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Created May 19, 2020 07:03
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function swapETHToDai() public payable returns(uint[] memory) {
// static array: address[k] memory array;
// The following is the dynamic array way of initialization
address[] memory _paths = new address[](2);
// Also, push() is for storage array.
_paths[0] = WETHAddress;
_paths[1] = DaiAddress;
return uniswapV2Router01.swapExactETHForTokens{value: msg.value}(0, _paths, msg.sender, now + 120);
function swapDaiForETH(uint _DaiAmount) public returns(uint[] memory) {
require(Dai.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _DaiAmount));
address[] memory _paths = new address[](2);
_paths[0] = DaiAddress;
_paths[1] = WETHAddress;
Dai.approve(address(uniswapV2Router01), _DaiAmount);
return uniswapV2Router01.swapExactTokensForETH(_DaiAmount, 0, _paths, msg.sender, now + 120);
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I have indeed a question! Below you find to version of the same contract. The first one I learnt from you and the second would be a shortcut but I'm not sure whether I miss something.

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
import "./IUniswapV2Router01.sol";

contract ExactEthForTokenV2 {
address internal constant UNISWAP_ROUTER_ADDRESS = 0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D;

IUniswapV2Router01 public uniswaprouter;

constructor () public {
uniswaprouter = IUniswapV2Router01(UNISWAP_ROUTER_ADDRESS);

function swapETHToNBT() public payable {
address[] memory _paths = new address;
_paths[0] = WETHAddress;
_paths[1] = TokenAddress;
uniswaprouter.swapExactETHForTokens.value(msg.value)(0, _paths, address(this), now + 15);

//Question: Is there any benefit of doing it as you do:
//First, IUniswapV2Router01 public uniswaprouter;
//Second, uniswaprouter = IUniswapV2Router01(UNISWAP_ROUTER_ADDRESS);
//Third, uniswaprouter.swapExactETHForTokens.value(msg.value)(0, _paths, address(this), now + 15);
//Is it also possible to use the Interface address directly (see the last line below) to call swapExactETHForTokens.

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
import "./IUniswapV2Router01.sol";

contract ExactEthForTokenV2 {
address internal constant UNISWAP_ROUTER_ADDRESS = 0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D;

constructor () public {

function swapETHToNBT() public payable {
address[] memory _paths = new address;
_paths[0] = WETHAddress;
_paths[1] = TokenAddress;
IUniswapV2Router01(UNISWAP_ROUTER_ADDRESS).swapExactETHForTokens.value(msg.value)(0, _paths, address(this), now + 15);

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tienshaoku commented Jun 16, 2020 via email

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Hi Shao
I figured the problem out in the meantime.
Thanks again

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tienshaoku commented Jun 21, 2020 via email

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alberentsen commented Jun 24, 2020 via email

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tienshaoku commented Jun 26, 2020 via email

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