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Created November 19, 2018 07:11
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  • Save tiendq/3a138087beedfa8e11d2be7c8ee10e4b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tiendq/3a138087beedfa8e11d2be7c8ee10e4b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
alias g='git'
alias gst='g status'
# alias gfe='g fetch'
alias gco='g checkout'
# alias gcd='gco develop'
# alias gcm='gco master'
alias gpush='g push origin $(current_branch)'
#alias ggpushf='ggpush --force-with-lease'
#alias ggpusht='g push origin --tags'
alias gcm='g commit -m'
alias gca='gcm --amend'
#alias gca='gc -a'
#alias gca!='gca --amend'
alias gpu='g pull'
#alias glr='gl --rebase'
#alias glff='gl --ff-only'
#alias gm='g merge'
#alias gmff='gm --ff-only'
#alias gmnff='gm --no-ff'
#alias ga='g add'
#alias gap='ga --patch'
#alias gai='ga -i'
alias gcb='g checkout -b'
#alias gba='g branch -a'
#alias ggr='git grep'
#alias grb='g rebase'
#alias grbi='grb --interactive'
#alias grbiod='grbi origin/develop'
#alias grbiom='grbi origin/master'
#alias grbc='grb --continue'
#alias grba='grb --abort'
#alias gt='g tag'
#alias gre='g reset'
#alias greh='gre --hard'
#alias ggrh='greh origin/$(current_branch)'
#grf() {
# gre @~ "$@" && gc! --no-edit
#alias gd='g diff'
#alias gdo='gd origin/$(current_branch) $(current_branch)'
#alias gcp='g cherry-pick'
#alias gcpa='gcp --abort'
#alias gcpc='gcp --continue'
#alias gsts='git stash show --text'
#alias gsta='g stash'
#alias gstp='gsta pop'
#alias gstd='gsta drop'
alias gcl='g clone'
#alias gr='g remote'
function current_branch() {
ref=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null) || \
ref=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null) || return
echo ${ref#refs/heads/}
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