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Forked from anonymous/ux.cljs
Created July 14, 2014 22:46
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;;; TODO - drag-enter and -exit events : Right now, a component doesn't receive events for other components
;;; If a component responds to drag-over, it won't "revert" state until the drag ends.
;; NOTE - compiles with om 0.1.7. Needs updating to 0.2+
(ns omdnd.ux
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go alt!]]
[cljs.core.async :refer [put! <! chan close! tap untap mult filter>]]
[om.core :as om]
[ :as events]
[ :as gstyle])
[ EventType])
; Om Property state transition detection
(defn to? [owner next-props next-state k]
(or (and (not (om/get-state owner k))
(k next-state))
(and (not (k (om/get-props owner)))
(k next-props))))
(defn from? [owner next-props next-state k]
(or (and (om/get-state owner k)
(not (k next-state)))
(and (k (om/get-props owner))
(not (k next-props)))))
;;; Convenience functions
(defn dragging? [item owner]
(or (:dragging item)
(om/get-pending-state owner :dragging)))
(defn mouse-down? [item owner]
(or (:mouse-down item)
(om/get-pending-state owner :mouse-down)))
(defn floor [n]
(let [num (js/Number. n)]
(- (.toFixed num 0) 0)
(defn gsize->vec [size]
[(floor (.-width size)) (floor (.-height size))])
(defn element-offset [el]
(let [offset (gstyle/getPageOffset el)]
[(floor (.-x offset)) (floor (.-y offset))]))
(defn location [e]
[(floor (.-clientX e)) (floor (.-clientY e))])
; Communication Channels
(defn add-chans [state opts]
(assoc opts :chans (:chans state) ))
(defn drag-evts [opts]
(:drag-evts (:chans opts)) )
(defn dims-chan [opts]
(:dims-chan (:chans opts)) )
(defn command-chan [opts]
(:command-chan (:chans opts)) )
(defn disperser [opts]
(:disperser (:chans opts)))
;; TODO: remove this example handler
(defn handle-drag-event [ {:keys [event drag-item] :as e} app owner]
(let [id (om/read drag-item :id)]
(om/set-state! owner :drag-event e)
(case event
:drop (om/update! app assoc :messages (str id " > " event ))
:drag-start (om/update! app assoc :messages (str id " > " event))
:dragging nil
; Called from master Om/React component to set up communication channels for child components.
; e.g.
; om/IWillMount
; (will-mount [_]
; (ux/setup-comms app owner {:command-handler handle-command}))
(defn setup-comms [app owner opts]
(let [drag-evts (chan)
dims-chan (chan)
command-chan (chan)
disperser (mult drag-evts)
handle-command (:command-handler opts)
(om/set-state! owner :chans { :drag-evts drag-evts
:dims-chan dims-chan
:disperser disperser
:command-chan command-chan } )
(go (while true
;; TODO -Refactor so master knows bounds of children, to support drag-enter, drag-leave
; dims-chan ([e c] (add-child-dimensions app e owner))
command-chan ([e c] (handle-command e app owner))
; Dimension/Bounds handlers
(defn bound-filter [owner]
(fn [evt]
(let [ [[t l] [b r]] (om/get-state owner :bounds)
[x y] (:location evt)
type (:event evt)
(or (= type :drag-end)
(and (> x t)
(< x b)
(> y l)
(< y r))))))
(defn bounds [container]
(let [ [w h] (-> container gstyle/getSize gsize->vec)
[x y] (element-offset container) ]
[[x y] [(+ x w) (+ y h)]]
(defn directed-event-chan [owner]
(bound-filter owner)
(defn create-listener [src-mult owner f]
(let [drag-target-chan (directed-event-chan owner)]
(tap src-mult drag-target-chan)
(go (while
(when-let [event (<! drag-target-chan)]
(f event)
;; Sub-components call this to ensure bound filter for drag-message remains accurate
; e.g.
; om/IDidUpdate
; (did-update [_ _ prev-state _]
; (ux/update-bounds owner prev-state opts "ref-node"))
(defn update-bounds [owner prev-state opts ref-node]
(when-let [container (om/get-node owner ref-node)]
(let [ new-bounds (bounds container)]
(when-not (= (:bounds prev-state) new-bounds)
(om/set-state! owner :bounds new-bounds)))))
;; Sub-components call this on mounting, to send drag events
;; e.g.
; om/IDidMount
; (did-mount [t node]
; (ux/register-dimensions owner opts "drag-container" ))
(defn register-dimensions [owner opts ref-node & [event-handler]]
(when-let [container (om/get-node owner ref-node)]
(let [ dims (-> container gstyle/getSize gsize->vec)
dims-chan (dims-chan opts)
disperser (disperser opts)
new-bounds (bounds container)
(om/set-state! owner :dimensions dims)
(om/set-state! owner :bounds new-bounds)
(when event-handler
(om/set-state! owner :drag-target-chan (create-listener disperser owner event-handler)))
(put! dims-chan {:component ref-node
:dims dims
:bounds new-bounds
(defn unregister-dimensions [owner opts ref-node]
(let [state (om/get-state! owner)
listener (:drag-target-chan state)
source (disperser opts)]
(untap disperser listener)
(close! listener)
(put! dims-chan {:component ref-node
; :bounding-chan drag-target-chan
:dims nil
; Drag handlers
(defn drag-start [e actor owner opts]
(when-not (dragging? actor owner)
(let [el (om/get-node owner "drag-container")
drag-start (location e)
el-offset (element-offset el)
drag-offset (vec (map - el-offset drag-start))
drag-evts (drag-evts opts) ]
(doto owner
(om/set-state! :location el-offset)
(om/set-state! :dragging (:id actor))
(om/set-state! :drag-offset drag-offset))
(put! drag-evts
{:event :drag-start
:drag-item actor
:location (vec (map + drag-start drag-offset))}))))
(defn drag-end [e actor owner opts]
(when (dragging? actor owner)
(when (om/get-state owner :dragging)
(om/set-state! owner :dragging false))
(let [drag-evts (drag-evts opts)
el (om/get-node owner "drag-container")
drag-start (location e)
el-offset (element-offset el)
drag-offset (vec (map - el-offset drag-start))]
(doto owner
(om/set-state! :location nil)
(om/set-state! :drag-offset nil)
(put! drag-evts
{:event :drop
:drag-item actor
:location (vec (map + drag-start drag-offset))})
(put! drag-evts
{:event :drag-end })
(defn drag [e actor owner opts]
(when (dragging? actor owner)
(let [state (om/get-state owner)
drag-evts (drag-evts opts)
loc (vec (map + (location e) (:drag-offset state)))]
(.preventDefault e)
(om/set-state! owner :location loc)
(put! drag-evts
{:event :dragging
:drag-item actor
:location loc}))))
;; The actual draggable calls this on will-update.
; om/IWillUpdate
; (will-update [_ next-props next-state]
; (ux/drag-listeners owner next-props next-state opts))
(defn drag-listeners [owner next-props next-state opts]
(when (or (to? owner next-props next-state :dragging))
(let [mouse-up (om/bind drag-end next-props owner opts)
mouse-move (om/bind drag next-props owner opts)]
(om/set-state! owner :window-listeners
[mouse-up mouse-move])
(doto js/window
(events/listen EventType.MOUSEUP mouse-up)
(events/listen EventType.MOUSEMOVE mouse-move))))
;; end dragging, cleanup window event listeners
(when (from? owner next-props next-state :dragging)
(let [[mouse-up mouse-move]
(om/get-state owner :window-listeners)]
(doto js/window
(events/unlisten EventType.MOUSEUP mouse-up)
(events/unlisten EventType.MOUSEMOVE mouse-move)))))
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