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Last active December 21, 2015 02:19
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  • Save tibbon/6234437 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tibbon/6234437 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Backbone Temp
var Project = Backbone.Model.extend({
// STEP 5: This is a model of our data that describes its behavior
idAttribute: 'slug',
defaults: {
name: "Default Project",
slug: 'default-project',
github_url: "",
live_url: "",
thumbnail_url: "",
description: "This is my really awesome portfolio page. Can\'t you see I like making portfolios?"
// STEP 6: This is a collection that represents a set of our data
// Like an array with superpowers
var Projects = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Project
var ProjectListView = Backbone.View.extend({
// STEP 12. Setup and render the individual project
tagName: 'li',
events: {
// STEP 14: Register a click event
initialize: function() {
// Don't need to do anything here yet
render: function() {
// STEP 13: Handlebars stuff goes here
var source = $('#project-template').html(),
template = Handlebars.compile(source),
data = this.model.toJSON(),
templateHTML = template(data);
// Allows for function chaining
return this;
// STEP 15: The click event triggers this method
view: function() {
// STEP 16: Navigate to the Project page, which goes back through the router
app.navigate('project/' + this.model.get('slug'), true);
var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
// STEP 8: This sets up the main page
el: $('#main'),
initialize: function() {
// STEP 9: Populate the application with my appView template
var appViewTemplate = $('#appView-template').html()
// Cache commonly used selectors
this.list = $('#project-list');
render: function() {
// STEP 10: Create views for each Project in the Projects collection
// STEP 11: Generate the backbone view object and set the model
// Each project gets its own view
var view = new ProjectListView({model: project});
// Using our cached object from initialize, append the new view to the list
}, this);
// For method chaining
return this;
var ProjectView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#main'),
initialize: function () {
render: function () {
// STEP 21: Handlebars stuff
var source = $('#detailed-project-template').html(),
template = Handlebars.compile(source),
templatedHTML = template(this.model.toJSON());
// STEP 22: Replace all the HTML on the #main div
return this;
// This is a bit of a Router/Controller combination
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
// STEP 3: Setup Routes
// url:method
'project/:slug':'getProject' // STEP 17: Router catches this URL change. Runs 'getProject()'
initialize: function() {
// STEP 4: intialize routes with data.
// This gives me app.projects
this.projects = new Projects([
new Project({name: "First Project", slug: "first-project"}),
new Project({name: "Second Project", slug: "second-project"}),
new Project({name: "Third Project", slug: "third-project"})
index: function() {
// STEP 7: When someone goes to the index. This happens
// Create a new instance of our AppView, pass in all our projects
var appView = new AppView({collection: this.projects});
// STEP 9: Calls render on appView
getProject: function(slug) {
// STEP 18: We are passed the 'slug' variable from the URL
var project = this.projects.get(slug); // STEP 19: Searching for the matching project
// STEP 20 : Create a new instance of ProjectView, passing in the project
var projectView = new ProjectView({model: project});
// STEP 21: Render the projectView
$(function() {
// STEP 1: Create instance of Router
app = new AppRouter();
// STEP 2: Start History
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