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Created July 26, 2016 23:55
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import Compression
* SwiftWebSocket (websocket.swift)
* Copyright (C) Josh Baker. All Rights Reserved.
* Contact: @tidwall,
* This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
* of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
import Foundation
import Compression
private let windowBufferSize = 0x2000
private class Payload {
var ptr : UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>
var cap : Int
var len : Int
len = 0
cap = windowBufferSize
ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>(malloc(cap))
var count : Int {
get {
return len
set {
if newValue > cap {
while cap < newValue {
cap *= 2
ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>(realloc(ptr, cap))
len = newValue
func append(bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, length: Int){
let prevLen = len
count = len+length
memcpy(ptr+prevLen, bytes, length)
var array : [UInt8] {
get {
var array = [UInt8](count: count, repeatedValue: 0)
memcpy(&array, ptr, count)
return array
set {
count = 0
append(newValue, length: newValue.count)
var nsdata : NSData {
get {
return NSData(bytes: ptr, length: count)
set {
count = 0
append(UnsafePointer<UInt8>(newValue.bytes), length: newValue.length)
var buffer : UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8> {
get {
return UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>(start: ptr, count: count)
set {
count = 0
append(newValue.baseAddress, length: newValue.count)
private enum OpCode : UInt8, CustomStringConvertible {
case Continue = 0x0, Text = 0x1, Binary = 0x2, Close = 0x8, Ping = 0x9, Pong = 0xA
var isControl : Bool {
switch self {
case .Close, .Ping, .Pong:
return true
return false
var description : String {
switch self {
case Continue: return "Continue"
case Text: return "Text"
case Binary: return "Binary"
case Close: return "Close"
case Ping: return "Ping"
case Pong: return "Pong"
/// The WebSocketEvents struct is used by the events property and manages the events for the WebSocket connection.
public struct WebSocketEvents {
/// An event to be called when the WebSocket connection's readyState changes to .Open; this indicates that the connection is ready to send and receive data.
public var open : ()->() = {}
/// An event to be called when the WebSocket connection's readyState changes to .Closed.
public var close : (code : Int, reason : String, wasClean : Bool)->() = {(code, reason, wasClean) in}
/// An event to be called when an error occurs.
public var error : (error : ErrorType)->() = {(error) in}
/// An event to be called when a message is received from the server.
public var message : (data : Any)->() = {(data) in}
/// An event to be called when a pong is received from the server.
public var pong : (data : Any)->() = {(data) in}
/// An event to be called when the WebSocket process has ended; this event is guarenteed to be called once and can be used as an alternative to the "close" or "error" events.
public var end : (code : Int, reason : String, wasClean : Bool, error : ErrorType?)->() = {(code, reason, wasClean, error) in}
/// The WebSocketBinaryType enum is used by the binaryType property and indicates the type of binary data being transmitted by the WebSocket connection.
public enum WebSocketBinaryType : CustomStringConvertible {
/// The WebSocket should transmit [UInt8] objects.
case UInt8Array
/// The WebSocket should transmit NSData objects.
case NSData
/// The WebSocket should transmit UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8> objects. This buffer is only valid during the scope of the message event. Use at your own risk.
case UInt8UnsafeBufferPointer
public var description : String {
switch self {
case UInt8Array: return "UInt8Array"
case NSData: return "NSData"
case UInt8UnsafeBufferPointer: return "UInt8UnsafeBufferPointer"
/// The WebSocketReadyState enum is used by the readyState property to describe the status of the WebSocket connection.
@objc public enum WebSocketReadyState : Int, CustomStringConvertible {
/// The connection is not yet open.
case Connecting = 0
/// The connection is open and ready to communicate.
case Open = 1
/// The connection is in the process of closing.
case Closing = 2
/// The connection is closed or couldn't be opened.
case Closed = 3
private var isClosed : Bool {
switch self {
case .Closing, .Closed:
return true
return false
/// Returns a string that represents the ReadyState value.
public var description : String {
switch self {
case Connecting: return "Connecting"
case Open: return "Open"
case Closing: return "Closing"
case Closed: return "Closed"
private let defaultMaxWindowBits = 15
/// The WebSocketCompression struct is used by the compression property and manages the compression options for the WebSocket connection.
public struct WebSocketCompression {
/// Used to accept compressed messages from the server. Default is true.
public var on = false
/// request no context takeover.
public var noContextTakeover = false
/// request max window bits.
public var maxWindowBits = defaultMaxWindowBits
/// The WebSocketService options are used by the services property and manages the underlying socket services.
public struct WebSocketService : OptionSetType {
public typealias RawValue = UInt
var value: UInt = 0
init(_ value: UInt) { self.value = value }
public init(rawValue value: UInt) { self.value = value }
public init(nilLiteral: ()) { self.value = 0 }
public static var allZeros: WebSocketService { return self.init(0) }
static func fromMask(raw: UInt) -> WebSocketService { return self.init(raw) }
public var rawValue: UInt { return self.value }
/// No services.
public static var None: WebSocketService { return self.init(0) }
/// Allow socket to handle VoIP.
public static var VoIP: WebSocketService { return self.init(1 << 0) }
/// Allow socket to handle video.
public static var Video: WebSocketService { return self.init(1 << 1) }
/// Allow socket to run in background.
public static var Background: WebSocketService { return self.init(1 << 2) }
/// Allow socket to handle voice.
public static var Voice: WebSocketService { return self.init(1 << 3) }
private let atEndDetails = "streamStatus.atEnd"
private let timeoutDetails = "The operation couldn’t be completed. Operation timed out"
private let timeoutDuration : CFTimeInterval = 30
public enum WebSocketError : ErrorType, CustomStringConvertible {
case Memory
case NeedMoreInput
case InvalidHeader
case InvalidAddress
case Network(String)
case LibraryError(String)
case PayloadError(String)
case ProtocolError(String)
case InvalidResponse(String)
case InvalidCompressionOptions(String)
public var description : String {
switch self {
case .Memory: return "Memory"
case .NeedMoreInput: return "NeedMoreInput"
case .InvalidAddress: return "InvalidAddress"
case .InvalidHeader: return "InvalidHeader"
case let .InvalidResponse(details): return "InvalidResponse(\(details))"
case let .InvalidCompressionOptions(details): return "InvalidCompressionOptions(\(details))"
case let .LibraryError(details): return "LibraryError(\(details))"
case let .ProtocolError(details): return "ProtocolError(\(details))"
case let .PayloadError(details): return "PayloadError(\(details))"
case let .Network(details): return "Network(\(details))"
public var details : String {
switch self {
case .InvalidResponse(let details): return details
case .InvalidCompressionOptions(let details): return details
case .LibraryError(let details): return details
case .ProtocolError(let details): return details
case .PayloadError(let details): return details
case .Network(let details): return details
default: return ""
private class UTF8 {
var text : String = ""
var count : UInt32 = 0 // number of bytes
var procd : UInt32 = 0 // number of bytes processed
var codepoint : UInt32 = 0 // the actual codepoint
var bcount = 0
init() { text = "" }
func append(byte : UInt8) throws {
if count == 0 {
if byte <= 0x7F {
if byte == 0xC0 || byte == 0xC1 {
throw WebSocketError.PayloadError("invalid codepoint: invalid byte")
if byte >> 5 & 0x7 == 0x6 {
count = 2
} else if byte >> 4 & 0xF == 0xE {
count = 3
} else if byte >> 3 & 0x1F == 0x1E {
count = 4
} else {
throw WebSocketError.PayloadError("invalid codepoint: frames")
procd = 1
codepoint = (UInt32(byte) & (0xFF >> count)) << ((count-1) * 6)
if byte >> 6 & 0x3 != 0x2 {
throw WebSocketError.PayloadError("invalid codepoint: signature")
codepoint += UInt32(byte & 0x3F) << ((count-procd-1) * 6)
if codepoint > 0x10FFFF || (codepoint >= 0xD800 && codepoint <= 0xDFFF) {
throw WebSocketError.PayloadError("invalid codepoint: out of bounds")
procd += 1
if procd == count {
if codepoint <= 0x7FF && count > 2 {
throw WebSocketError.PayloadError("invalid codepoint: overlong")
if codepoint <= 0xFFFF && count > 3 {
throw WebSocketError.PayloadError("invalid codepoint: overlong")
procd = 0
count = 0
func append(bytes : UnsafePointer<UInt8>, length : Int) throws {
if length == 0 {
if count == 0 {
var ascii = true
for i in 0 ..< length {
if bytes[i] > 0x7F {
ascii = false
if ascii {
text += NSString(bytes: bytes, length: length, encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding) as! String
bcount += length
for i in 0 ..< length {
try append(bytes[i])
bcount += length
var completed : Bool {
return count == 0
static func bytes(string : String) -> [UInt8]{
let data = string.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)!
return [UInt8](UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>(start: UnsafePointer<UInt8>(data.bytes), count: data.length))
static func string(bytes : [UInt8]) -> String{
if let str = NSString(bytes: bytes, length: bytes.count, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) {
return str as String
return ""
private class Frame {
var inflate = false
var code = OpCode.Continue
var utf8 = UTF8()
var payload = Payload()
var statusCode = UInt16(0)
var finished = true
static func makeClose(statusCode: UInt16, reason: String) -> Frame {
let f = Frame()
f.code = .Close
f.statusCode = statusCode
f.utf8.text = reason
return f
func copy() -> Frame {
let f = Frame()
f.code = code
f.utf8.text = utf8.text
f.payload.buffer = payload.buffer
f.statusCode = statusCode
f.finished = finished
f.inflate = inflate
return f
private class Delegate : NSObject, NSStreamDelegate {
@objc func stream(aStream: NSStream, handleEvent eventCode: NSStreamEvent){
//@_silgen_name("zlibVersion") private func zlibVersion() -> COpaquePointer
//@_silgen_name("deflateInit2_") private func deflateInit2(strm : UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, level : CInt, method : CInt, windowBits : CInt, memLevel : CInt, strategy : CInt, version : COpaquePointer, stream_size : CInt) -> CInt
//@_silgen_name("deflateInit_") private func deflateInit(strm : UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, level : CInt, version : COpaquePointer, stream_size : CInt) -> CInt
//@_silgen_name("deflateEnd") private func deflateEnd(strm : UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CInt
//@_silgen_name("deflate") private func deflate(strm : UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, flush : CInt) -> CInt
//@_silgen_name("inflateInit2_") private func inflateInit2(strm : UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, windowBits : CInt, version : COpaquePointer, stream_size : CInt) -> CInt
//@_silgen_name("inflateInit_") private func inflateInit(strm : UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, version : COpaquePointer, stream_size : CInt) -> CInt
//@_silgen_name("inflate") private func inflateG(strm : UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, flush : CInt) -> CInt
//@_silgen_name("inflateEnd") private func inflateEndG(strm : UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CInt
private func zerror(res : CInt) -> ErrorType? {
var err = ""
switch res {
case 0: return nil
case 1: err = "stream end"
case 2: err = "need dict"
case -1: err = "errno"
case -2: err = "stream error"
case -3: err = "data error"
case -4: err = "mem error"
case -5: err = "buf error"
case -6: err = "version error"
default: err = "undefined error"
return WebSocketError.PayloadError("zlib: \(err): \(res)")
private struct z_stream {
var next_in : UnsafePointer<UInt8> = nil
var avail_in : CUnsignedInt = 0
var total_in : CUnsignedLong = 0
var next_out : UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8> = nil
var avail_out : CUnsignedInt = 0
var total_out : CUnsignedLong = 0
var msg : UnsafePointer<CChar> = nil
var state : COpaquePointer = nil
var zalloc : COpaquePointer = nil
var zfree : COpaquePointer = nil
var opaque : COpaquePointer = nil
var data_type : CInt = 0
var adler : CUnsignedLong = 0
var reserved : CUnsignedLong = 0
private class Inflater {
var windowBits = 0
//var strm = z_stream()
var strm2 = compression_stream(dst_ptr: nil, dst_size: 0, src_ptr: nil, src_size: 0, state: nil)
var tInput = [[UInt8]]()
var inflateEnd : [UInt8] = [0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF]
var bufferSize = windowBufferSize
var buffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>(malloc(windowBufferSize))
init?(windowBits : Int){
if buffer == nil {
return nil
self.windowBits = windowBits
let ret = compression_stream_init(&strm2, COMPRESSION_STREAM_DECODE, COMPRESSION_ZLIB)
return nil
func inflate(bufin : UnsafePointer<UInt8>, length : Int, final : Bool) throws -> (p : UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, n : Int){
var buf = buffer
var bufsiz = bufferSize
var buflen = 0
for i in 0 ..< 2{
if i == 0 {
strm2.src_size = Int(length)
strm2.src_ptr = UnsafePointer<UInt8>(bufin)
// strm.avail_in = CUnsignedInt(length)
// strm.next_in = UnsafePointer<UInt8>(bufin)
} else {
if !final {
strm2.src_size = Int(inflateEnd.count)
strm2.src_ptr = UnsafePointer<UInt8>(inflateEnd)
// strm.avail_in = CUnsignedInt(inflateEnd.count)
// strm.next_in = UnsafePointer<UInt8>(inflateEnd)
while true {
strm2.dst_size = Int(bufsiz)
strm2.dst_ptr = buf
compression_stream_process(&strm2, 0)
// strm.avail_out = CUnsignedInt(bufsiz)
// strm.next_out = buf
// inflateG(&strm, flush: 0)
let have = bufsiz - Int(strm2.dst_size)
bufsiz -= have
buflen += have
if strm2.dst_size != 0{
// if strm.avail_out != 0{
// break
if bufsiz == 0 {
bufferSize *= 2
let nbuf = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>(realloc(buffer, bufferSize))
if nbuf == nil {
throw WebSocketError.PayloadError("memory")
buffer = nbuf
buf = buffer+Int(buflen)
bufsiz = bufferSize - buflen
return (buffer, buflen)
private class Deflater {
init?(windowBits : Int, memLevel : Int){
func deflate(bufin : UnsafePointer<UInt8>, length : Int, final : Bool) -> (p : UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, n : Int, err : NSError?){
return (nil, 0, nil)
/// WebSocketDelegate is an Objective-C alternative to WebSocketEvents and is used to delegate the events for the WebSocket connection.
@objc public protocol WebSocketDelegate {
/// A function to be called when the WebSocket connection's readyState changes to .Open; this indicates that the connection is ready to send and receive data.
func webSocketOpen()
/// A function to be called when the WebSocket connection's readyState changes to .Closed.
func webSocketClose(code: Int, reason: String, wasClean: Bool)
/// A function to be called when an error occurs.
func webSocketError(error: NSError)
/// A function to be called when a message (string) is received from the server.
optional func webSocketMessageText(text: String)
/// A function to be called when a message (binary) is received from the server.
optional func webSocketMessageData(data: NSData)
/// A function to be called when a pong is received from the server.
optional func webSocketPong()
/// A function to be called when the WebSocket process has ended; this event is guarenteed to be called once and can be used as an alternative to the "close" or "error" events.
optional func webSocketEnd(code: Int, reason: String, wasClean: Bool, error: NSError?)
/// WebSocket objects are bidirectional network streams that communicate over HTTP. RFC 6455.
private class InnerWebSocket: Hashable {
var id : Int
var mutex = pthread_mutex_t()
let request : NSURLRequest!
let subProtocols : [String]!
var frames : [Frame] = []
var delegate : Delegate
var inflater : Inflater!
var deflater : Deflater!
var outputBytes : UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>
var outputBytesSize : Int = 0
var outputBytesStart : Int = 0
var outputBytesLength : Int = 0
var inputBytes : UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>
var inputBytesSize : Int = 0
var inputBytesStart : Int = 0
var inputBytesLength : Int = 0
var createdAt = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
var connectionTimeout = false
var eclose : ()->() = {}
var _eventQueue : dispatch_queue_t? = dispatch_get_main_queue()
var _subProtocol = ""
var _compression = WebSocketCompression()
var _allowSelfSignedSSL = false
var _services = WebSocketService.None
var _event = WebSocketEvents()
var _eventDelegate: WebSocketDelegate?
var _binaryType = WebSocketBinaryType.UInt8Array
var _readyState = WebSocketReadyState.Connecting
var _networkTimeout = NSTimeInterval(-1)
var url : String {
return request.URL!.description
var subProtocol : String {
get { return privateSubProtocol }
var privateSubProtocol : String {
get { lock(); defer { unlock() }; return _subProtocol }
set { lock(); defer { unlock() }; _subProtocol = newValue }
var compression : WebSocketCompression {
get { lock(); defer { unlock() }; return _compression }
set { lock(); defer { unlock() }; _compression = newValue }
var allowSelfSignedSSL : Bool {
get { lock(); defer { unlock() }; return _allowSelfSignedSSL }
set { lock(); defer { unlock() }; _allowSelfSignedSSL = newValue }
var services : WebSocketService {
get { lock(); defer { unlock() }; return _services }
set { lock(); defer { unlock() }; _services = newValue }
var event : WebSocketEvents {
get { lock(); defer { unlock() }; return _event }
set { lock(); defer { unlock() }; _event = newValue }
var eventDelegate : WebSocketDelegate? {
get { lock(); defer { unlock() }; return _eventDelegate }
set { lock(); defer { unlock() }; _eventDelegate = newValue }
var eventQueue : dispatch_queue_t? {
get { lock(); defer { unlock() }; return _eventQueue; }
set { lock(); defer { unlock() }; _eventQueue = newValue }
var binaryType : WebSocketBinaryType {
get { lock(); defer { unlock() }; return _binaryType }
set { lock(); defer { unlock() }; _binaryType = newValue }
var readyState : WebSocketReadyState {
get { return privateReadyState }
var privateReadyState : WebSocketReadyState {
get { lock(); defer { unlock() }; return _readyState }
set { lock(); defer { unlock() }; _readyState = newValue }
func copyOpen(request: NSURLRequest, subProtocols : [String] = []) -> InnerWebSocket{
let ws = InnerWebSocket(request: request, subProtocols: subProtocols, stub: false)
ws.eclose = eclose
ws.compression = compression
ws.allowSelfSignedSSL = allowSelfSignedSSL = services
ws.event = event
ws.eventQueue = eventQueue
ws.binaryType = binaryType
return ws
var hashValue: Int { return id }
init(request: NSURLRequest, subProtocols : [String] = [], stub : Bool = false){
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, nil) = manager.nextId()
self.request = request
self.subProtocols = subProtocols
self.outputBytes = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.alloc(windowBufferSize)
self.outputBytesSize = windowBufferSize
self.inputBytes = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.alloc(windowBufferSize)
self.inputBytesSize = windowBufferSize
self.delegate = Delegate()
if stub{
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 0), manager.queue){
} else {
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 0), manager.queue){
if outputBytes != nil {
if inputBytes != nil {
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, nil)
@inline(__always) private func lock(){
@inline(__always) private func unlock(){
private var dirty : Bool {
defer { unlock() }
if exit {
return false
if connectionTimeout {
return true
if stage != .ReadResponse && stage != .HandleFrames {
return true
if rd.streamStatus == .Opening && wr.streamStatus == .Opening {
return false;
if rd.streamStatus != .Open || wr.streamStatus != .Open {
return true
if rd.streamError != nil || wr.streamError != nil {
return true
if rd.hasBytesAvailable || frames.count > 0 || inputBytesLength > 0 {
return true
if outputBytesLength > 0 && wr.hasSpaceAvailable{
return true
return false
enum Stage : Int {
case OpenConn
case ReadResponse
case HandleFrames
case CloseConn
case End
var stage = Stage.OpenConn
var rd : NSInputStream!
var wr : NSOutputStream!
var atEnd = false
var closeCode = UInt16(0)
var closeReason = ""
var closeClean = false
var closeFinal = false
var finalError : ErrorType?
var exit = false
var more = true
func step(){
if exit {
do {
try stepBuffers(more)
try stepStreamErrors()
more = false
switch stage {
case .OpenConn:
try openConn()
stage = .ReadResponse
case .ReadResponse:
try readResponse()
privateReadyState = .Open
fire {
stage = .HandleFrames
case .HandleFrames:
try stepOutputFrames()
if closeFinal {
privateReadyState = .Closing
stage = .CloseConn
let frame = try readFrame()
switch frame.code {
case .Text:
fire {
self.event.message(data: frame.utf8.text)
case .Binary:
fire {
switch self.binaryType {
case .UInt8Array:
self.event.message(data: frame.payload.array)
case .NSData:
self.event.message(data: frame.payload.nsdata)
// The WebSocketDelegate is necessary to add Objective-C compability and it is only possible to send binary data with NSData.
case .UInt8UnsafeBufferPointer:
self.event.message(data: frame.payload.buffer)
case .Ping:
let nframe = frame.copy()
nframe.code = .Pong
frames += [nframe]
case .Pong:
fire {
switch self.binaryType {
case .UInt8Array:
self.event.pong(data: frame.payload.array)
case .NSData:
self.event.pong(data: frame.payload.nsdata)
case .UInt8UnsafeBufferPointer:
self.event.pong(data: frame.payload.buffer)
case .Close:
frames += [frame]
case .CloseConn:
if let error = finalError {
self.event.error(error: error)
self.eventDelegate?.webSocketError(error as NSError)
privateReadyState = .Closed
if rd != nil {
fire {
self.event.close(code: Int(self.closeCode), reason: self.closeReason, wasClean: self.closeFinal)
self.eventDelegate?.webSocketClose(Int(self.closeCode), reason: self.closeReason, wasClean: self.closeFinal)
stage = .End
case .End:
fire {
self.event.end(code: Int(self.closeCode), reason: self.closeReason, wasClean: self.closeClean, error: self.finalError)
self.eventDelegate?.webSocketEnd?(Int(self.closeCode), reason: self.closeReason, wasClean: self.closeClean, error: self.finalError as? NSError)
exit = true
} catch WebSocketError.NeedMoreInput {
more = true
} catch {
if finalError != nil {
finalError = error
if stage == .OpenConn || stage == .ReadResponse {
stage = .CloseConn
} else {
var frame : Frame?
if let error = error as? WebSocketError{
switch error {
case .Network(let details):
if details == atEndDetails{
stage = .CloseConn
frame = Frame.makeClose(1006, reason: "Abnormal Closure")
atEnd = true
finalError = nil
case .ProtocolError:
frame = Frame.makeClose(1002, reason: "Protocol error")
case .PayloadError:
frame = Frame.makeClose(1007, reason: "Payload error")
if frame == nil {
frame = Frame.makeClose(1006, reason: "Abnormal Closure")
if let frame = frame {
if frame.statusCode == 1007 {
self.frames = [frame]
} else {
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 0), manager.queue){
self.frames += [frame]
func stepBuffers(more: Bool) throws {
if rd != nil {
if stage != .CloseConn && rd.streamStatus == NSStreamStatus.AtEnd {
if atEnd {
throw WebSocketError.Network(atEndDetails)
if more {
while rd.hasBytesAvailable {
var size = inputBytesSize
while size-(inputBytesStart+inputBytesLength) < windowBufferSize {
size *= 2
if size > inputBytesSize {
let ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>(realloc(inputBytes, size))
if ptr == nil {
throw WebSocketError.Memory
inputBytes = ptr
inputBytesSize = size
let n =, maxLength: inputBytesSize-inputBytesStart-inputBytesLength)
if n > 0 {
inputBytesLength += n
if wr != nil && wr.hasSpaceAvailable && outputBytesLength > 0 {
let n = wr.write(outputBytes+outputBytesStart, maxLength: outputBytesLength)
if n > 0 {
outputBytesLength -= n
if outputBytesLength == 0 {
outputBytesStart = 0
} else {
outputBytesStart += n
func stepStreamErrors() throws {
if finalError == nil {
if connectionTimeout {
throw WebSocketError.Network(timeoutDetails)
if let error = rd?.streamError {
throw WebSocketError.Network(error.localizedDescription)
if let error = wr?.streamError {
throw WebSocketError.Network(error.localizedDescription)
func stepOutputFrames() throws {
defer {
frames = []
if !closeFinal {
for frame in frames {
try writeFrame(frame)
if frame.code == .Close {
closeCode = frame.statusCode
closeReason = frame.utf8.text
closeFinal = true
@inline(__always) func fire(block: ()->()){
if let queue = eventQueue {
dispatch_sync(queue) {
} else {
var readStateSaved = false
var readStateFrame : Frame?
var readStateFinished = false
var leaderFrame : Frame?
func readFrame() throws -> Frame {
var frame : Frame
var finished : Bool
if !readStateSaved {
if leaderFrame != nil {
frame = leaderFrame!
finished = false
leaderFrame = nil
} else {
frame = try readFrameFragment(nil)
finished = frame.finished
if frame.code == .Continue{
throw WebSocketError.ProtocolError("leader frame cannot be a continue frame")
if !finished {
readStateSaved = true
readStateFrame = frame
readStateFinished = finished
throw WebSocketError.NeedMoreInput
} else {
frame = readStateFrame!
finished = readStateFinished
if !finished {
let cf = try readFrameFragment(frame)
finished = cf.finished
if cf.code != .Continue {
if !cf.code.isControl {
throw WebSocketError.ProtocolError("only ping frames can be interlaced with fragments")
leaderFrame = frame
return cf
if !finished {
readStateSaved = true
readStateFrame = frame
readStateFinished = finished
throw WebSocketError.NeedMoreInput
if !frame.utf8.completed {
throw WebSocketError.PayloadError("incomplete utf8")
readStateSaved = false
readStateFrame = nil
readStateFinished = false
return frame
func closeConn() {
rd.removeFromRunLoop(NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop(), forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
wr.removeFromRunLoop(NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop(), forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
rd.delegate = nil
wr.delegate = nil
func openConn() throws {
let req = request.mutableCopy() as! NSMutableURLRequest
req.setValue("websocket", forHTTPHeaderField: "Upgrade")
req.setValue("Upgrade", forHTTPHeaderField: "Connection")
if req.valueForHTTPHeaderField("User-Agent") == nil {
req.setValue("SwiftWebSocket", forHTTPHeaderField: "User-Agent")
req.setValue("13", forHTTPHeaderField: "Sec-WebSocket-Version")
if req.URL == nil || req.URL!.host == nil{
throw WebSocketError.InvalidAddress
if req.URL!.port == nil || req.URL!.port!.integerValue == 80 || req.URL!.port!.integerValue == 443 {
req.setValue(req.URL!.host!, forHTTPHeaderField: "Host")
} else {
req.setValue("\(req.URL!.host!):\(req.URL!.port!.integerValue)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Host")
let origin = req.valueForHTTPHeaderField("Origin")
if origin == nil || origin! == ""{
req.setValue(req.URL!.absoluteString, forHTTPHeaderField: "Origin")
if subProtocols.count > 0 {
req.setValue(subProtocols.joinWithSeparator(","), forHTTPHeaderField: "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol")
if req.URL!.scheme != "wss" && req.URL!.scheme != "ws" {
throw WebSocketError.InvalidAddress
if compression.on {
var val = "permessage-deflate"
if compression.noContextTakeover {
val += "; client_no_context_takeover; server_no_context_takeover"
val += "; client_max_window_bits"
if compression.maxWindowBits != 0 {
val += "; server_max_window_bits=\(compression.maxWindowBits)"
req.setValue(val, forHTTPHeaderField: "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions")
let security: TCPConnSecurity
let port : Int
if req.URL!.scheme == "wss" {
port = req.URL!.port?.integerValue ?? 443
security = .NegoticatedSSL
} else {
port = req.URL!.port?.integerValue ?? 80
security = .None
var path = CFURLCopyPath(req.URL!) as String
if path == "" {
path = "/"
if let q = req.URL!.query {
if q != "" {
path += "?" + q
var reqs = "GET \(path) HTTP/1.1\r\n"
for key in req.allHTTPHeaderFields!.keys {
if let val = req.valueForHTTPHeaderField(key) {
reqs += "\(key): \(val)\r\n"
var keyb = [UInt32](count: 4, repeatedValue: 0)
for i in 0 ..< 4 {
keyb[i] = arc4random()
let rkey = NSData(bytes: keyb, length: 16).base64EncodedStringWithOptions(NSDataBase64EncodingOptions(rawValue: 0))
reqs += "Sec-WebSocket-Key: \(rkey)\r\n"
reqs += "\r\n"
var header = [UInt8]()
for b in reqs.utf8 {
header += [b]
let addr = ["\(req.URL!.host!)", "\(port)"]
if addr.count != 2 || Int(addr[1]) == nil {
throw WebSocketError.InvalidAddress
var (rdo, wro) : (NSInputStream?, NSOutputStream?)
var readStream: Unmanaged<CFReadStream>?
var writeStream: Unmanaged<CFWriteStream>?
CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost(nil, addr[0], UInt32(Int(addr[1])!), &readStream, &writeStream);
rdo = readStream!.takeRetainedValue()
wro = writeStream!.takeRetainedValue()
(rd, wr) = (rdo!, wro!)
rd.setProperty(security.level, forKey: NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelKey)
wr.setProperty(security.level, forKey: NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelKey)
if services.contains(.VoIP) {
rd.setProperty(NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP, forKey: NSStreamNetworkServiceType)
wr.setProperty(NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP, forKey: NSStreamNetworkServiceType)
if services.contains(.Video) {
rd.setProperty(NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeVideo, forKey: NSStreamNetworkServiceType)
wr.setProperty(NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeVideo, forKey: NSStreamNetworkServiceType)
if services.contains(.Background) {
rd.setProperty(NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeBackground, forKey: NSStreamNetworkServiceType)
wr.setProperty(NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeBackground, forKey: NSStreamNetworkServiceType)
if services.contains(.Voice) {
rd.setProperty(NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoice, forKey: NSStreamNetworkServiceType)
wr.setProperty(NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoice, forKey: NSStreamNetworkServiceType)
if allowSelfSignedSSL {
let prop: Dictionary<NSObject,NSObject> = [kCFStreamSSLPeerName: kCFNull, kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain: NSNumber(bool: false)]
rd.setProperty(prop, forKey: kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings as String)
wr.setProperty(prop, forKey: kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings as String)
rd.delegate = delegate
wr.delegate = delegate
rd.scheduleInRunLoop(NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop(), forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
wr.scheduleInRunLoop(NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop(), forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
try write(header, length: header.count)
func write(bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, length: Int) throws {
if outputBytesStart+outputBytesLength+length > outputBytesSize {
var size = outputBytesSize
while outputBytesStart+outputBytesLength+length > size {
size *= 2
let ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>(realloc(outputBytes, size))
if ptr == nil {
throw WebSocketError.Memory
outputBytes = ptr
outputBytesSize = size
memcpy(outputBytes+outputBytesStart+outputBytesLength, bytes, length)
outputBytesLength += length
func readResponse() throws {
let end : [UInt8] = [ 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x0D, 0x0A ]
let ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>(memmem(inputBytes+inputBytesStart, inputBytesLength, end, 4))
if ptr == nil {
throw WebSocketError.NeedMoreInput
let buffer = inputBytes+inputBytesStart
let bufferCount = ptr-(inputBytes+inputBytesStart)
let string = NSString(bytesNoCopy: buffer, length: bufferCount, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, freeWhenDone: false) as? String
if string == nil {
throw WebSocketError.InvalidHeader
let header = string!
var needsCompression = false
var serverMaxWindowBits = 15
let clientMaxWindowBits = 15
var key = ""
let trim : (String)->(String) = { (text) in return text.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet())}
let eqval : (String,String)->(String) = { (line, del) in return trim(line.componentsSeparatedByString(del)[1]) }
let lines = header.componentsSeparatedByString("\r\n")
for i in 0 ..< lines.count {
let line = trim(lines[i])
if i == 0 {
if !line.hasPrefix("HTTP/1.1 101"){
throw WebSocketError.InvalidResponse(line)
} else if line != "" {
var value = ""
if line.hasPrefix("\t") || line.hasPrefix(" ") {
value = trim(line)
} else {
key = ""
if let r = line.rangeOfString(":") {
key = trim(line.substringToIndex(r.startIndex))
value = trim(line.substringFromIndex(r.endIndex))
switch key.lowercaseString {
case "sec-websocket-subprotocol":
privateSubProtocol = value
case "sec-websocket-extensions":
let parts = value.componentsSeparatedByString(";")
for p in parts {
let part = trim(p)
if part == "permessage-deflate" {
needsCompression = true
} else if part.hasPrefix("server_max_window_bits="){
if let i = Int(eqval(line, "=")) {
serverMaxWindowBits = i
if needsCompression {
if serverMaxWindowBits < 8 || serverMaxWindowBits > 15 {
throw WebSocketError.InvalidCompressionOptions("server_max_window_bits")
if serverMaxWindowBits < 8 || serverMaxWindowBits > 15 {
throw WebSocketError.InvalidCompressionOptions("client_max_window_bits")
inflater = Inflater(windowBits: serverMaxWindowBits)
if inflater == nil {
throw WebSocketError.InvalidCompressionOptions("inflater init")
deflater = Deflater(windowBits: clientMaxWindowBits, memLevel: 8)
if deflater == nil {
throw WebSocketError.InvalidCompressionOptions("deflater init")
inputBytesLength -= bufferCount+4
if inputBytesLength == 0 {
inputBytesStart = 0
} else {
inputBytesStart += bufferCount+4
class ByteReader {
var start : UnsafePointer<UInt8>
var end : UnsafePointer<UInt8>
var bytes : UnsafePointer<UInt8>
init(bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, length: Int){
self.bytes = bytes
start = bytes
end = bytes+length
func readByte() throws -> UInt8 {
if bytes >= end {
throw WebSocketError.NeedMoreInput
let b = bytes.memory
bytes += 1
return b
var length : Int {
return end - bytes
var position : Int {
get {
return bytes - start
set {
bytes = start + newValue
var fragStateSaved = false
var fragStatePosition = 0
var fragStateInflate = false
var fragStateLen = 0
var fragStateFin = false
var fragStateCode = OpCode.Continue
var fragStateLeaderCode = OpCode.Continue
var fragStateUTF8 = UTF8()
var fragStatePayload = Payload()
var fragStateStatusCode = UInt16(0)
var fragStateHeaderLen = 0
var buffer = [UInt8](count: windowBufferSize, repeatedValue: 0)
var reusedPayload = Payload()
func readFrameFragment(leader : Frame?) throws -> Frame {
var inflate : Bool
var len : Int
var fin = false
var code : OpCode
var leaderCode : OpCode
var utf8 : UTF8
var payload : Payload
var statusCode : UInt16
var headerLen : Int
var leader = leader
let reader = ByteReader(bytes: inputBytes+inputBytesStart, length: inputBytesLength)
if fragStateSaved {
// load state
reader.position += fragStatePosition
inflate = fragStateInflate
len = fragStateLen
fin = fragStateFin
code = fragStateCode
leaderCode = fragStateLeaderCode
utf8 = fragStateUTF8
payload = fragStatePayload
statusCode = fragStateStatusCode
headerLen = fragStateHeaderLen
fragStateSaved = false
} else {
var b = try reader.readByte()
fin = b >> 7 & 0x1 == 0x1
let rsv1 = b >> 6 & 0x1 == 0x1
let rsv2 = b >> 5 & 0x1 == 0x1
let rsv3 = b >> 4 & 0x1 == 0x1
if inflater != nil && (rsv1 || (leader != nil && leader!.inflate)) {
inflate = true
} else if rsv1 || rsv2 || rsv3 {
throw WebSocketError.ProtocolError("invalid extension")
} else {
inflate = false
code = OpCode.Binary
if let c = OpCode(rawValue: (b & 0xF)){
code = c
} else {
throw WebSocketError.ProtocolError("invalid opcode")
if !fin && code.isControl {
throw WebSocketError.ProtocolError("unfinished control frame")
b = try reader.readByte()
if b >> 7 & 0x1 == 0x1 {
throw WebSocketError.ProtocolError("server sent masked frame")
var len64 = Int64(b & 0x7F)
var bcount = 0
if b & 0x7F == 126 {
bcount = 2
} else if len64 == 127 {
bcount = 8
if bcount != 0 {
if code.isControl {
throw WebSocketError.ProtocolError("invalid payload size for control frame")
len64 = 0
var i = bcount-1
while i >= 0 {
b = try reader.readByte()
len64 += Int64(b) << Int64(i*8)
i -= 1
len = Int(len64)
if code == .Continue {
if code.isControl {
throw WebSocketError.ProtocolError("control frame cannot have the 'continue' opcode")
if leader == nil {
throw WebSocketError.ProtocolError("continue frame is missing it's leader")
if code.isControl {
if leader != nil {
leader = nil
if inflate {
throw WebSocketError.ProtocolError("control frame cannot be compressed")
statusCode = 0
if leader != nil {
leaderCode = leader!.code
utf8 = leader!.utf8
payload = leader!.payload
} else {
leaderCode = code
utf8 = UTF8()
payload = reusedPayload
payload.count = 0
if leaderCode == .Close {
if len == 1 {
throw WebSocketError.ProtocolError("invalid payload size for close frame")
if len >= 2 {
let b1 = try reader.readByte()
let b2 = try reader.readByte()
statusCode = (UInt16(b1) << 8) + UInt16(b2)
len -= 2
if statusCode < 1000 || statusCode > 4999 || (statusCode >= 1004 && statusCode <= 1006) || (statusCode >= 1012 && statusCode <= 2999) {
throw WebSocketError.ProtocolError("invalid status code for close frame")
headerLen = reader.position
let rlen : Int
let rfin : Bool
let chopped : Bool
if reader.length+reader.position-headerLen < len {
rlen = reader.length
rfin = false
chopped = true
} else {
rlen = len-reader.position+headerLen
rfin = fin
chopped = false
let bytes : UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>
let bytesLen : Int
if inflate {
(bytes, bytesLen) = try inflater!.inflate(reader.bytes, length: rlen, final: rfin)
} else {
(bytes, bytesLen) = (UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>(reader.bytes), rlen)
reader.bytes += rlen
if leaderCode == .Text || leaderCode == .Close {
try utf8.append(bytes, length: bytesLen)
} else {
payload.append(bytes, length: bytesLen)
if chopped {
// save state
fragStateHeaderLen = headerLen
fragStateStatusCode = statusCode
fragStatePayload = payload
fragStateUTF8 = utf8
fragStateLeaderCode = leaderCode
fragStateCode = code
fragStateFin = fin
fragStateLen = len
fragStateInflate = inflate
fragStatePosition = reader.position
fragStateSaved = true
throw WebSocketError.NeedMoreInput
inputBytesLength -= reader.position
if inputBytesLength == 0 {
inputBytesStart = 0
} else {
inputBytesStart += reader.position
let f = Frame()
(f.code, f.payload, f.utf8, f.statusCode, f.inflate, f.finished) = (code, payload, utf8, statusCode, inflate, fin)
return f
var head = [UInt8](count: 0xFF, repeatedValue: 0)
func writeFrame(f : Frame) throws {
if !f.finished{
throw WebSocketError.LibraryError("cannot send unfinished frames")
var hlen = 0
let b : UInt8 = 0x80
var deflate = false
if deflater != nil {
if f.code == .Binary || f.code == .Text {
deflate = true
// b |= 0x40
head[hlen] = b | f.code.rawValue
hlen += 1
var payloadBytes : [UInt8]
var payloadLen = 0
if f.utf8.text != "" {
payloadBytes = UTF8.bytes(f.utf8.text)
} else {
payloadBytes = f.payload.array
payloadLen += payloadBytes.count
if deflate {
var usingStatusCode = false
if f.statusCode != 0 && payloadLen != 0 {
payloadLen += 2
usingStatusCode = true
if payloadLen < 126 {
head[hlen] = 0x80 | UInt8(payloadLen)
hlen += 1
} else if payloadLen <= 0xFFFF {
head[hlen] = 0x80 | 126
hlen += 1
var i = 1
while i >= 0 {
head[hlen] = UInt8((UInt16(payloadLen) >> UInt16(i*8)) & 0xFF)
hlen += 1
i -= 1
} else {
head[hlen] = UInt8((0x1 << 7) + 127)
hlen += 1
var i = 7
while i >= 0 {
head[hlen] = UInt8((UInt64(payloadLen) >> UInt64(i*8)) & 0xFF)
hlen += 1
i -= 1
let r = arc4random()
var maskBytes : [UInt8] = [UInt8(r >> 0 & 0xFF), UInt8(r >> 8 & 0xFF), UInt8(r >> 16 & 0xFF), UInt8(r >> 24 & 0xFF)]
for i in 0 ..< 4 {
head[hlen] = maskBytes[i]
hlen += 1
if payloadLen > 0 {
if usingStatusCode {
var sc = [UInt8(f.statusCode >> 8 & 0xFF), UInt8(f.statusCode >> 0 & 0xFF)]
for i in 0 ..< 2 {
sc[i] ^= maskBytes[i % 4]
head[hlen] = sc[0]
hlen += 1
head[hlen] = sc[1]
hlen += 1
for i in 2 ..< payloadLen {
payloadBytes[i-2] ^= maskBytes[i % 4]
} else {
for i in 0 ..< payloadLen {
payloadBytes[i] ^= maskBytes[i % 4]
try write(head, length: hlen)
try write(payloadBytes, length: payloadBytes.count)
func close(code : Int = 1000, reason : String = "Normal Closure") {
let f = Frame()
f.code = .Close
f.statusCode = UInt16(truncatingBitPattern: code)
f.utf8.text = reason
func sendFrame(f : Frame) {
frames += [f]
func send(message : Any) {
let f = Frame()
if let message = message as? String {
f.code = .Text
f.utf8.text = message
} else if let message = message as? [UInt8] {
f.code = .Binary
f.payload.array = message
} else if let message = message as? UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8> {
f.code = .Binary
f.payload.append(message.baseAddress, length: message.count)
} else if let message = message as? NSData {
f.code = .Binary
f.payload.nsdata = message
} else {
f.code = .Text
f.utf8.text = "\(message)"
func ping() {
let f = Frame()
f.code = .Ping
func ping(message : Any){
let f = Frame()
f.code = .Ping
if let message = message as? String {
f.payload.array = UTF8.bytes(message)
} else if let message = message as? [UInt8] {
f.payload.array = message
} else if let message = message as? UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8> {
f.payload.append(message.baseAddress, length: message.count)
} else if let message = message as? NSData {
f.payload.nsdata = message
} else {
f.utf8.text = "\(message)"
private func ==(lhs: InnerWebSocket, rhs: InnerWebSocket) -> Bool {
return ==
private enum TCPConnSecurity {
case None
case NegoticatedSSL
var level: String {
switch self {
case .None: return NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone
case .NegoticatedSSL: return NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelNegotiatedSSL
// Manager class is used to minimize the number of dispatches and cycle through network events
// using fewers threads. Helps tremendously with lowing system resources when many conncurrent
// sockets are opened.
private class Manager {
var queue = dispatch_queue_create("SwiftWebSocketInstance", nil)
var once = dispatch_once_t()
var mutex = pthread_mutex_t()
var cond = pthread_cond_t()
var websockets = Set<InnerWebSocket>()
var _nextId = 0
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, nil)
pthread_cond_init(&cond, nil)
dispatch_async(dispatch_queue_create("SwiftWebSocket", nil)) {
var wss : [InnerWebSocket] = []
while true {
var wait = true
for ws in self.websockets {
for ws in wss {
if ws.dirty {
wait = false
if wait {
func checkForConnectionTimeout(ws : InnerWebSocket) {
if ws.rd != nil && ws.wr != nil && (ws.rd.streamStatus == .Opening || ws.wr.streamStatus == .Opening) {
let age = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - ws.createdAt
if age >= timeoutDuration {
ws.connectionTimeout = true
func wait(timeInMs : Int) -> Int32 {
var ts = timespec()
var tv = timeval()
gettimeofday(&tv, nil)
ts.tv_sec = time(nil) + timeInMs / 1000;
let v1 = Int(tv.tv_usec * 1000)
let v2 = Int(1000 * 1000 * Int(timeInMs % 1000))
ts.tv_nsec = v1 + v2;
ts.tv_sec += ts.tv_nsec / (1000 * 1000 * 1000);
ts.tv_nsec %= (1000 * 1000 * 1000);
return pthread_cond_timedwait(&self.cond, &self.mutex, &ts)
func signal(){
func add(websocket: InnerWebSocket) {
func remove(websocket: InnerWebSocket) {
func nextId() -> Int {
defer { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex) }
_nextId += 1
return _nextId
private let manager = Manager()
/// WebSocket objects are bidirectional network streams that communicate over HTTP. RFC 6455.
public class WebSocket: NSObject {
private var ws: InnerWebSocket
private var id = manager.nextId()
private var opened: Bool
public override var hashValue: Int { return id }
/// Create a WebSocket connection to a URL; this should be the URL to which the WebSocket server will respond.
public convenience init(_ url: String){
self.init(request: NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: url)!), subProtocols: [])
/// Create a WebSocket connection to a URL; this should be the URL to which the WebSocket server will respond.
public convenience init(url: NSURL){
self.init(request: NSURLRequest(URL: url), subProtocols: [])
/// Create a WebSocket connection to a URL; this should be the URL to which the WebSocket server will respond. Also include a list of protocols.
public convenience init(_ url: String, subProtocols : [String]){
self.init(request: NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: url)!), subProtocols: subProtocols)
/// Create a WebSocket connection to a URL; this should be the URL to which the WebSocket server will respond. Also include a protocol.
public convenience init(_ url: String, subProtocol : String){
self.init(request: NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: url)!), subProtocols: [subProtocol])
/// Create a WebSocket connection from an NSURLRequest; Also include a list of protocols.
public init(request: NSURLRequest, subProtocols : [String] = []){
let hasURL = request.URL != nil
opened = hasURL
ws = InnerWebSocket(request: request, subProtocols: subProtocols, stub: !hasURL)
var outer : WebSocket? = self
ws.eclose = { [unowned self] in
self.opened = false
if outer != nil{
outer = nil
/// Create a WebSocket object with a deferred connection; the connection is not opened until the .open() method is called.
public convenience override init(){
self.init(request: NSURLRequest(), subProtocols: [])
/// The URL as resolved by the constructor. This is always an absolute URL. Read only.
public var url : String{ return ws.url }
/// A string indicating the name of the sub-protocol the server selected; this will be one of the strings specified in the protocols parameter when creating the WebSocket object.
public var subProtocol : String{ return ws.subProtocol }
/// The compression options of the WebSocket.
public var compression : WebSocketCompression{
get { return ws.compression }
set { ws.compression = newValue }
/// Allow for Self-Signed SSL Certificates. Default is false.
public var allowSelfSignedSSL : Bool{
get { return ws.allowSelfSignedSSL }
set { ws.allowSelfSignedSSL = newValue }
/// The services of the WebSocket.
public var services : WebSocketService{
get { return }
set { = newValue }
/// The events of the WebSocket.
public var event : WebSocketEvents{
get { return ws.event }
set { ws.event = newValue }
/// The queue for firing off events. default is main_queue
public var eventQueue : dispatch_queue_t?{
get { return ws.eventQueue }
set { ws.eventQueue = newValue }
/// A WebSocketBinaryType value indicating the type of binary data being transmitted by the connection. Default is .UInt8Array.
public var binaryType : WebSocketBinaryType{
get { return ws.binaryType }
set { ws.binaryType = newValue }
/// The current state of the connection; this is one of the WebSocketReadyState constants. Read only.
public var readyState : WebSocketReadyState{
return ws.readyState
/// Opens a deferred or closed WebSocket connection to a URL; this should be the URL to which the WebSocket server will respond.
public func open(url: String){
open(request: NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: url)!), subProtocols: [])
/// Opens a deferred or closed WebSocket connection to a URL; this should be the URL to which the WebSocket server will respond.
public func open(nsurl url: NSURL){
open(request: NSURLRequest(URL: url), subProtocols: [])
/// Opens a deferred or closed WebSocket connection to a URL; this should be the URL to which the WebSocket server will respond. Also include a list of protocols.
public func open(url: String, subProtocols : [String]){
open(request: NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: url)!), subProtocols: subProtocols)
/// Opens a deferred or closed WebSocket connection to a URL; this should be the URL to which the WebSocket server will respond. Also include a protocol.
public func open(url: String, subProtocol : String){
open(request: NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: url)!), subProtocols: [subProtocol])
/// Opens a deferred or closed WebSocket connection from an NSURLRequest; Also include a list of protocols.
public func open(request request: NSURLRequest, subProtocols : [String] = []){
if opened{
opened = true
ws = ws.copyOpen(request, subProtocols: subProtocols)
/// Opens a closed WebSocket connection from an NSURLRequest; Uses the same request and protocols as previously closed WebSocket
public func open(){
open(request: ws.request, subProtocols: ws.subProtocols)
Closes the WebSocket connection or connection attempt, if any. If the connection is already closed or in the state of closing, this method does nothing.
:param: code An integer indicating the status code explaining why the connection is being closed. If this parameter is not specified, a default value of 1000 (indicating a normal closure) is assumed.
:param: reason A human-readable string explaining why the connection is closing. This string must be no longer than 123 bytes of UTF-8 text (not characters).
public func close(code : Int = 1000, reason : String = "Normal Closure"){
if !opened{
opened = false
ws.close(code, reason: reason)
Transmits message to the server over the WebSocket connection.
:param: message The message to be sent to the server.
public func send(message : Any){
if !opened{
Transmits a ping to the server over the WebSocket connection.
:param: optional message The data to be sent to the server.
public func ping(message : Any){
if !opened{
Transmits a ping to the server over the WebSocket connection.
public func ping(){
if !opened{
public func ==(lhs: WebSocket, rhs: WebSocket) -> Bool {
return ==
extension WebSocket {
/// The events of the WebSocket using a delegate.
public var delegate : WebSocketDelegate? {
get { return ws.eventDelegate }
set { ws.eventDelegate = newValue }
Transmits message to the server over the WebSocket connection.
:param: text The message (string) to be sent to the server.
public func send(text text: String){
Transmits message to the server over the WebSocket connection.
:param: data The message (binary) to be sent to the server.
public func send(data data: NSData){
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