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Last active May 19, 2021 09:50
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  • Save tidusia/ff06f04726ffa1286c150db065b51f74 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tidusia/ff06f04726ffa1286c150db065b51f74 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

CRA TypeScript

A quick reminder with the scripts and tools to create high quality React app with TypeScript

  • npx create-react-app APP_NAME --template typescript --use-npm
  • Add .idea/ .gitignore


Install favorite shared prettier config

WebStorm: Preferences | Languages & Frameworks | JavaScript | Prettier

  • Enable the option Run on save for files.
  • Format files regex : {**/*,*}.{js,ts,jsx,tsx,md,mdx,json,html,css}


WebStorm: Preferences | Languages & Frameworks | JavaScript | Eslint =>

  • Automatic Eslint config
  • Fix on save
  • Format files regex : same as prettier above


  • npm i husky lint-staged
  • In package.json scripts : "test:all": "react-scripts test --watchAll=false"
  • Then in package.json root :
"husky": {
  "hooks": {
    "pre-commit": "lint-staged && npm run test:all"
"lint-staged": {
  "src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,json,css,scss,md}": [
    "prettier --write"
  "src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,json}": [


  • npx -p @storybook/cli sb init && npm run storybook

Analysing Bundle Size

  • npm i source-map-explorer
  • In package.json scripts: "analyze": "npm run build && source-map-explorer 'build/static/js/*.js'"
  • To run analyze : npm run analyze
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