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Rainer Kuhn ticktricktrack

  • Groundsure
  • Brighton, UK
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ticktricktrack /
Created April 19, 2012 09:37
rvm and bundler commands
"check if your gemset will be automatically set, cd'ing into the folder should automatically activate the right one specified in .rvmrc"
"open new terminal window"
rvm gemset name
# should say /Users/rainer/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p125
rvm gemset use global
# should say Using ruby-1.9.3-p125 with gemset global
cd work/carrier-pigeon
rvm gemset name
# should say v2
@robbers_money = '0'
@robbers_combination = nil
@safe = 'closed'
@safe_combination = 1234
@safe_money = 10000000
@bank_money = @safe_money
@bank_alarmed = true
def robbing_the_bank(deactivate_alarm, combination)
if deactivate_alarm
alias rg="rg --smart-case -g='!*.json' -g='!*.svg' --hidden"
alias ag="rg"
export HISTFILESIZE=30000
export HISTSIZE=30000
# Avoid duplicates
export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth:erasedups
export HISTIGNORE="atom*:ag*:rg*:cat*:history:subl*:touch*:g:ls:rm*:mv*:cp*:ll:cd*:push:pull:git*:GS_ENV=live*"
# When the shell exits, append to the history file instead of overwriting it
shopt -s histappend
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
body {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}
#myImg {
border-radius: 5px;
cursor: pointer;
class Animalize
attr_reader :easting, :northing
def initialize(easting, northing)
@easting = easting
@northing = northing
HORSE = [[59, 338], [63, 350], [105, 376], [105, 347], [93, 347], [80, 335], [76, 330], [76, 330], [70, 289], [73, 282], [97, 277], [146, 263], [171, 296], [171, 296], [212, 379], [213, 385], [211, 393], [193, 422], [225, 422], [230, 401], [238, 389], [230, 369], [230, 369], [223, 344], [218, 323], [205, 262], [312, 258], [329, 318], [319, 347], [284, 395], [268, 422], [302, 423], [303, 410], [304, 406], [313, 396], [327, 370], [364, 333], [364, 333], [369, 323], [365, 300], [382, 263], [406, 288], [437, 314], [437, 314], [444, 321], [456, 343], [469, 386], [466, 399], [466, 399], [454, 422], [485, 422], [485, 408], [486, 405], [486, 405], [493, 392], [474, 328], [474, 328], [472, 305], [469, 295], [458, 281], [444, 246], [441, 187], [419, 144], [461, 256], [461, 263], [502, 263], [411, 135], [352, 121], [219, 130], [72, 40], [45, 44], [3, 41], [25, 59], [26, 114], [
ticktricktrack / .rubocop.yml
Created February 13, 2016 08:06
test driving updated rubocop config
# This is the default configuration file. Enabling and disabling is configured
# in separate files. This file adds all other parameters apart from Enabled.
# inherit_from:
# - enabled.yml
# - disabled.yml
# Common configuration.
# Include common Ruby source files.


class Player
def play_turn(warrior)
@health ||= 20
@attacked ||= false
@warrior = warrior
@space = warrior.feel(:forward)
@spaces = warrior.look(:forward)