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Last active December 19, 2023 15:48
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  • Save tibix/0f010dc3671f515a993c502ecba97967 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tibix/0f010dc3671f515a993c502ecba97967 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Remote GITHUB Repo Setup
#!/bin/zsh #!/bin/env python3
bold=$(tput bold) import os
normal=$(tput sgr0) import platform
# GitHub Info # get current OS
# Token current_os = platform.system()
# User Name
GH_USER='<your_github_user>' def get_current_username(this_os):
if this_os == "Linux" or this_os == "Darwin":
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then return os.environ.get("USER")
echo "Usage: $0 <repo_name>" elif this_os == "Windows":
exit 1 return os.environ.get("USERNAME")
return None
# Variable to store first argument to script as the repo name.
# Will be used as GitHub repo name too.
NEW_REPO_NAME=$1 print(os.environ.get("USER"))
# Get argument to set the repo visibility
if [[ -z "$2" ]] # check if REPOS dir is present in the default path
then def isRepos(this_os, username):
GH_REPO_VISIBILITY='false' path_to_check = ""
else if this_os == "Linux":
case $2 in path_to_check = f'/home/{username}/REPOS'
private) elif this_os == "Darwin":
GH_REPO_VISIBILITY='true' path_to_check = f'/Users/{username}/REPOS'
;; elif this_os == "Windows":
public) path_to_check = f'C:/Users/{usename}/REPOS'
;; isPath = os.path.exists(path_to_check)
*) print(isPath)
printf "Invalid visibility option! \nValid options are: ${bold}private${normal} or ${bold}public${normal}.\n"
exit 1 if not isPath:
;; os.makedirs(path_to_check)
esac print("REPOS dir created!")
fi else:
print("REPOS dir is alredy in the default path!")
# Store current working directory
username = get_current_username(current_os)
# Check if 3rd argument (directory name) is provided isRepos(current_os, username)
if [ -z "$3" ]
then try:
# Create a directory with name NEW_REPO_NAME from git import Repo # used to clone remote repo to local (GitPython module)
mkdir $NEW_REPO_NAME from git import exc as exc
# Change directory to the newly created directory os.system("pip install GitPython")
cd $NEW_REPO_NAME from git import Repo
from git import exc as exc
# Set CURRENT_DIR to the newly created directory
from github import Github # used to interact with GitHub API (PyGithub module)
# Set PROJECT_DIR to basename of the current path (eg: if path is /home/user/project/ then PROJECT_DIR will be project) except:
PROJECT_DIR=$(basename "`pwd`") os.system("pip install PyGithub")
else from github import Github
# Project directory can be passed as third argument to script call, or will default to current working directory.
PROJECT_DIR=${3:-$CURRENT_DIR} # Add below your github token
fi GIT_TOKEN = '<personal_github_token_goes_here>'
# JUST FOR DEBUGGING # set BASE_DIR based on the current OS
# Check visibility settings if current_os == "Linux":
echo "$GH_REPO_VISIBILITY" BASE_DIR = f'/home/{username}/REPOS' # change this to match you preference
if current_os == "Darwin":
# GitHub repos Create API call BASE_DIR = f'/Users/{username}/REPOS'
curl -H "Authorization: token $GH_API_TOKEN" -d '{"name": "'"${NEW_REPO_NAME}"'","private":'${GH_REPO_VISIBILITY}'}'
git init $PROJECT_DIR if current_os == "Windows":
BASE_DIR = f'C:/Users/{username}/REPOS'
# Initialize Git in project directory, and add the GH repo remote
git -C $PROJECT_DIR remote add origin$GH_USER/$NEW_REPO_NAME.git
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tibix commented Dec 19, 2023

Updated to accommodate for MacOS (Darwin based OS)

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