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Created June 5, 2024 12:30
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CV in LaTeX
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{\LARGE\bfseries TIGRAN AIVAZIAN}\\[1ex]
\employment{}{Self-employed}{London, UK}{Sep 2006 -- Present}
\item Self-employed, providing Linux consultancy, writing opensource and scientific software, research in theoretical physics and AI/ML fields
\employment{Symantec (VERITAS)}{Senior Linux Kernel Architect}{London, UK}{Apr 2000 -- Sep 2006}
\item Developed \texttt{libtcpcap} --- extremely efficient TCP packet capturing engine
\item Made Linux kernel improvements which benefited VERITAS
\item Taught Linux kernel internals
\item Developed from scratch an embedded OS (VxOS) based on the Linux kernel
\item Maintained Linux kernel debugging infrastructure for VERITAS products
\employment{Santa Cruz Operation (SCO)}{Senior Escalations Engineer}{London, UK}{Mar 1998 -- Apr 2000}
\item Fixed bugs in SCO UnixWare kernel as a senior member of Kernel Escalations Group
\item Developed a Linux distribution \emph{SCO Linux}
\employment{DST International (HiPortfolio)}{Software Engineer}{London, UK}{Jun 1994 -- Mar 1998}
\item Ported a large financial application (HiPortfolio) from MS-DOS to many flavours of Unix, including: IBM AIX, Sequent DYNIX/ptx, SCO Unix, Digotal OSF/1, SunOS, Solaris
\item Developed extensions of MF COBOL RTS in C: reliable signal handling, low-level TP system, virtual shared terminal
\item \textbf{Sigma AI -- \url{}} (Python, Streamlit, Sqlite) -- The first multi-model AI chat web application, similar to ChatGPT, but with many extra/advanced functions
\item \textbf{Linux kernel contributions} -- BFS Filesystem (\url{\_File\_System}), Intel Microcode Update driver, various SMP improvements (\url{}), iBCS2, /proc/kcore, BCP (Boot Command Processor), etc.
\item \textbf{Urantia Book Explorer -- \url{}} (PHP, jQuery, CSS) -- The fastest search engine for researching the texts of \emph{The Urantia Book} in over 20 languages
\item \textbf{Kindlepdfviewer (Koreader) -- \url{}} (Lua, C) -- Wrote DjVu support for various eInk devices; I am one of the Koreader maintainers \url{}
\begin{center}C, Python, x86 ASM, Streamlit, \LaTeX, PHP, JavaScript/jQuery, CSS, MySQL, Sqlite, Pandas, PyTorch\ldots\end{center}
\employment{Yerevan State University (USSR)}{Master of Science}{Yerevan, Armenia}{Sep 1988 -- Jul 1993}
\item Director of Studies: Prof Armen V. Sarkissian (the same who became the Primer Minister and then President of Armenia)
\item Two specialisations: General Relativity (MSc in Theoretical Physics) and Operating Systems (MSc in Computer Science)
Too many to be listed here, see the partial list at \url{}
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