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Created May 28, 2010 16:28
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
FIG - Feature Inspector Gadget, find out what gadget features are supported by any gadget container.
Copyright (C) 2009 XING AG
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
title="__MSG_abbr__ - __MSG_title__ __MSG_current_version__"
description="__MSG_description__ __MSG_last_version__: __MSG_current_version__, __MSG_date__: __MSG_current_version_date__"
<Locale messages=""/>
<Locale lang="de" messages=""/>
<Locale lang="es" messages=""/>
<Locale lang="sr" messages=""/>
Standard gadget features according to Apache Shindig OpenSocial container
<Optional feature="analytics" />
<Optional feature="content-rewrite">
<Param name="expires">86400</Param>
<Param name="include-url">.jpg</Param>
<Param name="exclude-url">.png</Param>
<Optional feature="core" />
<Optional feature="" />
<Optional feature="dynamic-height" />
<Optional feature="dynamic-height.util" />
<Optional feature="flash" />
<Optional feature="minimessage" />
<Optional feature="oauthpopup" />
We have to exclude opensocial-0.6 in order to avoid
a js error in google's container
<Optional feature="opensocial-0.6" />
<Optional feature="opensocial-0.7" />
<Optional feature="opensocial-0.8" />
<Optional feature="opensocial-0.9" />
<Optional feature="opensocial-base" />
<Optional feature="opensocial-data" />
<Optional feature="opensocial-data-context" />
<!-- <Optional feature="opensocial-i18n" /> -->
<Optional feature="opensocial-jsonrpc" />
<Optional feature="opensocial-reference" />
<Optional feature="opensocial-templates" />
<Optional feature="osapi" />
<Optional feature="osapi.ui" />
<Optional feature="pubsub" />
<Optional feature="rpc" />
<Optional feature="setprefs" />
<Optional feature="settitle" />
<Optional feature="skins" />
<Optional feature="swfobject" />
<Optional feature="tabs" />
<Optional feature="views" />
<Optional feature="xmlutil" />
Container-specific gadget features
<Optional feature="ads" />
<Optional feature="atlassian.util" />
<Optional feature="cache" />
<Optional feature="drag" />
<Optional feature="finance" />
<Optional feature="" />
<Optional feature="google.sharedstate" />
<Optional feature="grid" />
<Optional feature="invite" />
<Optional feature="linkedin-ext" />
<Optional feature="multisize" />
<Optional feature="netlog" />
<Optional feature="opensocial-payment" />
<Optional feature="payment" />
<Optional feature="sharedmap" />
<Optional feature="tracking" />
<Optional feature="vzflash" />
<Optional feature="wave" />
<Optional feature="xing-ext" />
<Content type="html"><![CDATA[
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-size: 11px;
font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
h2 {
font-size: 20px;
table th {
background-color: silver;
table .supported {
background-color: green;
table .unsupported {
background-color: red;
table .supported,
table .unsupported {
width: 20%;
text-align: center;
text-transform: uppercase;
color: #fff;
font-size: 9px;
table .name {
font-family: Courier, Fixed, monospace;
width: 30%;
table .docUrl {
width: 50%;
text-align: center;
font-size: 11px;
table .docUrl a {
background: url( center __BIDI_END_EDGE__ no-repeat;
padding: 0 13px;
#custom-features {
margin: 25px 0 0 0;
#unchecked-features {
color: #999;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.content-rewrite-test {
display: none;
.ie {
background-color: red;
color: #fff;
padding: 5px;
text-transform: uppercase;
margin-bottom: 20px;
text-align: center;
<!--[if lt IE 8]>
<div class="ie">This Gadget isn't compatible with Internet Explorer versions lower than 8. Sorry.</div>
<div id="standard-features">
<table width="100%" id="standard-features-table" border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"></table>
<div id="custom-features">
<table width="100%" id="custom-features-table" border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"></table>
<div id="unchecked-features">
<strong>__MSG_please_note__:</strong> <i>__MSG_title__</i> __MSG_not_able__:
<i>locked-domain</i> __MSG_and__
<div class="content-rewrite-test">
<img src="" id="cr-jpg" />
<img src="" id="cr-png" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var GadgetFeatureInspector = {
_features: {
"analytics": function() { return window.urchinTracker || !!window._gat || !!window._IG_GA || !!window._IG_Analytics; },
// "auth-refresh": function() { return false; }, // Probably undetectable
// "caja": function() { return false; }, // TODO
"content-rewrite": function() { return document.getElementById("cr-jpg").src != "" && document.getElementById("cr-png").src == ""; },
"core": function() { return !!window.gadgets; },
"": function() { return !!window.gadgets && !!; },
"dynamic-height": function() { return ( !!window.gadgets && !!gadgets.window && !!gadgets.window.adjustHeight ) || !!window._IG_AdjustIFrameHeight; },
"dynamic-height.util": function() { return !!window.gadgets && !!gadgets.window && !!gadgets.window.getViewportDimensions; },
"flash": function() { return ( !!window.gadgets && !!gadgets.flash ) || !!window._IG_EmbedFlash; },
// "locked-domain": function() { return false; }, // Propably undetectable
"minimessage": function() { return ( !!window.gadgets && !!gadgets.MiniMessage ) || !!window._IG_MiniMessage; },
"oauthpopup": function() { return !!window.gadgets && !!gadgets.oauth && !!gadgets.oauth.Popup; },
// "opensocial-0.6": function() { return !!window.opensocial && !!opensocial.Environment && !!opensocial.Environment.prototype && !!opensocial.Environment.prototype.getSurface; },
"opensocial-0.7": function() { return !!window.opensocial && !!opensocial.DataRequest && !!opensocial.DataRequest.Group; },
"opensocial-0.8": function() { return !!window.opensocial && !!opensocial.IdSpec && !!opensocial.IdSpec.GroupId; },
"opensocial-0.9": function() { return !!window.opensocial && !!opensocial.Person && !!opensocial.Person.prototype && !!opensocial.Person.prototype.getAppData; },
"opensocial-base": function() { return !!window.FieldTranslations; }, // TODO... not sure if this is correct for all OSO versions
// "opensocial-current": function() { return !!window.requiredConfig; }, // TODO
"opensocial-data": function() { return !!window.opensocial && !!; },
"opensocial-data-context": function() { return !!window.opensocial && !! && !!; },
// "opensocial-i18n": function() { return !!window.gadgets && !!gadgets.i18n; },
"opensocial-jsonrpc": function() { return !!window.JsonRpcContainer; },
"opensocial-reference": function() { return !!window.opensocial && !!opensocial.getEnvironment; },
"opensocial-templates": function() { return ( !!window.opensocial && !!opensocial.template || !!window.os ); },
"osapi": function() { return !!window.osapi; },
"osapi.ui": function() { return !!window.osapi && !!osapi.ui; },
"pubsub": function() { return !!window.gadgets && !!gadgets.pubsub; },
"rpc": function() { return !!window.gadgets && !!gadgets.rpc; },
"setprefs": function() { return ( !!window.gadgets && !!gadgets.Prefs && !!gadgets.Prefs.prototype && !!gadgets.Prefs.prototype.set ) || ( !!window._IG_Prefs && !!_IG_Prefs.prototype && !!_IG_Prefs.prototype.set ); },
"settitle": function() { return ( !!window.gadgets && !!gadgets.window && !!gadgets.window.setTitle ) || !!window._IG_SetTitle; },
"skins": function() { return !!window.gadgets && !!gadgets.skins; },
"swfobject": function() { return !!window.swfobject; },
"tabs": function() { return ( !!window.gadgets && !!gadgets.Tab ) || !!window._IG_Tabs; },
"views": function() { return !!window.gadgets && !!gadgets.views; },
"xmlutil": function() { return !!window.opensocial && !!opensocial.xmlutil; }
_customFeatures: {
"ads": function() { return !!window._ADS_ClickDestinationUrl; },
"atlassian.util": function() { return !!window.atlassian && !!atlassian.util; },
"cache": function() { return !!window.gadgets && !!gadgets.cache; },
"drag": function() { return !!window._IG_Drag; },
"finance": function() { return !! && !!; },
"": function() { return !! && !!google.Blog; },
"google.sharedstate": function() { return !!window.gadgets && !!gadgets.sharedstate; },
"grid": function() { return !!window._IG_Grid; },
"invite": function() { return !!window.vz && !!vz.invite; },
"linkedin-ext": function() { return !!window.linkedin; },
"multisize": function() { return !!window._IG_MultiSize; },
"netlog": function() { return !!window.Netlog; },
"opensocial-payment": function() { return !!window.opensocial && !!opensocial.newFetchPaymentRequest; },
"payment": function() { return !!window.Netlog && !!Netlog.Payment; },
"sharedmap": function() { return !!window.GMap2; },
"tracking": function() { return !!window.gadgets && !!gadgets.tracking; },
"vzflash": function() { return !!window.vz && !!vz.flash; },
"wave": function() { return !!window.wave; },
"xing-ext": function() { return !!window.xing; }
// Feature documentation link map "feature" : object
// where object is either a "link" or {("title": "link")+}
_featureDocs: {
"analytics": "",
"content-rewrite": "",
"core": "",
"": "",
"dynamic-height": "", //
"dynamic-height.util": "",
"flash": "", // ""
// "locked-domain": "",
"minimessage": "", // ""
"oauthpopup": "",
// "opensocial-0.6": "",
"opensocial-0.7": "",
"opensocial-0.8": "",
"opensocial-0.9": "",
"opensocial-base": "",
// "opensocial-current": "",
"opensocial-data": "",
"opensocial-data-context": "",
"opensocial-jsonrpc": "",
"opensocial-reference": "",
"opensocial-templates": "",
"osapi": "",
"osapi.ui": "",
"pubsub": "",
"rpc": "",
"setprefs": {"Method Docs": "",
"Tutorial": ""},
"settitle": {"Method Docs" : "",
"Tutorial": ""},
"skins": {"Method Docs": ""},
"swfobject": "",
"tabs": {"Method Docs": "",
"Tutorial": ""},
"views": "",
"xmlutil": "",
"ads": {"Tutorial": ""},
"atlassian.util": {"Atlassian Gadget Framework": ""},
"cache": "",
"drag": {"Drag'n'drop Feature Docs": ""},
"finance": {"Financial Gadgets Docs": ""},
"": "",
"google.sharedstate": "",
"grid": "",
"invite": "",
"multisize": "",
"netlog": "",
"opensocial-payment": "",
"payment": "",
"sharedmap": "",
"tracking": "",
"vzflash": "",
"wave": ""
initialize: function() {
var standardFeaturesTable = document.getElementById("standard-features-table"),
customFeaturesTable = document.getElementById("custom-features-table");
this._renderFeatures(standardFeaturesTable, this._features, true);
this._renderFeatures(customFeaturesTable, this._customFeatures, true);
* Render feature info as a table row.
* @param domEl {object} DOM element in which to render a table row
* @param features {object} a list of features and their info
* @param append {boolean} whether features info should be appended to existing content or not
_renderFeatures: function(domEl, features, append) {
var html = "", i, isFeatureSupported, state;
var LINK_NA = '__MSG_not_available__', DEFAULT_LINK_TEXT = '__MSG_documentation__';
domEl.innerHTML = '<tr><th>__MSG_feature_name__</th><th>__MSG_container_support__</th><th>__MSG_feature_doc__</th></tr>';
for (i in features) {
if (features.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
isFeatureSupported = features[i]();
stateClass = isFeatureSupported ? "supported" : "unsupported";
state = isFeatureSupported ? '__MSG_supported__' : '__MSG_unsupported__';
featureDocItem = this._featureDocs[i];
if (featureDocItem && featureDocItem != "") {
if (typeof(featureDocItem) == 'object') {
for (featureDocTitle in featureDocItem) {
docLinkTag += '<a target="_blank" href="' + featureDocItem[featureDocTitle] + '">' + featureDocTitle + '</a>&nbsp;';
} else { // one string => one standard feature doc
docLinkTag = '<a target="_blank" href="' + featureDocItem + '">' + DEFAULT_LINK_TEXT + '</a> ';
} else {
docLinkTag = '<i>' + LINK_NA + '</i>';
html += '<tr><td class="name">' + i + '</td><td class="' + stateClass + '">' + state + '</td>'
+ '<td class="docUrl">' + docLinkTag + '</td></tr>';
docLinkTag = "";
append ? (domEl.innerHTML += html) : (domEl.innerHTML = html);
_adjustHeight: function() {
try {
} catch(e) {
try { window._IG_AdjustIFrameHeight(); } catch(e) {}
var initializer = function() {
if (window.gadgets && gadgets.util && gadgets.util.registerOnLoadHandler) {
} else if (window._IG_RegisterOnloadHandler) {
} else {
try {
// Register a view of the gadget for Google Analytics to track
var ga = _IG_Analytics("UA-12111800-1", "/fig.xml");
} catch (e) { // Ignore
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