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Last active January 7, 2018 22:57
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go performance for multi core machines
package main
import (
func main() {
var threads int
var N int
flag.IntVar(&threads, "t", 0, "number of threads, 0 = host cpus")
flag.IntVar(&N, "n", 10000000000, "number of ops per thread")
if threads <= 0 {
threads = runtime.NumCPU()
var f int64
var wg sync.WaitGroup
start := time.Now()
for i := 0; i < threads; i++ {
go func(r, n int) {
var t int
for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
t += r * j
atomic.AddInt64(&f, int64(t))
}(rand.Int(), N)
dur := time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("%s ops over %s threads in %s (%s ops/sec)\n",
commaize(N*threads), commaize(threads), dur, commaize(int(float64(N*threads)/dur.Seconds())))
func commaize(n int) string {
nstr1, nstr := fmt.Sprintf("%d", n), ""
for i, j := len(nstr1)-1, 0; i >= 0; i, j = i-1, j+1 {
nstr = string(nstr1[i]) + nstr
if i != 0 && j%3 == 2 {
nstr = "," + nstr
return nstr
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