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Last active January 31, 2020 06:58
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pub struct RBTree<K, V>
K: Ord,
root: Option<Box<Node<K, V>>>,
should_change: bool,
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
enum Color {
struct Node<K, V>
K: Ord,
color: Color,
key: K,
value: V,
left: Option<Box<Node<K, V>>>, // TODO: Box to Rc<RefCell
right: Option<Box<Node<K, V>>>,
impl<K, V> Node<K, V>
K: Ord,
fn new(color: Color, key: K, value: V) -> Self {
Self {
color: color,
key: key,
value: value,
left: None,
right: None,
// root の右側のノードが新たな根となるように木を回転させ、新たな根を返す。
fn rotate_left(mut root: Box<Node<K, V>>) -> Box<Node<K, V>> {
let mut new_root = root.right.unwrap();
root.right = new_root.left;
new_root.left = Some(root);
// root の左側のノードが新たな根となるように木を回転させ、新たな根を返す。
fn rotate_right(mut root: Box<Node<K, V>>) -> Box<Node<K, V>> {
let mut new_root = root.left.unwrap();
root.left = new_root.right;
new_root.right = Some(root);
fn rotate_lr(mut t: Box<Node<K, V>>) -> Box<Node<K, V>> {
t.left = Some(Node::rotate_left(t.left.unwrap()));
fn rotate_rl(mut t: Box<Node<K, V>>) -> Box<Node<K, V>> {
t.right = Some(Node::rotate_right(t.right.unwrap()));
fn check_r<K, V>(child: Option<Box<Node<K, V>>>) -> Option<Box<Node<K, V>>>
K: Ord,
match child {
None => None,
Some(t) => {
if t.color == Color::R {
} else {
impl<K, V> RBTree<K, V>
K: Ord,
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
root: None,
should_change: false,
pub fn insert(&mut self, key: K, x: V) {
let root = std::mem::replace(&mut self.root, None);
let (should_change, mut _root) = RBTree::_insert(self.should_change, root, key, x);
_root.color = Color::B;
self.root = Some(_root);
self.should_change = should_change;
fn _insert(
mut should_change: bool,
t: Option<Box<Node<K, V>>>,
key: K,
x: V,
) -> (bool, Box<Node<K, V>>) {
match t {
None => {
should_change = true;
(should_change, Box::new(Node::new(Color::R, key, x)))
Some(mut t_) => {
if key < t_.key {
let left = std::mem::replace(&mut t_.left, None);
let (should_change, r) = RBTree::_insert(should_change, left, key, x);
t_.right = Some(r);
RBTree::balance(should_change, t_)
} else if key > t_.key {
let right = std::mem::replace(&mut t_.right, None);
let (should_change, r) = RBTree::_insert(should_change, right, key, x);
t_.right = Some(r);
RBTree::balance(should_change, t_)
} else {
should_change = false;
t_.value = x;
(should_change, t_)
fn balance(should_change: bool, mut t: Box<Node<K, V>>) -> (bool, Box<Node<K, V>>) {
if !should_change {
return (should_change, t);
if t.color != Color::B {
return (true, t);
if let Some(tl) = check_r(t.left) {
if let Some(_) = check_r(tl.left) {
t = Node::rotate_right(t);
t.left.unwrap().color = Color::B;
return (true, t);
if let Some(_) = check_r(tl.right) {
t = Node::rotate_lr(t);
t.left.unwrap().color = Color::B;
return (true, t);
if let Some(tr) = check_r(t.right) {
if let Some(_) = check_r(tr.left) {
t = Node::rotate_rl(t);
t.right.unwrap().color = Color::B;
return (true, t);
if let Some(_) = check_r(tr.right) {
t = Node::rotate_right(t);
t.right.unwrap().color = Color::B;
return (true, t);
(false, t)
fn new_tree() {
let tree = RBTree::<i32, f64>::new();
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