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Last active May 11, 2023 17:17
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A Story of Love in Space - FTL
In the vast, twinkling expanse of space, where stars shone like a million points of light on the great cosmic carpet, and nebulas painted the black canvas with an artist's wild abandon, the good ship 'Ineffable Frigate' sailed forth. The motley crew, consisting of humans, Engis, Rockmen, and a single Mantis, were united under the banner of the Federation, all seeking to deliver a message of utmost importance to a distant outpost.
As the Ineffable Frigate made its way through the endless ocean of the cosmos, it chanced upon a curious scene. Two vessels, much like weary travelers embracing in a cosmic dance, were locked together in a tight, unyielding embrace.
Captain Stibbons, a man of few words and a penchant for the dramatic, stared at the sight, scratching his head. Beside him stood Splot, the ship's resident Engi, and a being who could only be described as an oversized, sentient Swiss Army knife.
"Would you care to hazard a guess as to what's going on here, Splot?" inquired Captain Stibbons, raising an eyebrow in puzzlement.
Splot's various appendages whirred, clicked, and focused on the intertwined ships before them. "Captain," it began, its voice a melodic blend of tones, "it appears the two vessels have… smashed into each other."
Captain Stibbons arched an eyebrow, intrigued. "Smashed, you say? Quite an aggressive term for an Engi, Splot. Do elaborate, if you please."
Splot hesitated for a moment, processing the request, before continuing. "The term 'smashed' is indeed an oversimplification of the complex process unfolding before us. The two vessels seek to achieve a union of sorts."
"A union?" Captain Stibbons mused, stroking his chin as he observed the ships. "A wedding in space, eh? How terribly romantic."
A faint hum of amusement emanated from Splot. "Not quite, Captain. The two ships seek to merge their systems and resources, to form a more formidable entity. Such unions are rare and risky, but the potential rewards are significant."
Captain Stibbons grinned, mischief twinkling in his eyes. "Ah, a high-stakes marriage, then. What say we offer our services, for better or for worse?"
The crew exchanged glances, a little perturbed by the captain's enthusiasm, but the ever-loyal Splot nodded in agreement.
"Very well, Captain," it chimed. "We shall assist these star-crossed lovers in their cosmic fusion."
As the Ineffable Frigate maneuvered closer to the entwined vessels, the crew couldn't help but be simultaneously fascinated and repulsed by the sight of the two ships locked together in their licentious dance. Errant sparks flitted from exposed machinery, akin to a lover's whimper, while lustrous beams of plasma caressed the ships' cold, metallic hulls.
Splot took it upon its array of appendages to liaise with the vessels, engaging in a rapid-fire sequence of beeps and boops, reminiscent of a kinky conversation in some alien language. The rest of the crew busied themselves with the task of stabilizing the ships, walking the delicate tightrope of engineering and romance.
Hours passed. Sweat and coolant mixed, streaming down brows and metallic surfaces alike. The once clear boundaries between the ships began to blur, as their individual quirks and systems melded into one unified being.
Captain Stibbons, now sporting a disheveled mop of hair and a keen interest in the mating dances of spacecraft, watched the proceedings with the hawk-like gaze of an overzealous wedding planner. Then, with a throaty chuckle, he muttered, "What transpires before us is the cosmic equivalent of trying to cram the contents of two remarkably well-stocked tool sheds into a single, even more impressively stocked tool shed."
Finally, as the binary crescendo of beeps and boops reached its climax, an audible shudder reverberated throughout the unionized ship, its engines purring with powerful delight. The crew of the Ineffable Frigate collectively sighed, relieved and exhausted by their unusual labors.
As they prepared to resume their quest, Splot approached the captain. "On behalf of the newly merged vessel, they convey their gratitude for our role in this intimate endeavor," it said, its usual stoicism now tinged with playfulness.
Captain Stibbons smiled, gazing at the melded ships one final time. "It was our pleasure, Splot. Quite literally. Now, let us depart from this galactic boudoir and continue our mission."
And so, the Ineffable Frigate set forth once more, leaving the newlywed ship to explore the myriad joys and challenges of their newly-forged life together. But the crew, part of a union experience that would forever bond them to this unique escapade, now possessed an intimate understanding of the cosmic truth that lay at the heart of existence: that even cold, unfeeling machines thirst for companionship, desire and love. Much like the people who built them, and the eclectic crew that had just played the role of celestial matchmaker in what would undoubtedly go down in history as the most sensual space odyssey ever witnessed.
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