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Created March 22, 2016 15:05
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<?php get_header() ?>
global $porto_settings;
<div id="content" role="main">
<?php /* The loop */ ?>
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<article <?php post_class(); ?>>
<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() && ! post_password_required() ) : ?>
<?php get_template_part('slideshow', 'page') ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php porto_render_rich_snippets() ?>
<div class="page-content">
wp_link_pages( array(
'before' => '<div class="pagination" role="navigation">',
'after' => '</div>'
) );
$share = porto_get_meta_value('page_share');
if ($porto_settings['share-enable'] && 'no' !== $share && ('yes' === $share || ('yes' !== $share && $porto_settings['page-share']))) : ?>
<div class="page-share">
<h3><i class="fa fa-share"></i><?php _e('Share on', 'porto') ?></h3>
<?php get_template_part('share') ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($porto_settings['page-comment']) : ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php get_footer() ?>
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