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Last active December 18, 2022 22:57
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"$schema": "",
"description": "A scatterplot template with URL.",
"data": {"url": ""},
"mark": "point",
"encoding": {
"x": {"field": "corrected_income","type": "quantitative"},
"y": {"field": "population","type": "quantitative"}
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"x": {"field": "begindatum", "type": "temporal", "timeUnit": "yearmonthdate"},
"y": {"field": "categorie", "aggregate": "count"}
"$schema": "",
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"url": "data/us-10m.json",
"format": {"type": "topojson", "feature": "counties"}
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"data": {
"url": "",
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"fields": [
{"calculate": "datum.per_dem - datum.per_gop", "as": "win_perc"}
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"x": {"field": "Unemployment_rate_2016", "type": "quantitative"},
"y": {"field": "Median_Household_Income_2016", "type": "quantitative"},
"color": {
"condition": {
"selection": "brush",
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"size": {
"field": "Civilian_labor_force_2016"
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