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Created April 8, 2022 07:16
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Kubectl config switcher

You are tried many kubeconfig files kc command will help it easy to switch multiple kubeconfig file for you

How does it work? The script will scan your config file in ~/.kube/*.yaml and provide a bash shell autocompletion

Provide kc command switch kube config in ~/.kube/*.yaml
Usage: kc <file> | kc <press tab tab>


  1. Download kubeconfig.completion.bash
  2. Place the completion script in /etc/bash_completion.d/
  3. ReOpen your terminal or source this file

Sample output

thanh@thanh-pc:~$ kc /home/thanh/.kube/
/home/thanh/.kube/agim8.yaml                        /home/thanh/.kube/rke2-olive-ci.yaml
/home/thanh/.kube/olive-prod.yaml                   /home/thanh/.kube/rke2-ptthanh-i5-128-62-oidc.yaml
/home/thanh/.kube/ov.yaml                           /home/thanh/.kube/rke2-ptthanh-i5-128-62.yaml
/home/thanh/.kube/rke2-localhost.yaml               /home/thanh/.kube/rke2-tdmu.yaml
/home/thanh/.kube/rke2-olive-ci-oidc.yaml           /home/thanh/.kube/rke2-tma-45.yaml
#/usr/bin/env bash
# Provide kc command switch kube config in ~/.kube/*.yaml
# Usage: kc <file> | kc <press tab tab>
kube_config_autocomplete() {
complete -W "${FILES}" kc
kc() {
export KUBECONFIG=$1
echo "Switch KubeConfig to file ${KUBECONFIG}"
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