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Created June 27, 2024 11:15
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//> using scala 3.4.2
//> using dep com.chuusai:shapeless_2.13:2.3.12
// {
// "name": "ExampleObject",
// "namespace": "example.namespace"
// "type": "record",
// "fields": [
// {
// "name": "location",
// "type": "string"
// }
// ]
// }
// {
// "type": "record",
// "name": "ExampleRecord",
// "fields": [
// {
// "name": "exampleField",
// "type": [
// "string",
// "int",
// "example.namespace.ExampleObject"
// ]
// }
// ]
// }
import shapeless.{:+:, CNil, Coproduct}
final case class ExampleObject(location: String)
final case class ExampleRecord(
exampleField: Int :+: String :+: ExampleObject :+: CNil)
object Main extends App:
val myObject = ExampleObject("london")
val myRecord = ExampleRecord(
// Compiling project (Scala 3.4.2, JVM (22))
// [error] ./scala3shapeless2.scala:42:39
// [error] No given instance of type shapeless.ops.coproduct.Inject[ExampleObject, ExampleObject] was found for parameter inj of method apply in class MkCoproduct
// [error]
// [error] One of the following imports might make progress towards fixing the problem:
// [error]
// [error] import shapeless.~?>.idKeyWitness
// [error] import shapeless.~?>.idValueWitness
// [error] import shapeless.~?>.witness
// [error]
// [error] Coproduct[ExampleObject](myObject)
// [error] ^
// Error compiling project (Scala 3.4.2, JVM (22))
// Compilation failed
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