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Created September 8, 2016 21:34
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An example showing `leafletProxy()` incompatibility with the shiny module framework (includes a work-around solution)
quakeMapUI <- function(id){
ns <- NS(id)
tags$style(type = "text/css", "html, body {width:100%;height:100%}"),
leafletOutput(ns("map"), width = "100%", height = "100%"),
absolutePanel(top = 10, right = 10,
sliderInput(ns("range"), "Magnitudes", min(quakes$mag), max(quakes$mag),
value = range(quakes$mag), step = 0.1
selectInput(ns("colors"), "Color Scheme",
rownames(subset(, category %in% c("seq", "div")))
quakeMap <- function(input, output, session, data_rx, id_copy){
ns <- NS(id_copy)
filteredData <- reactive({
data_rx()[data_rx()$mag >= input$range[1] & data_rx()$mag <= input$range[2],]
colorpal <- reactive({
colorNumeric(input$colors, data_rx()$mag)
output$map <- renderLeaflet({
pal <- colorNumeric('Spectral',quakes$mag)
leaflet(quakes) %>%
addTiles() %>%
fitBounds(~min(long), ~min(lat), ~max(long), ~max(lat)) %>%
addCircles(radius = ~10^mag/10,
weight = 1, color = "#777777",
fillColor = ~pal(mag), fillOpacity = 0.7,
popup = ~paste(mag)
) %>%
addLegend(position = "bottomright",
pal = pal, values = ~mag
pal <- colorpal()
leafletProxy("map", data = filteredData()) %>%
clearShapes() %>%
clearControls() %>%
addCircles(radius = ~10^mag/10, weight = 1, color = "#777777",
fillColor = ~pal(mag), fillOpacity = 0.7, popup = ~paste(mag)
) %>%
addLegend(position = "bottomright",
pal = pal, values = ~mag
# Un-comment the `observe` function below and the app starts working
# observe({
# pal <- colorpal()
# leafletProxy(ns("map"), data = filteredData()) %>%
# clearShapes() %>%
# clearControls() %>%
# addCircles(radius = ~10^mag/10, weight = 1, color = "#777777",
# fillColor = ~pal(mag), fillOpacity = 0.7, popup = ~paste(mag)
# ) %>%
# addLegend(position = "bottomright",
# pal = pal, values = ~mag
# )
# })
ui <- quakeMapUI('test')
server <- function(input, output, session) {
callModule(module = quakeMap,
id = 'test',
data_rx = reactive({quakes}),
id_copy = 'test')
shinyApp(ui, server)
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