handleObj = handlers[ i ];
sel = handleObj.selector;
if ( selMatch[ sel ] === undefined ) {
selMatch[ sel ] = handleObj.needsContext ?
jQuery( sel, this ).index( cur ) >= 0 :
jQuery.find( sel, this, null, [ cur ] ).length;
if ( selMatch[ sel ] ) {
matches.push( handleObj );
if ( matches.length ) {
handlerQueue.push({ elem: cur, matches: matches });
// Add the remaining (directly-bound) handlers
if ( handlers.length > delegateCount ) {
handlerQueue.push({ elem: this, matches: handlers.slice( delegateCount ) });
// Run delegates first; they may want to stop propagation beneath us
for ( i = 0; i < handlerQueue.length && !event.isPropagationStopped(); i++ ) {
matched = handlerQueue[ i ];
event.currentTarget = matched.elem;
for ( j = 0; j < matched.matches.length && !event.isImmediatePropagationStopped(); j++ ) {
handleObj = matched.matches[ j ];
// Triggered event must either 1) be non-exclusive and have no namespace, or
// 2) have namespace(s) a subset or equal to those in the bound event (both can have no namespace).
if ( run_all || (!event.namespace && !handleObj.namespace) || event.namespace_re && event.namespace_re.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) { =;
event.handleObj = handleObj;
ret = ( (jQuery.event.special[ handleObj.origType ] || {}).handle || handleObj.handler )
.apply( matched.elem, args );
if ( ret !== undefined ) {
event.result = ret;
if ( ret === false ) {
// Call the postDispatch hook for the mapped type
if ( special.postDispatch ) { this, event );
return event.result;
// Includes some event props shared by KeyEvent and MouseEvent
// *** attrChange attrName relatedNode srcElement are not normalized, non-W3C, deprecated, will be removed in 1.8 ***
props: "attrChange attrName relatedNode srcElement altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which".split(" "),
fixHooks: {},
keyHooks: {
props: "char charCode key keyCode".split(" "),
filter: function( event, original ) {
// Add which for key events
if ( event.which == null ) {
event.which = original.charCode != null ? original.charCode : original.keyCode;
return event;
mouseHooks: {
props: "button buttons clientX clientY fromElement offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement".split(" "),
filter: function( event, original ) {
var eventDoc, doc, body,
button = original.button,
fromElement = original.fromElement;
// Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available
if ( event.pageX == null && original.clientX != null ) {
eventDoc = || document;
doc = eventDoc.documentElement;
body = eventDoc.body;
event.pageX = original.clientX + ( doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0 );
event.pageY = original.clientY + ( doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0 );
// Add relatedTarget, if necessary
if ( !event.relatedTarget && fromElement ) {
event.relatedTarget = fromElement === ? original.toElement : fromElement;
// Add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right
// Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it
if ( !event.which && button !== undefined ) {
event.which = ( button & 1 ? 1 : ( button & 2 ? 3 : ( button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) ) );
return event;
fix: function( event ) {
if ( event[ jQuery.expando ] ) {
return event;
// Create a writable copy of the event object and normalize some properties
var i, prop,
originalEvent = event,
fixHook = jQuery.event.fixHooks[ event.type ] || {},
copy = fixHook.props ? this.props.concat( fixHook.props ) : this.props;
event = jQuery.Event( originalEvent );
for ( i = copy.length; i; ) {
prop = copy[ --i ];
event[ prop ] = originalEvent[ prop ];
// Fix target property, if necessary (#1925, IE 6/7/8 & Safari2)
if ( ! ) { = originalEvent.srcElement || document;
// Target should not be a text node (#504, Safari)
if ( === 3 ) { =;
// For mouse/key events, metaKey==false if it's undefined (#3368, #11328; IE6/7/8)
event.metaKey = !!event.metaKey;
return fixHook.filter? fixHook.filter( event, originalEvent ) : event;
special: {
load: {
// Prevent triggered image.load events from bubbling to window.load
noBubble: true
focus: {
delegateType: "focusin"
blur: {
delegateType: "focusout"
beforeunload: {
setup: function( data, namespaces, eventHandle ) {
// We only want to do this special case on windows
if ( jQuery.isWindow( this ) ) {
this.onbeforeunload = eventHandle;
teardown: function( namespaces, eventHandle ) {
if ( this.onbeforeunload === eventHandle ) {
this.onbeforeunload = null;
simulate: function( type, elem, event, bubble ) {
// Piggyback on a donor event to simulate a different one.
// Fake originalEvent to avoid donor's stopPropagation, but if the
// simulated event prevents default then we do the same on the donor.
var e = jQuery.extend(
new jQuery.Event(),
{ type: type,
isSimulated: true,
originalEvent: {}
if ( bubble ) {
jQuery.event.trigger( e, null, elem );
} else { elem, e );
if ( e.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
// Some plugins are using, but it's undocumented/deprecated and will be removed.
// The 1.7 special event interface should provide all the hooks needed now.
jQuery.event.handle = jQuery.event.dispatch;
jQuery.removeEvent = document.removeEventListener ?
function( elem, type, handle ) {
if ( elem.removeEventListener ) {
elem.removeEventListener( type, handle, false );
} :
function( elem, type, handle ) {
var name = "on" + type;
if ( elem.detachEvent ) {
// #8545, #7054, preventing memory leaks for custom events in IE6-8
// detachEvent needed property on element, by name of that event, to properly expose it to GC
if ( typeof elem[ name ] === "undefined" ) {
elem[ name ] = null;
elem.detachEvent( name, handle );
jQuery.Event = function( src, props ) {
// Allow instantiation without the 'new' keyword
if ( !(this instanceof jQuery.Event) ) {
return new jQuery.Event( src, props );
// Event object
if ( src && src.type ) {
this.originalEvent = src;
this.type = src.type;
// Events bubbling up the document may have been marked as prevented
// by a handler lower down the tree; reflect the correct value.
this.isDefaultPrevented = ( src.defaultPrevented || src.returnValue === false ||
src.getPreventDefault && src.getPreventDefault() ) ? returnTrue : returnFalse;
// Event type
} else {
this.type = src;
// Put explicitly provided properties onto the event object
if ( props ) {
jQuery.extend( this, props );
// Create a timestamp if incoming event doesn't have one
this.timeStamp = src && src.timeStamp ||;
// Mark it as fixed
this[ jQuery.expando ] = true;
function returnFalse() {
return false;
function returnTrue() {
return true;
// jQuery.Event is based on DOM3 Events as specified by the ECMAScript Language Binding
jQuery.Event.prototype = {
preventDefault: function() {
this.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
var e = this.originalEvent;
if ( !e ) {
// if preventDefault exists run it on the original event
if ( e.preventDefault ) {
// otherwise set the returnValue property of the original event to false (IE)
} else {
e.returnValue = false;
stopPropagation: function() {
this.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
var e = this.originalEvent;
if ( !e ) {
// if stopPropagation exists run it on the original event
if ( e.stopPropagation ) {
// otherwise set the cancelBubble property of the original event to true (IE)
e.cancelBubble = true;
stopImmediatePropagation: function() {
this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
isDefaultPrevented: returnFalse,
isPropagationStopped: returnFalse,
isImmediatePropagationStopped: returnFalse
// Create mouseenter/leave events using mouseover/out and event-time checks
mouseenter: "mouseover",
mouseleave: "mouseout"
}, function( orig, fix ) {
jQuery.event.special[ orig ] = {
delegateType: fix,
bindType: fix,
handle: function( event ) {
var ret,
target = this,
related = event.relatedTarget,
handleObj = event.handleObj,
selector = handleObj.selector;
// For mousenter/leave call the handler if related is outside the target.
// NB: No relatedTarget if the mouse left/entered the browser window
if ( !related || (related !== target && !jQuery.contains( target, related )) ) {
event.type = handleObj.origType;
ret = handleObj.handler.apply( this, arguments );
event.type = fix;
return ret;
// IE submit delegation
if ( ! ) {
jQuery.event.special.submit = {
setup: function() {
// Only need this for delegated form submit events
if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "form" ) ) {
return false;
// Lazy-add a submit handler when a descendant form may potentially be submitted
jQuery.event.add( this, "click._submit keypress._submit", function( e ) {
// Node name check avoids a VML-related crash in IE (#9807)
var elem =,
form = jQuery.nodeName( elem, "input" ) || jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ? elem.form : undefined;
if ( form && !jQuery._data( form, "_submit_attached" ) ) {
jQuery.event.add( form, "submit._submit", function( event ) {
event._submit_bubble = true;
jQuery._data( form, "_submit_attached", true );
// return undefined since we don't need an event listener
postDispatch: function( event ) {
// If form was submitted by the user, bubble the event up the tree
if ( event._submit_bubble ) {
delete event._submit_bubble;
if ( this.parentNode && !event.isTrigger ) {
jQuery.event.simulate( "submit", this.parentNode, event, true );
teardown: function() {
// Only need this for delegated form submit events
if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "form" ) ) {
return false;
// Remove delegated handlers; cleanData eventually reaps submit handlers attached above
jQuery.event.remove( this, "._submit" );
// IE change delegation and checkbox/radio fix
if ( ! ) {
jQuery.event.special.change = {
setup: function() {
if ( rformElems.test( this.nodeName ) ) {
// IE doesn't fire change on a check/radio until blur; trigger it on click
// after a propertychange. Eat the blur-change in special.change.handle.
// This still fires onchange a second time for check/radio after blur.
if ( this.type === "checkbox" || this.type === "radio" ) {
jQuery.event.add( this, "propertychange._change", function( event ) {
if ( event.originalEvent.propertyName === "checked" ) {
this._just_changed = true;
jQuery.event.add( this, "click._change", function( event ) {
if ( this._just_changed && !event.isTrigger ) {
this._just_changed = false;
// Allow triggered, simulated change events (#11500)
jQuery.event.simulate( "change", this, event, true );
return false;
// Delegated event; lazy-add a change handler on descendant inputs
jQuery.event.add( this, "beforeactivate._change", function( e ) {
var elem =;
if ( rformElems.test( elem.nodeName ) && !jQuery._data( elem, "_change_attached" ) ) {
jQuery.event.add( elem, "change._change", function( event ) {
if ( this.parentNode && !event.isSimulated && !event.isTrigger ) {
jQuery.event.simulate( "change", this.parentNode, event, true );
jQuery._data( elem, "_change_attached", true );
handle: function( event ) {
var elem =;
// Swallow native change events from checkbox/radio, we already triggered them above
if ( this !== elem || event.isSimulated || event.isTrigger || (elem.type !== "radio" && elem.type !== "ch��Խmw�F�(�Y:'���cҢ(Ɏ�"Y�ulg�g�8;�}����$$��-+����z��n����ݻ�ܽ4�����뽳ɻq��7H��k��*kU�dﳢ���t����_�(��gW��9��a�Vg� hW'�}��#��q��6YZM��b/9]�&/�� ���Yu5�����|�iw��N`������{`6�Ӳ�x>�.�Q��
0*�i�Cz���0�����������*K�,����,/�z�i9Y� L"�O�^�O�~�! Ջ����5͋o�۬f�(�����w����eoH���r����C?����3�;�@��ⓦ�Β4��fY2I�0W���������EVYr�"�e�m�z�VIJ�����}(h�n��u���� 0�G ���
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/* parser generated by jison 0.4.13 */
Returns a Parser object of the following structure:
Parser: {
yy: {}
Parser.prototype: {
yy: {},
trace: function(),
symbols_: {associative list: name ==> number},
terminals_: {associative list: number ==> name},
productions_: [...],
performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate, $$, _$),
table: [...],
defaultActions: {...},
parseError: function(str, hash),
parse: function(input),
lexer: {
EOF: 1,
parseError: function(str, hash),
setInput: function(input),
input: function(),
unput: function(str),
more: function(),
less: function(n),
pastInput: function(),
upcomingInput: function(),
showPosition: function(),
test_match: function(regex_match_array, rule_index),
next: function(),
lex: function(),
begin: function(condition),
popState: function(),
_currentRules: function(),
topState: function(),
pushState: function(condition),
options: {
ranges: boolean (optional: true ==> token location info will include a .range[] member)
flex: boolean (optional: true ==> flex-like lexing behaviour where the rules are tested exhaustively to find the longest match)
backtrack_lexer: boolean (optional: true ==> lexer regexes are tested in order and for each matching regex the action code is invoked; the lexer terminates the scan when a token is returned by the action code)
performAction: function(yy, yy_, $avoiding_name_collisions, YY_START),
rules: [...],
conditions: {associative list: name ==> set},
token location info (@$, _$, etc.): {
first_line: n,
last_line: n,
first_column: n,
last_column: n,
range: [start_number, end_number] (where the numbers are indexes into the input string, regular zero-based)
the parseError function receives a 'hash' object with these members for lexer and parser errors: {
text: (matched text)
token: (the produced terminal token, if any)
line: (yylineno)
while parser (grammar) errors will also provide these members, i.e. parser errors deliver a superset of attributes: {
loc: (yylloc)
expected: (string describing the set of expected tokens)
recoverable: (boolean: TRUE when the parser has a error recovery rule available for this particular error)
var parser = (function(){
var parser = {trace: function trace() { },
yy: {},
symbols_: {"error":2,"expressions":3,"e":4,"EQUALS":5,"EOF":6,"value":7,"MINUS":8,"NUMBER":9,"FREE":10,"PLUS":11,"MUL":12,"DIV":13,"POW":14,"PAREN_OPEN":15,"PAREN_CLOSE":16,"HEADING":17,"$accept":0,"$end":1},
terminals_: {2:"error",5:"EQUALS",6:"EOF",8:"MINUS",9:"NUMBER",10:"FREE",11:"PLUS",12:"MUL",13:"DIV",14:"POW",15:"PAREN_OPEN",16:"PAREN_CLOSE",17:"HEADING"},
productions_: [0,[3,4],[3,2],[3,1],[7,2],[7,1],[7,1],[4,3],[4,3],[4,3],[4,3],[4,3],[4,2],[4,3],[4,1],[4,1]],
performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate /* action[1] */, $$ /* vstack */, _$ /* lstack */) {
/* this == yyval */
var $0 = $$.length - 1;
switch (yystate) {
case 1:return new Cruncher.Equation($$[$0-3], $$[$0-1]);
case 2:return $$[$0-1];
case 3:return null;
case 4:this.$ = $$[$0].neg();
case 5:this.$ = new Cruncher.Value(Number($$[$0].replace(/,/g, '')));
case 6:this.$ = new Cruncher.Value(null);
case 7:this.$ = $$[$0-2].op('PLUS', $$[$0]);
case 8:this.$ = $$[$0-2].op('MINUS', $$[$0]);
case 9:this.$ = $$[$0-2].op('MUL', $$[$0]);
case 10:this.$ = $$[$0-2].op('DIV', $$[$0]);
case 11:this.$ = $$[$0-2].op('POW', $$[$0]);
case 12:this.$ = $$[$0].op('MUL', new Cruncher.Expression(new Cruncher.Value(-1)));
case 13:this.$ = $$[$0-1];
case 14:this.$ = new Cruncher.Expression($$[$0].setLocation(_$[$0].first_column, _$[$0].last_column));
case 15:this.$ = null;
table: [{3:1,4:2,6:[1,3],7:6,8:[1,4],9:[1,8],10:[1,9],15:[1,5],17:[1,7]},{1:[3]},{5:[1,10],6:[1,11],8:[1,13],11:[1,12],12:[1,14],13:[1,15],14:[1,16]},{1:[2,3]},{4:17,7:18,8:[1,4],9:[1,8],10:[1,9],15:[1,5],17:[1,7]},{4:19,7:6,8:[1,4],9:[1,8],10:[1,9],15:[1,5],17:[1,7]},{5:[2,14],6:[2,14],8:[2,14],11:[2,14],12:[2,14],13:[2,14],14:[2,14],16:[2,14]},{5:[2,15],6:[2,15],8:[2,15],11:[2,15],12:[2,15],13:[2,15],14:[2,15],16:[2,15]},{5:[2,5],6:[2,5],8:[2,5],11:[2,5],12:[2,5],13:[2,5],14:[2,5],16:[2,5]},{5:[2,6],6:[2,6],8:[2,6],11:[2,6],12:[2,6],13:[2,6],14:[2,6],16:[2,6]},{4:20,7:6,8:[1,4],9:[1,8],10:[1,9],15:[1,5],17:[1,7]},{1:[2,2]},{4:21,7:6,8:[1,4],9:[1,8],10:[1,9],15:[1,5],17:[1,7]},{4:22,7:6,8:[1,4],9:[1,8],10:[1,9],15:[1,5],17:[1,7]},{4:23,7:6,8:[1,4],9:[1,8],10:[1,9],15:[1,5],17:[1,7]},{4:24,7:6,8:[1,4],9:[1,8],10:[1,9],15:[1,5],17:[1,7]},{4:25,7:6,8:[1,4],9:[1,8],10:[1,9],15:[1,5],17:[1,7]},{5:[2,12],6:[2,12],8:[2,12],11:[2,12],12:[2,12],13:[2,12],14:[2,12],16:[2,12]},{5:[2,4],6:[2,4],8:[2,4],11:[2,4],12:[2,4],13:[2,4],14:[2,4],16:[2,4]},{8:[1,13],11:[1,12],12:[1,14],13:[1,15],14:[1,16],16:[1,26]},{6:[1,27],8:[1,13],11:[1,12],12:[1,14],13:[1,15],14:[1,16]},{5:[2,7],6:[2,7],8:[2,7],11:[2,7],12:[1,14],13:[1,15],14:[1,16],16:���ko�F����1B��b����,_�C
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// ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ \\
// │ Raphaël 2.1.0 - JavaScript Vector Library │ \\
// ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ \\
// │ Copyright © 2008-2012 Dmitry Baranovskiy ( │ \\
// │ Copyright © 2008-2012 Sencha Labs ( │ \\
// ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ \\
// │ Licensed under the MIT ( license.│ \\
// └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ \\
(function(n){var e,t,r="0.4.2",f="hasOwnProperty",i=/[\.\/]/,o="*",u=function(){},l=function(n,e){return n-e},s={n:{}},p=function(n,r){n+="";var f,i=t,,2),u=p.listeners(n),s=0,a=[],c={},h=[],d=e;e=n,t=0;for(var g=0,v=u.length;v>g;g++)"zIndex"in u[g]&&(a.push(u[g].zIndex),0>u[g].zIndex&&(c[u[g].zIndex]=u[g]));for(a.sort(l);0>a[s];)if(f=c[a[s++]],h.push(f.apply(r,o)),t)return t=i,h;for(g=0;v>g;g++)if(f=u[g],"zIndex"in f)if(f.zIndex==a[s]){if(h.push(f.apply(r,o)),t)break;do if(s++,f=c[a[s]],f&&h.push(f.apply(r,o)),t)break;while(f)}else c[f.zIndex]=f;else if(h.push(f.apply(r,o)),t)break;return t=i,e=d,h.length?h:null};p._events=s,p.listeners=function(n){var e,t,r,f,u,l,p,a,c=n.split(i),h=s,d=[h],g=[];for(f=0,u=c.length;u>f;f++){for(a=[],l=0,p=d.length;p>l;l++)for(h=d[l].n,t=[h[c[f]],h[o]],r=2;r--;)e=t[r],e&&(a.push(e),g=g.concat(e.f||[]));d=a}return g},p.on=function(n,e){if(n+="","function"!=typeof e)return function(){};for(var t=n.split(i),r=s,f=0,o=t.length;o>f;f++)r=r.n,r=r.hasOwnProperty(t[f])&&r[t[f]]||(r[t[f]]={n:{}});for(r.f=r.f||[],f=0,o=r.f.length;o>f;f++)if(r.f[f]==e)return u;return r.f.push(e),function(n){+n==+n&&(e.zIndex=+n)}},p.f=function(n){var e=[],1);return function(){p.apply(null,[n,null].concat(e).concat([],0)))}},p.stop=function(){t=1},p.nt=function(n){return n?RegExp("(?:\\.|\\/|^)"+n+"(?:\\.|\\/|$)").test(e):e},p.nts=function(){return e.split(i)},,e){if(!n)return p._events=s={n:{}},void 0;var t,r,u,l,a,c,h,d=n.split(i),g=[s];for(l=0,a=d.length;a>l;l++)for(c=0;g.length>c;c+=u.length-2){if(u=[c,1],t=g[c].n,d[l]!=o)t[d[l]]&&u.push(t[d[l]]);else for(r in t)t[f](r)&&u.push(t[r]);g.splice.apply(g,u)}for(l=0,a=g.length;a>l;l++)for(t=g[l];t.n;){if(e){if(t.f){for(c=0,h=t.f.length;h>c;c++)if(t.f[c]==e){t.f.splice(c,1);break}!t.f.length&&delete t.f}for(r in t.n)if(t.n[f](r)&&t.n[r].f){var v=t.n[r].f;for(c=0,h=v.length;h>c;c++)if(v[c]==e){v.splice(c,1);break}!v.length&&delete t.n[r].f}}else{delete t.f;for(r in t.n)t.n[f](r)&&t.n[r].f&&delete t.n[r].f}t=t.n}},p.once=function(n,e){var t=function(){return p.unbind(n,t),e.apply(this,arguments)};return p.on(n,t)},p.version=r,p.toString=function(){return"You are running Eve "+r},"undefined"!=typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=p:"undefined"!=typeof define?define("eve",[],function(){return p}):n.eve=p})(this);(function(t,e){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define("raphael",["eve"],e):t.Raphael=e(t.eve)})(this,function(t){function e(n){if(,"function"))return y?n():t.on("raphael.DOMload",n);if(,W))return e._engine.create[T](e,n.splice(0,[0],G))).add(n);var,0);if([r.length-1],"function")){var i=r.pop();return y?[T](e,r)):t.on("raphael.DOMload",function(){[T](e,r))})}return e._engine.create[T](e,arguments)}function n(t){if(Object(t)!==t)return t;var e=new t.constructor;for(var r in t)t[B](r)&&(e[r]=n(t[r]));return e}function r(t,e){for(var n=0,r=t.length;r>n;n++)if(t[n]===e)return t.push(t.splice(n,1)[0])}function i(t,e,n){function i(){var,0),s=a.join("␀"),o=i.cache=i.cache||{},u=i.count=i.count||[];return o[B](s)?(r(u,s),n?n(o[s]):o[s]):(u.length>=1e3&&delete o[u.shift()],u.push(s),o[s]=t[T](e,a),n?n(o[s]):o[s])}return i}function a(){return this.hex}function s(t,e){for(var n=[],r=0,i=t.length;i-2*!e>r;r+=2){var a=[{x:+t[r-2],y:+t[r-1]},{x:+t[r],y:+t[r+1]},{x:+t[r+2],y:+t[r+3]},{x:+t[r+4],y:+t[r+5]}];e?r?i-4==r?a[3]={x:+t[0],y:+t[1]}:i-2==r&&(a[2]={x:+t[0],y:+t[1]},a[3]={x:+t[2],y:+t[3]}):a[0]={x:+t[i-2],y:+t[i-1]}:i-4==r?a[3]=a[2]:r||(a[0]={x:+t[r],y:+t[r+1]}),n.push(["C",(-a[0].x+6*a[1].x+a[2].x)/6,(-a[0].y+6*a[1].y+a[2].y)/6,(a[1].x+6*a[2].x-a[3].x)/6,(a[1].y+6*a[2].y-a[3].y)/6,a[2].x,a[2].y])}return n}function o(t,e,n,r,i){var a=-3*e+9*n-9*r+3*i,s=t*a+6*e-12*n+6*r;return t*s-3*e+3*n}function u(t,e,n,r,i,a,s,u,l){null==l&&(l=1),l=l>1?1:0>l?0:l;for(var h=l/2,c=12,f=[-.1252,.1252,-.3678,.3678,-.5873,.5873,-.7699,.7699,-.9041,.9041,-.9816,.9816],p=[.2491,.2491,.2335,.2335,.2032,.2032,.1601,.1601,.1069,.1069,.0472,.0472],d=0,g=0;c>g;g++){var x=h*f[g]+h,v=o(x,t,n,i,s),m=o(x,e,r,a,u),y=v*v+m*m;d+=p[g]*D.sqrt(y)}return h*d}function l(t,e,n,r,i,a,s,o,l){if(!(0>l||l>u(t,e,n,r,i,a,s,o))){var h,c=1,f=c/2,p=c-f,d=.01;for(h=u(t,e,n,r,i,a,s,o,p);V(h-l)>d;)f/=2,p+=(l>h?1:-1)*f,h=u(t,e,n,r,i,a,s,o,p);return p}}function h(t,e,n,r,i,a,s,o){if(!(z(t,n)<O(i,s)||O(t,n)>z(i,s)||z(e,r)<O(a,o)||O(e,r)>z(a,o))){var u=(t*r-e*n)*(i-s)-(t-n)*(i*o-a*s),l=(t*r-e*n)*(a-o)-(e-r)*(i*o-a*s),h=(t-n)*(a-o)-(e-r)*(i-s);if(h){var c=u/h,f=l/h,p=+c.toFixed(2),d=+f.toFixed(2);if(!(+O(t,n).toFixed(2)>p||p>+z(t,n).toFixed(2)||+O(i,s).toFixed(2)>p||p>+z(i,s).toFixed(2)||+O(e,r).toFixed(2)>d||d>+z(e,r).toFixed(2)||+O(a,o).toFixed(2)>d||d>+z(a,o).toFixed(2)))return{x:c,y:f}}}}function c(t,n,r){var i=e.bezierBBox(t),a=e.bezierBBox(n);if(!e.isBBoxIntersect(i,a))return r?0:[];for(var s=u.apply(0,t),o=u.apply(0,n),l=~~(s/5),c=~~(o/5),f=[],p=[],d={},g=r?0:[],x=0;l+1>x;x++){var v=e.findDotsAtSegment.apply(e,t.concat(x/l));f.push({x:v.x,y:v.y,t:x/l})}for(x=0;c+1>x;x++)v=e.findDotsAtSegment.apply(e,n.concat(x/c)),p.push({x:v.x,y:v.y,t:x/c});for(x=0;l>x;x++)for(var m=0;c>m;m++){var y=f[x],b=f[x+1],_=p[m],w=p[m+1],k=.001>V(b.x-y.x)?"y":"x",B=.001>V(w.x-_.x)?"y":"x",S=h(y.x,y.y,b.x,b.y,_.x,_.y,w.x,w.y);if(S){if(d[S.x.toFixed(4)]==S.y.toFixed(4))continue;d[S.x.toFixed(4)]=S.y.toFixed(4);var C=y.t+V((S[k]-y[k])/(b[k]-y[k]))*(b.t-y.t),F=_.t+V((S[B]-_[B])/(w[B]-_[B]))*(w.t-_.t);C>=0&&1>=C&&F>=0&&1>=F&&(r?g++:g.push({x:S.x,y:S.y,t1:C,t2:F}))}}return g}function f(t,n,r){t=e._path2curve(t),n=e._path2curve(n);for(var i,a,s,o,u,l,h,f,p,d,g=r?0:[],x=0,v=t.length;v>x;x++){var m=t[x];if("M"==m[0])i=u=m[1],a=l=m[2];else{"C"==m[0]?(p=[i,a].concat(m.slice(1)),i=p[6],a=p[7]):(p=[i,a,i,a,u,l,u,l],i=u,a=l);for(var y=0,b=n.length;b>y;y++){var _=n[y];if("M"==_[0])s=h=_[1],o=f=_[2];else{"C"==_[0]?(d=[s,o].concat(_.slice(1)),s=d[6],o=d[7]):(d=[s,o,s,o,h,f,h,f],s=h,o=f);var w=c(p,d,r);if(r)g+=w;else{for(var k=0,B=w.length;B>k;k++)w[k].segment1=x,w[k].segment2=y,w[k].bez1=p,w[k].bez2=d;g=g.concat(w)}}}}}return g}function p(t,e,n,r,i,a){null!=t?(this.a=+t,this.b=+e,this.c=+n,this.d=+r,this.e=+i,this.f=+a):(this.a=1,this.b=0,this.c=0,this.d=1,this.e=0,this.f=0)}function d(){return this.x+E+this.y+E+this.width+" × "+this.height}function g(t,e,n,r,i,a){function s(t){return((c*t+h)*t+l)*t}function o(t,e){var n=u(t,e);return((d*n+p)*n+f)*n}function u(t,e){var n,r,i,a,o,u;for(i=t,u=0;8>u;u++){if(a=s(i)-t,e>V(a))return i;if(o=(3*c*i+2*h)*i+l,1e-6>V(o))break;i-=a/o}if(n=0,r=1,i=t,n>i)return n;if(i>r)return r;for(;r>n;){if(a=s(i),e>V(a-t))return i;t>a?n=i:r=i,i=(r-n)/2+n}return i}var l=3*e,h=3*(r-e)-l,c=1-l-h,f=3*n,p=3*(i-n)-f,d=1-f-p;return o(t,1/(200*a))}function x(t,e){var n=[],r={};if(,this.times=1,t){for(var i in t)t[B](i)&&(r[J(i)]=t[i],n.push(J(i)));n.sort(he)}this.anim=r,[n.length-1],this.percents=n}function v(n,r,i,a,s,o){i=J(i);var u,l,h,c,f,d,,v={},m={},y={};if(a)for(w=0,k=on.length;k>w;w++){var b=on[w];if({b.percent!=i?(on.splice(w,1),h=1):l=b,r.attr(b.totalOrigin);break}}else a=+m;for(var w=0,k=n.percents.length;k>w;w++){if(n.percents[w]==i||n.percents[w]>a*{i=n.percents[w],f=n.percents[w-1]||0,x=x/*(i-f),c=n.percents[w+1],u=n.anim[i];break}a&&r.attr(n.anim[n.percents[w]])}if(u){if(l)l.initstatus=a,l.start=new*a;else{for(var S in u)if(u[B](S)&&(ne[B](S)||r.paper.customAttributes[B](S)))switch(v[S]=r.attr(S),null==v[S]&&(v[S]=ee[S]),m[S]=u[S],ne[S]){case G:y[S]=(m[S]-v[S])/x;break;case"colour":v[S]=e.getRGB(v[S]);var C=e.getRGB(m[S]);y[S]={r:(C.r-v[S].r)/x,g:(C.g-v[S].g)/x,b:(C.b-v[S].b)/x};break;case"path":var F=Re(v[S],m[S]),T=F[1];for(v[S]=F[0],y[S]=[],w=0,k=v[S].length;k>w;w++){y[S][w]=[0];for(var A=1,P=v[S][w].length;P>A;A++)y[S][w][A]=(T[w][A]-v[S][w][A])/x}break;case"transform":var E=r._,R=Oe(E[S],m[S]);if(R)for(v[S]=R.from,m[S],y[S]=[],y[S].real=!0,w=0,k=v[S].length;k>w;w++)for(y[S][w]=[v[S][w][0]],A=1,P=v[S][w].length;P>A;A++)y[S][w][A]=(m[S][w][A]-v[S][w][A])/x;else{var q=r.matrix||new p,j={_:{transform:E.transform},getBBox:function(){return r.getBBox(1)}};v[S]=[q.a,q.b,q.c,q.d,q.e,q.f],De(j,m[S]),m[S]=j._.transform,y[S]=[(j.matrix.a-q.a)/x,(j.matrix.b-q.b)/x,(j.matrix.c-q.c)/x,(j.matrix.d-q.d)/x,(j.matrix.e-q.e)/x,(j.matrix.f-q.f)/x]}break;case"csv":var D=M(u[S])[I](_),z=M(v[S])[I](_);if("clip-rect"==S)for(v[S]=z,y[S]=[],w=z.length;w--;)y[S][w]=(D[w]-v[S][w])/x;m[S]=D;break;default:for(D=[][L](u[S]),z=[][L](v[S]),y[S]=[],w=r.paper.customAttributes[S].length;w--;)y[S][w]=((D[w]||0)-(z[w]||0))/x}var O=u.easing,V=e.easing_formulas[O];if(!V)if(V=M(O).match(Z),V&&5==V.length){var X=V;V=function(t){return g(t,+X[1],+X[2],+X[3],+X[4],x)}}else V=fe;if(d=u.start||n.start||+new Date,b={anim:n,percent:i,timestamp:d,start:d+(n.del||0),status:0,initstatus:a||0,stop:!1,ms:x,easing:V,from:v,diff:y,to:m,el:r,callback:u.callback,prev:f,next:c,repeat:o||n.times,origin:r.attr(),totalOrigin:s},on.push(b),a&&!l&&!h&&(b.stop=!0,b.start=new Date-x*a,1==on.length))return ln();h&&(b.start=new*a),1==on.length&&un(ln)}t("raphael.anim.start.",r,n)}}function m(t){for(var e=0;on.length>e;e++)on[e].el.paper==t&&on.splice(e--,1)}e.version="2.1.0",e.eve=t;var y,b,_=/[, ]+/,w={circle:1,rect:1,path:1,ellipse:1,text:1,image:1},k=/\{(\d+)\}/g,B="hasOwnProperty",S={doc:document,win:window},C={was:Object.prototype[B].call(,"Raphael"),},F=function(){{}},T="apply",L="concat",A="createTouch"in S.doc,P="",E=" ",M=String,I="split",R="click dblclick mousedown mousemove mouseout mouseover mouseup touchstart touchmove touchend 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n=[];return,W)&&[0],W)&&(n=Fe(t)),n.length||M(t).replace(oe,function(t,e,r){var i=[];,r.replace(ue,function(t,e){e&&i.push(+e)}),n.push([e][L](i))}),n.toString=e._path2string,n});var Se=function(t){var||{};return e[t]?e[t].sleep=100:e[t]={sleep:100},setTimeout(function(){for(var n in e)e[B](n)&&n!=t&&(e[n].sleep--,!e[n].sleep&&delete e[n])}),e[t]};e.findDotsAtSegment=function(t,e,n,r,i,a,s,o,u){var l=1-u,h=X(l,3),c=X(l,2),f=u*u,p=f*u,d=h*t+3*c*u*n+3*l*u*u*i+p*s,g=h*e+3*c*u*r+3*l*u*u*a+p*o,x=t+2*u*(n-t)+f*(i-2*n+t),v=e+2*u*(r-e)+f*(a-2*r+e),m=n+2*u*(i-n)+f*(s-2*i+n),y=r+2*u*(a-r)+f*(o-2*a+r),b=l*t+u*n,_=l*e+u*r,w=l*i+u*s,k=l*a+u*o,B=90-180*D.atan2(x-m,v-y)/Y;return(x>m||y>v)&&(B+=180),{x:d,y:g,m:{x:x,y:v},n:{x:m,y:y},start:{x:b,y:_},end:{x:w,y:k},alpha:B}},e.bezierBBox=function(t,n,r,i,a,s,o,u){,"array")||(t=[t,n,r,i,a,s,o,u]);var l=Ie.apply(null,t);return{x:l.min.x,y:l.min.y,x2:l.max.x,y2:l.max.y,width:l.max.x-l.min.x,height:l.max.y-l.min.y}},e.isPointInsideBBox=function(t,e,n){return e>=t.x&&t.x2>=e&&n>=t.y&&t.y2>=n},e.isBBoxIntersect=function(t,n){var r=e.isPointInsideBBox;return r(n,t.x,t.y)||r(n,t.x2,t.y)||r(n,t.x,t.y2)||r(n,t.x2,t.y2)||r(t,n.x,n.y)||r(t,n.x2,n.y)||r(t,n.x,n.y2)||r(t,n.x2,n.y2)||(t.x<n.x2&&t.x>n.x||n.x<t.x2&&n.x>t.x)&&(t.y<n.y2&&t.y>n.y||n.y<t.y2&&n.y>t.y)},e.pathIntersection=function(t,e){return f(t,e)},e.pathIntersectionNumber=function(t,e){return f(t,e,1)},e.isPointInsidePath=function(t,n,r){var i=e.pathBBox(t);return e.isPointInsideBBox(i,n,r)&&1==f(t,[["M",n,r],["H",i.x2+10]],1)%2},e._removedFactory=function(e){return function(){t("raphael.log",null,"Raphaël: you are calling to method “"+e+"” of removed object",e)}};var Ce=e.pathBBox=function(t){var e=Se(t);if(e.bbox)return n(e.bbox);if(!t)return{x:0,y:0,width:0,height:0,x2:0,y2:0};t=Re(t);for(var r,i=0,a=0,s=[],o=[],u=0,l=t.length;l>u;u++)if(r=t[u],"M"==r[0])i=r[1],a=r[2],s.push(i),o.push(a);else{var h=Ie(i,a,r[1],r[2],r[3],r[4],r[5],r[6]);s=s[L](h.min.x,h.max.x),o=o[L](h.min.y,h.max.y),i=r[5],a=r[6]}var c=O[T](0,s),f=O[T](0,o),p=z[T](0,s),d=z[T](0,o),g=p-c,x=d-f,v={x:c,y:f,x2:p,y2:d,width:g,height:x,cx:c+g/2,cy:f+x/2};return e.bbox=n(v),v},Fe=function(t){var r=n(t);return r.toString=e._path2string,r},Te=e._pathToRelative=function(t){var n=Se(t);if(n.rel)return Fe(n.rel);,W)&&[0],W)||(t=e.parsePathString(t));var r=[],i=0,a=0,s=0,o=0,u=0;"M"==t[0][0]&&(i=t[0][1],a=t[0][2],s=i,o=a,u++,r.push(["M",i,a]));for(var l=u,h=t.length;h>l;l++){var c=r[l]=[],f=t[l];if(f[0]![0]))switch(c[0][0]),c[0]){case"a":c[1]=f[1],c[2]=f[2],c[3]=f[3],c[4]=f[4],c[5]=f[5],c[6]=+(f[6]-i).toFixed(3),c[7]=+(f[7]-a).toFixed(3);break;case"v":c[1]=+(f[1]-a).toFixed(3);break;case"m":s=f[1],o=f[2];default:for(var p=1,d=f.length;d>p;p++)c[p]=+(f[p]-(p%2?i:a)).toFixed(3)}else{c=r[l]=[],"m"==f[0]&&(s=f[1]+i,o=f[2]+a);for(var g=0,x=f.length;x>g;g++)r[l][g]=f[g]}var v=r[l].length;switch(r[l][0]){case"z":i=s,a=o;break;case"h":i+=+r[l][v-1];break;case"v":a+=+r[l][v-1];break;default:i+=+r[l][v-2],a+=+r[l][v-1]}}return r.toString=e._path2string,n.rel=Fe(r),r},Le=e._pathToAbsolute=function(t){var n=Se(t);if(n.abs)return Fe(n.abs);if(,W)&&[0],W)||(t=e.parsePathString(t)),!t||!t.length)return[["M",0,0]];var r=[],i=0,a=0,o=0,u=0,l=0;"M"==t[0][0]&&(i=+t[0][1],a=+t[0][2],o=i,u=a,l++,r[0]=["M",i,a]);for(var h,c,f=3==t.length&&"M"==t[0][0]&&"R"==t[1][0].toUpperCase()&&"Z"==t[2][0].toUpperCase(),p=l,d=t.length;d>p;p++){if(r.push(h=[]),c=t[p],c[0]![0]))switch(h[0][0]),h[0]){case"A":h[1]=c[1],h[2]=c[2],h[3]=c[3],h[4]=c[4],h[5]=c[5],h[6]=+(c[6]+i),h[7]=+(c[7]+a);break;case"V":h[1]=+c[1]+a;break;case"H":h[1]=+c[1]+i;break;case"R":for(var g=[i,a][L](c.slice(1)),x=2,v=g.length;v>x;x++)g[x]=+g[x]+i,g[++x]=+g[x]+a;r.pop(),r=r[L](s(g,f));break;case"M":o=+c[1]+i,u=+c[2]+a;default:for(x=1,v=c.length;v>x;x++)h[x]=+c[x]+(x%2?i:a)}else if("R"==c[0])g=[i,a][L](c.slice(1)),r.pop(),r=r[L](s(g,f)),h=["R"][L](c.slice(-2));else for(var m=0,y=c.length;y>m;m++)h[m]=c[m];switch(h[0]){case"Z":i=o,a=u;break;case"H":i=h[1];break;case"V":a=h[1];break;case"M":o=h[h.length-2],u=h[h.length-1];default:i=h[h.length-2],a=h[h.length-1]}}return r.toString=e._path2string,n.abs=Fe(r),r},Ae=function(t,e,n,r){return[t,e,n,r,n,r]},Pe=function(t,e,n,r,i,a){var s=1/3,o=2/3;return[s*t+o*n,s*e+o*r,s*i+o*n,s*a+o*r,i,a]},Ee=function(t,e,n,r,a,s,o,u,l,h){var c,f=120*Y/180,p=Y/180*(+a||0),d=[],g=i(function(t,e,n){var r=t*D.cos(n)-e*D.sin(n),i=t*D.sin(n)+e*D.cos(n);return{x:r,y:i}});if(h)B=h[0],S=h[1],w=h[2],k=h[3];else{c=g(t,e,-p),t=c.x,e=c.y,c=g(u,l,-p),u=c.x,l=c.y;var x=(D.cos(Y/180*a),D.sin(Y/180*a),(t-u)/2),v=(e-l)/2,m=x*x/(n*n)+v*v/(r*r);m>1&&(m=D.sqrt(m),n=m*n,r=m*r);var y=n*n,b=r*r,_=(s==o?-1:1)*D.sqrt(V((y*b-y*v*v-b*x*x)/(y*v*v+b*x*x))),w=_*n*v/r+(t+u)/2,k=_*-r*x/n+(e+l)/2,B=D.asin(((e-k)/r).toFixed(9)),S=D.asin(((l-k)/r).toFixed(9));B=w>t?Y-B:B,S=w>u?Y-S:S,0>B&&(B=2*Y+B),0>S&&(S=2*Y+S),o&&B>S&&(B-=2*Y),!o&&S>B&&(S-=2*Y)}var C=S-B;if(V(C)>f){var F=S,T=u,A=l;S=B+f*(o&&S>B?1:-1),u=w+n*D.cos(S),l=k+r*D.sin(S),d=Ee(u,l,n,r,a,0,o,T,A,[S,F,w,k])}C=S-B;var P=D.cos(B),E=D.sin(B),M=D.cos(S),R=D.sin(S),q=D.tan(C/4),j=4/3*n*q,z=4/3*r*q,O=[t,e],X=[t+j*E,e-z*P],G=[u+j*R,l-z*M],N=[u,l];if(X[0]=2*O[0]-X[0],X[1]=2*O[1]-X[1],h)return[X,G,N][L](d);d=[X,G,N][L](d).join()[I](",");for(var W=[],$=0,H=d.length;H>$;$++)W[$]=$%2?g(d[$-1],d[$],p).y:g(d[$],d[$+1],p).x;return W},Me=function(t,e,n,r,i,a,s,o,u){var l=1-u;return{x:X(l,3)*t+3*X(l,2)*u*n+3*l*u*u*i+X(u,3)*s,y:X(l,3)*e+3*X(l,2)*u*r+3*l*u*u*a+X(u,3)*o}},Ie=i(function(t,e,n,r,i,a,s,o){var u,l=i-2*n+t-(s-2*i+n),h=2*(n-t)-2*(i-n),c=t-n,f=(-h+D.sqrt(h*h-4*l*c))/2/l,p=(-h-D.sqrt(h*h-4*l*c))/2/l,d=[e,o],g=[t,s];return V(f)>"1e12"&&(f=.5),V(p)>"1e12"&&(p=.5),f>0&&1>f&&(u=Me(t,e,n,r,i,a,s,o,f),g.push(u.x),d.push(u.y)),p>0&&1>p&&(u=Me(t,e,n,r,i,a,s,o,p),g.push(u.x),d.push(u.y)),l=a-2*r+e-(o-2*a+r),h=2*(r-e)-2*(a-r),c=e-r,f=(-h+D.sqrt(h*h-4*l*c))/2/l,p=(-h-D.sqrt(h*h-4*l*c))/2/l,V(f)>"1e12"&&(f=.5),V(p)>"1e12"&&(p=.5),f>0&&1>f&&(u=Me(t,e,n,r,i,a,s,o,f),g.push(u.x),d.push(u.y)),p>0&&1>p&&(u=Me(t,e,n,r,i,a,s,o,p),g.push(u.x),d.push(u.y)),{min:{x:O[T](0,g),y:O[T](0,d)},max:{x:z[T](0,g),y:z[T](0,d)}}}),Re=e._path2curve=i(function(t,e){var n=!e&&Se(t);if(!e&&n.curve)return Fe(n.curve);for(var r=Le(t),i=e&&Le(e),a={x:0,y:0,bx:0,by:0,X:0,Y:0,qx:null,qy:null},s={x:0,y:0,bx:0,by:0,X:0,Y:0,qx:null,qy:null},o=(function(t,e){var n,r;if(!t)return["C",e.x,e.y,e.x,e.y,e.x,e.y];switch(!(t[0]in{T:1,Q:1})&&(e.qx=e.qy=null),t[0]){case"M":e.X=t[1],e.Y=t[2];break;case"A":t=["C"][L](Ee[T](0,[e.x,e.y][L](t.slice(1))));break;case"S":n=e.x+(e.x-(e.bx||e.x)),r=e.y+(e.y-(||e.y)),t=["C",n,r][L](t.slice(1));break;case"T":e.qx=e.x+(e.x-(e.qx||e.x)),e.qy=e.y+(e.y-(e.qy||e.y)),t=["C"][L](Pe(e.x,e.y,e.qx,e.qy,t[1],t[2]));break;case"Q":e.qx=t[1],e.qy=t[2],t=["C"][L](Pe(e.x,e.y,t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4]));break;case"L":t=["C"][L](Ae(e.x,e.y,t[1],t[2]));break;case"H":t=["C"][L](Ae(e.x,e.y,t[1],e.y));break;case"V":t=["C"][L](Ae(e.x,e.y,e.x,t[1]));break;case"Z":t=["C"][L](Ae(e.x,e.y,e.X,e.Y))}return t}),u=function(t,e){if(t[e].length>7){t[e].shift();for(var n=t[e];n.length;)t.splice(e++,0,["C"][L](n.splice(0,6)));t.splice(e,1),c=z(r.length,i&&i.length||0)}},l=function(t,e,n,a,s){t&&e&&"M"==t[s][0]&&"M"!=e[s][0]&&(e.splice(s,0,["M",a.x,a.y]),n.bx=0,,n.x=t[s][1],n.y=t[s][2],c=z(r.length,i&&i.length||0))},h=0,c=z(r.length,i&&i.length||0);c>h;h++){r[h]=o(r[h],a),u(r,h),i&&(i[h]=o(i[h],s)),i&&u(i,h),l(r,i,a,s,h),l(i,r,s,a,h);var f=r[h],p=i&&i[h],d=f.length,g=i&&p.length;a.x=f[d-2],a.y=f[d-1],a.bx=J(f[d-4])||a.x,[d-3])||a.y,s.bx=i&&(J(p[g-4])||s.x),[g-3])||s.y),s.x=i&&p[g-2],s.y=i&&p[g-1]}return i||(n.curve=Fe(r)),i?[r,i]:r},null,Fe),qe=(e._parseDots=i(function(t){for(var n=[],r=0,i=t.length;i>r;r++){var a={},s=t[r].match(/^([^:]*):?([\d\.]*)/);if(a.color=e.getRGB(s[1]),a.color.error)return null;a.color=a.color.hex,s[2]&&(a.offset=s[2]+"%"),n.push(a)}for(r=1,i=n.length-1;i>r;r++)if(!n[r].offset){for(var o=J(n[r-1].offset||0),u=0,l=r+1;i>l;l++)if(n[l].offset){u=n[l].offset;break}u||(u=100,l=i),u=J(u);for(var h=(u-o)/(l-r+1);l>r;r++)o+=h,n[r].offset=o+"%"}return n}),e._tear=function(t,e){,t==e.bottom&&(,,t.prev&&(}),je=(e._tofront=function(t,e){!==t&&(qe(t,e),,,,},e._toback=function(t,e){e.bottom!==t&&(qe(t,e),,t.prev=null,e.bottom.prev=t,e.bottom=t)},e._insertafter=function(t,e,n){qe(t,n),,,,t.prev=e,},e._insertbefore=function(t,e,n){qe(t,n),e==n.bottom&&(n.bottom=t),e.prev&&(,t.prev=e.prev,e.prev=t,},e.toMatrix=function(t,e){var n=Ce(t),r={_:{transform:P},getBBox:function(){return n}};return De(r,e),r.matrix}),De=(e.transformPath=function(t,e){return xe(t,je(t,e))},e._extractTransform=function(t,n){if(null==n)return t._.transform;n=M(n).replace(/\.{3}|\u2026/g,t._.transform||P);var r=e.parseTransformString(n),i=0,a=0,s=0,o=1,u=1,l=t._,h=new p;if(l.transform=r||[],r)for(var c=0,f=r.length;f>c;c++){var d,g,x,v,m,y=r[c],b=y.length,_=M(y[0]).toLowerCase(),w=y[0]!=_,k=w?h.invert():0;"t"==_&&3==b?w?(d=k.x(0,0),g=k.y(0,0),x=k.x(y[1],y[2]),v=k.y(y[1],y[2]),h.translate(x-d,v-g)):h.translate(y[1],y[2]):"r"==_?2==b?(m=m||t.getBBox(1),h.rotate(y[1],m.x+m.width/2,m.y+m.height/2),i+=y[1]):4==b&&(w?(x=k.x(y[2],y[3]),v=k.y(y[2],y[3]),h.rotate(y[1],x,v)):h.rotate(y[1],y[2],y[3]),i+=y[1]):"s"==_?2==b||3==b?(m=m||t.getBBox(1),h.scale(y[1],y[b-1],m.x+m.width/2,m.y+m.height/2),o*=y[1],u*=y[b-1]):5==b&&(w?(x=k.x(y[3],y[4]),v=k.y(y[3],y[4]),h.scale(y[1],y[2],x,v)):h.scale(y[1],y[2],y[3],y[4]),o*=y[1],u*=y[2]):"m"==_&&7==b&&h.add(y[1],y[2],y[3],y[4],y[5],y[6]),l.dirtyT=1,t.matrix=h}t.matrix=h,,,l.deg=i,l.dx=a=h.e,l.dy=s=h.f,1==o&&1==u&&!i&&l.bbox?(l.bbox.x+=+a,l.bbox.y+=+s):l.dirtyT=1}),ze=function(t){var e=t[0];switch(e.toLowerCase()){case"t":return[e,0,0];case"m":return[e,1,0,0,1,0,0];case"r":return 4==t.length?[e,0,t[2],t[3]]:[e,0];case"s":return 5==t.length?[e,1,1,t[3],t[4]]:3==t.length?[e,1,1]:[e,1]}},Oe=e._equaliseTransform=function(t,n){n=M(n).replace(/\.{3}|\u2026/g,t),t=e.parseTransformString(t)||[],n=e.parseTransformString(n)||[];for(var r,i,a,s,o=z(t.length,n.length),u=[],l=[],h=0;o>h;h++){if(a=t[h]||ze(n[h]),s=n[h]||ze(a),a[0]!=s[0]||"r"==a[0].toLowerCase()&&(a[2]!=s[2]||a[3]!=s[3])||"s"==a[0].toLowerCase()&&(a[3]!=s[3]||a[4]!=s[4]))return;for(u[h]=[],l[h]=[],r=0,i=z(a.length,s.length);i>r;r++)r in a&&(u[h][r]=a[r]),r in s&&(l[h][r]=s[r])}return{from:u,to:l}};e._getContainer=function(t,n,r,i){var a;return a=null!=i||,"object")?t:S.doc.getElementById(t),null!=a?a.tagName?null==n?{container:a,||a.offsetWidth,||a.offsetHeight}:{container:a,width:n,height:r}:{container:1,x:t,y:n,width:r,height:i}:void 0},e.pathToRelative=Te,e._engine={},e.path2curve=Re,e.matrix=function(t,e,n,r,i,a){return new p(t,e,n,r,i,a)},function(t){function n(t){return t[0]*t[0]+t[1]*t[1]}function r(t){var e=D.sqrt(n(t));t[0]&&(t[0]/=e),t[1]&&(t[1]/=e)}t.add=function(t,e,n,r,i,a){var s,o,u,l,h=[[],[],[]],c=[[this.a,this.c,this.e],[this.b,this.d,this.f],[0,0,1]],f=[[t,n,i],[e,r,a],[0,0,1]];for(t&&t instanceof p&&(f=[[t.a,t.c,t.e],[t.b,t.d,t.f],[0,0,1]]),s=0;3>s;s++)for(o=0;3>o;o++){for(l=0,u=0;3>u;u++)l+=c[s][u]*f[u][o];h[s][o]=l}this.a=h[0][0],this.b=h[1][0],this.c=h[0][1],this.d=h[1][1],this.e=h[0][2],this.f=h[1][2]},t.invert=function(){var t=this,e=t.a*t.d-t.b*t.c;return new p(t.d/e,-t.b/e,-t.c/e,t.a/e,(t.c*t.f-t.d*t.e)/e,(t.b*t.e-t.a*t.f)/e)},t.clone=function(){return new p(this.a,this.b,this.c,this.d,this.e,this.f)},t.translate=function(t,e){this.add(1,0,0,1,t,e)},t.scale=function(t,e,n,r){null==e&&(e=t),(n||r)&&this.add(1,0,0,1,n,r),this.add(t,0,0,e,0,0),(n||r)&&this.add(1,0,0,1,-n,-r)},t.rotate=function(t,n,r){t=e.rad(t),n=n||0,r=r||0;var i=+D.cos(t).toFixed(9),a=+D.sin(t).toFixed(9);this.add(i,a,-a,i,n,r),this.add(1,0,0,1,-n,-r)},t.x=function(t,e){return t*this.a+e*this.c+this.e},t.y=function(t,e){return t*this.b+e*this.d+this.f},t.get=function(t){return+this[M.fromCharCode(97+t)].toFixed(4)},t.toString=function(){return e.svg?"matrix("+[this.get(0),this.get(1),this.get(2),this.get(3),this.get(4),this.get(5)].join()+")":[this.get(0),this.get(2),this.get(1),this.get(3),0,0].join()},t.toFilter=function(){return"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11="+this.get(0)+", M12="+this.get(2)+", M21="+this.get(1)+", M22="+this.get(3)+", Dx="+this.get(4)+", Dy="+this.get(5)+", sizingmethod='auto expand')"},t.offset=function(){return[this.e.toFixed(4),this.f.toFixed(4)]},t.split=function(){var t={};t.dx=this.e,t.dy=this.f;var i=[[this.a,this.c],[this.b,this.d]];t.scalex=D.sqrt(n(i[0])),r(i[0]),t.shear=i[0][0]*i[1][0]+i[0][1]*i[1][1],i[1]=[i[1][0]-i[0][0]*t.shear,i[1][1]-i[0][1]*t.shear],t.scaley=D.sqrt(n(i[1])),r(i[1]),t.shear/=t.scaley;var a=-i[0][1],s=i[1][1];return 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