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Created February 1, 2014 03:31
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Simulated Annealing algorithm from "Programming Collective Intelligence" by Toby Segaran.
public class SimulatedAnnealing
public static final double DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE = 10000;
public static final double DEFAULT_COOL_RATE = 0.95;
static public double[] optimize(double[][] domain, SolutionCost costF, double stepSize)
return optimize(domain, costF, DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE, DEFAULT_COOL_RATE, stepSize);
// example cost function: return 10000 - sim_results.changeRatio;
static public double[] optimize(double[][] domain, SolutionCost costF, double temperature, double coolRate, double stepSize)
double[] soln = new double[domain.length];
double[] best;
double[] current;
double solnCost = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double bestCost = Double.MAX_VALUE; // i added best soln, not in orig alg
double currentCost;
double p; // probability to take worse soln
// init with some random values
for (int i=0; i < domain.length; i++)
soln[i] = Math.random() * (domain[i][1]-domain[i][0]);
best = soln.clone();
int idx;
double dir;
double v;
int pass = 0;
while (temperature > 0.1)
System.out.println("[" + (++pass) + "] " + temperature);
// choose a param
idx = (int) Math.round(Math.random() * (soln.length-1));
// choose direction
dir = stepSize * (Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1);
// copy soln, change a value, ensure value is valid
current = soln.clone();
v = current[idx] + dir;
v = Math.max(domain[idx][0], v);
v = Math.min(domain[idx][1], v);
current[idx] = v;
currentCost = costF.getCost(current);
// swith if cost is less
if (currentCost < solnCost)
soln = current;
solnCost = currentCost;
System.out.println(" + cost: " + solnCost);
System.out.println(" + soln: " + Formatter.toString(soln));
// annealing thing says take the lesser soln
p = Math.pow(Math.E, (-currentCost-solnCost)/temperature);
if (Math.random() < p)
soln = current;
solnCost = currentCost;
System.out.println(" - cost: " + solnCost);
System.out.println(" - soln: " + Formatter.toString(soln));
if (solnCost < bestCost)
best = soln.clone();
bestCost = solnCost;
System.out.println(" * cost: " + bestCost);
System.out.println(" * soln: " + Formatter.toString(best));
temperature *= coolRate;
return best;
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