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Last active April 18, 2016 14:02
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A list of syntaxes and microsyntaxes that make up the Web today.


How many languages and syntaxes make up the Web?

This list is for code on the front-end; the back-end could be literally anything.

Notice this isn't about vocabularies. Many attributes have only certain values they accept, but syntaxes mean the characters are sorted/processed/handled a different way than usual.

The Big Ones

These are the macrolanguages that contain almost all of the other syntaxes.

  • URLs (Uniform Resource Locators)
  • HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
  • HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
  • XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
  • JavaScript (JavaScript)


These descended from the macrolanguages and are (mostly) subsets of them.

  • HTML
    • HTML5 Serialization of SVG & MathML (Foreign Content Parsing)
  • XML
    • WAI-ARIA (Web Accessibility Initiative - Accessible Rich Internet Applications)
    • SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
    • SMIL
    • MathML (Math Markup Language)
    • TTML
    • RSS (Really Simple Syndication, among others)
    • Atom
    • XSL(T)
    • XPath
    • XLink
    • DASH
    • SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language)
    • OpenSearch Description
    • browserconfig.xml
    • Sitemaps Protocol
  • JavaScript
    • use strict;
    • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
      • JSON LD (Linked Data)
      • JWK (JSON Web Key)
      • Web App Manifests
      • Source maps
    • asm.js
  • WebAssembly
  • Data URIs

Miscellaneous Languages

  • WebVTT
  • AppCache
  • robots.txt
  • Plaintext sitemap
  • Session Description Protocol
  • GLSL (Graphics Library Shading Language; for WebGL)
  • WebAssembly
  • Event Stream (text/event-stream)

Anatomies of the Macrolanguages


  • Protocols/Schemes
  • Usernames & Passwords
  • Host
    • Domains & Subdomains
    • Punycode
    • IPv4 & IPv6
    • Port numbers
  • Path
  • Querystrings
  • Fragments
    • Fragment IDs
    • Media Fragments
  • Email Addresses
  • Relative URLs
  • URL-encoding


  • Methods
  • Headers
    • Link Headers
  • HTTP Timestamps
  • Quality Lists
  • User-Agent Strings
  • HTTP Basic Authentication
  • Cookies
  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • multipart/form-data
  • Content Security Policies
  • Certificates
  • Pragmas (Obsolete)


  • HTML tags & attributes
  • HTML character escapes
  • HTML comments
  • data- attributes
  • <meta name="viewport">
  • Microdata
  • Regular expressions (form accept attribute)
  • MIME types (type attribute)
  • <source-size-value>
  • srcset
  • Space-delimited lists (aria-, class)
  • Media queries (the media attribute)
  • coords
  • Vendor prefixes
  • ISO-6801 timestamps (datetime for the time, ins, and del elements)
  • target attribute values
  • classes
  • ids
  • Custom Elements
  • link[rel="icon"][sizes]
  • "DOCTYPEs" (HTML handles them differently)
  • RCDATA (<title> and <textarea>)
  • <script nonce>


  • XML Tags & Attributes
  • XML comments
  • XML Character references
  • CDATA sections
  • DOCTYPE declarations
  • Processing instructions
  • DTDs
  • RelaxNG
  • W3C XML Schema
  • Schematron
  • NRL


  • Declarations
  • Selectors
  • Properties
  • calc()
  • CSS comments
  • CSS Character escapes
  • Media queries
  • Media conditions
  • Vendor prefixes
  • CSS variables
  • @-rules
  • :nth-child() & :nth-of-type()
  • Values/Units/Lengths/etc.
  • Gradient syntax
  • font-family names
  • Shorthand
  • Functions
  • CSS Shapes
  • Sourcemaps


  • JS comments
  • JS template strings
  • Regular expressions
  • Variables
  • Vendor prefixes
  • JS Character escapes
  • Array literals
  • Object literals
  • Strings
  • Numbers
  • Arguments
  • WebSQL
  • for
  • dataList handling
  • Operators
  • properties
  • keywords
  • properties/methods
  • Sourcemaps
  • booleans


  • <path d>
  • <polygon points>
  • viewBox
  • preserveAspectRatio


These are primarily used in CSS, but also have ancient HTML usage (bgcolor), new HTML usage (<meta name="theme-color">), and SVG usage (fill, stroke, other presentation attributes).

  • Hex codes
  • RGB(A)
  • HSL(A)
  • Early HTML color codes (bgcolor et al.; not syntactically different, but much weirder error-handling)
  • Named colors

Misc. Microsyntaxes

  • Language tags
  • Character sets
  • Numbers (positive, negative, floating-point)
  • base64
  • Whitespace
  • Fonts
  • CRL
  • MIME/Media Types
  • Regular expressions (JS, HTML's pattern attribute, CSS's @domain rule)

Dead Languages & Syntaxes

Once, they were of the Web. Now, they are no longer.

  • JSSS (JavaScript Style Sheets)
  • ViolaWWW stylesheets
  • ViolaWWW scripting
  • VBScript
  • P3P
  • Dart (kind of)
  • classids (& other <object> horrors)
  • IE filters (the progid: stuff)
  • Conditional comments (It wasn't just IE that supported them; <!--[if mso], "vector comments")
  • Conditional compilation
  • Pragmas
  • URL parameters (/parameter;value/)
  • VML (Vector Markup Language; IE5-8)
  • QtScript
  • Cookies2 (defunct)
  • <plaintext> (Stopped all HTML parsing from that point on)
  • <xmp> (Didn't require escaping characters for example HTML code)
  • CSS Expressions
  • SGML (only kind of)
  • Anything related to Flash (like crossorigin.xml)
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I'd appreciate if you made this a repo so it would be possible to "watch" it.
P.S. You seem to be missing XQuery.

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